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I deliver these by tier and by processed status. If your payment was declined for March but you are still working on it, let me know when it goes through and I will send these to you.

Thank you!




These look awesome! I'll be starting soon as the Feburary Demonlord is all printed up.


When will the deluxe model be coming out?


Hello, I just joined today. Am I too late to get the March release?


So, the March Loot bag has all of the same Loot Bag models from February. I'm not sure I understand the Lootbag concept. Is it a new Loot bag for each month? (This is what I thought it was). Or is it just a loot bag where new items will be added every month? (this may be what it actually is, but I don't see what's new for March compared to February)


3,141 of $3,500 per month As we continue to grow and meet our goals, we will add files to the "LOOT BAG". Brave travelers and explorers you have now discovered yet another new monster miniature in your "loot bag"! Congratulations! Still enduring forward and you can and will claim more monsters in your quest! When we reach this Goal we will add yet another new miniature to the "LOOT BAG"!!!!


Ok, that's cool. I think what throws me off is calling it the March Loot Bag. :P It's just the Loot Bag, then.