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Hey guys!  I've been doing a lot of thinking in regards to this patreon; as of my current living situation, and for my personal well-being, I've started thinking about taking an indefinite hiatus from Genshin modding, due to my speed of completion and the decline of supporters.  As it currently stands, I cannot work consistently enough to make mods fast enough to keep people's interest, and as a result, my finances have started to tank.  It is a struggle to feed myself and ensure my personal survival with modding alone, and so, I'm electing to shift my focus to commissions over modding work.  If anyone shows interest, I may start doing genshin mods as commissions rather than a something I'll make on my own time.  Any commissions I do make will end up listed as mod downloads as per usual, becoming open to the public the month after.


Ben-Zero Ultimix

I'll still be here for u, but if this is how it's going to be then I can accept that. Praying for u~ 🙏😔💖


Hey man, no problem, if the route of commissions is the way to go then go that way! It's already hard enough as it is having to rely on yourself to get by in this current world where everythings price has been increasing everyday. I mean, have you seen the price of eggs lately? I hope everything ends up working out for you and that eventually you can come back to genshin modding or just modding in general. We all love your work and would love to see more, but your wellbeing comes first!


If it's not too much to ask for though, could we get that version of 1.2 CN Mona you made that was thicker than the 1.2 versions ported to the EU/US versions of the game? I don't know the process of modding so if that's too complicated or takes too much time then nevermind!