#215 - Century 21 Calling (Patreon)
Let's travel to yesterday's tomorrow... today! We discuss a range of 20th century kitsch that envisions the capitalist utopia of the 21st century, including Jean-Marc Côté's "En L’An 2000" artworks, as well as two short films that Mystery Science Theater 3000 fans will know well: the General Motors propaganda film DESIGN FOR DREAMING (1956) and the Seattle World's Fair adventure CENTURY 21 CALLING (1962). All these artefacts imagine a world in which technology has freed us from work... but social relations remain unchanged. PLUS: the defeat of a higher minimum wage, and the looming spectre of Space Jam 2.
"The Utopian Promise of Self-Checkout Machines" by Luke Savage - https://jacobinmag.com/2021/03/the-utopian-promise-of-self-checkout-machines
Building Solidarity: A Conversation with Jeremy Corbyn & Niki Ashton - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/building-solidarity-a-conversation-with-jeremy-corbyn-niki-ashton-tickets-143580403853
Design for Dreaming (the MST3Kversion) - https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=422060291693130
Century 21 Calling (the MST3Kversion) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyi_q7hIOmw&ab_channel=Tom