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Hey, everyone. For quite a while I have had the anime footage in the corner, in addition to showing the subs at the bottom of the screen, for my patron requested reactions. I started doing that because I figured that they would be safe from manual copyright take downs, because they were not currently airing shows. So far I've been right on that, but the problem isn't the manual take downs, it's the automatic ones. I used to be able to fool the copyright detection system pretty easily a year ago. The problem is the automatic copyright detection has gotten more and more difficult to fool to the point where putting "Senraikai" three times in front of the mirrored and transparent anime footage isn't even a guarantee. Not only that, I periodically get emails telling me that random videos I uploaded months ago are suddenly blocked worldwide. I've decided that it's not worth dealing with that nightmare just for the sake of showing some audio-less, heavily covered up, anime footage. As a result, future videos will be the same format as for my currently airing show reactions. Subs + Timer only. I'm sorry to any people disappointed by this, but on the bright side, you don't have to worry as much about random videos getting taken down.



Also continued support from now on, please with confidence


I'll always believe in you!!