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Some Batman movies have been called fascist, but THE BATMAN (2022) breaks new ground for the franchise by being lib. We wouldn't be a left-wing culture podcast if we didn't occasionally pick a new Batman movie from the lowest branch on the tree, so come join us as we chart the latest developments in the Caped Crusader's political evolution.



Jack Wilson

I think Luke and Will’s disagreement about the Bella real character is resolved by the point about Hollywood being stupid. Real is not AOC or Harris, she’s both insofar as the rhetoric of real systemic change is a part of the platforms of both the left and liberals in the US. Perhaps the most disturbing thing about the American political class is that they might actually believe their own platitudes, even if they can’t explain what their agendas are and how they work. And the most disturbing thing about the American populace may be that they seem to parrot it. Meanwhile the riddler is a manifestation of horseshoe theory. He begins with a basically legitimate (or at least coherent) project of assassinating irredeemably corrupt political officials but concludes with an Old Testament plan for vengeance, having decided perpetrators and victims are equivalent. He is both extremes simultaneously, or the demonstration that the far left and far right is a distinction without a difference, which in turn reminds us of the practical necessity of the center. The question of having faith in institutions is irrelevant, as long as you believe that there is no alternative. I think this is basically consistent with what Luke and Will said, but my point is that there is no need to choose between the interpretations. The film itself doesn’t know what or who Bella real represents because it doesn’t have the capacity to address the problem of corruption at a political level. It is about assessments of character and the choices we make, independent of social context. In that sense I think it’s pretty much captures the essence. I liked it, but my expectations were also low. I liked gen z goth Batman and thought the constant reiteration of the nirvana song across different mediums was surprisingly effective. In sum, I see no real reason to dunk on this movie. To paraphrase the great Harvey Dent: The Batman may not be the culture industry garbage we want, but the culture industry garbage we need right now.

Jack Wilson

*essence of batman