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Hi guys, I have a sad news and good news. Sad news is that since I will be guesting this weekend I will not be able to send out April reward till April 2 or 3 when I fly back! So sorry for the inconvenience!

Good news is I am guesting at Anime Matsuri Convention in Houston Texas from March 29 to April 1, and if you're going or around the area we can definitely meet up and hang out! Please come out and check the website for my schedule I hope to see you guys there!




Yaaaaayyyy!!!! I'm hoping I get to see you!!! I really hope I don't chicken out or faint.....or something else way embarrassing. Lol *gulp*


Please be very careful there, Hana.


I cant wait for AMsee you there.


It's ok Hana, just enjoy the event....


Have fun! Hopefully one day I can go to a meet up!


Enjoy your time down here! you are gonna be here at the perfect time, before it's 90+ all day every day


I have two sad news.


happy weekend

Andrew Kranak

I would stop by your booth if I was anywhere near there. Have a great time.


See you in Guadalajara <3

Joshua Rook Bensan

I just pledged today on March 31st for tier 1. Will I get the tier one set for march. Also have fun also finally now getting the chance to pledge to my fave artist and creators. Keep up the good work


if I can move on with my Patreon I'm sure I'll be at this event next year😍


Crap I just started and I'm not going to be able to make it and I'm in texas