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Locke collapsed into the couch, groaned, and then leaned into the arm of it. Her breathing wasn’t very steady and she was still somewhat red faced.

Ash had been eager to get her into the bed and hadn’t let her out of it for a time. He had no regrets of what he did to her, or with her.

Sitting down in a recliner, he found the living room of the hall was becoming a go-to place for him.

“Ashley… I love you… it always leaves me breathless,” she groaned, shifted around on the couch, then went limp. “I’m not complaining… but maybe give me a break next time?”

Siu casually moved past Ash and lightly brushed a finger across the crown of his head as she did. Sitting down in the couch, she opened a fan and began to lightly flutter it.

“He most certainly will not,” purred the seductress, glancing at Locke, before turning her eyes back to Ash. “That was… wonderful… for my Dao and my cultivation.”

Her tribulation had appeared instantly after Ash had finished inside of Locke during the first round. Though it’d appeared in the realm, rather than the Hall.

Locke had casually stolen it from there and put it where-ever it was that she took tribulations apart at.

“Alright, so… Locke, you’ve gone through my memories and all,” Ash murmured. She nodded her head at that. “My Dao is… acting up. Acting up in a way that doesn’t feel normal.

“It hasn’t done anything problematic so far, but it is acting on it’s own and without input. Is this just kinda what I was thinking and-and it’ll go away on it’s own? Or is it more than that and I need to actually do something about it.”

“Need to do something,” Locke mumbled, peering at him through slitted eyes. With a grunt, the beautiful woman lifted a hand and gently thumped it against Siu in what looked like complaint. “Your Dao, both Dantians, and Qi-Sea, are somewhat at odds with one another.

“Part of it is how everyone views you. How all the Brides see you. How you see yourself, as well. It’s all come together and some things don’t fit.”

“Ah… I see. The middle-Dantian is forming. Like what Mei told me,” Ash summarized.

“Almost entirely formed, in fact,” Locke added with a chuckle. “Still has some way to go, but not much.”

“But… I didn’t… when? When did that all happen?” asked Ash. He was genuinely surprised. His impression of the middle-Dantian was that it would form with a great deal of active thought, cultivation, and planned meditation on the subject.

“When Bride Li, died,” offered Locke in a soft voice. “When she died, you acted. You acted in a way that was based in what you wanted to be how it was viewed.

“You wanted to become their pillar of strength and protect them, even as they carry out work in your name. To take control and make it so that they could do their job with the minimum amount of risk.”

Ash couldn’t argue that point. Not at any level.

Nor did he want to, either.

He knew Brides would die.

They were a combat group in a world of Cultivators. Losses were guaranteed.

Promised, even.

To Ash though, every death would be painful and his goal was to eliminate them whenever possible. He couldn’t stop them, but he could minimize them.

“So, you formalized a lot of your desires of what you would be in that moment,” offered Locke with a shrug of her shoulders. “The Brides responded and now see you as you wish to be seen. As you see yourself.

“On top of that, you truly see them as your Brides. While they have a time-limit on how long they can be in the Brides, I can guarantee that most will immediately re-enlist.

“There is no limit to how many times they can rejoin, just how long they can serve for a period.

“I think that’s a good thing long term. It’ll help progressing ideas, strategies, and policies. To test ourselves eternally with new ideas.

“Anyways, they are your Brides. You defend them, you mourn them. Your little chain-extravaganza only made that ever more the belief.

“Your Dao of momentum views the Brides as -your- momentum. It’s why your Dao and their pledges reinforce one another. They grow stronger through the strength of their pledge and you do in return as well.”

With a shake of his head, Ash really didn’t know what to say to that.

“The sky is high, and the birds are free. You should listen to the will of the heavens. It seems grand and impossible to you, but not to the realms,” Siu remarked with a laugh. “Ashley… as a Bride… this all makes perfect sense to me. I’m very glad to be here.

“I never would have made it halfway through being a Spirit Refiner. Yet… I’m… an Empowered Mortal. At the peak of it! I’m… I’m going to be an Enlightened Mortal soon and I just-just had a tribulation.”

The beautiful Siu laughed, snapped her fan shut, and leaned forward.

Ash only now noticed that she’d unbuttoned her Bride uniform and a great expanse of her skin was on display.

Looking away, Ash found he wanted something to distract himself. Anything, in fact. Siu and Locke had a strange power over him.

He regretted not bringing Hub along. His small mouse-golem that almost always remained in his workshop back in Wahst.

“On top of all that, you’ve finally balanced your Yin and Yang,” Locke murmured and then closed her eyes. “You weren’t leaning into your Yang energy as much as you were your Yin energy.

“Given your Dao and mentality, it’s no wonder you were so deep into Yin energy and thinking. Now… now you’re moving forward. Active.

“Yet you still let things flow and slow down as needed. You’re balanced.

“That would also be why your ah… libido… is now fully active. You’re so balanced that you can afford to engage in pure Yang energy and corner me in a bed. Just to let your Yin energy flow in afterward and show me kindness, care, and let things slow down.”

“Well, that’s good, I guess,” grumbled Ash. Reaching out he summoned up an artifact he had wanted to look into but just hadn’t had the time to do so.

In a flash it appeared in front of him.

It just happened to be in Xiuying’s hands.

“Oh! Hello Husband,” laughed the bright eyed woman. She stuck the artifact down on the coffee table, eased Ash back in his seat, and plopped herself down in his lap.

With a short wriggle she got her rear end stuck firmly right where he’d want it to be in his worst moments. Then she wrapped her arms around his head, leaned into him, and pulled his cheek up to her breast.

“I’m so glad you summoned me again!” Xiuying chirped and laid her cheek to the top of his head. “I admit I was just a little hurt when you dismissed me earlier. Now it’s all better.”

Locke and Siu’s eyebrows had both gone up. Both women staring at him in surprise.

Unable to say he didn’t want Xiuying all he could do was throw an idle thought at Locke about what’d happened.

“Fortune’s Chosen indeed,” Locke said with a laugh. “Well, anyways. You’re balanced in many ways, Ashley. But unblanced. You need closed door meditation and cultivation.

“To bring all your new bits and pieces into alignment. It’ll empower you further.”

“Yes, that makes sense,” Xiuying agreed. “Locke Sheng, you’re such a beautiful and smart woman. I’m so glad you’re a Bride with me.”

Xiuying leaned back a bit and tilted Ash’s head up, but she hadn’t pulled it away from her bossom.

“Listen to Locke. You should go cultivate in private. I did so for two weeks when I was trying to break through to the Mortal realm and it was definitely what I needed,” affirmed Xiuying. “You know… it was always so confusing to me. Trying to memorize it all.

“I ended up trying. Empowered. Body, Spirit, Awakened. Dreadful. It’s all so silly.”

“Oh? Do tell. I’m deeply curious, Bride Xiuying,” Siu murmured, her smile wide.

“Mm! So I just numbered them,” admitted the woman with a laugh. “There’s only three ranks to each, and ten levels to each. So… rather than Body, Mortal, Spirit, Refiner, it’s just… one, two, three. And the levels after? One through ten after all.

“So now I’m a… rank one Mortal level seven! See? So much easier.

“No ‘Heavens Defying Immortal’ but… just… rank three Immortal, level ten.”

Blinking, Ash had been forced to stare at the lovely and odd woman as she spoke.

He couldn’t deny that instead of all three ranks, and the three realms, numbering them was just easier.

“Rank one through three Refiner, one through three Mortal, one through three Immortal,” he mused aloud. “It’s hard to argue that logic and how it fits.”

“Doesn’t have the same feeling though, does it. Doesn’t roll off the tongue in the same way,” lamented Xiuying. She let his head go, then leaned further into him. Pushing his head once more into her chest.

“Ashley rolls off the tongue really easily,” teased Locke.

Xiuying laughed at that and loudly.

“Oh I’m sure he does! You’re so bold, Locke.

“Ah! Speaking of, I’ll need your help later, I have no experience and my mother was a fool. I learned nothing at all and grew up in the sect as a child,” Xiuying confessed. “All I ever learned was to stay away from men, hide, and basic abilities. It’s a wonder I wasn’t picked up like some type of snack and carried off!”

“Sure. I’d like that,” Locke promised with a genuine smile. “Now… closed door training for you, Ashley. I’ve already prepared a room for you in the Hall. I can monitor it, provide everything for you, and you won’t be disturbed by anyone.

“And if you did need anything, I could get it for you lickety split. It won’t even be an issue. Just pop in, handle it, pop back out. I’m afraid I can’t summon anything anymore in the Hall. That’s a you ability only, dearest. Though I do seem to be able to move myself and others around freely.”

“I’ll just stay outside his door and take care of him,” Xiuying countered with a wave of her hand. “You’re important to the Brides, Locke. We’ll need you for the new fort. I’m just a silly little Bride with no real useful skills or anything. I haven’t even gotten my Bride carving yet.”

“That would likely be better,” Siu confirmed and looked to Locke.

Ash frowned and forcibly looked up at Xiuying. The fact that she said she didn’t have a carving was odd to him.

“You don’t? Your back that is?” Ash asked.

“I’m the only one!” Xiuying admitted with a sad laugh. “I was sick that day. I’m uncarved like many of the newest Brides.”

“You can handle that after your closed door training,” Locke interjected before he could try and handle that instead of what they were planning. “I’ll prepare all the abilities as well.”

“Well, I suppose that’s it then,” murmured Siu. “So… before you go… I think you should help me with my… Dantian… Ashley.

“Would you mind coming with me?”

Siu stood up, then began walking back toward the bedroom he’d been in with Locke not long ago.

“Oh, yes. She needs help with that,” Locke confirmed. “While you’re away, we’ll carry out the plans we discussed for the Qi-Lord’s, formations, and the cities. That’ll take some time to get right, anyways.”

“Poor Bride Siu,” Xiuying whined and then gently patted Ash on the cheek. “Go take care of her, then come back to me! We’ll go get ready for your training. I’ll train, too.”


Walking into the room dugout beneath the main library, Ash was surprised.

Locke hadn’t been kidding when she said she’d prepared it for him.

There was a table, a single chair, a bookshelf, a bed, and a plush rug.

All he would need to train without end.

Food was a choice anymore as was water more often than not. Excreting waste didn’t happen that often at all anymore.

His body fed more on Qi now than anything that had a nutritional value.

“It even has a bed! How nice,” Xiuying murmured and flowed into the room. It was a lot like watching someone walk through a field of flowers.

Reaching out she gently prodded at the covers and then adjusted the pillow slightly.

“This will really be ideal!” she said and then stood up and put her hands on her hips. “Now! Husband of mine. Your Bride, your wife, has only one command for you while you train. Will you heed me?”

Blinking, Ash looked at the woman with a grin.

He found her energetic and always upbeat personality to be a ray of sunshine.

Almost everyone around him was always serious to the point of being more akin to a drawn knife. Only Locke had any humor to her.

“Why thank you, beloved. I’ll steal you away if I get a chance and reward you as I ever do. Though I think that deeply unlikely.”

It’s the thought that counts. If you do get the time, wear a red nightie for me. I bet you’d look amazing my pretty wife.

There was a flustered response to that, just as it once had always been when she was part of the Hall.

Outside of having a body now, and not able to summon anything directly, Locke was fully part of the Hall once more.

To which he was glad.

He genuinely worried over Locke while she had been barred from the Hall.

“Of course I will my wife,” Ash answered truthfully.

Xiuying nodded her head, then quickly moved over to him.

She was actually nearly the same height as he was, though perhaps a fraction of an inch taller. It was interesting to be staring directly into her eyes.

“Please… let me know if you need anything. Anything at all. Even if it’s silly,” asked Xiuying with a warm and wide smile. It more than reached her eyes and made her already pretty face hard to not gaze into. “I’ll take care it as quick as I can so you can focus on yourself.

“Whatever it is, I can handle it. Really. I mean that. All jokes aside, anything. Now… before I got… do you need anything?”

Xiuying said the last and reached out to lay a hand to his wrist and lightly hold to him. Watching him for a response.

It was such a pure offer that truly did seem to mean anything, including bedroom requests, that Ash could only smile back at her. Smile back at her and shake his head.

“I’m good. Thank you. You don’t need to stay with me if something else comes up,” Ash said. He was appreciative of her sticking with him, but he didn’t think it was a great use of her time.

“Of course I do!” argued Xiuying with a clear determination in her words. She leaned forward as if she might kiss him but merely closed the distance to stare at him harder. “Ashley Sheng. Who am I?”

“Xiuying Sheng.”

“What am I?”

“My wife.”

Xiuying grinned at that, her nose wrinkling cutely. She even gave her head a small shake with a chuckle.

“What am I to the veils? The kingdoms?” she prompted.

Ash thought for a second before answering.

“Fortune’s Chosen,” he tried.

“Yes. I am Fortune’s Chosen. You are my Fated One husband. If I tend for you, what can be the only result for you?” Xiuying tried.

He pondered that.

Truly thought on it and chewed it over as if his life depended on it.

“A fortune blessed success, qualified only to a true Fated One, with a Fortune’s Chosen backing him,” he mused aloud.

Xiuying made a soft and happy chittering noise, gave him a quick kiss, a pat on the cheek, and then began walking out to the door.

“Let me know if you need anything, my Fated One!” she called.

“Of course, my Fortune’s Chosen,” he replied, wondering just what in the world had happened to his life.

If she really was Fortune’s Chosen, why didn’t she appear till now? Till this moment?

“Because it wasn’t fortunate for her, until now. It might’ve been fortunate for you, but you are technically secondary. Now she has appeared and is doing her best to affix her fortune to you at the same time.”

Fortunate for her… why?

Locke let out a long and heavy sigh.

One that spoke an infinite number of stories all on their own.

None of which Ash could read.

“Because of Yue,” locke finally advised after a long pause.

Xiuying had left by this point and closed the door behind herself. Leaving Ash in the dimly lit room by himself.


“Because she existed. She was here. It wasn’t likely fortunate for her to arrive until then. Likely the same thing occured with her lack of a carving, in fact.

“It wouldn’t have been fortunate in her case for you to be aware of her until now. That your awareness of her now is at the exact moment that it’s the best for her.”

Why would that be? How does that relate to Yue?

“Xiuying isn’t weak as a cultivator, just modestly gifted. Not as earth shattering as so many others. Her gifts though lie in the fact that her Dantian is… split.”

Split? How is that a gift.

“She can use three different types of Qi has cultivation methods for all three that we provided to her, and has a deep and wide Qi-Sea.”

Three? How the hell did that happen?

“No idea, but she’s one of the odd ones. She was in your original class in the sect. She was hard to handle by the instructors. As to her Qi… well… you can guess if you like.

Given all that Locke had said, Ash already knew what three Qi elements she probably had.

Wood, Fire, and Water?

“Yes. She can quite literally become an alchemist amongst all alchemists. She could ramp her Qi to the heavens and construct pills simply by will alone on a slight change.

“In other words if she wanted to make a sleep aid out of chamomile, she could. One that’d put you to sleep for days with no other ingredients other than her Qi, and that happy smile of hers.”

Ash shook his head.

With Yue gone, he needed an Alchemist.

They were already started to suffer due to a lack of pills and medicines being developed. Without a fresh class of Brides to bring in supplies, there would be issues in the near future.

Looks like I’ll need to call her in here in a day, carve her up, and set her to rights.

Because we probably have new engravings having learned, extrapolated, and developed some new ones.

“Xiuying will be terrifying. I should mention that her statue was gold from the moment she pledged to you, and is in the inner-circle. It just… kept itself out of your view whenever you were looking. Somehow always managing to never be where you put your focus.

“Till now, that is. Now it’s right next to Siu and… uhm… myself? I’m still surprised I have a statue in there. I mean… I know I pledged and all to you but I didn’t think it actually counted. Now I’m standing there as naked as a jaybird. Hmph.”

You have a statue Locke?

What’re you doing as it? Everyone always seems to have their inner wishes revealed in it.

“I’m… ah… ugh… whatever. Go… go cultivate. Do something. Go away.”



Talk about raising flags.....poor Yue

Christopher Gino

I do wonder what Locke was doing in her statue pose, lol.