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Upon its release, Steven Soderbergh's TRAFFIC (2000) offered something novel: a cinematic tapestry that criticized America's War on Drugs. More than 20 years later, we consider its strengths, as well as the impact that time has diminished. PLUS: Let's read a little from Prince Harry autobiography, shall we?




Late to comment here, but Re lack of political vision to address social ravages of certain drug issues like the opioid epidemic (as opposed to other drugs eg marijuana where harms arguably stem only from prohibition)—It seems to me that we’ve gotten to the point politically in the drug war where (for various reasons, with multiple interests converging including Koch-funded groups and liberal/rad liberal NGOs) we’re ready to, as the film is maybe an early invitation to, accept a critique of the drug war/mass incarceration more broadly that is compatible with a critique of the state (and transfers/creates massive new markets eg weed industry) but not the kind of critique that would use the state in a muscular harm reduction program let alone anything to get at underlying mental health issues or economic deprivations that lead to negative outcomes with drug use. Or more importantly, any kind of mass movement capable of implementing that kind of wide ranging socialist/social democratic program. Idk, a lot of defund/abolitionist type groups have and will at times articulate that kind of broader vision, but get off the ground politically only on the libertarian side. I find a lot of rad lib efforts Re the drug war and mass incarceration empty/doomed to fail for that reason. Anyways, great ep


Tldr I share the frustration at Traffic (and to some extent the wire) throwing up it’s hands in light of: deindustrialization/war on organized labor/reaction against civ rights movement/destruction of minimal welfare state—>Repubs/Dems: let’s add some cops. Some newer Dems/rad Libs/libertarians: let’s get rid of some cops.


Hahahaha I just got to the excerpt from the Prince Harry book about applying the lotion. Is that real? It's like the Madeleine scene from Swann's Way.