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Like a lot of us, Alexandra Pelosi (daughter of Nancy) was shocked by the 2016 election. How could this have happened? Believing that we aren't getting "outside our bubble" enough, she takes a road trip of the red states to ask Trump voters why they voted Trump. What does she do with these findings? She collects them in OUTSIDE THE BUBBLE: ON THE ROAD WITH ALEXANDRA PELOSI (2018), a documentary that posits "conversation" as not the means to an end, but the end itself. This is a rough one, folks. PLUS: Britain's new Prime Minister, John Delaney, and the return of Toronto's coolest ex-politician.



Borat Madingus

Great episode. Have you guys considered talking about the US left-wing fringe presidential candidates like Mike Gravel or Marianne Williamson? I find them interesting as they're furthering the kind of political project Bernie did in 2016 but in some ways are further left than him.