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Again sorry  for the Delay of the Story bat last month i was extremly Busy because of my job i had no Time to work on a Story but to Compensate i made this Store a bit longer and i hope you enjoy it.

This story features the following Characters:

Akira Miyasaki, Nanami Miyasaki, Miku Miyasaki, Isserlyn Cavira, Kasumiko Takahashi, Ayako Takahashi, Sanako Takahashi and Sheila.

Pages: 5 Pages

Transformations: 8 (!) Transformations

Features Masks: The Mask of loki and The Izanami Mask including Copys of the Izanami Mask

Again sorry for the huge delay and i hope you enjoy it. Also i wish all of you a happy new year. ^^

Also keep an eye open because i will Post an post soon where you can Suggest your Waifu to find the Mask of Izanami. ^^

Update 07.01.2020: Fixed some writing Errors now it should Read better. ^^


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