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In 1961, a famous Hollywood actor named Ronald Reagan recorded an LP warning his fellow citizens about the dangers of "socialized medicine." On this episode, we dig up RONALD REAGAN SPEAKS OUT AGAINST SOCIALIZED MEDICINE (1961) to examine how the pillars of Reagan's talking-points remain more or less unchanged 60 years later - and have even been adopted by Democrats. PLUS: Canada's kooky constitution, and the "The Great Derangement" of the late Bush era.

Introduction to "The Great Derangement" by Matt Taibbi - https://www.google.ca/books/edition/The_Great_Derangement/HmfhgUL4K8sC?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=the+great+derangement+introduction+taibbi&pg=PP8&printsec=frontcover



Rory Anderson

Also a little frustrated with Luke's take on the Meidner Plan. I think one of the key things to remember about the Meidner Plan is that it failed, as I understand it mainly because of opposition by a powerful ruling class (even Sweden has one!). Pretty classic example of reformism failing before it even gets off the ground because it operates within existing power structures. Another point about Australia: here the compulsory superannuation system established by the Labor Party in the 80s/90s was touted by some in similarly transformative terms. A method of transferring significant amounts of capital into the control of workers. But of course in practice members of super funds have little to no democratic and collective control over investments. It's now primarily a gigantic fund for property development, and a very inequitable way of funding retirement. I think leftists should be very skeptical of "transformative" social democratic projects that ultimately still operate within the rules of capitalism. Not saying they shouldn't be advocated for at all, but I think their "radical" limits should be remembered.

Michael and Us

I think those are worthwhile questions, but I wasn't actually intending to comment on the ultimate merits of radical social democracy vs. its various alternatives — only making the point that social democratic gains often lead to, or encourage, or radical demands. I think the history of Swedish social democracy in the 20th century is an example of that. - L


The Rachel Maddow type faux expose while I agree is Glenn Brechtian and Hate Inc-ish, it's more Blue Maga than Blue Qanon, if we can respect LUL the difference. The crank conspiracy Great Derangement factor can be found across the spectrum, agreed. I didn't hear our hosts say anything offensive, and I let the Michigan Miracle Man tell me in theaters at enlisting age that our government fucked up for us once again and maybe possibly on purpose of you think about it, and then proceeded to have to deal with the notion of that out in the open as we all did. I'm in no way saying the idea of Russian collusion is more or less crank than the dolemite packed columns in tower one, cuz I watched that doc that said steel beams jet fuel this and that. The worst nightmares of one certainly outweigh the other tho. I come down on the fact that our worst nightmares are indeed just dreams but also our mind processing reality.