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Last week's Republican presidential debate, competing Tucker Carlson/Donald Trump interview, and concurrent Trump mugshot drop had us hankering to find the worst Donald Trump documentary we could find. And boy, did we find it. We dived back into the Tubi mines and dredged up TRUMP: THE FIRST TERM (2020).



murt pie

Trump isn't funny. Why do you insist on saying that? I swear, between this and the fucking chapos always saying how he actually slaps, it's infuriating. This person is an irredeemable sack of shit, and if you start to have some kind of affection for him you need to step back and reevaluate some things.

Myles Bartoli

To chip in with some Bergsonism here; humour is amoral. It can be used to punch up or down. Sure he has absurdities, and Trump clearly has a charisma that he knows how to use humour, certainly for ill. But a lot of people recognise that his humour and absurdities do highlight the absurdities and failures of the establishment political system. Certainly those of us that laugh have to be critical and minded about what we’re laughing at but we are in agreement that he is not a good guy.


The republicans without trump do not have big 2012 energy they have big 1996 energy...their platform has not changed since 1980...no one cares about the debt anymore! that was an 80s thing