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On this very special crossover episode, we're hanging out with our good pals from across the pond - Jack and Geraint from the great Reel Politik podcast - to share a few cheap laughs over a target that's just asking for it. Yes, we discuss "Renegades: Born in the USA," the new Spotify-exclusive podcast from Barack Obama and the boss himself, Bruce Springsteen. We discuss how the show represents much that is unfortunate about Obama's post-presidency, and how exactly it fits into Bruce Springsteen's long and glorious career as a celebrity avatar of the working class. (Don't worry, we're not going to be too hard on Bruce.)

Check out Reel Politik - https://soundcloud.com/reelpolitikpodcast



Pete Seeger

Sounds like y’all might benefit from a personal Plex server. You can stream your movie library from a home PC (acting as Plex server) to your laptop or phone or roku or whatever. Save space and save movies from falling into the unwatched abyss of “not conveniently stored on my laptop”.

Diamond Day 💖💖💞💞

I know it was brought up only in the context of quoting Obama but just felt the need to mention that the whole veterans being spat on was a right wing myth. If it did happen it was on a very granular level and not representative of the peace movement as a whole, which kind of makes sense given the amount of vets who were a part of it. Since the myth has been successfully mainlined into American history everyone who is a part of the peace movement (or in my experience even mentioning gargantuan military budgets) has to default to the defense of the service members despite opposition to the system they serve in. Interesting to me because you don't see it as much in discussion of police budgets, though it could just be the discrediting of the bad apple argument