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We just wanted to see where everyone initially seen our Patreon ad or post from, that brought you here.  It would really help us out.  Thank you so much.





I forget to included PATREON itself as a choice. I will assume "other" is most likely that.

Patrick Odell

I'm pretty sure it was in a kickstarter e-mail

Grey 0815

Through your newsletter.


Was already a supporter of you, via Patron. When you reactivated, I was notified, including your notice in Patreon.


I don't remember, If it was Patreon,FB or the KS. I was a patreon supporter on the first round. I'm sure I looked at all 3 within a few minutes of each other. Just signed back up so as I saw in was activated


I found your kickstarter through a related kickstarter. I had been looking for a large Aboleth model and absolutely fell in love with your Leviathan model.

Kylie Rudder

Your youtube channel. :)