Important announcement about May art rewards! (Patreon)
So hey guys just need to make an announcement that I have come to the decision that this upcoming May I will be pausing rewards, this means you will not be charged for May but you will still get the benefits of Jack O' little (First dibs on commission slots (plus a 20% discount), early access to WIPs and finals, and speed drawing videos/updates)
If you are curious to my reasons it comes down to the COVID situation has been getting rough, Many of my family members are essential workers so I tend to help pick up the slack to take care of kids and pets, so I am not able to be home a lot so it's making me have to slow down some work which I am just barely almost caught up with and I don't wanna lose my head start. And the other reason is this May will be mine and my brother's first birthday without my dad and a few other family members sadly so I'm taking time to deal with that and try to let myself work and cope.
I hope this isn't too much of a disappointment for you guys. and if you have any questions feel free to send me a message~!