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  • turnaround walk cycle.mp4
  • turnaround still.mp4




This is the announcement I mentioned before, I am tackling 3d animations and introducing animation rewards to Patreon. I have never animated before, the .gif above is my first shitty attempt at it, I will try harder when I make real NSFW animations next :v )
I have worked on this Soraka model for many months now, as it is my first attempt at making a 3D model. I made everything from scratch, except the rigging as I almost broke down trying to learn it.
Rigging done by @CaptainFlapcats
And special thanks to @DogZeela for helping me along the journey

And here are some personal comments to answer some potential questions:
- I am not ditching 2D works, though the output may reduce to make time for 3D works.
- I want to make 1-3 min long animations with sounds, final animations will be released for Tier 1, as it is the "final product tier", I have no idea how long will it take to produce these animations, but it will definitely be scuff at the beginning, I trust I will get better at it.
- Tier 3 will get short progress-update-render animations along the way, at a more frequent paste.
--- All reward changes probably aren't finalized until start of 2024 ---
- I plan on making a few Soraka solo animations first, get more comfortable, before making more models.
- The current models plan is Soraka > Lillia > Neeko > Alice(MGQ) > ?
- Anything different from the way I draw Soraka in my 2D works, cock size, missing thick veins, style difference, all boils down to my lack of 3D skill, I will definitely come back and improve the model when I feel ready to.

- I posted shitty .gif above, .mp4 available below.
vvv If you have any questions, ask me in the comments vvv



Ron Sogers

I am excited to see you take this journy


what the fuck? ok this is AMAZING, this ontop of your fantastic art? I love you man lmao!


and yes she is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! you did a fantastic job!