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(Hey there! I know next to nothing about Genshin, but I wanted to pay back some good writer friends of mine. So I made this! This is part one of two, and the second part hasn't been written yet, lol. But my writing pals all seemed to enjoy it a lot, so I hope you do too! Let me know if there's anything you'd change, add, etc.)


Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, heir to the mighty, momentarily ruined Immernachtreich, and widely celebrated for her valor, cunning, bravery, and nearly unmatched power…

… Was currently picking mushrooms found underneath some moldy log.

Fischl had no issue with helping out a friend in need–that was practically her job, seeing how well she had gotten to know so many people during her time working as a scout of the adventurer’s guild. But when that friend insisted they had no need for her assistance, even going as far as to drag her along as she stubbornly attempted to prove that she needed no assistance, even as Fischl could hear her stomach grumbling… Well, it was sort of unacceptable.

“Mein Fraulein?” Oz, Fischl’s eternally loyal companion said, fluttering down to perch on her shoulder. Oz had little patience for Mona’s games, it seemed, as he had been trying to convince Fischl to not humor the broad hip-... Hatted woman, since before Mona even requested Fischl’s presence during this particular “Shelf-Stocking” session. Fischl, meanwhile, wanted to go along in order to ascertain the true nature of her friend’s dietary situation. Mona even sounded rather excited about the prospect–somehow more than she usually was when talking about her joyous scavenging activities.

Needless to say, things were dire. One look at the expression plastered across Fischl’s face could easily tell anyone that. The sickened expression was undoubtedly the reason Oz had flittered down in the first place.

“Are these foul fungi even fit for consumption…?” Fischl whispered, watching a stream of thick, glooping slime drip from the mushroom’s cap to the forest floor. She was no prude, and she’d certainly dirtied her hands a time or two, but… Eugh.

“I’m not certain, mein Fraulein. However… Do I sense that you may be regretting this decision?” Oz cocked his little bird head, carefully studying Fischl’s face.

“Do I sense some smugness, Oz?” Fischl snapped, then blushed and looked back to the mushy mycelium as she realized what she’d just blurted out without thinking, preparing for the incoming gentle-yet-blunt correction.

“Perhaps you meant to phrase that differently, mein Fraulein?” And there it was, like always.

“Most undoubtedly.” Fischl said, flipping one of her twintails over her shoulder and driving the blush from her cheeks at once. “Your illustrious Prinzessin–without any degree of measurable uncertainty–did not misspeak. Instead, I simply had a momentary relapse in my tactful skills.” The Prinzessin of the Immernachtreich stood from her crouched position and placed her hands on her hips, looking proud as she basked in the glorious sunlight that washed over her between the leaves blowing in the wind above-

“What are you doing?” A proper voice called, sending a shiver down Fischl’s spine–though it quickly faded as Fischl recognized who it belonged to.

Fischl spun around to face Mona–sending Oz into the air, though he regained his flying-footing quickly–finding her holding a basket filled with berries. … Well, not filled, really. There were berries in it, certainly. But… A handful could barely be considered enough to fill an entire basket. Wasn’t Mona supposed to be experienced with this kind of thing? Shouldn’t she know where to go in order to find bushes filled with berries?

“I was… Surveying the skies above for any birds!” Fischl smiled, feigning confidence with her hands snapping back to her hips. “While yours truly would never bring harm to a brave avian such as they, we acknowledge that the wise Lady Megistus would likely have very few qualms when it comes to consuming the flesh of such majestic creatures.”

“What mein Fraulein means to say,” Oz said. “Is that she believes you would have no issue with eating a creature in the form of yours truly.”

“Yes, I do believe I understood that quite clearly.” Mona said, watching Oz as he hovered in the air next to Fischl. “However, I also recall saying that my dear Prinzessin wouldn’t have to lift a finger on this little outing.” She gazed over at Fischl, her eyes wandering down to the dirt stains on her hands.

Fischl blushed just a tad. “Well, thou seest… In truth, it would not be rightfully fair for one such as yours truly to accompany her own Court Archmage into such treacherous woods, whilst refusing to offer one’s assistance in even the most minute way.” Fischl didn’t want to admit that she was starting to worry that Mona’s “Shelf-stocking” trips weren’t the most successful things in all of Teyvat.

“Hm.” Mona cocked her hips to the side and placed her free hand on her cheek. “Well, I suppose that makes sense. Just don’t busy yourself too much. The point of this is to assure you that I am doing just fine on my own, remember? Even if I can be a little… Extravagant with my spending, I am by no means starving.”


As fate would have it, Mona’s stomach decided to call her out on that little fib. Was she starving? No. Her… P-Plush hips were proof of that. But well-fed? Stable? Barbatos’ breath, healthy? Those were all up for debate. And a fierce debate that would be, given that Lady Megistus would almost certainly refuse to relent until the conversation swayed in her direction.

Mona blushed, but swiftly turned away in an attempt to hide it. “A-Ahem. Anyway, I still need to check on my traps. Would you mind coming with, my lady?”

Fischl would never admit how fuzzy those last two words made her feel inside.

Pushing the feeling down, Fischl broke into a stride with a wide smile on her face, stopping only when she reached Mona’s side. Once there, she shifted to match Mona’s pace, then fell a bit behind. It’d be rude for her to walk in front of her, wouldn’t it? The fact that Mona’s backside drew crowds wherever it wagged surely had nothing to do with her decision to hang back.

Nor did Fischl’s heart feeling like it was going to break through her ribs whenever she got too close to Mona. Nor that hearing the barely audible growls of her friend’s barren stomach made Fischl want to drag her home and shove her entire pantry down Mona’s gullet as she’d already subtly attempted to do a few times in the past.

Certainly not.

“‘Twould be my pleasure.” Fischl said, clasping her hands behind her back and steeling herself for what would probably be yet another failed attempt at stocking Mona’s pantry. After all, what would an astrologist know about setting traps?

  • -

Speaking with a measure of brutal honesty–and vulgarity–Mona knew jack shit about setting traps.

What could be expected of her? She was a master astrologist and eloquent writer, not some tanner looking to get a quick buck by snaring a boar or three. She hunted for food, not profit.

So what if she’d only managed to catch a few rabbits? Months ago…


Hmph! Be quiet tummy, Mona was working on it. No matter how slow the pace of her work was turning out to be. It just needed to be a little patient! And besides, she couldn’t let Fischl hear it… She really didn’t feel like going through one of her pity feasts today. Even if the food was really, really good… And filling too… So filling…~

No! She could do it. She’d survived thus far–so what if the pickings were a little slim today? She could just go forage up some greens and have a delectable salad once she returned from showing Fischl-

Oh, wait, she’d picked the last patch she knew of in this area last week… Hm. Maybe… Maybe her traps still had a lettuce leaf or two left in them? Amongst the piles of… Snapped twigs and shredded twine?

Fischl didn’t look so good. She was staring at the ruined traps with her mouth limply open, her eyepatch being lifted by two of her fingers in order to get a better look at the travesty that used to be Mona’s traps. Mona really should’ve checked the traps before inviting Fischl to come and see them.

“Mona- L-Lady Megistus, rather, pardon me.” Fischl said, quickly shaking her head. “These… These mounds of twigs and twisted vines are your snares? Was thou, perhaps… Hoping to capture some rodents in between their gaps, or something of that sort?” A small smile appeared on Fischl’s lips, though they visibly trembled. It was just like her to give even an utter failure the benefit of a doubt…

“No,” Mona started. “They were intended to catch foxes or rabbits. But, as you can see, something must’ve come along and destroyed them. Could’ve sworn I used deceased slimes in their construction this time…”

Somehow, Fischl’s eye widened even more at that remark.

“U-Um, well- In one’s personal experience, I have found that making use of slimes to construct much of anything ‘tisn’t a very bright idea. The squiggly vermin tend to evacuate whatever thou hast slotted them into, regardless of them being present or departed.” Fischl looked sort of ashamed as she spoke. Speaking from rather embarrassing experience, it seemed.

“I see. I’ll keep that in mind; thank you.” If slimes didn’t work, what were you supposed to keep them together with? Spit and good luck? Perhaps she could wiggle her hips at them and get them to stand up on their own? Hmph. Oh well, worries for another time. She needed to focus on a different way of filling her tummy now-

“There!” Mona whisper-yelled, her head jerking over in the direction where she’d just heard a twig snap. Sure enough, in the distance, through a gap in between two trees, Mona spotted a boar slowly trotting along. And it looked to be a rather large one too!~ “Now feast your eyes, Prinzessin. I’ll show you how a master astrologist ensures her belly gets filled.~” Mona said with a smirk, before fully turning in the direction of the boar.

She watched, waiting for the boar to peek out again… She could hear its trotters every now and then as they scraped against a rock or snapped a fallen branch, and could hear it puffing from its nose as well. She just had to be patient, and it would all work out.

How long would it take for the boar to be out in the open? Mona tried to guess, judging by where she figured it was located behind the trees, and where the next opening was. It’d have a good six feet of zero cover on each side. Nowhere to go. It would be hers, and Fischl would finally stop worrying about her so much! Perhaps she could get the Prinzessin to turn some of the meat into cold cuts, though… Her family recipe was just the best.~

Mona wasted no time thinking further on that subject–despite how much she wished to explore it thoroughly. She needed to concentrate. So, instead, she waved her hand in the air, conjuring a bubble of swirling, pressurized water from her wrist to a few inches away from her palm.

“Lady Megistus, dost one mere boar truly warrant the full, dazzling might of the stars? Thou dost wish to consume the creature, not paint the luscious greenery of the forest floor with it, correct?” Fischl’s voice was barely audible as she whispered from behind Mona–sounding sort of concerned as well. That girl did seem to prefer trailing Mona everywhere the two traveled, for some reason. “I don’t intend to imply that my brilliant Court Archmage is anything but most splendidly talented when it comes to the arcane arts. Certainly, one trusts in thou to put only the most magnificently well planned assault into motion–even when one’s target is a simple creature such as that, and no sort of enemy fortification or battalion. But thou art not aiming to obliterate a Hilichurl here.”

Hm, Fischl did have a point. If the stream of water wasn’t pressurized enough, Mona could end up obliterating the beast entirely instead of simply shooting it through the heart. Perhaps she should-

“Besides, dost thou not recall mine prowess with the bow?” Fischl said, tapping her foot. “‘Twould be a simple matter to assist thou for a mere moment. Collaboration is gloriously important for those such as we, is it not? As such, your Prinzessin finds no logical reason for this continued arrogance. Taking the beast down with mine own loosed arrow ‘tis so obviously the correct resolution to our present issue that it nearly seems ordained by fate itself!” Fischl huffed through her nose, working herself up. Mona sort of wished she would just stop talking for a moment… She could feel her concentration slipping a little… “‘Twould not do for mine own Court Archmage to appear before our trusted, courageous and loyal subjects as a wisp due to malnutrition! With one magnificent snap of mine bow, I, Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, will end that foul beast! Thunderous retribution willst be upon it, and Lady Megistus’ stomach willst assuredly be filled for many morrows to come!”

Despite her prattling, Fischl didn’t dare draw her bow. She just continued on, talking and talking as Mona waited for the boar to finally come out of hiding. She was forced to consider Fischl’s words as she waited, however. It honestly just seemed like Fischl was trying to get Mona to let her take care of things… Didn’t she know that wasn’t how Mona operated? She should’ve by now, surely.

… Ok, Mona felt kind of bad for thinking that way. But she’d not accept a handout without at least trying all other available options first! Even if the stew Fischl’s mother had prepared last time had been just… Divine.~

“-Besides, has your Prinzessin not assured thou that your presence wouldst never be turned away if your shadow were to grace mine doorstep? I- I- … L-Lady Megistus, you are being simply incorrigible! It is your Prinzessin’s duty to ensure that her subjects are taken care of! The Kaiser and Kaiserin art forever grateful whenever one as resplendent as thou graces them with your presence! ‘Tis no issue at all to provide for thou a sumptuous meal to fill thine belly and- … A-And heart- Oh, there!”

Oh! Fischl suddenly pointed off in the distance, and Mona released the stream, letting it fly free in a beam of concentrated water right as she saw the boar moving across the path. She heard a crack as a violent cloud of steam puffed up around the site of impact. Mona bit her lip, waiting anxiously to see if she’d been successful in hunting a beast for the very first time.

… Only to find the boar staring back at her as the cloud lifted, before it tilted its head in confusion. Behind it, a rather large rock sat cracked perfectly in two.

Before Mona could conjure up another stream, the boar ran off, leaving her frustrated–groaning as she stomped the ground. “I nearly had it too! Grr…” She wanted to blame Fischl for distracting her, but in truth, Mona had never been one for hunting. Harming something in self defense was all well and good, but when it came to killing something just to eat it… She got a little squeamish. And squeamishness tended to lead to shaky hands.

That didn’t mean she’d reject meat though, obviously. Fischl’s cold cuts were just too good to even consider giving them up.~


Damn it, she shouldn’t have thought of food right after depriving herself of it like that… Oh well, at least she got some berries-

“Whoa! W-What do you think you’re doing?” Mona exclaimed, stumbling along as Fischl dragged her away from the scene of the crime by her wrist. She looked rather upset, her face hardened and almost seeming a bit grumpy. Though the blush that streaked across her cheeks definitely seemed a little more honest than Fischl’s expression was at that moment.

“One has had enough! Thou hast proven thyself to be in need of one’s assistance, and so one will give it in spades!” Fischl grumbled, her voice coming out in huffs. “You’ll be so profoundly, illustriously surfeited by the time one is finished with you, you’ll have to be toted back to your chambers!”

Oz hopped around on Fischl’s shoulder, making direct eye contact with Mona as she struggled to keep her footing. “Mein Fraulein intends to say that by the time she is done, you’ll be so glutted that you will need to be rolled home. It seems she thinks you need to be taught a lesson.”

“Oh.” Mona thought back to her other trips to Fischl’s home. They weren’t quite that dramatic, but they were no simple dinners either. Simple dinners didn’t tend to end with clothing becoming ill-fitting around the waist, and someone else’s skilled hands easing your tummy’s aches. Yes, meals at Fischl’s place were quite substantial indeed. Still, there was nothing weird about a friend helping another friend by treating them to a nice meal and helping them digest afterwards–though Fischl did seem to enjoy bringing Mona over quite a lot, and… Well, Mona couldn’t deny that actually feeling full every now and then was a rather pleasant experience.

Fischl did seem to be a bit more passionate now than she was on those other occasions as well. Her warning might not be simple roleplay this time around…

Oddly, that didn’t seem so bad to Mona. That might’ve just been the hunger talking, but… For once, it seemed her pride had been so damaged that she had no qualms with taking a handout. Either that, or those cold cuts were better than she remembered.~

… Surely those were the only possible reasons, right?

“Joy.” Mona said, a little smile coming along as she finally got into rhythm with Fischl, the two making their way to her “Illustrious castle” posthaste.

  • -

Fischl’s glorious castle looked shockingly like your average everyday Mondstadt-style house. Red tile roof, white, plain walls with wooden beams stretching across them, a standard wooden door with brass doorknob… Yep, this sure was a house.

But not to Fischl. No sir, to the magnificent Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, this humble abode was a mighty, honorable fortification. A palace, radiant and true–the pride and glory of the Immernachtreich.

A house.

Not to say that it wasn’t a nice house. It’d certainly been well taken care of. But, well… It was still just a house. Nearly identical to Mona’s actually, now that she thought of it. She swore, if she’d accidentally been led back to her own home without realizing it once again-

Fischl suddenly cleared her throat, puffing out her chest and releasing Mona’s hand for the first time in what must’ve been an hour in order to give a grand, waving gesture in the direction of her “Palace.”

“Welcome once again, dearest Court Archmage, to the resplendent domicile of your Prinzessin. Truly, ‘tis one of the grandest honors for the presence of one such as thou to be requested in such a majestic residence.” Fischl beamed, and Mona just managed to swallow down the desire to roll her eyes and groan at being treated as a subordinate yet again.

“Yes, quite.” Was all she gave in immediate return. Her tummy was just too grumbly to waste any more time out here in the sunlight. Who in their right mind would choose that over a nice indoor seat at a comfy dining table, with a lovely cook giving you all sorts of treats to nibble away?~

Fischl scoffed, and hurried to beat Mona to the door–if only so she could hold it open for her guest like a proper lady. It was sort of endearing to see the little bits of Amy peek through the Fischl persona in ways like that. After all, what kind of princess would bother with holding a door open for their guest? It was charming. Kinda cute.

Moving on, the interior of Amy- Fischl’s house was much of the same. There were portraits hung on the walls–of a gentlemanly fellow with a handlebar mustache and neck-length hair, a beautiful woman with bountiful curves and long, flowing blonde hair, and a strangely familiar looking little girl who just so happened to have a purple eyepatch crudely painted over the rest of the professional looking portrait–flowers in pots on small tables meant exclusively for holding them, and various other vases and knicknacks. Some trophies too, which Mona hadn’t noticed on her prior trips to Fischl’s “Palace.”

… Did that dusty plaque say “Eating Contest Champion?”

Mona didn’t get a good look at it, as Fischl abruptly tried to grab her wrist once more. However, Mona saw it coming this time around, and managed to pull it out of the way just in the nick of time.

“I believe I have two perfectly functioning legs of my own, and a well adjusted sense of direction. Still, thank you for the offer, my lady.” Keep the professionality. Fischl liked that sort of thing–staying in character. Even if she had just sort of insulted Mona a few moments ago. A little bit.

“Hmph.” Fischl grumbled, crossing her arms. “‘Twas merely an attempt to assist you in making your way through mine grandiose abode. Do not blame yours truly if thou end up wandering forever lost in this place.” Fischl smugly grinned at Mona, then turned to continue walking–in front of Mona for once. She really must’ve been determined to give Mona a meal… Mona felt sort of bad for trying so hard to avoid this all of a sudden. It almost seemed like–of the two of them–Mona was the one being given the royal treatment.

As they continued through the house–her halls really were long, Fischl wasn’t entirely kidding about her home being a maze–a sumptuous smell suddenly wafted up into Mona’s nose and sent her tummy grumbling. Such a savory aroma.~ Gravy, perhaps? Or– Ooh! Please, please let it be some of that wondrous stew.~

… Wait, weren’t they supposed to be home alone? Fischl had said that her parents were out on a mission. Oh for the love of- Had that girl really prepared food in advance? The thought of that was almost enough to annoy Mona–probably would’ve if she weren’t so darn hungry.

But no. As the two of them turned to walk through the kitchen doors, they spotted the true culprit of this culinary whodunit. The same golden haired, generous-chested woman from the portraits on the wall!

Oh, wait, it was just Fischl’s-

“Mom?!” Fischl shrieked, hands going to her chest and balling into fists. “Y-You said you were gonna be out today!”

“Phrasing, mein Fraulein.” Oz chirped softly in his lady’s ear.

“W-What? Oh!” Fischl cleared her throat, then stood up straight with her hands at her sides. “K-Kaiserin, didst thou not tell your tochter that-”

Fischl’s mother raised a hand to her lips while the other continued to stir the pot she was standing in front of. And what a large pot it was… Were they having surprise guests over or something?

“I understood you perfectly well the first time, my little princess.” Fischl’s mom spoke in that same sickly sweet voice as ever. Well, you couldn’t really call something “Sickly” if you could just gobble it up all day long, could you? Her voice was like an addicting meal–deep and full of spice, but gentle and calming, keeping you wanting more… “I’ll explain later. For now, I understand we have a rather pressing issue at hand?” She nodded her head at Mona, and her shimmering golden hair moved out of the way of the eye it concealed for but a moment.

“W-Well… That is indeed correct. Our finest mage has found herself in a tumultuous bit of monetary trouble yet again. And… So… O-One thought it felicitous to extend an invitation to the palace in order to ensure that she does not go without proper sustenance.” Fischl was fidgeting as she spoke, looking to her mother and then promptly away from her over and over again. “One is aware that once upon a time, the Kaiser instructed one to never bring a companion to the palace without prior permission, or either the Kaiser or Kaiserin being present for it… A-Art thou upset?” Fischl looked at the floor, cocking her hips to the side.

“Anything but!” Fischl’s mom replied, a gilded smile stretching her plump lips. “I just wish you would’ve told me in advance. After I figured out your plan, I canceled my plans and started cooking right away. But I’ve hardly had enough time to prepare a proper meal for the wondrous Astrologer you’re always speaking so fondly of.” She chuckled, then sent a wink Mona’s way.

Why’d that make her shiver?

“Wuh- I am not ‘Always’ speaking of her!” Fischl’s hands became fists again, and she pushed them down towards the floor, bending her back just a bit. “There are entire days where I don’t bring her up at all!”

Oz began to open his beak in order to correct Fischl, but must’ve thought better of it. Better to just let her sort things out on her own–Mona agreed.

“Princess, a day and a half hardly counts as ‘Days.’” Fischl’s mom shook her head. “But anyways, welcome back, Ms. Megistus. Always a pleasure to host you, dear.” The mature woman did a slight curtsey while continuing to attend to the boiling pot–though she made sure to give Mona a smile as she made the gesture.

Mona gulped, then proceeded to give a full-on bow. Barbatos, what sort of power did this woman possess? She just seemed like someone you wanted to impress… For some reason.

“It is likewise a pleasure to be here, ma’am.” Mona said, returning the smile with a slight twitch of her eyebrow that she hoped wouldn’t be noticeable.

It was just that… Well, there was food everywhere. Savory pot pies, steak, goulash, fried and grilled meats on skewers, and… Oh, yes!~ The stew and cold cuts, and plenty of it.~ There was even some of Mona’s… F-Favorite food… Salad… Yaaay…

But enough about that! It seemed that they’d be having guests indeed. This was far too much food for just three people, that was certain. The sheer immensity of it all was almost intimidating. And the desserts weren’t even laid out yet! Mona just hoped that she wouldn’t be intruding on whatever gathering this turned out to be.

… Strange that there were only three seats at the dining table though. Perhaps it was tradition in this household for the guests to go and retrieve their chairs themselves?

“Please,” Fischl’s mother said in her calming tone. “Take whatever seat you’d like. Feel free to rearrange them too, if you want!” She nodded, then turned back to the stove and began to hum to herself.

Mona wasn’t about to say no to a nice seat after a long morning of walking, disappointment, then more walking. She swore, she must’ve lost five pounds that morning alone from just how much damned walking she and Fischl had done. And all for nothing too…

Well, that wasn’t entirely true. It had gotten her invited here, hadn’t it? Well, she had been invited before she decided to “Prove” that she didn’t need Fischl’s help… And it had been the reason she tried to “Prove” it in the first place…

Whatever. She was here now, she was hungry, and she was glad to be off her aching feet. Even if these chairs were a little small… She could feel her rump and thighs spilling over the edges of her seat a little.

“I apologize for the seats, by the way. I don’t think they were designed with people like us in mind!” Fischl’s mom giggled, looking over her shoulder at Mona as the astrologist noticed the tightness in the back of the woman’s skirt…

“Yours truly has never had an issue with them…” Fischl grumbled, taking a seat opposite Mona. She seemed a little grumpy–her arms crossed and lying atop the dining table. Not quite princessly form, but Mona didn’t feel like correcting her at the moment. “Ugh, why did she have to stay home today of all days…” Fischl mumbled under her breath, her forehead resting on her forearms.

“Just a few more minutes, Mona dear! Then you can dig in, okay?” Fischl’s mother called from the stove as she reached for a spice that she then tossed right into the bubbling pot.


A few minutes… Mona thought. I can wait a few minutes. Surely I can. I have more willpower than that.


Just… A few minutes more.


“Oh, my!” Fischl’s mom looked over her shoulder, a slight tinge of red on her cheeks. “Seems someone’s hungry! Not to worry dear, it’s nearly ready.”

“Nearly ready” and “Ready” were two entirely different things when you’d only eaten leaves and leftover bits of cheese for the past week… But Mona could stick through it. She wouldn’t break. She wouldn’t reach for one of those cold cuts sitting right under her nose, coated with some kind of wonderful purple sauce… Nor one of the skewers, looking just so appetizingly crunchy…


… Someone save her.

  • -

Fischl was upset. How could her own mother sabotage her like this? Her own mother! Cooking up such a lovely feast for Mona, when Fischl wanted her private tummy time… She’d never forgive her for this. Never!

… Ok, she would, but she was still upset!

Even as Fischl helped her mom transfer dishes from counter to table, she still found herself moping–looking at the floor and feeling her cheeks burn at the loss of her personal kinky time with the only person who would indulge her. Well, it wasn’t like Mona was doing it with the knowledge that Fischl was getting something extra out of it… B-But was that really such a bad-

Yes, okay, dang it, it was. Fischl knew it was. But she just couldn’t help it! Mona’s gut was so dang cute all bwoomphed up like that, pressing out against her bodysuit so hard that you could see the outline of her navel through it… Plus, she always just… Melted into Fischl’s fingers once she was all glutted up and in desperate need of tum rubs… S-So it wasn’t like Mona didn’t enjoy it either!

God, Fischl felt so gross for trying to justify this to herself… Using your friend as unwitting kink fuel was just not acceptable in any way, regardless of if they enjoyed it in a roundabout way… As they rounded out… Maybe it was a good thing that her mother had butted in as she had.

But, then… Why had she prepared so much? Fischl thought that her mother had stayed home and started cooking as a lighthearted attempt at helping out her daughter’s friend–who was very much in need. But this was just too much, even for the three of them–Mona, who could pack away a surprising amount despite the fact that her stomach was so often barren of food, Fischl, who had practiced eating rather large amounts ever since she was a young girl experimenting with her budding attractions, and her mother, who… Well, the plaque on the wall sort of spoke for itself.

Fischl thought for a moment that her mother perhaps planned to save the rest of the food for a later date, but this was far too much to fit in their cold storage, and… And the fact that there was only one serving plate sitting on the tablecloth was sort of strange too…

With a huff, Fischl settled the final steaming pot onto the table–the largest, containing Mona’s beloved stew. Fischl knew very well just how much Mona enjoyed that stuff…~ And her mother did as well, of course. She had been the one who first prepared it for Mona–on the only eve that the astrologist had developed a food baby that Fischl couldn't play with… No matter how much of a belly-crazed lunatic she may be, Fischl drew the line at doing tum stuff in front of her parents. The time they'd discovered her kink by stumbling upon her nursing and enjoying a respectable food baby when she was a girl had been more than enough for Fischl…

Fischl backed away, dusting her hands on her skirt and planting them on her hips once done. She quickly scanned the table, and found that there was little room for anything that hadn't already been placed atop it. No more plates or bowls would fit; she almost swore that she could hear the poor old table's legs creaking under the weight of it all…

“There… ‘Twould appear that there is no available space remaining for silverware or china anywhere atop the Kaiserin’s illustrious dining table–the style of which is coveted far and wide, and oft imitated, however poorly.” Fischl shook off the sudden non-sequitur, her eyebrows curling on their own at the randomness of it. At least she hadn’t broken character for the sixteenth time today… “Art we not all destined to feast upon this magnificent banquet mine mother hast slaved away at all morrow long?”

Fischl’s mother pulled a hand towel from her apron’s pocket and used it to wipe away any residue or sweat from her experienced–yet somehow, still delicate despite their few scars–hands. “I am afraid… Well, come here, my princess.” She motioned for Fischl to come over, and–with a squinting of her eye–the Prinzessin obeyed.

Her mother led Fischl to a corner of the kitchen, away from Mona, who wasn’t paying attention to them anyway. For the past… Well, ever since she’d been sitting at the table, really–Mona had been staring at the food before her. Every time they placed a new dish on the cloth covered surface, Mona’s eyes would suddenly snap over to it and begin studying it down to the very atoms. The attention to detail of an astrologist with a grumbly tummy was something quite frightening, in all honesty… It wasn't as if she were some ravenous beast waiting to pounce; Mona still emoted and politely thanked Fischl and her mother for inviting her over–asked if she could help move dishes to the table. For all her stubborn flaws, she was always willing to help, that woman…

Fischl’s mom placed a hand on her shoulder, then leaned down just a bit in order to become eye-level with her daughter. “All of that food is for Mona.” She whispered, a tiny smile on her painted lips.

“What?” Fischl replied in a whisper loud enough it could barely be called such. “B-But that’s enough to feed an entire band of Hillichurls!” Fischl coughed, side-eyeing Oz to find him doing the same to her. “‘Tisn’t possible for Lady Megistus to engulf such a grandiose quantity of nourishment. Her stomach would surely split long before she drained the cauldron of its viscous contents!”

“I don’t know… I think she’s had a little practice.” Fischl’s mom smirked, winking at her daughter with her one visible eye.

A shiver shot down Fischl’s back. Did she know? S-She couldn’t have! How could she? Fischl had been so good at covering her tracks! She’d replaced everything in the pantry and cold storage out of her own pocket, cleaned all of the dishes–

Oh. The loss of funds. Fischl’s parents would’ve noticed where her money was going, and put two and two together once they added up all the expenses… And when they occurred… What had been bought… Fischl felt dumb all of a sudden.

Her cheeks flushed, and she felt her chin hit her chest as she looked at the floor in shame.

“I-Is this where I get a lecture for wasting Mora on tummy stuff again? Like when I spent one of my first paydays on that big feast at Good Hunter…?” She’d spent her entire wallet on a massive meal back then, and even then, its size paled in comparison to what Fischl’s mother had prepared for Mona’s belly alone.

Was this her punishment? To have her kink used against her in a humiliating way–having Mona eat until bloated and unable to stomach even a bite more, then guilt her with all of the food that would surely spoil? Fischl braced, preparing for the worst…

And was met with a gentle smile, and an equally gentle smacking of soft, golden hair against her cheeks as her mom shook her head.

“No, dear. This is the part where mama puts the eyes in the back of her head to good use.~” Her mother chuckled, then stood and patted Fischl on the back before turning to face Mona once again.

Mona, for her part, hadn’t made a move in all the time Fischl and her mother had spent away from the table. This woman truly was disciplined–to be able to resist something as tempting as Fischl’s mother’s cooking with a stomach as empty as the wide blue Mondstadt sky on a day with no clouds. That was something Fischl admired most about her; for all of her silly little quirks, Mona tended to keep her cool when it mattered most. Unless you dared to imply that she held even the most minor of flaws, but that was another thing entirely.


Mona gasped, dropping a hand to her stomach as it released an unrelenting, painful sounding growl.

“A-Apologies, ma’am. It’s just that… Well, it has been a while since I’ve been presented with such a fine meal, and I’m afraid my stomach is getting a bit ahead of itself.” She attempted a giggle, but it came out sort of awkward and forced. “I don’t intend to be rude, but I can’t exactly keep my belly from growling-”

“Nonsense!” Fischl’s mother said, drawing out the syllables of the word and really letting them hang in the air. “Mona, if anything, I’m the rude one for keeping such a hungry girl waiting! Why, back when I was your age,” She looked like she was Mona’s age, honestly–her height was the only thing that would’ve given an aura of age to the otherwise vibrant woman. Fischl always thought her mother was so beautiful… “I would’ve just snatched a pie up and gone to town without anyone telling me I could! I applaud your discipline, dear, but there’s no need to hold back any longer either.” She flashed Mona a smile, then a wink. “Eat up.~”

Mona opened her mouth to reply, but another growl from deep inside her abdomen silenced her before a single word could come out. Though, Fischl almost thought she could hear the growl coming from her throat as well as her belly as her lips laid open… She ran a hand up and down her poor tummy–which was even looking a little concave at the moment, sadly–then gulped and turned to the food. Fischl could almost hear the gears turning in Mona’s brain as her genius mind fought to solve the most difficult problem it had ever faced.

What to eat first.

Fischl and her mother finally took their seats at the table, and–with her cheeks burning a subtle red–Fischl gripped her skirt tight, watching as Mona pulled a plate of salad in front of her. Supposedly Mona’s favorite food, Fischl suspected the real reason behind her favoring of the dish was that it was just about the cheapest thing one could buy–and it was filling too. Sheesh, Fischl really wished Mona would be just a little more careful with her spending…

… Like she was one to talk. Feast at Good Hunter, anyone?

Mona speared the leaves, tomatoes, and bits of chicken and dried, seasoned bread onto her fork. Then she slowly raised them to her lips like a proper lady–though her hand seemed to be trembling the entire time. Once the bite reached her mouth, she closed her lips around it, and her eyelids shot open.

“Oh my!” Mona said with her mouth full, before she even took a single bite of the food on her tongue. She finished the bite before speaking again, letting out a huff through her nose as she looked between Fischl and her mother and began energetically giggling with her mouth closed like a schoolgirl. “I apologize, but that… That is the best salad I’ve ever had! You simply must tell me the recipe for that dressing later, miss… er… K-Kaiserin?” Mona said, glancing at Fischl out of the corner of her eye for just a second before her smile became a bit awkward.

“Oh, please. There’s no need to be so formal.” Fischl felt a warmth in her chest to go along with the one on her cheeks as her mother continued playing along–however slightly. “You can just call me Amalie. Any friend of my daughter is a friend of mine, after all.~” Amalie bobbed her head to the side and clasped her hands in front of her chest, all the while wearing that same, soft smile that had always managed to calm Fischl down to her very soul.

It seemed to have a similar effect on Mona, who blushed in response to it for some reason, before spearing another bite of salad and quickly working through it.

“Thank you very much, Amalie. You’re too kind.” Mona said between bites; they were coming faster and faster.

“I think I’m just kind enough, thank you very much.” Amalie faux-pouted, crossing her arms beneath her chest and puffing her cheeks before breaking into a giggle. “But really, ‘tis no issue. A close acquaintance of the Immernachtreich’s beloved Prinzessin ‘tis a close acquaintance to all whom live inside it.” Amalie put on an accent, and puffed out her chest as she spoke, then dramatically flipped her hair over her shoulder once finished.

“M-Mom!” Fischl shrieked, turning even redder. “‘T-Tis nothing to jest about! Our beloved Court Archmage is in dire need of nourishment–’tis no time to waste with trivial jests!” Fischl crossed her arms just as her mother had, though her pouting was quite genuine.

To her credit, Amalie didn’t laugh at Fischl’s frustration. She’d long since learned that doing so would only upset her daughter further, and so she simply patted her on the back with a smile as she had so many times before.

“Alright, alright. I think we should let our ‘Beloved’ Court Archmage enjoy her feast then, don’t you?” Amalie’s grin grew even wider as she picked out the weakness in what her daughter had said. Fischl hadn’t even realized she’d said that until it left her mother’s lips. Once the realization hit her…

… Well, Fischl felt quite like finding a nice, cold, dark corner of her room to just curl up and turn into a skeleton in.

She gripped her skirt tighter, puffed her cheeks, then turned her attention to Mona–who, luckily, hadn’t been paying attention to a word either woman said. She just kept chomping away at her salad like a rabbit in a bountiful garden–happily smiling all the while with her palm cupping her packed cheek.

Hmph… Well, whatever this turned out to be, at least Mona was enjoying herself. Fischl was very glad to see that, if nothing else.

The fact that Mona loved her rubs was half the reason that Fischl kept inviting her over for extensive, private meals, after all. She just loved seeing such obvious joy on the face of that normally stern astrologist…

  • -

Mona was in paradise.~

She couldn’t say how long it’d been since she’d had a meal like this. Of this caliber.~ Too long, certainly. Even Fischl’s own cooking–some of the best Mona had ever tasted–couldn’t hold a candle to the plate of simple currywurst that Mona was currently chowing down on. She’d never admit that to the Prinzessin, of course, but her mother’s cooking was just delightful.~

It had been a shock for Mona to discover that she’d eaten three entire platefuls of Amalie’s cooking. In her mind, the salad was a mere side dish–as was the somewhat boozy-tasting, cheesy pasta dish she followed it up with. The main was a rack of boar ribs so perfectly seasoned and drenched in a sauce so gorgeously delectable that it nearly made Mona forget all about her failures earlier that morning.


Mona sat her fourth plate aside after using a fluffy, buttered roll to sop up the rest of the thick, spicy curry. She happily hummed to herself, entirely content with her meal, and leaned back, placing her hands over her stomach. Not so starved-looking now, was it?~

No, no it wasn’t. It was slight, but–after becoming nice and filled–a definite little curve had started where Mona’s once concave belly sat. Nothing she wasn’t used to, however. She often ended up just a bit more bloated than this by the time Fischl and she were done with their little–er, well, not so little–meals. She honestly felt like she could keep eating, though she didn’t want to be rude in front of Fischl’s mother. That aura of “I need to impress this woman” was still very much filling the room, for whatever reason.

Besides, the two of them needed to eat, didn’t they? And they must’ve been having guests over as well, of course. To eat more would undoubtedly be rude. Mona had eaten her fill, and she should be satisfied with that. It was far more than she’d eaten in a long while anyway, so she should really feel grateful…

… Instead of hungry.

“Ahem.” Mona cleared her windpipe with a napkin politely placed at her lips. “Ma’am- er, Amalie.” She corrected herself, but did not flinch. That was important when trying to make a good impression. “Thank you very much for the food. I’m ever so grateful for it, and it was simply delicious.” She smiled, nodding and giving her tum a slight rub in appreciation. “But please, don’t let me hold you back any longer. I’ve finished eating now, so you and Fischl can begin doing the same. I apologize for any rudeness I may have shown in making you wait; it wasn’t my intention-”

Amalie covered her lips with the back of her hand and began chuckling into it, her one visible eye shutting tight as she did her best to muffle and control the outburst. She managed to reign it in after a few seconds, and opened her eye halfway in a look that was… Kind of oddly sultry? There was no way it was intended to be, but the way Amalie’s eyes were shaped, and how she smiled at Mona…

“You’ve not been rude for even a second, dear. If I didn’t want you to dig in, I wouldn’t have prepared so much!” She paused, pointing a finger in the air, then giving it a quick twirl or two. “Well, that’s not the whole truth. I didn’t exactly know your tastes either–though I knew you weren’t a picky eater, thank Barbatos. I’ve had to deal with enough of that.” Beside Amalie, Fischl grumbled and crossed her arms, looking away from her mother and Mona. “But either way, this is all for you, Mona. So have as much as you want!” Amalie clapped, then tilted her clasped hands and head in the same direction as she gave Mona a closed-eye smile.

Mona started to reply–to insist that she had indeed had enough, and that they could eat as much as they liked. But… Wait, did Amalie just day it was for her? All of this, for Mona?

Every single last bit of food, from table edge to table edge… It was all…

“S-Surely you misspoke.” Mona said, waving her hands, her smile twitching. “Amalie… Believe me, I want to gobble up each and every last morsel you’ve prepared. Your cooking is some of the best tasting I’ve ever had the delight of sampling. B-But I believe I’d split before I got close to finishing!”

Amalie giggled again. “I know what I said. Every last bite here belongs to you.” Amalie waved her arms over the table, grandiosely showcasing the entire banquet that was–apparently–the property of a single person at the table. “I’m no stranger to your struggles, dear. I’ve fought to make ends meet and fill my belly as well. If I can be the one to ease your burden in this way, I’d be simply glad to. I can think of no better compliment to my cooking than a beautiful young woman enjoying it all so thoroughly!” Amalie suddenly looked over to Fischl, resting a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. “And my little prin… Prinzessin? My daughter would be just delighted to assist you as well. Isn’t that right, hon?” Amalie gave her princess a slightly more stern look than Mona would’ve expected from the gentle, caring woman.

Fischl, for her part, appeared shocked: an eyebrow raised, another lowered, her one visible eye wide open, and her mouth twisted into a grimace. She looked quite like someone who was very offended that you’d just woken them up ten minutes early.

Fischl smiled deviously, apparently understanding the look her mother had given her. “U-Um. W-Why, but of course! ‘Tis a royal maiden’s beloved duty, coming to her subject’s aid in all times of most dire need.” Mona was still clueless. “‘T’would be mine pleasure to abet my Archmage in her gluttonous gauntlet of sampling the Kaiserin’s delicacies.”

The Prinzessin slid from her seat and made her way around the table, joining Mona at her side. Though, she stood a bit further back than Mona expected her to. Even when she was sitting, Fischl always needed to be back there… To have a good sightline, Mona supposed.

Mona sort of… Froze. She realized all at once that there would be no guests. No food going to anyone other than her. And that she’d been acting… Dare she say humble in front of Fischl’s mother? What was wrong with her?

She didn’t have the time to figure that out. She could feel their eyes on her, waiting for her further protests, or to finally give in and begin eating once more…


… It seemed the decision had been made for her.

Mona sighed, then pulled over a plate of the fried skewers that had interested her so much earlier. They looked sort of like Inazuman cuisine, strangely enough. Amalie must’ve been well versed in foods from all over Teyvat.

Mona pulled a skewer to her mouth, and took a deep whiff of their salty-savory smell. More boar, some chicken, and some earthy smells as well… Mushrooms, maybe? Ooh, maybe lotus root…~

One bite and Mona was in love. The crunch of what turned out to indeed be lotus root, the slight sweetness of it mixing with the salted umami of the meat… Wow. Just wow.~

Fischl scooted her chair next to Mona’s–though she made a show of leaving enough breathing room between the two of them–right as Mona finished off the first stick. She let it fall idly back to the ceramic plate, and noticed that it also held two different kinds of sauce in their own little ramekins–a dark, thick, syrupy sauce, and a thin one with a slight yellow tinge.

Before continuing to eat, however, Mona had a question burning in her brain. She looked up to find Amalie watching her with that same gentle smirk, using her palm as a perch for her chin. Mona couldn’t help but sit up a little straighter at the sight.

“Amalie, I cannot underestimate how impressed I am. I’ve had your cooking before, but I think this meal has solidified it. You’re the best cook I’ve ever encountered in my entire life.” Mona could think of a few people who would be rather offended at that comment. The truth never harmed anyone, however. Besides, any who would find that objectionable were far out of earshot. “I simply must know. How… How did you get so good at cooking?” Mona leaned forward, her palms on the tabletop on each side of the skewer platter.

Amalie looked taken aback for a second, before her smile rapidly returned–brighter than before. “Well… That’s quite a long story. But, to abridge it a bit… When I was newly married, my dear husband did nearly all of the cooking. Anything I whipped up belonged more in the trash than on a plate, to tell the truth.” She chuckled in her prim way, then idly waved her hand. It was sort of easy to see where Fischl had gotten a bit of that idealism for being so proper. “So… Well, excuse the me of the past for being so traditional–but back then I believed a good wife needed to cook. So, I would often stay home while my husband went off adventuring and scouting, just so I could practice my cooking. For a while things were stagnant, and there didn’t seem to be much improvement. So…”

Amalie sat up straight, a slight blush coming to her cheeks. “... I began eating my mistakes. Every burnt omelet, every mushy pile of pasta. It all ended up in here.” Amalie patted her abdomen, and to Mona’s surprise, it rippled slightly through her dress. It seemed the woman had a hidden, smaller curve to go with her other two bounties–though she wore it just as well as the others. “Needless to say, that was plenty enough encouragement. My culinary skills improved rapidly from there. And then the issue shifted from being unable to feed my husband because my food was inedible, to being unable to feed him because–by the time he returned home–there was none left for him.~”

Mona suddenly understood the dust on that plaque. And why Amalie’s “Bounties” were so… Bountiful.

Fischl seemed kind of uncomfortable at her mother’s story, Mona noticed. She had her hands clasped between her thighs, her back hunched, her cheeks flushed, and she was still looking away. What about her mother’s story had been so embarrassing? Had she left out a detail or two? Strange…

Mona decided to do something in order to help her Prinzessin. She’d allow her to do the job she loved so much.

She sat back, resting her hands on her tum as she had before. The smirk she wore was new, however. “Dear Prinzessin, won’t you please assist your poor mage?” It irked her to demean herself so, but she could suffer it a bit longer, she supposed. “I fear I’m just so hungry that I can’t even move my frail arms any longer… I apologize my lady, but won’t you please feed me?”

Like a flame sparking in dried grass, Fischl suddenly perked up. If she had the ears of a cat, they’d have been standing straight up. Then, after she’d processed what Mona asked of her, Fischl grinned from ear to ear and plucked a new skewer right off the plate.

“It may be beneath mine station, but your Prinzessin did imply that she’d give succor in this–your most desperate time of need.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder, puffed her chest out, and dunked the spear into the dark liquid. “‘Tis my favorite sauce. To speak candidly, I am tempted to have a mere nibble of it myself.” Fischl stared at the crunchy bits of food that dripped with thick, syrupy liquid, and Mona almost thought she heard her stomach growl–in truth the sound had come from her own. “But alas, I am in agreement with the Kaiserin. My Archmage must regain her strength posthaste!”

Without another word, Fischl dramatically pushed the skewer towards Mona’s lips. Mona recoiled, then sighed through her nose at the bombastic gesture, but still smiled as she took her first sauced-up bite.

… Ooh, that was good.~

  • -

Skewers? Demolished.

Pork sandwich on sourdough, paired with a mashed vegetable and gravy? A pittance to Mona’s grand appetite.

An entire, small meat pie?


Fischl need not say anything. Mona’s stomach spoke for itself.

After the waterfall of sustenance it had endured, Mona’s belly was looking… A little different, to say the least. It no longer curved inwards, that was for sure. And the small bump it had been before now paled in comparison.

“O-Oh, p-pardon me-!” Mona rushed to say, her stomach gurgling, before-


Fischl’s ever-present blush deepened, and she felt her smirk tremble a little. She was simultaneously having the time of her life, and dying as she tried not to reach for Mona’s tum while her mother watched on. She’d been semi-traumatized by her mother discovering her belly antics once, she didn’t need to be chastised for it in front of Mona. Who… Didn’t know she was getting kinda warm inside as she watched her stomach grow…

Why did her mom ask her to come over here in the first place? To feed Mona? Was she trying to bait Fischl into acting out–revealing her kink to the girl she like- T-To her Archmage? Jeez… Grrr, mama!!! Fischl would never forgive her for this…

“C-Could I have the cold cuts next?” Mona asked, smiling at Fischl and looking at her from the corner of her eye. The astrologist was currently leaned back in her chair, using one hand to cup her tummy and the other to give it some gentle rubs up and down its front–where her navel had started to become visible through her bodysuit… Gah, it was starting to sit on her thighs a little… J-Just a little more and it’d reach the size it usually achieved during their private feedings; though Fischl’s hands would’ve been on that beautiful tum long before now during those… The way Mona was looking at her didn’t help with her want to give it a good patting in the slightest.

The fact that she kept on asking for more–when Fischl usually had to goad her into continuing at this point–was sort of driving the Prinzessin crazy too. It was like, instead of trying to control her appetite and impress her mother through her restraint and manners, Mona was instead trying to impress her by showcasing her appetite and gluttony. Knowing her mother’s past belly-related habits–though she swore she didn’t share Fischl’s kink–Fischl figured that would be a pretty good way to win her over-

Wait, what? Why… Why would Mona be trying to impress Fischl’s mom? What in the world was that about?

“... Fisch- Gurhp~ -F-Fischl?” Mona winced, grabbing her belly. She then batted her eyes, regaining proper posture. “Cold cuts, my liege?”

How could Fischl refuse such a… Polite request? She scooted the platter–not plate, platter–over to Mona, and her star-loving friend sat up straight, her stomach subtly sloshing and settling a bit heavier onto her thighs as she took up a position more appropriate for eating. She then took up a slice of meat with her hands–and without hesitation–and plopped it right onto her tongue.

Mona’s expression brightened right away, an energetic “Mmh!~” echoing out through her closed lips as the stages of enjoying Fischl’s age-old family recipe began. First, utter joy as the thinly sliced meat practically dissolved on the tongue, leaving behind the tart, purple sauce, which danced across the tongue in a perfect pirouette of culinary delight. Then a licking of the lips as the first bite disappeared… And the desire for more grew.~ Fischl knew these stages well, having eaten this old family recipe all her life.

… Though, despite the fact that it was supposedly an “Old family recipe,” Fischl’s mother couldn’t say who exactly had come up with it. Fischl had her doubts as to exactly how “Old” the recipe was as a result…

Regardless, the results spoke for themselves. It didn’t matter if her great grandmother had come up with it, or if her regular-old mother did. What mattered was the sheer speed with which Mona was devouring the yummy, salty-tangy treats.~

She was double-fisting them, grabbing up a piece with each hand and stuffing them into both her cheeks whenever she had room for more. All the while, she wore an expression of pure bliss.~ This was what cooking was all about–her mother claimed. Seeing the smile on someone’s face as they gulped down platefuls of your hard work, the clear gratitude they showed as they worked their way through a dish posthaste, hearing them belch and excuse themselves, seeing their stomach start beautifully rounding out…

… Ok, maybe Fischl had added those last two, but her mother would’ve surely agreed back in her day! Maybe!

“See something you like?” Fischl’s mother called from the other side of the table–speaking for the first time in a few moments. And of course the first words she uttered were a tease to her daughter. Mama whyyyyy…

“Naturally!” Fischl’s speech came out a lil’ louder than she intended, and she blushed harder as a result. “‘Twas mine goal to see Lady Megistus’ hunger abated; and as is plain to see, her elegant m-middle is no longer in desperate need of filling.” Mona stopped eating for a second, looking over to Fischl. “N-Not that I mean you have to stop either!”

“Mein Fraulein intends to say that she wishes you would keep eating.” Oz rudely interjected from her shoulder, drawing a scoff from his Fraulein and a snort-chuckle from her lovely mama.

Could Fischl curl up in a ball and die now? No? Ok…

It wasn’t long before Mona finished that platter off–having taken Oz’s rude, yet accurate, comment to heart. With that finished, a sizable dent had been made in the table’s population. Over half of the table’s offerings had been consumed–all nicely packed away into Mona’s beautiful belly…~ B-But the largest items still remained… A large pot of stew, and a few smaller ones to go with it–each with a slightly different recipe. Some fondue with various different dipping implements. Even a Sweet Madame–a dish her mother was rather proud of herself for, after figuring out a copycat recipe.

All in all… Mona still had a ways to go, and her tummy was already looking as big as Fischl had ever seen it… Gurgling just as loud too, as Mona was forced to attend to her own belly–much to Fischl’s distress. Surely from all this–the remaining dishes of larger portion size, her clothing growing too tight, the fact that the illustrious Lady Megistus was having to rub her own gut like a peasant–she’d throw in the towel soon, and then Fischl’s mom would reveal what the point of all this had been.


  • -

Mona opened her mouth just an inch, fighting against her instincts telling her to just keep it closed and refuse anything else. Against the dull throbbing of her overfilled tummy as it strained her bodysuit to its limits and gurgled against her fingertips. This was all that was left of the first pot of stew–come on Mona, you can do this…

Fischl slid the spoon in, her free hand twitching, so obviously wishing to reach out and rub Mona’s gut. She wished Fischl would–her touch always seemed to calm her kicking, grumpy food babies. But no, she wouldn’t. Fischl just would not lay a hand on Mona for whatever reason. It was making her feel a bit odd, to be truthful. The only thing that had changed was the presence of Amalie, but why would she stop Fischl from giving her friend a soothing rub? She was acting as if Mona being all bloated like this was the same as her being nude or something.

Still, Mona dutifully chewed the last bit of stew–somehow still delighting in its rich flavors despite how much she’d already had, and how full she was–and swallowed it down.



Only for her stomach to growl in retaliation and send a belch right on up. Mona would’ve excused herself, but after hearing Amalie comment that such a gesture wasn’t necessary for the fiftieth time, she got the point. Still, with all this food in her gut, Mona was feeling like quite the glutton… This was the most she’d ever eaten by far. She didn’t even know she could eat this much. Ugh, her belly was nearly halfway to her knees at this point–round enough to sit over the width of her thighs–and she could feel her bodysuit stretching against her similarly stretching skin–the fabric even beginning to creak as it became fully flush with her stomach’s skin.

But there was still a sizable amount of food left… And if it were all for her, it would be rude to refuse it, right? Besides, Mona couldn’t deny that the idea of continuing despite her engorged state was… Appealing, in a way. A very, very strange way…

She blushed as she thought about it, then opened her mouth to speak. Before she could, however, Fischl reached across the table and began to move the Sweet Madame over. Mona could feel her stomach constricting around the mound of food she’d already eaten as she gazed upon all that sweet, glazed meat… Was she really supposed to eat an entire Sweet Madame on her own? Weren’t those usually for two people–at least? And on such a dramatically stuffed belly too…

Her blush burned brighter as the idea excited her. Fischl was blushing as well–had been for a long while now… Was this… Did she feel the same sort of way…? Did whatever this was… Excite the Prinzessin?

Mona stole a look up at Amalie while Fischl began carving into the glazed bird, only to find the mature woman looking sort of satisfied. Not entirely–Mona got the sense that something would make her even more so. Not that she knew what at all, or even what the woman’s true game here was. But if she wanted to feed a “Starving astrologist,” then Mona would take the opportunity to fully sus out her motives while exploring this strange new enjoyment she was feeling. Besides, there wasn’t a malicious bone in Amalie’s body. Mona was sure about that. Whatever she wanted, it couldn’t be anything bad…

… But what was it?

Just as Fischl finished carving the bird, her mother stood from her seat and began collecting empty plates, platters and pots, carrying them all on top of one another. Barbatos’ breath, how strong was this woman?

“I’ll be back in a bit, dears; just gonna wash these up. Don’t wait up for me!” She said with a wink from over top the pile of heavy dishes she carried, then waddled her way back into the kitchen.

Both Mona and Fischl watched her go, waiting for a moment to ensure that she was actually gone… Then Fischl lunged for Mona’s tum.

“A-Ahn!~” Mona moaned at Fischl’s touch, her blush growing a few shades darker as she felt her stomach relax all at once. Such a beautiful, tingling feeling.~ Fischl removed her hands for a second, looking up at Mona with a shaky, beady, pleading eye. “S-Sorry, I just… Y-You frightened me, Prinzessin. Please, don’t feel the need to hold back on my account.”

Oz perked up, somehow looking mischievous despite his avian features. “Lady Megistus means to say that you’re free to rub away, mein Fraulein.”

Mona scoffed, then used the back of her hand to muffle a belch. Fischl–for her part–looked rather stunned as well.

“Since when hath mine loyal compatriot begun peering into the wills of others beyond myself?” Fischl asked, getting grumpy as she stared daggers into the birdbrain on her shoulder. She quickly got over it however, and–after looking over her shoulder to make sure–began rubbing Mona’s stuffed tum with both hands once more.

So good.~ The talents of Fischl’s touch on a stretched-out belly really were unmatched. Granted, the only other hands that had ever rubbed Mona’s stomach when it was like this were her own, but it was still true. She was just grateful for the break from eating… She needed it desperately–and the digestion aid as well. It all tasted so good, but it was sitting like a dang boulder in her belly… Mona wasn’t even sure any of it had reached her intestines yet–her stomach just felt that full. Not that the bodysuit was helping with that at all…

But back to Fischl… Who Mona’s mind just seemed to keep on drifting back to, but that was beside the point. What was it about her mother that made the girl so sheepish about bellies? Mona was assuming that she shared whatever this odd feeling was, but did her mother disapprove of it? How would she even know? And did Fischl feel it for others’ stomachs, not her own? So curious… Mona realized that she had felt little dregs of this feeling during her past dinners and lunches with Fischl, but nothing as intense as this; especially since Fischl had begun rubbing. Perhaps because she had never gotten this full before? This… Big…~


That one snuck up on Mona. Usually they followed a gurgle or rumble from her middle, but that one just came shooting right on up her throat. The flustered astrologist placed her four fingers over her lips, then looked away from Fischl in embarrassment.

“Excuse you.~” Fischl corrected, her voice higher in pitch than usual. When Mona looked back, she found the Prinzessin’s eyes locked onto her gut, her face mere inches away from the solid, rumbling surface… She sort of wished that she’d kiss it.

What? Nothing. She didn’t just think that. This food must’ve been spiked with something–poisoned! Yeah, that was it.

… No, it wasn’t. Obviously. God, what was wrong with her? First being humble, now this?

“Ahem.” Fischl cleared her throat, blushing a little harder when she found Mona’s eyes on her. She then straightened up, a smile on her face, though she kept one hand on Mona’s tum. When had she scooted her chair closer…? “Art thou prepared for more, mine Archmage?”

How could Mona refuse? Well, obviously, she could’ve done it by just pointing down at her seam-splitting stomach, and any rational person would’ve recognized that she’d gone past “Full” long ago. But her Prinzessin was anything but rational; and, truthfully, so was she.

“Of course, my lady.” Mona said, forcing a burp to stay down so she could speak without interruption. Ooh, her stomach did not like that… “Just… Perhaps go a bit slower? I do appreciate all of the food, but… I fear I might run out of room before long, and it’d be a shame to cut things short before I’ve had a sampling of everything available.” She patted her belly as it let out a little whine.

As if she hadn’t taken up all available room in her gut already. She could fit a little more, surely… Even if she felt like her suit was liable to rip… Or her skin was… Hard to tell at this point. It was just so, so tight…

“Certainly!” Fischl assured her pointy-hatted friend. “‘T’would be a shame amongst shames to deprive you of at the very least a tasting of everything the Kaiserin hath delivered unto you. I willst proceed at a more relaxed pace, and thusly you will be able to consume a much higher quantity of this banquet than you would’ve otherwise.” Fischl looked proud of herself once she finished speaking, and deftly speared a slice of sweet chicken breast onto her fork.

“Mein Fraulein,” Oz started. “Means to say that she apologizes for stuffing you so quickly, and that she’ll go slower from now on.”

Fischl just let out a quiet “Hmph.” at her companion’s interjection, her blush darkening for a moment while she fed Mona the first bit of the entire, large roasted bird that sat before her.

And… Mmph!~ Without a doubt, this was the best iteration of the dish that Mona had ever tasted. A Monstadt staple, the Sweet Madame was–to be blunt–basically just an entire chicken that had been absolutely drowned in honey, then baked until the saccharinely sweet goop crusted over, giving the skin a delightful crunch and the meat an unusual–yet delicious–sweetness. Good Hunter’s version of the dish was usually pointed to when talking about the best of the best when it came to Sweet Madames. But this…

The spices, which gave it an edge of umami to compliment the sweetness, and even a touch of heat… The juiciness of the meat, and how sweet those juices were… Mona felt almost like she was eating a dessert made of meat! And somehow, that wasn’t disgusting. It was amazing.~ Good Hunter’s dish seemed mass-produced in comparison to this magnum opus of poultry.~

It took Mona a second to realize that she had gone from chomping up entire slices of breast, to eagerly gnawing sweet, juicy meat from the leg bones of the bird. Not because the different parts of the chicken were indiscernible–no, quite the opposite. It was because she was just so lost in the pleasure brought on by the taste of the Sweet Madame, mixed with Fischl’s free hand pressing down here and there all across Mona’s bloated orb as its owner put her tummy rubbing skills to good use. She must’ve had practice; no one was this skilled at anything without experience.

That just raised more questions… Had Fischl done this before? She’d been this skilled ever since the first time she’d laid hands on Mona’s then slightly bloated tum, so it wasn’t as if her skills had simply evolved over their dinners together. But… Who’s belly would she have rubbed? And for what reason did Mona feel a twinge of jealousy of all things when she thought about Fischl’s hands on another woman’s tummy?

Those questions burrowed further and further into the back of Mona’s mind as Fischl continued her feeding with the grace of a seasoned master. At… Belly rubbing? Whatever. Fischl’s new, slower approach seemed to be working out, as even though it had taken nearly double the time it would’ve before, Mona had still stripped nearly half of the bird clean of meat while still feeling like she could eat just a bit more. Her stomach had grown, sure, and her bodystocking was now starting to turn sheer as it was stretched to its limits. Honestly, if she’d known this was in her future, Mona wouldn’t have worn it today at all. But despite her belly’s growth, it just didn’t feel entirely sated yet… She was full, yes. But satisfied?

No way.

The feeling was odd. Mona didn’t even know she was capable of eating this much food–she’d figured any reasonable human being would’ve burst right open after consuming just half of what she already had. But odd things seemed to come in droves when in the vicinity of the illustrious Prinzessin of the Immernachtreich; though they rarely felt this good.~ This was something that Mona needed to investigate further, and she was fully intent on doing so. It was like she just wanted more and more… A longing within her; not fully contained in her stomach, though residing there in large part…

She shoved those thoughts back with the others for now. She had food to eat and rubs to receive, and she was keen on enjoying both to the absolute fullest-


The Sweet Madame was gone.

It was gone. Not vanished, obviously. The bones scattered about the platter it had once sat upon could clue any observers in on just what had happened to the magnificent dish. Even the vegetables were missing…

Mona’s hand flew to her stomach, and met resistance before she was expecting it. She looked down–

“Hah…~” And gasped at what she saw.

Mona’s belly was sitting heavily atop her thighs, the apex of her somewhat-pregnant looking swell reaching to just the halfway point between Mona’s broad pelvis and her knees. But that wasn’t the only obvious sign of growth; Mona’s bodysuit had begun to come apart. It hadn’t ripped yet, but patches of the overstretched fabric had turned completely sheer, looking like spots of white on an otherwise tan orb. Like some sort of cow-print ball that had been overinflated by someone with an Anemo Vision…

Could… Barbatos this was silly, but could Mona take it off somehow? Could she just… Step up out of her chair, strip herself of her clothes in front of the Prinzessin, and maybe preserve her poor bodystocking’s life?

… No, obviously she couldn’t. Even ignoring the fact that moving her hips even an inch made her stomach cramp up, she could never do something as barbaric as stripping in front of another woman. She was a woman of class, dang it! She’d just have to make the sacrifice… This bodysuit had served her well!

… And it wasn’t like she didn’t own others as well. When you have a total of two looks, you’ve got to keep your closet stocked with replacements. But aw, speaking of replacements, this would be a pain in the gut to replace… There was that new astrology book Mona had her eyes on, and she had already planned to splurge a little–like always–this coming payday…

Whatever. It was worth it. Watching Fischl’s smooth, talented hands do their thing all over her tum–while it was bigger than ever before–solidified that fact. And feeling them codified it.~ The look on her face too… Was it possible to be entirely in the zone, and bashfully enjoying yourself at the same time? Must’ve been, because that was precisely the look that Fischl was wearing.

Mona decided that it would be a good time to take a break. Her gut needed a little bit of a breather after she’d decided to shove an entire chicken into it. She’d never done anything like that before… Hooh, god… She threw her head over the back of her chair and licked her lips, putting a hand atop the uppermost curve of her tum. Thinking about how she had eaten the whole Sweet Madame was doing something to her.~ An entire formerly-living thing, packed nicely into her round, gleefully gurgling gut… Save for the head, bones and organs, of course. Once again, Mona was not a barbarian. Though, honestly, the thought of getting a little savage and swallowing an entire chicken did sound a little…~

Goodness.~ This was just so strange, but so appealing at the same time! Mona almost never let herself loose enough to enjoy things like this, so exploring such a new, exciting feeling like this was just precious to her. And to be able to share it with Fischl…

… Well, that was sort of a strange thought. Fischl had always been the one to feed Mona such huge amounts in the first place. Why did the fact that she was around matter so much…?

“I can’t believe I ate so much.~” Mona admitted, elated with herself and feeling somewhat giddy, shockingly enough. “I feel so huge… Um, forgive me for speaking strangely, but I have to admit…” Her head tilted down, her eyes catching a glimpse of Fischl recoiling for a moment. Mona watched with joy as those wonderful little talented hands danced in a circle around her navel. “... This feels amazing.~ Just what is it though? I’ve been trying to figure it out for a while now, but it just isn’t coming to me… Your mother seemed to imply- Urph~ -t-that you have some experience with this…' Mona gestured to her stomach, and it rumbled as if its name had just been called. “Sort of thing. I don’t mean to pry, but,” Mona looked up to find Fischl…

… Wait, Fischl… Her eye was watering… Plus, Fischl’s entire face was blood red. And it was… Well… Sort of close…

Mona felt the girl’s breath on her skin, and her cheeks went the same color as her friend’s. The way she was looking at her… Fischl’s eyelid was fluttering, her long lashes catching some of the light from above and shimmering, her lips switching from pursed to puffing out short little huffs of air and back again. Had her lips always looked this… Plump?

Oz fluttered off of Fischl’s shoulder as the girl sat up straight, her hands still on Mona’s tum, though their movements ceased… Then, she began to get closer…

Mona took a sharp breath. What was happening?  Fischl- She was getting kind of c-close. Too close? God, why did she look so beautiful? Wuh- Why was Mona thinking of her friend that way?! Was this related to those strange, pleasant feelings?

Mona didn’t recoil. She didn’t flinch. She didn’t pull away. She was… Going to let this happen. Whatever this was. Mona hadn’t blinked since it started, and yet Fischl couldn’t stop. She was so close… Her hands were grasping onto her belly so hard that they nearly pushed out another belch as she grew closer and closer…

When she was mere inches away from Mona’s face, Fischl’s lips stayed open–puffing out short little breaths every second. She shut her eyes tight, both women’s chests rapidly rising and falling, before…

“Well, you two seem to be enjoying yourselves!”

Fischl’s mother finally returned, at just the right time to send daggers shooting through both Mona and Fischl’s chests.

Shocked, both girls did their best to spring into acting natural, with Fischl quickly rubbing at Mona’s cheek with her thumb–as if the reason she’d gotten so close was to wipe away a stain–before turning back to the table and frantically looking for something–anything–to shove down Mona’s gullet and alleviate some of the awkwardness. Mona, for her part, couldn’t do much to play off what had happened. Her stomach was holding her in place for the most part, so whenever she tried to move she was swiftly rewarded with an upset gurgling, then a burp and a creak as her bodysuit tried desperately to keep itself from-


… Yeah… That…

After Mona turned away from Fischl and her mother, one of the spots of tightness in her stocking decided that it had been put through enough. It tore wide open, creating a circular tear in Mona’s clothing, which her glutted tummy gleefully pooched right out of. Three more tore open right after, and when all was said and done, Mona was left with four spots on her hot tummy that felt some cooling refreshment at a hefty wardrobe price.

Amalie simply retook her seat, a pleased smile on her face as she wiped her pruned hands against her skirt. “Don’t let me get in your way, girls. You can keep on with whatever it was you were doing, I don’t mind.”

As if! Mona didn’t know that she had the willpower to go through that again, let alone while she was watching. Still, she wouldn’t be rude about it. She’d just lie instead.

“Pardon me, Amalie, but I believe we already have.” She spoke with a composure that her heated cheeks betrayed. “It’s as you saw, your daughter was simply cleaning my face after a bit of sauce spattered onto it. You’ll have to excuse- BWOURP!~ e-excuse me! Um, yes. You’ll have to forgive me, but I fear my manners faltered a bit. These things tend to happen when you… Eat so much good food.~” Mona gave her stomach a series of slow pats, feeling its contents slosh about. They still had the room to, even with her feeling as tight as she did…

Amalie started to respond, but Fischl erupted before she could even begin.

“Y-You- What were you doing for so long?!” She demanded, still looking over the table in a frenzy whenever her eyes weren’t darting to either her mother or–more rarely–Mona. Her eyebrows curled whenever she glanced at the latter, as if she were embarrassed… “D-Doth it truly require so much time to rinse a few dishes?” She calmed herself a little, taking deep breaths and trying to keep her tears from falling.

Amalie cringed. “Ooh, I’m sorry honey… But yes. It’s not like we have a Hydro Vision, and you know how slow the sinks can be, since most of the water goes to that dang fountain. Plus, the foods those plates held aren’t all too easy to clean off…” She clasped her hands and laid them atop the table. “Sorry, dear… Should I have just kept quiet until-”

“N-No. It’s fine.” Fischl said, smiling though her eye was still watering. Come to think of it, it had been when she and Mona almost… W-Well, it had been then too. So maybe it wasn’t because she was upset? Mona hoped it wasn’t… “The Prinzessin of the Immernachtreich hath a solemn duty to fulfill, and she dost intend to see it through!” Her voice was a little shaky–not sounding quite as triumphant as Fischl had probably intended it. But Mona was still astounded by the finesse with which Fischl was able to pull herself together; she always had been.

… Alright, that astonishment kinda faded a little when Fischl transmogrified into a shy puppy as soon as she turned Mona’s direction.

Mona just smiled back, trying her best to mimic Amalie's gentle emotion and cocking her head to draw the Prinzessin’s attention.

“H-Hey. I don’t know about you, but I think that rice bowl is smelling quite wonderful right about now…~” She licked her lips and gave the circular bits of sensitive, tender, hot flesh pooching through the holes in her bodysuit a few little rubs right as the glutted sphere gurgled loudly. Nice support, tummy.~

Fischl sprung up at the mention of Mona eating more food, then looked back to the table with a muffled squeak. The expressions on her face perfectly conveyed what was running through her head–Mona thought. “Is she seriously ok with eating more? After that?" A shocked face with trembling lips seemed to say. "Ooh, I bet she hates me now…" Her slumped shoulders and falling gaze spoke too. "No! Can’t think that way! Gotta keep going!” Hehe…~ The way she perked right back up with those puffed up cheeks and a determined curl to her brow made Mona's heart flutter.~

Fischl eventually pulled the bowl of rice and braised meat over–with a little nudging assistance from Amalie. But even as the first bite of wonderfully thin, melt-in-your-mouth beef landed on her tongue, Mona’s thoughts remained elsewhere…

That was almost a kiss. Fischl was going to kiss her. And what’s more… Mona was going to let it happen. She found herself a little sad that it didn’t!

Just what had come over the two of them? They were friends! Had Amalie put something in this food? An aphrodisiac, perhaps? Hmph, Mona had never missed Sucrose more than she did right in that moment… But no, that couldn’t be it. That was silly; if that were it, Mona would’ve been the one to instigate, not Fischl. She was the one with pounds and pounds of food stewing in her gut, after all…

No… It must’ve been that feeling. That gut feeling–the pounding in her chest, the feeling of lightheadedness that Mona had been feeling for a while now. The one she’d always sort of felt when Fischl was around, but intensified when her hands were upon her…

It must've gotten to them. Infected them, made them reckless and all disoriented–out of sorts. After all, there was no possible way that Mona would ever want to kiss Fischl normally.

Even if she did think she was beautiful in the moment… And her mind kept on going back to the times that Fischl had supported her, even when no one else would… The fact that she had felt this way before when Fischl was around…

No. No, no. This line of thinking was absolutely out of line. There was nothing more to what had happened; she and Fischl had merely gotten caught up in the moment, their desires being spurned on by the intense feeling both of them shared. Mona didn't need to waste time thinking about what it "Meant;" it didn't mean anything.

… So she could stop blushing any time now. Please.

  • -

M-Mona was… A-About to pop…~

Three pots of stew, so many fried skewers of meat, rice bowls, an entire chicken, multiple small pies, a whole mini-cauldron of fondue practically poured down her gullet once the bruschetta and harra fruit slices ran out… And Barbatos, so much more… So much that Mona couldn’t even remember it all! She somehow even forgot about the cold cuts until she belched and tasted their delicious flavor on the back of her tongue…~

The only thing that remained to be eaten was a pie… A whole pie. Not a pot pie, not a savory pie. An entire, normal sized pie that Fischl’s mother had just finished, and that had been sitting on a windowsill to cool the entire time that Mona had been eating. And eating. And eating.~

The results of all that eating were plain to see. Mona’s gut–for it could hardly be called a stomach anymore–sat heavily between her thick thighs. She’d had to spread them a while ago after the heft of her belly became too much for them to comfortably bear, and so it now rested between her legs. A perfectly round, gurgling, churning chime-filled orb that managed to reach a bit over halfway to Mona’s knees–its apex lightly brushing against the edge of the table. It was strangely appealing to think about it actually reaching as far as her patella.~

And honestly, if not for the last strands of her bodystocking holding it back, it might’ve gotten it close.

The garment had mostly shredded itself by the time Mona was finished with the fondue. But it was too stubborn to just outright give in. A long strip of the velvety fabric remained across the equator of the astrologer’s gut-globe, refusing to snap and finally let Mona’s belly breathe. The level of tightness she felt because of that stupid thing… It honestly felt like she was gonna rip in half.~ And it was annoying how tantalizing that idea seemed!

She was still confused about what was happening to her–what had almost happened between Fischl and her. It had something to do with her libido. She knew that much. But, unfortunately… Though it pained her to admit it, Mona had always been painfully out of touch with her emotions. The fact that it took her this long to identify what she was feeling as some sort of lust would’ve been embarrassing had she not internalized it so thoroughly. She was rather good at that sort of thing, as it turned out.

There was more to it though. She was certain. It got worse when Fischl touched her–her stomach particularly, though it still happened no matter where she was touched. It seemed to intensify a bit even when Fischl so much as looked her way with that gemlike, sparkling, gorgeous green eye of hers…

And she couldn’t stop thinking in those sorts of ways either! Focusing in on bits of Fischl’s appearance or personality–things she’d done in the past that had stuck with Mona like the stupid, god forsaken, ruined bodysuit had!

Ugh! She tugged on it, trying in vain to loosen the fabric that somehow managed to dig into her drum-tight, aching, pink-tinged flesh. It was just so frustrating; Mona felt like she hadn’t drawn a proper full breath in hours! Granted, that was probably just as due to her overengorged stomach crushing her lungs as it was her bodysuit constricting it… But something had to give, and Mona obviously preferred the option that left her stomach in one piece.

“Wouldst thou like some shears to open the floodgates, Lady Megistus?” Fischl asked, sitting primly, though her smooth hands rubbed anxiously at her thighs, eager to get back to work.

“N- OURP!~ -N-No.” Ah, yes. That was another issue that being so large wrought. Mona could not stop burping as her stomach begrudgingly churned away at its haul. “I… Forgive me, Prinzessin, bu- uuh-UuUHOURH!~ -but I don’t want any… Sharp objects nearby at the moment.” Mona’s voice came out in huffs–the best she could do with her breathing so restricted. It was the truth though; Mona had even scooted the empty plates that had held knives out of reach just in case. Absurd paranoia, but it never hurt to be on the side of caution when dealing with such…


… Delicate processes.

“Well… If that indeed be the case, then in what sort of manner dost thee desire for me to divy up the pie?” Fischl stood with her hands at her hips, flicking her head to force a pigtail out of her face. That was alright with Mona. She didn’t wanna miss a second of that rosy blush she was wearing.~ “Ye canst intend to say thou willst be consuming the Kaiserin’s final dish out of the tin itself, nor with thine bare hands…” She paused, her eye growing wider. “... C-Can you?”

Mona hadn’t intended that. She was going to instruct Fischl to simply scoot the pie away and then cut it into slices…

… But how could she resist such a downright mesmerizing idea?~

Mona simply smiled a smug smile, then pulled the pie closer, took up her knife and fork… And began carving into the pie. Not dividing it, cutting chunks out of it and ferrying them right up to her waiting–grinning–lips.

Amalie gave a smirk in return, then a few muffled, entertained-sounding chuckles through her closed lips. Fischl’s mother hadn’t been very talkative for a while now–instead just sitting back and watching as Mona ate away, and her daughter–very sheepishly–rubbed all that food into place inside Mona’s tum like some sort of jumbled up puzzle being loudly sorted.

For her part, Amalie’s daughter had never fully recovered from their little interrupted episode. To be fair, Mona hadn’t either, but Fischl was still kinda shaken about it. She’d look at her mother out of the corner of her eye every now and again when rubbing Mona’s gut, and it honestly felt like she was holding back now compared to her passionate, skillful deep-tissue rubs from before. Whatever was going on, it was still bothering her. And that meant it was still bothering Mona.

But she’d push on, of course. The eating, the tummy, it was all helping both of them get through whatever this was. Although, it did intensify the lusty feeling, of course… A truer double-edged sword, Mona had never known.

“I-Incorrigible. Inconceivable. I simply cannot believe your gall at times, Lady Megistus.” Fischl’s arms moved to cross in front of her modest chest, and she looked away with a “Hmph!” and a puffing of her cheeks. Mona figured she was more upset at not getting to feed her than anything.

My gall? Fishy, if I am not mistaken, this pie is mine and- Guh-OoOuRph…~ -mine alone. I see no reason to eat it all cut up when I can simply cut through it at my own pace.~” Mona turned up her nose as she finished, plopping another piece of pie on her tongue with a raised pinky. You know, like a proper lady. Yeah right; a proper pregnant lady, maybe…

Fischl’s eye went wide and the redness on her cheeks darkened… Before she took the bait Mona had cast out like a true “Fishy” would.~ Blushing like mad and huffing puffs of breath out her nose, she swiped the fork right out of Mona’s hand before she could go in for another bite and retook her seat.

“It’s… ‘T-Tis mine duty to see you filled, Archmage.” Fischl grumbled, her eye shooting from the pie to Mona’s eyes and back again. “And as I said, I intend to see it through.” Her eyebrows twitched, serving as a distraction as her free hand found the lower half of Mona’s tum underneath the table and began to rub it with the same kind of guile she had before the incident. Aah.~ Fischl scooted a little closer, and Mona’s breath hitched for a moment before she realized she wasn’t going in for the same sort of thing as before. “P-Please don’t use that name in front of mom.” She whispered, voice higher in pitch and sounding utterly pitiful. It was enough to make Mona’s heart melt.~

Mona nodded, but was unable to speak–first because of a moan she had to muffle, then because of a mouthful of pie. She chewed through that–delighting in the sweet taste of a medley of fruits and custard all blended together and baked atop an irresistible salty-sweet crust–then another bite. So much for slow and steady.

Fischl was just too riled up to slow down at all. She had a fire in her wary eye that showed in how eagerly she attended to Mona’s overstretched gut, like a caged beast trying to rebel by taking light swipes at its captors. Testing the waters, but trying to avoid punishment as well.

Honestly… It was sort of sad. Fischl had been so full of bravado in their earlier feedings, sticking to her little roleplay without issue and taking pride in how much she was able to feed Mona. Now, with Mona’s gut larger than ever before, she was acting all downtrodden? Was her mother really that bad? That sweet-seeming, beautiful lady? Or was it just the idea of getting all intimate in front of her mother? Mona could certainly understand that…

… But what if Fischl didn’t have to be the one getting intimate?

The realization struck her like a bolt of lightning. Yes, that was perfect!~ It would solve every last problem they were facing at the same time! Or, well, at least unveil their roots.

Mona smirked as she chewed through another bite of pie–these were large bites as well, the tactic Fischl employed before having been entirely thrown out the window–and princess blondie started to shy away from her for a moment. She didn’t, obviously; Mona’s tum was just too alluring for her to back away from for even a moment if her internal anxieties and holdups didn’t get in the way. Instead, she just switched to staring holes into Mona with a slightly worried look, instead of her adopted proud/stubborn mix.

Mona then scooted closer… Or, well, she tried to. She sort of had something weighing her down at the moment, so her scoots came off more as… A bouncing. Her perfectly adequate chest rippled a bit with each “Scootch,” her hips ineffectively shimmying side to side. But no; no matter what, she just couldn’t get herself–or her chair, an even more foolish errand–to budge in the slightest.

“W-What art thou doing?” Fischl said, her hand still firmly planted on the surface of Mona’s gut as it sloshed with her bouncing movements. Mona could actually feel the slurry in her guts glunking around, and Fischl’s hand sort of stilling the orb’s contents–giving her tum just enough support to keep her from getting nauseous. Mona chose to believe she knew what she was doing by keeping her hand still, instead of continuing to rub and upsetting the churning ocean inside even further. So courteous and attentive, her Prinzessin.~

“”Oh?” Mona said, before stopping to belch into her fist. “Why, I’m simply trying to make things easier on you, your majesty.~” Mona’s sentence finished with a sweetness even bolder than the lingering taste of pie on the back of her tongue, and her eyes went half-lidded. Not from tiredness, though she could feel a fatigue coming on from all those calories being dissolved into nutrients inside her overblown belly. No, this look was a more… Saccharine thing.~

Fischl–seemingly uncertain on how to react to Mona’s sudden, apparent mood-swing–simply raised another forkful of pie to Mona’s lips. This one appeared to carry even more pie than usual. Mona figured that in Fischl’s flustered state, she didn’t really pay much attention to how much of the salty-sweet treat she had forked up. But instead of opening up, Mona first wrapped her hand around Fischl’s wrist, her thumb gently rubbing the back of her hand–from knuckles to wrist, again and again. Then, after allowing a smile just as gentle as Amalie’s persistent one to appear on her lips, Mona sent the forkful through them and released Fischl’s wrist.

The infallible Prinzessin suddenly jerked her hand away after Mona released her, pulling it to her chest and cupping her wrist with her other hand–leaving Mona’s tum alone for the first time in what felt like forever, but had probably only been a few minutes.

“W-Whatever was that f-for-” Fischl blurted out, before stuttering to a stop as Mona suddenly swallowed hard–audibly–and flicked the fork back into the pie tin–which was a little over half-empty now.

And boy… Was Mona feeling it.~

Both her hands flew to her stomach as that mouthful of pie settled atop the mountainous form of everything else the astrologist had consumed over the past who-knew-how-many hours. She could feel her stomach stretch in order to accommodate it, and along with it, the last remaining strand of her bodysuit–feeling like it may either snap or bisect her at any moment…

… And thus, it was time.~

Mona sighed dreamily and sat back, her tummy heavily glunking and groaning as her insides refused to move with her outsides. Afterwards, she gave her stomach a few. Slow. Pats. And took delight in just how solid her belly was. She could tell Fischl did as well–her eye was locked onto the unmoving globe she’d helped engorge into such a succulent state. Regardless of all else, she and her mother really had done a fantastic job of filling Mona to the brim.~

“Oh my, oh my…” Mona spoke, and Fischl’s gaze instantly snapped up to look her in the eyes. “It was all just so good… But I don’t know if I can eat anymore. My, I feel as if I could just… Well…~” She groaned in time with her tum, running a hand over its side in a single circular motion. She could see the shiver that sent running up Fischl’s spine.~ “Won’t you… Assist your poor, engorged Archmage, Prinzessin Fishy?~

Fischl’s breath died in her throat, and she broke into a cough that caused all color except red to drain from her face. Even after she regained her breathing, the redness stayed behind.

“W-What has gotten into you?” Fischl grumble-whispered, sending her gaze between Mona and her mother once more. Amalie was now sitting with her arms crossed, face looking a good deal more serious. Mona could’ve done without seeing that and feeling that little tingle of anxiety in her spine… But she was set in this. She would settle things between the two of them, and figure out just what was happening.

So, she simply waited. While keeping her half-lidded eyes peering into Fischl’s wide open peeper. And giving her belly a few slow rubs and pats while it gently–and not so gently–gurgled away…

Fischl broke almost instantly. She took up the fork and dug into the pie with shaking hands, making sure to get a big chunk before she was finished. The hunk she carved up looked as if it’d slip off the silverware at any moment–nearly as big as half a slice of the pie would’ve been.

That… Would most certainly do the trick.~

Mona waited, feeling her heart thump against her ribcage. Was she really about to do this?

Yes. She was. No hesitation. The grand Astrologist Mona Megistus was above such trivial things as anxiety. Though her trembling hands could’ve used a reminder of that. No matter, she simply flattened them against her stomach, and used the turgid mound to brace them. And herself…

When the forkful neared her mouth, Mona again reached out and took Fischl by the wrist. Only, this time, Fischl tried to pull away. It was a miracle that the chunk of pie didn’t slide off.

“N-No, come on! What is this? What are you- Ah!” Mona cut Fischl off, suddenly pulling the smaller woman over–using up what little strength her digestive system hadn’t sapped away to do so. Fischl shuddered, little whines and half-words coming from her trembling lips, and her eyebrows curling upwards as her trim abdomen was forced against the rumbling mound of chime that sat between Mona’s legs.

Mona just smiled. Winked. Then sank the entire chunk of pie into her mouth. Just from feeling it push out against her cheeks, she could tell this would be more than enough. Which made it just perfect.~

She chewed once… Twice… Then took a deep breath. This was it. The last moment of her life before she figured out some things that had the potential to change it pretty heavily. For better or worse. In… Sickness or in health… You may…

“D-Don’t choke…” Fischl whispered, and Mona felt her heart melt at her concern.

Then, Mona suddenly pulled Fischl upwards, a surprised gasp flying from her mouth, then a sharp one as her blush suddenly darkened tenfold as she realized what was happening a split second before it occurred.

Their lips met. Fischl's were still trembling, even while pressed against Mona's. Heavens, Mona never assumed they were this pillowy from simply looking at them… Their stomachs pressed together, their hearts thumping in their chests while Mona’s stomach thundered. Mona’s eyes were shut tight, a shudder passing over her as she wondered if this was a mistake. Fischl’s eye was wide, and the Prinzessin seemed frozen–though her face was anything but icy. Mona's hand moved upwards, lacing her fingers through the gaps between Fischl’s and squeezing tight. Finally, Fischl began to lean into the kiss, her lush lips opening to finally accept Mona's passionate gift.

Then, after a silent moment, without interruption, the two separated.

And Fischl swallowed her half of the pie-chunk at the same time Mona did. Then her tears finally fell as a creak filled the air.


Mona’s gut tore through the last strand of her bodysuit, exploding outward and slamming against the edge of the table with enough force to rattle the empty dishes sitting atop it. She moaned, her own blush worsening for a multitude of reasons. She stared down at her tum, using it as an excuse to keep her gaze away from the woman she had just rudely-

“Hm… Heh… Hehehe!~”

A laugh sounded from beside Mona, and she whipped her head over to look at Fischl.

She found her bawling, smiling, a giddy laugh bursting from her lips as she wiped her eyes with the palms of her hands.

Then a clapping filled the air, startling Mona for a second and causing her to belch into her closed mouth. Amalie had stood from the table, and she was giving a round of applause, along with–shockingly–a bit of a blush herself. She cocked her hip to the side, clasped her hands together and put them to her chest.

“Congratulations, honey.” She said to her daughter, who continued to giggle, even as she started sniffling.

Mona felt stunned for a moment. Then it all clicked, and she felt her cheeks burning bright.

Then she joined in Fischl’s laughter.


… With a few belches getting in the way. Her tummy had to give its own opinion as well, after all.

  • -

Fischl… Was happy.

She still couldn’t believe what had happened earlier that day. She’d finally, actually managed to get a smooch from Mona? It almost didn’t matter that the whole thing had happened in front of her mother, and that she hadn’t been the one to initiate it in the first place. How could she have, after her mama so rudely interrupted them earlier?

Didn’t matter. Especially after what her mom had said afterwards. Not only had she been planning to get the two of them together, Fischl’s mom had sought to do so by taking advantage of Fischl’s kink! Gosh, it was so embarrassing to hear her bring up how she’d figured out her daughter’s fetish after she found Fischl stuffing pastries down into an already glutted gut all those years ago, and Mona’s reaction–as if a grand mystery in a novel had just been pieced together in her mind, or perhaps her stomach–hardly made things any easier to cope with. At the end of it all, Fischl didn’t know whether to resent her mother, or thank her for how things had turned out.

Both she and Mona had spent some time alone in the dining room–Fischl’s mom having decided to graciously give the two some time to themselves after what had occurred between them, and even giving them permission to sleep in the same room, much to Fischl’s continued flusteredness–and while Fischl still attended to Mona’s upset tummy, nothing of a spicier variety happened as the two remained seated at the table. Partially because Mona was much too tired–glutted–to move at that point, much less engage in any… More strenuous activities.

It took a while, but after some good time spent rubbing, patting and… W-Well, slapping all of that food into shape inside Mona, the astrologist was finally feeling ready enough to try moving to a more comfortable space. She’d never fit the chair she was seated at in the first place, and that issue only became more apparent as the calorie bomb brewing in her belly grew larger and larger. She needed somewhere appropriate to gurgle all of that away in comfort.

And so–after a good amount of huffing, puffing, sucking in, and groaning from both girls and one rather angry belly–Fischl finally managed to pull Mona to her feet. She stumbled for a moment, and nearly bumped her wrecking ball of a stomach right into the Prinzessin before finally finding her footing.

Seeing Mona standing upright in her current state… It was like something out of Fischl’s wildest dreams. Her stomach was so huge–so stuffed Fischl would’ve thought it impossible, had the grand globe not been right before her eyes. Er, eye. Whatever. Her belly hung low on her frame, with a lot of the food she’d ingested having digested enough to move out of her stomach proper, and proceed further along the digestive system. Not to say the orb was uneven by any means; simply that–much like Mona herself–it was a little… Bottom heavy.

The bodysuit Mona always wore had been ruptured, ripped to ribbons around the might of her grandiose swell. The leotard itself wasn’t fairing much better, with Mona’s tummy sticking out of the gap left by her ruined bodysuit so far that it gave the visage of the slit in the abdomen of her leotard being a portal around the base of Mona’s gut, which the roaring behemoth gratefully jutted right out of. It would be stretched beyond belief after this, Fischl was certain of that. For her part, Mona simply belched, though she made no attempt to cover it up after learning that Fischl enjoyed those as well. Instead of going to her lips, the astrologist’s hands moved to the small of her back, using them to brace herself as her belly forced her poor back into an arch.

“Shall we- GOURPH!~ -go?” Mona muttered, her eyes half-lidded for the second time that day.

The thought of their destination made Fishy- F-Fischl, DAMN IT-

Ahem. It made Fischl’s cheeks burn. Surprise surprise.

It was her room. Mona wanted to sleep her haul off here, at Fischl’s house. Not her own. It made sense; wasn’t like walking all the way home would’ve been an easy task with her eyes trying to close on their own, and her tummy being roughly half her body weight. Plus, Fischl would’ve been lying if she said she didn’t want to spend all night cuddled up against that warm tum she’d grown after emptying all those plates…~

The only problem was that Fischl’s house had two stories. And Fischl’s room was upstairs.

So as they turned the corner out of the dining room, hand-in-hand–with Fischl quickly pulling Mona past the second, smaller, less dusty “Eating contest champion” plaque that decorated her home’s halls–their eyes locked onto the horrid challenge that awaited them. More terrible than a band of Hillichurls, more intimidating than Barbatos himself was said to be.

The stairs.

Fischl gulped, and Mona sighed, running a hand in a circle over the side of her tum as it voiced its disagreement at what it was about to be put through.

“Apologies for this. I promise that I will personally clean up any… Accidents that occur along the way.” Fischl said, her eye shooting down towards Mona’s middle as she uttered the word “Accident.” She really hoped it wouldn’t come to that… For both their sakes.

And so… Their ascent began. Fischl stepped up first, and, with Mona’s hand still firmly grasped within her own, she gently began to tug the heavy woman upwards. Mona began to lift her leg and take the first step of many, when-


HRK!~ N-No, not happening.” Mona put her hand to her lips, then waved it in the air for a moment as the air around the two grew humid. Then, in a flashing splash of water, the two were instantly teleported up the stairs.

“... I forgot you could do that.” Fischl said, idly kicking her leg while the water at their feet dissolved into nothingness.

“It can be very useful at times. Now, please… Before gravity tears my stomach open, let us get to bed.” She smiled, despite the rather dire words she’d just spoken. Such a hard book to read, that Archmage.

Fischl wasted no time, and in mere–yet obviously strenuous–moments, the door to her room was flung open. And… Fischl was very, very grateful that it had gotten dark outside. She didn’t know if she could survive Mona seeing her room in the state it was currently in after the day she’d had, to be honest. That probably would’ve finished her off right then and there.

She carefully led Mona through the dark, taking note of how Mona’s footsteps came slower and slower as they made their way through the bedroom. The sloshing from her chime-filled insides was much louder than some creaking floorboards, however… Even Fischl’s mother probably could’ve heard Mona’s tum, from wherever she currently was. Hard to keep track of, that lady.

When they finally reached the bed, Mona took off her hat and sat it on the bedside table, then she showed no hesitation in simply slumping down onto it–though the force with which her rump hit the mattress caused both the springs to heavily creak, and a belch to rocket out of her mouth. Afterwards, she sighed again–this one sounding a good deal more relieved than annoyed–and carefully lowered herself onto her side.

With her eyes adjusting to the dark, Fischl could make out Mona’s outline as she lay in her bed. Her bed. Goodness…~ The woman she adored so much looked shockingly like an expectant mother, with her perfectly round stomach taking up a good amount of space in the bed on its own and weighing heavily into the mattress. Mona’s hand lying atop the heaving, gurgling mound only served to reinforce this illusion of grand gravidity.

A moment passed by, before Mona used an arm to raise her head and gaze up at Fischl–though her stomach didn’t move an inch, of course.

“Well? You put this in me…” Mona whispered in the dark, her voice sort of mumbled and dream-like. “... So now you should take care of me. Take… Responsibility…” She yawned after finishing, and lowered her head back onto her pillow. Then she moved the hand atop her gut to the empty space behind her on the bed, and gave it a pat.

The scene shocked Fischl out of her trance-like state of just observing Mona’s gluttonous glory, and she quickly moved to do as Mona suggested. She had indeed done this to her–in both direct and roundabout ways. So why shouldn’t she take responsibility? It was the correct thing for a Prinzessin to do, after all. T’would be rude to deny her bounty’s comfort at its own request…~

Fischl climbed in bed, hesitated for a moment… Then scooted next to Mona, slotting herself into the nooks that Mona’s posture created for her, and sliding her arm over to lie atop Mona’s, still rubbing at her taut tummy.

… Only to have Mona chuckle to herself, then roll over all at once.

The resulting collision of gut against trim tummy knocked the wind right out of Fischl, though she found herself giggling at Mona’s trick after regaining her composure. Though there was a tear in her eye, still. It might’ve been funny, but a metric ton of tum smashing into you was rather painful no matter how you took it…

“You should really learn to be more direct, Amy…” Mona said, wrapping her fingers around Fischl’s wrist like she’d done before. Fischl could feel her blush creeping in yet again at Mona’s words, and at the gesture of the astrologist’s soft fingers curling around her wrist, remembering what had come afterwards earlier. Though Mona simply dragged Fischl’s hand to her tum this time, letting her rub it head-on as it softly grumbled against Fischl’s slim stomach. “It would make things a lot easier.” Mona paused, a gurgle building up within her.


Fischl blushed. Mona’s gassiness had been amazing to witness all day long, but up close and personal like this–their faces so near to one another that Fischl could feel the expelled gas on her cheek as it fired up from Mona’s churning digestive furnace… Barbatos save her.~

Mona was blushing too–as Fischl could see though the dark, now that her eyes had adjusted. However, she could also hear the muffled giggling coming from her Archmage- t-the Archmage’s lips.

“Apologies. It’s just so hard to keep things like that in as a proper lady should when… Well, you know exactly how much I’ve got in here. You’re the one who shoved it all in, after all.~” Mona smiled down at Fischl, her hands now at the sides of her belly now that Fischl’s hands were moving on their own. The Prinzessin hadn’t even noticed…

She did notice Mona’s words, however. Her breathing deepened for a moment–because of both Mona’s teasing, and the fact that her heavy gut was currently trying to crush every last one of Fischl’s ribs in the most sexy way imaginable–and a pitiful little whimper escaped her shuddering lips. Then a distressed moan after she realized that awkward little sound had actually escaped.

Mona watched each and every little bit of Fischl’s squirming with delight, a smile just as soft as Fischl’s mother’s stretching her lips into a slight upward curl while a chuckle rumbled out in time with another from her over-satisfied stomach.

“Goodness. You really do like… This, don’t you?” Mona gently poked her index fingers into the sides of her tum, and the stretched skin hardly gave an inch. Fischl couldn’t look away the entire time, even though she feared for a moment that the last bit of extra added pressure might just light the fuse of Mona’s belly-bomb…

The girl simply nodded slowly. No point in trying to hide it after everything else that had happened earlier that day. And what a day it had been…

“I see.” Mona’s hands continued rubbing her belly as she spoke, dutifully attending to the top and bottommost curves of her aching tum. “Well… I can’t say I entirely understand it. Yet. But I… I must admit that there is indeed something rather compelling to be found within the roaring depths of such… Such a glutted gut.~” Fischl squirmed under her once again, her whimpers turning to sharp giggles

… Then Fischl felt a peck on her lips, silencing her laughter.

That was right. Something had happened earlier. Something Fischl couldn’t ignore. They weren’t just friends anymore. Or… Were they? It would be rather rude to just presume that it had been more than a moment of passion. Lust boiling over. But then… Why was Mona pushing further now? Teasing her? Kissing her again?

No, it was much too late to think about things like that right now. She just needed to ride the night out, and whatever came with it. If that included more kisses… Then Fischl would take them all. After all, it wasn’t like Mona would be going anywhere with a tum like that. She’d likely still be pinned in place by the time the sun came up. Fischl could get her answers then. And… Maybe, if she’d digested a little in the night… Perhaps she could persuade her mother to bring Mona a breakfast in bed.~

“I do feel sort of awkward, though. It took me far too long to realize your true intentions for bringing me over.” She cleared her throat, and Fischl’s lips were already moving to work up an apology for her selfish acts. However, Mona spoke first. ‘So. I would propose… Tomorrow, after I’ve had a bit of time to… Work through some things,” She said with a coy laugh, rubbing her gut a little more vigorously. “That you and I take a bit of a tour through every last one of Mondstadt’s famous eateries. I did spot those medals on the walls after all, and your mother’s words have been hanging in the back of my mind for some time now.” She leaned closer, pressing her belly more firmly into Fischl’s body and forcing a subtle grunt out of her. “It would seem you and your family enjoy seeing your own bellies swell up, not just others’... And I’d like to find out if I feel the same way.~ Plus, I feel it’s only right for me to repay you for the food.”

Had Fischl died? Did she have a heart attack when Mona kissed her earlier? Had Mona exploded earlier in the day, and had the blast taken Fischl with her? Was Mona really talking about eating more? Not at the moment, of course. But Fischl had expected her to dread even the thought of food by now, not to start making plans for tomorrow’s lunch…

“What a glutton…” Fischl thought, smiling like a fool.

… Why was Mona looking at her like that?

“... My lady, you do realize you said that out loud, correct?”

Fischl took a sharp breath, then began coughing. Mona hurriedly pulled herself off of the struggling Prinzessin with no small amount of effort. “I-I am so sorry! I-I didn’t-!”

Another kiss silenced Fischl’s panic before it could truly begin, followed by Mona’s full weight slamming back down upon her and forcing both women to bounce against the bed’s creaking springs.

They held that way for some time. Kissing, moaning, breathing each other’s breaths, feeling their hearts beat together… Feeling her gurgles tickling Fischl’s stomach through her bodysuit’s fabric.~

Finally the kiss broke–seconds before Fischl’s ribs felt like they were going to–and Mona used her cape to wipe the spit from her lips, commenting about how “Gross” that was with a chuckle.

Then Mona burped. “I needed that.” She refused to elaborate on what “That” was. “And I’m sure you didn’t mind it either.~”

“I did not.” Fischl tried her best to slip back into her princessly persona, though how long it’d last was entirely up for debate. “I must say, it was… Rather… Er… S-Stimulating…” She cracked immediately, breaking into a laugh and pushing herself up through the weight of Mona’s stewing feast in order to give her a quick peck on the lips. “I’m not good at keeping it up at times like this.”

“Phrasing, my lady.” Oz chirped from his spot atop Mona’s pointy hat.

“Oh!” Mona jolted, the motion causing her to roll off of Fischl and land on the bed with a thud–the impact forcing Fischl’s entire body up into the air an inch or two for a second. “Oz, for the love of- You frightened the-Bworp!-life out of me!” Mona pouted, belching another time or two, then sliding her arms underneath her tum to try and calm its agitated protests. “Where have you been, anyways?”

“Oh, I was with mein Fraulein. I simply didn’t wish to interject. She has been hoping for something like this to happen for some time now, after all.” Fischl thought the bird’s voice sounded almost pleased, oddly. And for some reason, she couldn’t get the impression that he had something to do with the feast her mother had abruptly prepared out of the blue…

Fischl didn’t try and rebuff his explanation, however. There was simply no point to denying something that was so obviously true. It’d be like saying that Fischl didn’t want to keep rubbing Mona, or that she didn’t wish their kisses could’ve gone on… Just a little longer…

“My. Seems I need to repay you for putting up with my ignorance as well.” Mona shifted in the bed, scooting closer to Fischl as she yawned. “I’ll have to try my best to make as much room in here as I can before tomorrow…~” She patted her stomach after she finished, drawing out another burp from a gas pocket deep within. Then, she…

… She wrapped her arm around Fischl… Pulled her close…

Fischl turned to face Mona, her hands immediately going back to that giant tummy between the two of them as if on instinct. Mona simply rolled her eyes and gave a gentle laugh in response.

“Whatever this was… I…” Fischl swallowed, trying to work up the courage to finish. “I don’t want it to mess anything up, okay? If it needs to be… W-We could just say we got a little too worked up. I brought you over, and my crazy, former competitive eater mom forcefed you until you were about to pop.”

Mona yawned again, her eyes closing. The food coma must've been moving in for the kill, finally.

“No. Whatever this was… That wasn’t it. Whatever we want it to be… That’s something we’ll both have to figure out. And we’ve got roughly four entire restaurants-worth of time to do that.~” She gave a muffled chuckle, which trailed off into silence as her smile finally, slowly began to fade from her lips, and her breathing grew heavier…

Fischl just laid there for a while, rubbing Mona’s tummy while she slept, and thinking about what she’d said… It was true. They did have time. And Fischl… Fischl was going to make the most of it. It may have been a while since she’d eaten a massive amount in one sitting–especially at four different restaurants–but she could do it! She’d show Mona she was serious. About… Whatever this was. Or would turn into. She knew what she wanted it to turn into, at least…

Just… Hold on, tummy…


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