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Please reply to this post with your Qs, Comments, Gripes, Insights, Ideas, etc. and Will & Luke will do their level best to give you high-quality responses in this month's exclusive Superdelegate Q&A episode. Submit by July 5 or thereabouts.



In 2022, Michelin released one of its famous restaurant guides on the city of Toronto for the first time (and allegedly after an undisclosed Destination Canada payment). What are you thoughts on the whole Michelin star system, and have you visited any of the spots on the list? It seems the best restaurant in Toronto, according to the guide, is the 2-star Sushi Masaki Saito on 88 Avenue Road, which is a $680 per person sushi joint that serves whatever the fuck the chef feels like that day: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Michelin_starred_restaurants_in_Toronto#List -Ian

Liam Fuller

To Luke: What's your favorite lift and, if it's different, which lift are you most proud of? To Will (so he doesn't feel excluded): What's your favorite shape/color combo?

Dave Roldan

How many more Kurosawa Films must we endure before you guys dissect some real art? I am of course talking about The Rise and Fall of ECW.