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Let's travel to yesterday's tomorrow... today! We discuss a range of 20th century kitsch that envisions the capitalist utopia of the 21st century, including Jean-Marc Côté's "En L’An 2000" artworks, as well as two short films that Mystery Science Theater 3000 fans will know well: the General Motors propaganda film DESIGN FOR DREAMING (1956) and the Seattle World's Fair adventure CENTURY 21 CALLING (1962). All these artefacts imagine a world in which technology has freed us from work... but social relations remain unchanged. PLUS: the defeat of a higher minimum wage, and the looming spectre of Space Jam 2.

"The Utopian Promise of Self-Checkout Machines" by Luke Savage - https://jacobinmag.com/2021/03/the-utopian-promise-of-self-checkout-machines

Building Solidarity: A Conversation with Jeremy Corbyn & Niki Ashton - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/building-solidarity-a-conversation-with-jeremy-corbyn-niki-ashton-tickets-143580403853

Design for Dreaming (the MST3Kversion) - https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=422060291693130

Century 21 Calling (the MST3Kversion) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyi_q7hIOmw&ab_channel=Tom



Tony Mines

What's that? Okay I *wil* tell you about the Duck Amuck paradox, since you insist. In the 1953 film Duck Amuck, the conceit within the diogesis is that an unknown creative hand (eventually revealed to be Bugs Bunny) is wreaking havoc upon the screen world of Daffy Duck, resulting in a series of fourth-wall-breaking visual conceits. At one point the visuals simulate the effect of the film strip breaking down and coming off it's spool, resulting in two simultaneous Daffy Ducks on screen occupying adjacent frames. The Daffy's argue and fight, one assumes dominance and the film continues onwards to and presumably beyond it's conclusion with the winning Daffy. The film continues, and ends, with THE WRONG DAFFY!! From that day unto this, we have all been living in what I call the Shmonsequences Timeline, and every iteration of the Looney Tunes you have seen since that time have been the WRONG universe imposters. It explains a lot. Also, who in the heck spells 'Looney' with an E?

Timothy Williams

The Frontman, a wonderful book-length takedown of Bono by Harry Browne, has a great dissection of the RED campaign / brand. Really recommend it.