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In this chill and relaxing bonus episode, we hash over several subjects of interest:

✓ Peter Bogdanovich's cursed final project

✓ The latest news on Rifkin's Festival NFTs (voice your displeasure here: https://twitter.com/RifkinsfestNft )

✓ Another catastrophic week in Bidenland

✓ Further thoughts on Love Actually



Brayden Bunker

This is related to the “Best Of 2021” episode. There is a fantastic interview with Tom Green done by Vice that goes through the creation of Freddy Got Fingered which is a must read. This is also a four part analysis of the movie done by a video essayist Malmrose Projects, which is also a great companion piece. https://youtu.be/R0qlnThW_Xk

Tony Mines

It's not a very good impersonation of the lady at the door, but I'll concede to the impersonation of me as being at least ballpark.