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FIRST: we take a stroll down memory lane by remembering choice cuts from James Franco's brief and ignominious career as a Vice Magazine columnist. THEN: cohost Will reports on the new film JACKASS FOREVER and the boys discuss why the franchise has outlasted every culture war. PLUS: a further dive into the film criticism of Ed Koch.

"Them Sounds is Furious" by James Franco - https://www.vice.com/en/article/nnqwmw/them-sounds-is-furious

Undergrad Franco - https://undergradfranco.tumblr.com/




you forgot rick snyder- who posioned Flynt and who Biden celebrated his endorsement at the convention

David Hellman

is there an active M&U discord or any other place for discussion? sometimes i have things to bring up but feel like it's off-topic under the posts.

David Hellman

like for example my wife has gotten really into M&U with me so i'm going back to some older episodes to enjoy with her. wanted to ask what were some old favorites of folks here? we recently enjoyed the Jurassic Park one and the An Inconvenient Truth one. which are just a little bit old, but.