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A gentle tug at Ghast with a wish to see her, was all it took for her to immediately sent a feeling of contentment, and agreement, back to him.

There was a feeling of “soon” attached to it that didn’t have a discernible time-frame. Whatever was happening with her was still ongoing in some way.

Her Qi wasn’t dipping or draining away.

Seating himself down in the middle of a private room in the Hall, Ash had to smother a smile. There were a number of Brides wandering about the Hall at any time now.

All of them were being transmitted by Locke whenever needed. The fact that she didn’t have to be close to him had opened up a great many possibilities.

Though he did miss her being near.

“Aww… I miss you too,”purred Locke.

I look forward to making you a mom.

The extreme response from Locke of need, yearning, and absolute fear came back at him like a thunder-clap. Followed by Locke giggling excitedly suddenly being choked off into a groan.

“I hate you.”

I love you, Locke Sheng. Forgive me for teasing you. I can’t help it. You’re a lot of fun to poke at.

It’s why you like to tease me when you have the opportunity yourself, isn’t that right?

“I love you, too, dear. So much. You’re right, teasing you is fun so I can’t really fault you in return. It’s just… I don’t know why I want a kid so bad. I don’t really get it, but I want one.”

Ash looked to Xiuying who was currently setting up to start making medicine in the corner of the room. Hui who was actively cultivating here in the Hall. She had a pile of Sheng Stones next to her which she planned on actively cultivating into herself, and discharging her own Qi into the Hall.

Outside the door he could see a number of Brides reading books, having a meal, or generally lounging around.

This is why we need the Bridal Manse. They need a place to call their own that doesn’t need you or I to transmit them here.

“Agreed. Okay, I’m going to go quiet. Council time! I’m a leading member now. I let Jia and Mei talk me into it.”

Chunhua entered the room, closed the door behind herself, and then sat down right there. She pulled up a book put it in her lap and began reading.

Taking the cue for what it was, Ash closed his eyes, entered his Dao, then traced it out to Liu.

Whom he found instantly and quickly worked to ensconce him in her own Dao. A reflection of his that fit perfectly whenever he came to see her.

“Master Sheng, your Bride welcomes you,” Liu said aloud even as Ash found himself looking out at the world through her eyes.

Somehow, he was actively here with her now.

Liu was walking down a hall toward what felt like an exit.

“Welcome to the new Sheng Alliance headquarters,” she murmured as she walked around a corner. Then she reached a door and opened it.

Laid out in front of him was the royal city itself.

The palace that Ju and Hu lived in was in clear view to one side and within the grounds that Liu was currently in. Wherever this was, it was shared with the royal family, though they were on a lower terrace.

Which was correct given the laws of the emperor and the realm lord.

On those green grounds were countless men and women training. He had no idea where they got their abilities or cultivation techniques but each and every person was actively cultivating in some form.

He mentally put it down as something to look into.

“Master Gen has provided us with endless techniques,” Liu affirmed as she began moving again. This time toward the royal palace. “Everyone is judges per our guidelines and tools and the best suitable abilities are given to them.

“They understand that there is the distinct possibility this will change if they ever come to serve you directly as a Bride or a Brother.”

“Oh, that’s good. Glad to hear the Brothers are working out,” Ash murmured. “Though we do have a new group. The Knights of Sheng. I’ll have to get that creation process handed over to you when we meet back up.

“It’s for non-cultivators. Turns them into living weapons.”

“I’m excited to hear more. Though I must move quickly and guide our conversation. I was told to immediately seek out the royal family and Gen upon your arrival,” Liu apologized. She reached up and adjusted something on her chest and glanced down.

It was a golden badge that just about glowed with Qi. There was no ignoring it.

“It’s to let them know you’re with me currently,” answered Liu. Clearly more aware of his thoughts than he realized. “A somewhat uncommon occurrence, yet very notable.”

He hoped she hadn’t realized when he noticed her rather lovely figure as she looked down. As of late Ash was very aware of all the women around him.

“Thank you. I am of course, your Bride,” allowed Liu with a pleased tone. Indicating she’d clearly heard his thoughts.

Anyone they came across immediately provided Liu with a deep martial salute. Their heads tipping down over their hands and their eyes widening.

They all seemed to be aware of the badge Liu had mentioned Ash assumed given their deference.

Liu quickly strode through a number of areas filled with people training, though he didn’t see any uniformed Brides.

“They’re all training in wild lands. There’s a mountain range not far filled with beasts,” Liu answered once more. “Senior Brides are guiding and instructing them. Insuring the those who wish to join, survive. It’s also a good way to weed out those who are more suitable for the Alliance, than the Brides or Brothers.”

Idly, Ash had a thought that they all looked so normal to him.

Mundane, even.

People he would have seen in the city and sect without thinking anything of it.

I wonder if it’s because I’m not there anymore.

My Fated One pull doesn’t work as strongly anymore. The ranks aren’t filled with beautiful and, or, well endowed women.

Its always been somewhat unnerving how I seem to pull all the beautiful ones around behind me. Including you, Liu.

Liu chuckled but said nothing. He could tell she was pleased with his comment though.

Walking up to the doors of the royal palace she didn’t even pause. The guards simply opened the door for her and held it so.

In through the atrium and straight to the receiving hall.

Only to move to the side and into the back portions of the palace.

Guards opened the doors for her as she went as if she weren’t just expected but well known around here.

Moving into yet another room, Ash was surprised to find Ju, Hu, and Gen all sitting around a table. It was clear that they were all quite familiar with one another and looked to be enjoying some type of board game and lunch.

“Oh, good afternoon L— Ash is with you?” Ju asked and just about bounced out of her seat. Moving over to Liu that somewhat attractive princess was smiling.

“Yes. He’s come for a visit,” Liu murmured.

“Hello everyone. Master Gen, Brother Hu, wife Ju. A pleasure to see you all,” Ash said, to which Liu stated in a deeper voice. “Nothing really going on here, other than we might have found a portal for us to use to get back home. We’ll be working toward that goal. No idea on timeline.”

“That’s good,” Gen said with a slow nod of his head. He leaned back and looked to Liu. Then he glanced over to Hu and Ju. “Would you two like to go first?”

“Ah, thank you uncle Gen,” Hu said with a warm laugh. Ju nodded her head at that, escorting Liu over to take a seat. “Brother, all is well here. My kingdom is stable. The Sheng Alliance has provided us with a great deal of reassurance.

“Uncle Gen has been very kind to us as well. It’s been a true pleasure to be working with family all the way around.”

Gen laughed at that, one hand idly stroking his short white beard. He looked rather pleased with the situation all in all.

“Yes, it’s been most pleasant working with family. Though I regret sending all my poor girls off to prison as soon as they grow strong,” complained Gen with a bitter sigh.

Ju and Hu both looked frustrated at that but nodded their heads.

“We’re glad you checked in, despite us not really having news,” Ju said quickly. “Very glad. My… our pregnancy is going very well. No issues so far.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” Ashley murmured. He was still unnerved about her being pregnant but he didn’t regret it either.

Hu and Ju turned to look to Gen. It appeared that really was everything they had.

“The cultivator world is of course, the cultivator world,” Gen began, his brow creasing. “It is no worse than when you left, though not much better. A cultivator’s life is one made of bones and blood. Mostly of others. Sometimes of friends.

“Though I have made sure that everyone understands harming citizens is unacceptable and the quickest way to get my ire. That or bothering the Sheng Alliance. I will be the first to admit that I favor my family.

“After all, they gave me all my greatest achievements.”

“Did you get to splash a realm lord amulet around in Bao Jade’s blood?” Ash asked intuitively. He knew for a fact that Gen lived to abuse his enemies.

Bao had betrayed him deeply.

“Yes. Yes I did,” Gen said with a dark chuckle. “Ahh, you see? This is why my family is my family. My dear boy knew exactly what I’d already done.

“Ah, I personally have nothing to say beyond that. Other than that you’re missed, Ashley.

“Oh! Your parents are fine before you ask. I have dinner with them every third-day of the week. Your sister is doing well, too.”

“Thank you for letting me know,” said Ash with a smile. He still wanted to talk to Liu privately, but he realized this would be more of a chit-chat session.

Catch up and bond.

“Oh, Master Gen. Are you still seeing Mistress Zha?” Ash asked.

“I am, actually. She’s the sect master now. The Jade vault was also able to be opened. The sect is in a much better state now,” Gen allowed with a chuckle.

“You should let Zha know that her worries need no longer exist for her family member,” Ash offered with some careful consideration of his words.

Just because he didn’t care for Ju, didn’t mean he could talk about other women around her.

“Ah, that’s good news. I’ll be sure to let her know,” Gen murmured with another chuckle. “My boy seems to ever worry for me and my life. How lovely my golden years have become.”


Liu moved out to a deck and put her hands behind her back. Looking out to the training that was still ongoing.

“Thank you, Ashley,” Liu whispered. “I owe you very much, you know.”

“It’s fine. I’m glad to have met you. I regret I won’t be seeing you any time soon. At least not until I can get down to your realm or fix what was done to you,” apologized Ash. “I have some ideas on how to reverse it already, you know. I’m working on it.”

Laughing, Liu shook her head, then let out a slow breath.

“Ahhh, my Husband ever cares,” she said after a moment.

“I do. Now… Liu, I wanted to talk to you because I need a favor from you.”

“Anything. Name it.”

“I want you to all collect as much Qi as you can for a time. I need the extra Qi sent my way through the chain,” Ash asked. “Also, if there are any Brides who haven’t pledged, have them pledge. I’ll put a chain to them.”

“Ah… yes. We were wondering what caused the chains. That makes sense that they’re tied to the chains. The constant Qi-flow has been quite empowering for the Brides.

“I’ll have a pledge festival occur along with a massive accumlator session for a few days. Maybe make some sort of monthly celebration of it. Sheng Alliance day or something.”

“I mean… you’re the Sheng Alliance leader in the lower realm, Liu. You are my voice, my hands, and my will,” Ash pointed out. “I can feel your Dao as a shadow of my own. I know you feel momentum in the same way I do.

“I know for a fact you can feel it whenever I even think about you as your personal momentum speeds up. You can see yourself in the greater whole, as well as the whole.”

“I… yes, Ashley. I know it,” Liu whispered as if afraid to speak it loudly. “I don’t regret my life. I know you regret what you did to me, but I don’t. I live because of you, so I live for you.”

“Yes. I know, Liu. Now… thank you for taking time out for me,” began Ash, thinking of how to excuse himself. “I need to get back to prison life. Just give your Dao a knock real hard if you need to talk to me. When should we expect the next group of Brides? Or Brothers?”

“Two weeks is the next prison opening for our realm. Gen will be holding it and sending around a hundred Brides through and three-hundred Brothers.”

“Holy shit,” Ash blurted out.

“We are recruiting across the realm, now. Gen helps us recruit. The king helps us recruit.

“In every sect, every city, every wayward backwater village. A Bride and Brother are everywhere. We serve the Realm Lord and the King, they help us recruit more to serve. It’s symbiotic and valuable,” explained Liu with a laugh. “Many will forever remain here as they lack the talent or abilities, however. Those who aren’t suitable to be with a Fated One.”

Ash nodded at that, then sighed.

“Bye for now, Liu,” Ash said and broke away from her.

As he fell back into his own body, he realized he was laid out in a bed.

Hui was pushed up against the back of his body, her hands pressed into his and cultivating endlessly. Her face pressed into his spine.

She was fast asleep.

He opened his eyes and stretched partially.

Only to find himself face to face with Xiuying.

“Oh, hello,” Xiuying whispered, crouched down in front of him. Her smile was wide and her eyes fastened to his face. “How’re you, Husband?”

Ash opened his mouth and felt his tongue stick to the roof of his mouth.

“I thought you might be thirsty,” Xiuying proclaimed and lifted a glass of water from somewhere. It even had a straw which she popped into his mouth. “I also made you a nice little recovery pill. It’s nothing big, but it should help you shake off whatever happened to you.

“You just looked so stiff and uncomfortable. Oh, Chunhua left the Hall to go speak with the City-Lord. She felt it would be good to warn him about the fact that Ghast was coming at some point.”

“Actually, I think she’s already on the way. I’ve been monitoring that link you have with her. She sent several bursts of Qi with… something I couldn’t catch attached to it.

“I didn’t want to disturb you, but it seemed out of the ordinary.”

Drinking the water as he listened, Ash then reached out for his link with Ghast.

Qi was pushing toward him from her in a slow but steady amount.

There wasn’t any emotion tied to it at the moment, but he felt as if she was indeed closing the distance to him. That she was coming as he’d requested of her.

Her Qi-Sea was filled still with his Qi. He could feel it acutely.

She seemed almost like a balloon filled to the point of bursting, in fact. That any and all Qi she gathered was being shunted to him.

Xiuying was still grinning at him as he drank.

After a few more heavy swallows she gently pulled the cup away and then held up a pill. It looked like a small white-disk.

“Here you go. Be a good Husband and listen to your Bride,” teased Xiuying who gently thumbed his lower lip down and then pushed the pill under his tongue. “Keep it under there. It tastes nice. Like oranges. I have no idea why!”

“You really are Fortune’s Chosen, aren’t you?” Ash asked.

“So I’ve been told my whole life! Now… is there anything else I can get you?” Xiuying asked and began to gently stroke his hair back from his fair.

It was such a warm-hearted gesture that it left Ash feeling somewhat odd.

Many women touched him.

Few if any touched him in such a caring way. It reminded him of his first girlfriend who had been very affectionate.

“What’re you offering?” he asked suddenly.

“Anything. Everything,” replied Xiuying, still smiling.

“Keep petting me?” asked Ash feeling stupid.

“I can do that easily and… maybe I’m just being silly, but I’m feeling lucky that you could get a nice long nap in. I might even join you after a short time. I’m at a really good part in this book I’m reading and don’t want to stop.”

Sitting down at the edge of the bed, Xiuying got comfortable and just set to smoothing Ash’s hair back. At the same time she pulled a book out from somewhere and began reading it.

Before he even realized it, Ash fell asleep.

A full sleep that left him deep in his own mind without an edge of concern to it.

For the first time, in a long time.


Kyle Stitt

The old one has returned!

Chioke Nelson

Ngl the fortunes chosen girl still creeps me out lol Yue was best girl for the longest and I kinda want to see that situation resolved before I'm going to be comfortable with the new girl