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Hi guys,

I know you've noticed a decrease in my Patreon posts and progress this month. I'm going through some extremely hard time since the end of March. I was sick for about a week, during my Mexico Guest trip till I got back and lost my voice.

After my Vietnam trip I've fallen into a deep state of depression. I've only been lying on my bed, eating nothing and doing nothing for the time I do not have to work. After a con there I was targeted and bullied for simply "standing out", not fitting the eyes of many female cosplayers. People have been trying to put me down with false rumor because of my Patreon/ ero cos, cyber-bullying and such, and I am having a very hard time dealing with it, or this depression in general.

All will pass, I just need a bit of time to allow myself a break and recover. I'm very sorry for the slow update and I will do my best to deliver better soon as I could.

Thank you guys so much for supporting me, idk what I'd do without you.



take care hana ❤


I wish you well, and hope you feel better


You have my support! Try not to give any attention to the haters. You do you. Do what will make you happy. That's all. Wish you the best!


It always baffles me how shitty people can be for other for no reason but please take all the time you need to recover. Sending good vibes your way!


It's alright Hana take your time to recover. We will support you and if you need anyone to talk to, your supports here will definitely be open to do so., whether it be here or facebook.


They're just jealous of how cool and awesome you are!


Stay strong Hana, you have my support, just do what makes you happy, whenever I feel hatred towards me I repeat one thing, "They hate us cause they anus (ain't us)" and there's nothing with laying in bed and doing nothing once in a while, you work hard enough as it is


Please Take care of yourself. Remember there are lots of people out there who love and appreciate you. The bullies are just jealous of your confidence and beauty.


keep doing what you love hana, we support you in every way we can ♡


You have my support and do what makes you happy. Ignore theses other hatters, they have nothing better to do than to pick on others.


Take all the time you need. Just remember we are always here for you and will support you always. Plus we can take care of anyone you need us to hehe. Remember that it is always better to happy being you then trying to make others happy by fitting a certain mold. Plus we all like things that stand our and are unique!


there are jelous people in everywhere


First than anything, ur health is important, way more than us i would say hehehehe, so take ur time and get well soon!!!


Depression is a particularly malicious thing. Take as much time as you need to sort things out. We'll be here.

Terry Howard

Please be sure to take good care of yourself. They'll get over themselves eventually.


Your well being is more important :) Do what you need to take care of yourself and I hope for the best for you!


I wish you nothing but the best and you will always have my support. Take as much time as you need.


We all love and support you! If some people are putting you down, it's because THEY ARE ASSHOLES! YOU ARE AWESOME! Don't be sad! You are loved by all of us, and so many more that you don't even realize! <3 <3 <3


Take your time Hana!! The haters can't understand how awesome and beautiful you are!! I, aling with all your fans, are behind you every step of the way!!


People resort to that when they can't find something bad about you. So keep on keepin' on! XD


You have my support, always.


You don't know me from Adam, but know there are plenty of people who respect YOU, and WHAT you do, without reservation. Difference of opinion aside anyone who would attack you personally is someone you shouldn't have to deal with. If you ever come down to Houston I would gladly introduce you to anyone I know and you have an open invitation to a group sushi outing or afternoon Tapioca Tea. Texas welcomes you.


Take care. :)


Take Care, health (both physically and mentally) comes first, so never worry about not progressing with the content first, just after everything else is alright. We will support you either way.


Don't Be afraid to seek help, sometimes you need to even if you don't wanna do it. Take care of yourself out there


Do what you have to do, and thank you for staying in contact with your Patrons! We appreciate the transparency Hana!


giving out a like as a sign of support :) . do something different and interesting if you feel up to it. best of luck and hope you feel better soon!


aw that sounds like a really awful experience :(. take your time, you'll continue to have my support!


Before anything else, your own being and health are, and must be, the most important things for yourself. Take all the time you need to recover properly, until you really feel better, without pressure. You don't need to force/rush yourself to deliver new content if you're having those kind of problems. Remember that your own wellbeing comes first. We will always suport you, no matter what.


Your health first ;) . Best wishes!


Be strong and I always support you in any situation!!!


I hope you recover soon hana we will be waiting for you


take care hana <3 we will always be here for u > .


Take care hana your health comes first and siempre te apoyare cuidate


I hope things get better soon, the haters mean nothing <3


Take care Hana, people can be really mean when it comes to not fitting in certain groups.


Been out of the loop for a little while had no idea of all your recent troubles... Doesn't mean i care any less and hoping you will get through this as quickly as possible Of course i will continue to support you for life do whatever you need to do be back to Happy Hana =) As far as im concerned anyone that wants to hurt you can go fk themselves. If I can do anything that helps cheer you up please don't hesitate to ask


Too bad you've been sick. I'm from Mexico and how bad it was where you got sick 😋. Hope you are better. And for the set Patreon do not worry😉. Greetings.👋


It's hard to give a "like" to something like this knowing how you are. Miss Hana, if you're through a hard time, take all the time you need to recover, even if for that you need to stay away of the internet; personally, i'll continue to support you, without commitments, don't preasure yourself with new content; and remember, you have a lot of followers and supporters, always there will be haters, but you only need to support you on the pople that love you and us hehe Hope the best for you, all the good vibes and positive energy, and a big virtual hug :)