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Tickaht pushed Wrench to one side and spun him around. Nimbly, she clambered up onto his back.

Her legs wrapped around his center and she draped her arms around his front. Her helmeted head was pushed up against his own.

The two of them hung there in the upper portion of the cargo bay as the pirates tried to tend to their wounded. Those that’d been bathed in flames were surprisingly the Tongsta that looked more likely to survive.

Those that’d been clubbed, stabbed, or shot, didn’t seem to do as well at all. In fact, their pirate comrades practically ignored them if they weren’t already moving around.

“I don’t know what the distance is that they can hear us,” Tickaht murmured, her voice coming across as a near whisper. Once again the mysterious nature and ability of the implant in his head went way beyond what he thought would be possible. “Given that we’re not actually hearing one another though, it’s unlikely that the Tongsta would hear us.

“So long as we’re nice and close like this, I think the implant in our heads will translate for us. Even if we don’t hear one another, the implant would.

“I always found that I could feel sound moving through trees faster than I could hear it with my ears. If we stay close, real close, I think the implant will pick it up.”

“Oh. That makes a lot of sense. Good thinking Tickaht,” Wrench whispered back. Her thought process had overshot his own significantly.

“Thank you. Look at me, nnnnnnggh?” moaned the Grae, her hands pressing tight to his chest. It followed by a low volume honking laugh.

“Can’t. You’re behind me. Now… what do we do,” mused Wrench, watching the Tongsta. “We have only two options, really. Either wait here for Goodie and the captain to come back, or go onto the pirate ship.”

“Yes. Those two options fit,” agreed Tickaht, rubbing her helmet back and forth against his own. “What’re the yes and no’s for each?”

Yes and no’s?

Never heard that one before.

“Waiting here… well… that assumes that they don’t blow the ship up. Which they might do. I have no idea. I’ve never dealt with Tongsta pirates before,” Wrench started slowly with a small shake of his head. “I think if it were me I’d probably blow up the ship this time. Since a rescue force showed up and was making progress.

“There’s also no telling of how many survivors are left on the ship, too.”

“If we believe that they’re using the same definition of pirate, then yes, nnnnnngh? Mmmmm,” moaned Tickaht, her legs flexing around his hips. Her ankles shifted and her strange feet that were more like hands curled down and pressed into his lower abdomen. All the while she ground her chest and it’s extra assets against his back. “They want their loot, the cargo bay, and then to get out. To move quickly away from it.”

Grimacing, Wrench let out a long and slow sigh. He realized he needed to surrender for the time being.

“Tickaht, I give up. I admit you’re hitting all the right sexual notes. It’s really hard to keep my mind out of not just diving head first into the gutter.

“You win. I give up. I admit that you’ve pushed the idea of trying to pin you down and have wild sex with you. To the point that I don’t think it’s an idea I can ever shake off.

“So… help me here. Ease up a bit so we can get through this, and you can torment me more later. I long for you. I want to look at you.”

Tickaht had gone absolutely still against him. In fact, it felt as if she’d stiffened up to the point of becoming a statue.

“You long for me?” she asked.


“You want to look at me?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Not other Grae? Me specifically?”


Considering he’d never talked to other Grae, that felt weird. Right now he needed her help to ease off him though. They had to get out of this.

“Okay. I understand. I’m sorry,” Tickaht said in a breathy voice. “I’ve never been interested in a male before and you respond in a fun way. It makes me want to push more. Chase more.

“I wasn’t trying to be a problem. I was just really enjoying myself. I’ll… ease up… a bit. For now.”

“Thanks, Tickaht. It’s not a bother normally, we’re just kind of in a life or death situation, you know?” he tried, hoping it’d convey his thoughts accurately. He reached up and patted her hands with one of her own.

Surprisingly, she flipped her hand over and snatched his in mid pat. She forced her hand into his and held to it.

“I understand. It makes sense. Okay. So. We assume pirates will pirate. They want cargo, then out. Do they blow the ship up?” Tickaht redirected the conversation. “I’m not sure. If their goal really is cargo, then why attack a military ship?

“There would be much easier targets, wouldn’t there? Attacking such a ship for piracy is clearly… wrong.”

Closing his eyes, Wrench felt as if a bucket of cold water had been dumped over his head. Icy cold water that gave him the answer he needed.

“You’re right. You’re absolutely right, my pretty Grae,” Wrench squeezed her hand and then began moving upward along the ceiling. They needed to figure out how the pirates, or more accurately rebels, had gotten here and to follow them. “They’re not pirates. They’re mislabeled. Pirates would look for easy targets. Not warships.

“These are rebels. Rebels looking to cause distress, problems, and losses. They’re just here to kill and blow things up.”

“Hunting hunters. A difficult thing to do. Then yes, we should flee. This is a corpse that is waiting to be tossed aside,” agreed Tickaht. “We must limit our communication from here. Tongsta hear us in ways we don’t understand. I’ll remain with you like this in case we must talk, but I’ll be silent otherwise.”

Wrench nodded his head at that. He’d had a great deal of experience with the strange abilities that were Tongsta.

You could hide right next to them so long as you didn’t make noise or bump up against anything. His best success was when he’d been butt naked.

That unfortunately wasn’t an option at the moment.

Staring down at the Tongsta below them, Wrench wasn’t quite sure how they’d gotten here. There wasn’t another transport nor did it seem as if they were in a hurry.

Not looking away, or moving far, Wrench just watched. Keeping his attention on them entirely.

Tickaht lifted her right hand from his pointed off to the side. The cargo bay itself was open to space, but it didn’t seem to be bothering the Tongsta.

Outside of the cargo bay was what looked like a sheet of metal. It was perfectly stationary and unmoving.

Tickaht stuck her hand back to his chest and hung onto him. She had to be careful due to her claws otherwise she might puncture right through her own gloves. They’d been forced to put some padding at the end of her claws just in case.

Must be a ramp or something. We just can’t see it from this angle.

That means we need to get over that way.

She wouldn’t have pointed it out unless she thought the same.

Or to at least check.

Pushing with his thoughts and body, the zero suit responded. They began to glide down along the ceiling and toward the exit of the compartment.

As they descended, he could see more and more of the assumed ramp.

It was indeed, an entry ramp for a transport.

There was no one in the doorway, but it was obvious the Tongsta would be going in once they were ready. This was a transport that the pirates had arrived on.

Wrench was curious how they managed it without being spotted by the transport the captain and team arrived on, but that was beside the point.

“We should go now,” he whispered as softly as he could. “When they’re not looking.”

“Yes,” Tickaht agreed, he could feel her slowly increasing the amount of pressure she was exerting to hold onto him. He imagined she was feeling as tense as he was.

The difference being his Systems were still cranked up. Tension wasn’t something that could bother him unless he let it.

Right now the Grae felt more like a backpack attached to him bodily then someone hanging onto him.

Not waiting, he went toward the entrance.

He squeaked by in the top corner of it and then went along the ceiling toward the far back. There was no reason to stay near the front and he wasn’t sure how his zero suit would interact with the transport.

If it took off with force, and the zero suit didn’t compensate, he could end up rocketing to the back of it.

There were a number of spaces on the transport for Tongsta and there were actually a number of crates at the back. All of it looke dto have been stolen from the warship.

So, they’re rebels. Not pirates.

But they’re also taking whatever they can.

Their equipment is likely whatever they can scrounge or steal.

Sliding into the back, Wrench got himself and Tickaht tucked up into a small space that was perfect for them. A small lip had been created by joining the rear of the transport to the walls. It was only a few feet wide which wouldn’t matter to a Tongsta, it was perfect for Hume.

Peeling Tickaht off his back, he gently pushed her into the crevice. Then went in after her, wedging himself between her and the walls.

“Hm. Well… alright,” whispered Tickaht, her fingers lightly drumming against his shoulders. They were face to face and pressed to one another, chest to chest. “Am I allowed to begin—” a soft wheeze with a click was heard. “— again? This feels like a good opportunity.”

“That didn’t translate.”

“What we were doing when we translated with one another. Between a male and a female,” elaborated Tickaht.

“Flirting?” Wrench asked.

“Ah! Flirting. Yes. Shall we resume flirting? My breasts are squished against you and your hands are on my hips. This is an ideal for sexual flirting. We’re no longer at risk and we’re just waiting for them to get moving.

“Now… let’s start with more moaning. You like that, I like it, it’ll be enjoyable.”

Wrench blinked, realizing that he was equally pleased and pained at her words.

“Nnnn, Wrench? Mmmm? Tell me you long for me, nnnnngh? Tell that to Tickaht?” moaned and whimpered the Grae, her fingers slowly pressing more firmly into his shoulders.

He also felt her left leg slide out and around his own. Her thigh pressing up to his hip.



“— moving to port three,” reported a Tongsta. Wrench was fairly convinced it was the pilot. Everything they’d said so far sounded a lot like they were piloting the transport into a larger ship.

Tickaht’s helmet was partially fogged up and he couldn’t see her face in full detail. He could see that her cheeks were a deep red in what he’d originally thought was a blush.

Now he knew it was her being sexually charged.

Somewhere in her interminable assault on his sex drive, she’d managed to trigger her own. There was a constant and never-ending pant from her. Her hands were pressing and pushing against his shoulders and neck.

All the while she was dragging herself up and down against him. Her chest pressed firm to him and grinding themselves against one another.

The leg she’d thrown around his side was pulling at him even now and her pelvic region was thrusting into his lap.

Wrench had experimented with his Endocrine System again. This time, pegging it to a low percentage for his sex drive.

While he couldn’t deny that what Tickaht was doing had made him desperately want to tear off their suits and go at her, Grae or not. He hadn’t wanted to drown in hormones for the entirety of the trip.

“Tickaht, I think we’re almost there,” he whispered. He finally moved his hands and put them back to Tickaht’s shoulders. He’d had them pressed to the wall behind her for the entirety so that she couldn’t use them to her own advantage.

“Nn? Ha? Yes? Yes. Okay,” Tickaht got out in a quivering breath. The constant grinding and humping came to a stop. He could still hear her panting, but it sounded like it was lessening. “I… lost myself there. Thanks for letting me do that.

“I’ve never experienced anything like that. Maybe I really am a twisted Grae like everyone said. Throwing myself at a Hume like that.”

“It’s fine,” muttered Wrench, pulling her head down into his shoulder. Her hands slipped down and rested on his hips. “I can honestly tell you I don’t give a damn what species you are right now, I just really want to see if you’re built like a Hume on the inside now.”

Tickaht let out a soft honking chuckle at that. Her breathing evening out very quickly.

Grae were incredibly fit and athletic as far as he could tell.

“Yeah. Long for me, Wrench. Long for and look at me,” she whispered.

“Docking complete,” a Tongsta said. “Disembarking.”

“Why do you keep saying that?” he asked and then pulled out of the crevice he’d put them in. In the end he wasn’t sure if it’d been necessary, but he’d sworn he felt momentum being pushed through his suit. He had no way to prove it though.

“What, long for me? Look at me?” Tickaht asked, her voice sounding perfectly normal now. Her helmet wasn’t fogged up anymore either. “I guess I didn’t explain that.

“Errr… Grae, female Grae, remain in the canopy. Male Grae look at and long for them. They have to talk them down out of the tree. A lot of them promise not to look at or long for anyone else.”

In other words, you’ve been telling me that you want me to talk you out of the canopy this whole time. Without telling me that.

Well… to be fair, she was the first Grae I ever met that was as curious about me as she was. Me showing interest in her probably triggered the rest.

“Now what?” Tickaht asked, reaching out and taking his hands in her own. Then surprisingly she stepped up right into him.

Erm… alright.

“We should hide in the goods,” he murmured and gestured at the nearby crate with his head. “They’ll bring us on board like that.

“Yes. Good idea,” Tickaht murmured, her black-eyes and red pupils focused on him. It made his guts feel weird. “I’m sorry, I’m a very strange Grae. I didn’t think I’d try to rush things like this, but here I am.

“Maybe it’s because I’m still young. Or because of me skipping steps in my younger years. I never had a mate and left the canopy the day I was old enough.

“I haven’t been near a suitable male in a long while. I don’t know how to relay it in Hume time frames but it’s four—” Tickaht’s words were cut off by a hiss with a pop.

“A Hume year is about three-hundred and sixty five days. A cycle of the lights being on, turning off, then going back to on. Each cycle from on to off, is one day,” Wrench whispered and dragged Tickaht toward the crates. Of the three that were immediately nearby, one had a cracked corner. Floating to it he gently disengaged his hands from Tickaht’s.

“I understand. I’m… not really sure as I don’t count days but, I haven’t seen a male of any interest in about fifteen Hume years? Twenty?” Tickaht explained.

She reached out and grabbed the edge that Wrench was considering and her arms flexed. A part of the metal bent outward and was now large enough for them to squeeze into.

“Does that really matter? Are Grae the type that need a partner?” Wrench asked and then gestured to the interior of the crate.

“No. No it doesn’t. You’re just very interesting. Strange. Curious,” replied Tickaht, crawling into the crate. “You weren’t scared of me. You practically ignored me.

“Even when I chewed at you, you just stood there. Then you gave me medicine to help me with my injury.

“After that, you came by with food and water for me. You shared it with me while not really looking at me. You listened to me despite not understanding anything I said.

“Then you left without doing anything else. You just… went back to your Hume. I watched you from above. A lot. You were very interesting.”


I have a stalker.

Though it does make more sense now.

I probably hit a bunch of tick boxes in her head she didn’t know she had. Only to realize we could talk to one another, and that I responded to her sexual teasing.

Alright. I get it.

I could see how I’d respond to a female Grae in a similar way if I lacked female companionship for a decade.

Wrench slid into the crate. The light of the transport didn’t really reach into the crate but he could see just enough to know the crate was full.

He couldn’t identify the object.

Tickaht’s hand came up and snaked around his wrist. She pulled him down into a small opening between the wall of the crate and the objects.

She tucked him into it, which was a tight fit, then wedged herself in atop him. Her hands pressed up to his groin.

“Now… where were we, Wrench? I admit I’m a bit… needy, but this is actually a lot of fun. So much fun.

“It’s like wrestling, but emotionally. It’s fun. More fun than I’ve had in a really long time. Like a drawn out fight that I’m not sure I’ll win.

“Alright. I need you to be sure to look at me. Look and long for me, Wrench,” purred Tickaht. “I don’t even care anymore that you’re a Hume. I want to explore where this goes. So look at me, long for me, and maybe tell me that.”

A moment later and it sounded as if someone was picking up crates and moving them off the transport.

Thankfully he wouldn’t be trapped in here with Tickaht long.

He hoped.

“Are all Grae like this?” he asked as Tickaht began to grind herself into him.

“No,” she admitted, her breathing starting to speed up. “I’m strange for a Grae. I’m probably more passive with a male than they would be. It’s just most wouldn’t view a Hume as a valid male.”


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