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A key moment in the evolution of the modern blockbuster, JURASSIC WORLD (2015) is a cynical reboot about cynical reboots. We discuss what this enormously popular movie says about the world that spawned it, as well as its very peculiar sexist streak you may have noticed. PLUS: Why is Canada's conservative movement so Americanized?



George Olken

I went to a talk given by JURASSIC PARK production designer Rick Carter. He is a real end of history connector: he designed FORREST GUMP and THE FORCE AWAKENS, won Oscars for AVATAR and LINCOLN. He said that during the research for JP he discovered that scientists theorize that dinosaurs were likely more colorful than usually depicted (not all green and beige) and that he and Spielberg considered rendering them like this. It was eventually decided that colorful dinosaurs would not be "believable" but he was happy to was use the vibrant colors from his research on the jeeps! I believe it is this kind of genius for simplicity that is required to make Hollywood movies.


late comment but the Crumb episode from June of '21 is as close as podcasting can get to a work of art