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Hi guys! I know I updated it on social medias but I wanted to update you here today now that I can sit up and type a little. My health has been declining and I've recently undergone surgery. The operation was around 4 days ago and I'm still in a lot of pain and limited from what I can do. Sets are all ready to be sent out this month so please do not worry about that. However, preview for next month's sets will be a little late as I can't shoot then until my wounds have healed. I'll do my best to keep them being released in a timely manner though! Thank you so much for understanding!



Taking care of yourself is always Priority #1!! Here's to a speedy recovery!!!


Please do not stress yourself! Take your time as health is the most important thing. I hope you get better soon. ❤️

Chris Poindexter

Sorry to hear about your health! Glad you are now ❤️‍🩹 recovering. Wish you a speedy recovery and feel better soon!


Take care of yourself and wish you a speedy recovery.


Sorry to hear that, hope you get to feeling better soon.


Take care


Take care and rest more

rafael B

thanks you for informations us... i m very worried.. i hope you can better soon... please take care of you...kisses

Kenshin Himura

No problem , take your time , take care Bunny get well soon! 🤗🤗


hope you get better soon, stay safe and be well xx


get well soon, hana


Your health is more important than anything else. Prioritize yourself. Get better!