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The Mask of Izanami is an old magical wooden Mask made out of Japanese Cherrywood in the Form of a traditional Japanese Kitsune Mask created by the Japanese Goddess of Creation Izanami. Izanami has created this Mask to improve Japanese women to give them the Powers of a Goddess and to make them sexier. But also, to have Fun with them. Also she created a Spirit callled Inari and put it into the Mask to make things even more interesting. 

The first female wearer of every 5000 use cycle will make a Contract with the Mask and the Goddess Izanami and gets even more Powers. After 5000 uses the Mask will become inactive for 2 Years and acts just like a normal Wooden Kitsune Mask.

Extra Note: The 5000 Uses Cycle Start only when

  1. When all 5000 Uses are completely used.
  2. The two years have passed and a New Contract between the wearer and the Goddess is formed.

The Mask will grand Powers similar to the Mask of Loki but it’s much more Powerful so the wearer will get ability’s like Reality change, Form Shifting, Creation of Things and Fusion of People and Objects, along with using all Kinds of Magic.

If a Woman wears it, her face in the end result is light Red with a for the wearer fitting lip color and the Haircolor will change. If it's a Man he will change the Gender and transforms into a Woman with the same light Red color also the hair color will change too but the lips will be purple in color.

The Mask brings out the desires of the wearer, but also some animal features and mixes it with Mythical beings of the Japanese Culture like Kitsunes, Oni Girls and more. So, the wearer can be a mix of a Cat and a Kitsune or a Mix of a Fox and a Oni Girl.

If the wearer is already a Kitsune it will be enhanced greatly. Every  Kitsune will get full nine tails. These extra tails will be a bit different in color and it depends from Kitsune to Kitsune which color it will be. In addition to this, the Kitsune will get traits of  other Mythical beings like Horns from a Oni Girl or Wings and Tails from a Succubus or a Demon.

If the wearer is an Oni Girl it will get bigger horns and in addition to that Wings of a Succubus and at least four Tails of a Kitsune or a tail of a Succubus. 

Exclusive to the first wearer of the 5000 uses cycle: The wearer of the Mask that has a sealed Contract with the Goddess Izanami can be a Mix of multiple Mythical beings together with Multiple Animal traits. As an Example, a Cat girl with Kitsune Tails, Oni horns and Succubus Wings is Possible and the wearer can add additional Animal Traits to her liking.  

Powers of the Mask of Izanami

0. The Spirit of the Mask

The spirit of the Mask is called Inari and will take over the Control sometimes if the Contract wearer wears the Mask. Inari is a Sexy 10 Tailed Kitsune Girl and wears green Lipstick and Green Eyeshadow when in control.

1. The maximum time the Mask can worn

The Mask of Izanami can be worn at any Daytime, but only for a Maximum of 24 Hours, only the wearer with the Special Contract can wear it as long as she wants. Female wearers have always 100% of Control but they always act a little bit more wacky, chaotic and they always want to have Fun with other People.

It can be taken off by the main wearer that has sealed the Contract at any Time. Any other Girl can take it off after two hours of wearing because they have Full Control over the Mask. However this is not possible for Male wearers because of their lack of Full Control.

Note for Male wearers: They can’t take it off by themselves, but if a Woman pulls hard enough on the mask it has a chance to came off or it comes off if the 24 Hours wearing Time is up. Male wearers have about 80% of Control of the Mask and the 20% rest is Controlled by the Mask herself. Also, they act more wacky, chaotic and they always want to have Fun.

The Special Contract wearer can talk to the Spirit of the Mask called Inari and so a special Deal can be set for some Male wearers to have full Control over the Masks Powers as long as they wear it. However it's Inari's decision but chances are higher if:

1. Inari likes the Male herself and wants to see how he turns out.

2. The Special Contract wearer herself is a good friend to the Male.

2. Form Changing

The wearer will have the ability to change her Form at her liking.

3. Reality Change

The wearer can change the Reality to her liking at any time. With these Powers she can change small things like the Money on the Bank account from someone or change the Gender of People. But also, big changes like creating new Animals or alter the Bodies of People at her liking even life swaps are possible if the wearer wants it. 

4. Creation of Things

Because the Mask contains the Powers of the Goddess Izanami the wearer will have the Power to create all kind of Objects free at her will. Also, the wearer can create new magical Objects like new Magical Masks or Rings but they will only work if the Mask of Izanami is worn.

Exclusive to the Special Contract Wearer: The Wearer that has formed the Contract with the Goddess can create all kinds of Magical Objects. But unlike the ones created by a normal Wearer these Objects will also work when the Mask of Izanami is not worn.

5. Use of Magic

The Wearer can use Magic but this Magic varies from Wearer to Wearer. So, one wearer can use Water Magic but another wearer can use Fire Magic instead. The Wearer can only use one Magic type.

Exclusive to the Special Contract Wearer: The Special Contract Wearer can use all Magic Types and even combine them to create new Magic.  

6. Extreme Charismatic 

The Wearer is extremely charismatic to other Girls and has no Problem making them her Friends or even her lovers.

7. Increased Strength

The Wearer is about 10 times stronger than her/his Original form and can lift big boulders without any effort. The Muscles of the wearer however will not increase in size. 

8. Fusion ability

The Wearer can Fuse with other Girls to get Traits and Powers from them, but they cannot Fuse with other Mask Wearers, like Wearers of the Loki Mask or Creatius Mask. Also, she can Fuse with only one Girl each Wearing cycle.

Exclusive to the Special Contract Wearer: The Special Contract Wearer can Fuse with other Girls too, but it’s not limited to just one Girl. Instead the Special Wearer can Fuse with up to three other Girls. Also, The Special Wearer can even Fuse other girls together at every Time and can so create new Girls. She can also Fuse with other Mask Wearers if they use the Mask of Loki or one of the Masks created by the Wearer of the Mask of Izanami.

Note: The Creatius Mask is not Compatible with the Fusing ability because Massa allways will block it. An exception is if Massa herself wants to fuse then its possbile but this chance is very rare.

9. Invincible and Anti Aging

The wearer will become invincible and can't be hurt in any Form even Diseases have no chance. Also the wearer will not Age if they wear the Mask.

The Special Contract Wearer is also invincible and cannot be hurt in any form. Also, the Special Contract Wearer will not Age and always stay the same Age.

10. Indestructible and Copy Protection

The Mask of Izanami itself is indestructible and cannot be damaged in any way. Also, the Mask of Izanami can be copied, but the Copy will have only 10% of the Powers. The copy is always destructible.

Also, Copy’s don't work always and they have a shorter amount of Use time, when the Time is Up the wearer transforms back to his/her normal self. Usually a Copy of the Mask can be worn for a maximum of 2 Hours

Note for Copies of the Izanami Mask: Only the Form changing and the Extreme Charismatic and the Invicibility ability is available to the wearer of a Copy. All other Powers are exclusively to the Original Mask of Izanami.

Version 2.6.1



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