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By popular demand, we travel to Scranton, Pennsylvania to visit the denizens of Dunder Mifflin. We watched two episodes of THE OFFICE (U.S.) on the theme of Enforced Workplace Fun - "The Dundies" and "Company Picnic" - and discussed the show's evolution, and how its jaundiced take on the workplace both converges and diverges from its British source material. PLUS: how Coronavirus is paving the way from a work-from-home dystopia, and the (possible) death of NOW Magazine.

"Working from Home Post-Coronavirus Will Give Bosses Greater Control of Workers’ Lives" by Luke Savage - https://www.jacobinmag.com/2020/06/remote-work-from-home-coronavirus-covid-surveillance



Kellie VV

I've not read the previous comments only the commentary. The UK Office is absolute stellar comedy with heart and realism. The decision to end it when they did is the British way Referencing Cleese/Faulty Towers as well as Cleese leaving Python when he realized they were repeating the same jokes. Gervais et al...made the correct decision to wrap it up in a bow for the viewer to interpret the finale of the characters. I laughed out loud when I saw the office was being developed for America television. I didn't even acknowledge it until it was almost off the air. When I did I cringed at the american attempt to duplicate the very first episode almost word for word. Turned it off again. Tried it again and finally made it through first season. As I began to enjoy the characters as their own beings not those of Windham Hogg but those if Dunder Mifflin Scranton PA my interest peaked and i really enjoye the show. Carell is not Gervais Gervais is not Carell That goes for all other characters/actors to follow. Then the show became my fav. JUMP THE SHARK Yes American television jumps the shark often. In my opinion this is due to the thirst of the American public for the fairytale ending to be told to them or they can't go to sleep at night. Whereas the British and others like me or maybe its just me, we enjoy the multiple endings we can make up in our own minds. I have my own theory as to why, in as much as living in Monarchy or a Republic country.... Both versions are brilliant in my opinion but the UK version is seminal and superb, must be classed with Python, AYBS, FARTY Towels and my newest fav People just Do Nothing. The US version brings us Brilliant new talent such as Kemper Helms Oscar, John, Craig and the girls who play Pam and Angela and most of all Wilson. But Bratton continually steals the show for me episode after episode. Carell and Farrell Yes, we could see the shark jumping...but their scenes are sublime and I watch those most on repeat. The American version is what it is. What the American viewer needs and wants. The Fairytale ending. Thank you for listening to my thoughts I apologize for my misspellings, and other typographical errors. And not being able reference the actors/characters by their correct names. These thoughts are off the top of my head and I only have a cell phone to use this app and respond, my fatty fingers are always in my way. Both Brilliant in each their own ways. Thanks again


Speaking of brilliant UK comedy shows, I recommend one less well-known one, about first-year university students, called Fresh Meat. It might still be findable on YouTube. Weirdly, there was an unaccountable brief trend way back when with attempts to make UK versions of, e.g. That 70s Show and Friends, even while the American versions were airing in the UK and, um, obviously in the same language. They are major cringe and show there is an alchemy to a show/movie that seldom translates in either transatlantic direction.