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Hi guys! Just thought I'd give you an update:

I've now sent out all postcards and prints for September if you have your address updated. If you're international however these things might take a maximum 1 month to arrive!

I will be working on sending out October prints and postcards when the month ends. HOWEVER! If you pledged for the print Tier for both Sept and Oct you will see 2 prints in your mailbox.

I will finish the rest of August's FS and body FS this week (I wasn't able to due to my 1 week having my period but it's ending ;A;)

+ Why I've been delayed:

- The wildfire spread from Sonoma has affected us greatly and delayed most processes for those living in those areas including me.

- I am fighting against domestic abuse and HOPEFULLY, I will be able to move out of my abusive family sometimes at the end of this year, skipping through my birthday, christmas and new year to do so if I must.

+ The perks:

- A new place will mean more privacy and faster photo-shoot and work environment since I will not have to mind anyone to set up studio in the house, etc...

- Less depression and more motivation to work.

- Hopefully no more suicidal thoughts.

- A bright and cheerful bunny.

I am typing this with tears in my eyes waiting for one of the new apartments to call me back to move in. I just want you guys to know that, thanks to you and your support, I finally have enough money to move out of the abusive household that was killing me both mentally and physically for the past 10+ years.

Thank you, thank you all so much.. 



Get em fam u got my support

Christophe Perrin

I don't even know what to say. Please be safe and dont worry about us.


It's great to hear that you'll be getting out of that situation Hana! We're all here for you. Hope the call backs for the apartments come soon!


I really hope everything works out we are here for you!

Morgan Jacobs

I'm glad to hear that you're progressing towards a better situation! I hope the transition goes smoothly!


Hope everything works out in the end. I am as well currently in progress of trying to save up to move away from my family, that fire at Sonoma was massive, thank god you came out without any damage from that fire.


Cant believe you have to live in that situation! Be patient and everything will be alright and you’ll have your own place ❤️


Really hope everything works out in the end, it really sucks to have to read you're going through this, stay strong Hana


I hope everything goes as planned. I’m happy you are getting out of there. You have my support!


Glad to hear will be able to leave that situation soon, cheer up you have my support 🙋🏻‍♂️

Aidan Barwick

It's good to hear that you are getting out of the situation you are in ,just remember we will always be here if you need help with anything


Glad to hear you will be moving out. Sending good vibes your way!


We got your back so don’t give up


Happy to support you in your time of need! Stay cheerful bunny ❤❤


Glad you're able to leave an abusive household. Some aren't so lucky. Best of luck!


Depression is kill everyone. It’s good that you can go out from torture environment. Hope you better soon. cheer up,bunny


You have nothing but love and respect from me. Abusive relationships are all the worse when they are within the family. I know California is an expensive place to live. If you ever wanted to move elsewhere I know I am not alone in being more than happy to help you find a safe and affordable domicile. If you ever need anything or just want to vent feel free to DM. No one should have to face those kinds of trials and tribulations alone.


If there is anything we as patrons can do to help I'm sure there are some of us willing to lend a helping hand. I have good friends out in Cali that would make the trip to help you move and so on and so forth. Stay strong Hana 👊❤ you've got my support.


😰 I had hoped it had stopped by now and they had accepted you for your cosplaying, I'm very sorry to hear it is still happening. I hope you hear back positively about the apartment very soon. I know just shutting it all off seems like the easier solution, but please don't commit suicide, many people will be very sad if that makes any difference for you, besides then that means no more bubble tea. You know we will always support you as best we can. If you ever just feel like chatting about anything, because sometimes it feels nice to talk about the stuff bothering you we will all listen and just get it all off your chest and hopefully feel some stress melt away, we will all chat with you


Since I just became a Patron, I had no idea!! :( :(. That upsets me so much!! You deserve a healthy and safe environment!! Lots of love and support to you! Be safe and do what makes you happy!!


I hope it all becomes better for you. Depression is rough. Hang in there!


Glad to hear you are able to get yourself out of the situation. You have us here so don't ever feel like your alone. I have knack for being a good listener so my ears are always here for you if you ever just want to vent about life. Cheers!!


Be the strong girl, strong Bunny.


I sincerely hope that you'll be able to overcome this soon. Stay strong and hang in there. :)


It's really sad to read all you have been through but I'm very happy that you are starting to overcome the difficulties! Please, cheer up, your future will be so much better! We love you and will always support you =) The sun shines brighter after the storm!

Levi Rabakku

I will always support you, :)


Be strong Hana. Dont let the world get to you. We are all here to support you. Keep up the good work.


I here with you Hana Bunny


Thank you so much guys you're so much more than I can ever ask for.


Looks like some ppl just can't accept things, which sucks for sure. Glad to hear there's progress and you're moving out soon though! Stay headstrong chica, sending you positive vibes! xd


I'm glad that you will be able to get yourself out of this situation here soon so you can have a place to call your own home. I'll still support you and continue to stay strong :) Love you and your cosplays Hana :)

Mike Schutzstaffel

Life is always hard, that's why you must stay strong and positive. Find a passive hobby such as reading online novels. That always brighten my day. ╰(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)━☆゚.*・。゚

Debot Mekan

Pretty Bunny, I'm glad good things are coming your way and that I contributed to that even though my support is minimal. I thank you for your work, LOVE IT always. : ] Hang in there. I know what is like to feel like sh!t. It can only get better with every step.


Refueling we will support you. not because of bad mood affect you enjoy life.


Hold your chin up and smil.e A great future is ahead of you


Hello Hana! I want to let you know that I was in the same exact situation a few month ago so I know how you feel and if you ever feel like talking to me or need emotional support you are welcome to message me anytime, as I lived through this too. I wish you the best ! Be strong, you can do this :)


Hope all goes well!!! Kick butt!!


Hi love! I'd love to be friends! Can I add you on facebook or any other place?


Sure thing ! I sent you a message on Instagram cause I wasn't sure you would see this comment, I can add you on Facebook too if you want ^^

Dedrick Lockridge

Sorry to hear on what ya goin through. I do hope that all will get better for ya. Best of luck to ya, my friend. If ya ever need a friend to talk to ya, I'm all ears (or all eyes may be the better choice of words). Either way, I have faith you'll make the best of life.

Chris Luong

Stay strong lady. We're all here to support each other. If you need anything just holler.


I am so sorry that you are going through so much! But so glad that things are gonna get so much better for you. Your happiness and well-being is always a priority! Wishing you the best!! ❤❤


Hang in there, it will be over soon. :)


Stay strong my friend

John Bazan

Oh my gosh...Hana I never knew it was so bad...if you can’t please please find a trusted friend to stay with. Take a break from all this if you need to. We’ll understand and be here whenever you return if need be. Unless doing this is what truly helps. Basically do what you must to find the silver lining in life. I am so sorry you have to go through such awful things. But life usually gets worse before it gets better. You just need time and go surround yourself with the people who love you. I love you Hana. Please take good care of yourself.


I am not one to say a lot, but stay strong Hana, keep fighting. As long as you keep your drive to keep moving forward, you will make it. Never be afraid to ask for help if you need it too. Just remeber nobody accomplishes anything alone, there is always someone helping.


Hope you go through all this process well :)


Hang in there, Hana. We all have our problems IRL, but wishing you the best, i know you're a strong, lovely girl. ;)