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Hey folks, I have a request.

When you go to read the book when it drops, please do me a favor?

If you're using Amazon Prime to read it, and you read from where you left off at, I know that's what I'd do, but then do me a favor? Go re-read the previous bits you've already read on Patreon. Or read the whole book from the start to begin with? :D

If you do that, Amazon will pay me for the full read through of the book.

If you start at the end, or late in the book, Amazon refuses to pay me a single cent for your entire read through.

Then they send me nasty emails accusing me of trying to steal money from them. (No joke)


Alex Lindsay

Good to know about the month delay. I usually read on Kindle Unlimited since I’m a subscriber then I buy the books I really like. Which just so happens to be all your books. I doubt I wait a month though as I usually buy as soon as I finish the KU read.

Drew Risch

I don’t suppose anyone can tell me what the gimmick in this book is? What’s his OP power? And is this book part of the runner verse?