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“It’s a wreck,” Goodie murmured. “Or at least. It looks like it. They must’ve caught them completely unaware. Was there any sign of return fire?”

She was currently suspended in the Nav-cerer’s harness in the middle of the work-room. Put up on one wall was a display that was clearly where they were supposed to go.

“Definitely caught them unaware. As to return fire, yes, and yet no. A different ship chased them off. Pretty certain they’re still engaged in combat, as well,” agreed the captain. He sounded frustrated and aggrieved at the same time. “The reports we got before the communication system died on the ship was that they had boarders. Defense teams were working to lock them down and out but… we don’t know how that ended.”

“The pirates are growing bold though to do such a thing. Very bold. I’ve heard that a communal clan fleet is being assembled. Many officers are being called to service through upper clan mobilization.”

“Oh my,” remarked Goodie. Even as she spoke she was rapidly planning out multiple courses in every direction. Planning for being attacked from any direction and then escaping in a different one. “Well, that would make sense I suppose. I’ve been receiving commission requests as a Nav-cerer at above guild rates non-stop. If they’re building up a fleet, that’d be the answer for that.

“I thought it was just everyone trying to pick up a Nav-cerer since my guild contract was invalidated due to the ship being scrapped for resources.”

“That… ah… uh… speaking of that. While we’ve been en route I received my formal papers for the upper clan mobilization along with my promortion.

“I’m getting a captaincy for that cruiser I mentioned. It’s a newer xxhht class. A heavy cruiser that’s only been out for one tour and is in dry-dock for maintenance and some officer changes. Most of the positions are filled but I don’t have a senior Nav-cerer and a few other key personnel I need to fill,” the captain said.

Grinning, Wrench knew where this was going.

“Oooh, captain boyfriend is going to make his move,” he remarked.

Tickaht chuckled at that.

“Captain spssss, are you asking me to be your senior Nav-cerer,” teased Goodie, a tendril whipping through several courses and then shifting them to the side.

Then they vanished as if they were sent away.

“Is she incredibly skilled?” Tickaht asked from beside Wrench. The Grae was stark naked, hands on her hips, and watching Goodie. “She has confident movements. Very confident movements. It speaks to boldness or being skilled.”

“She’s very skilled,” Wrench said after having translated everything for her as the Tongsta spoke. “From everything I can tell… she’s likely extremely skilled and powerful. To the point that I’m sure that there are those in her society who view her as a concern.”

“Oh,” said Tickaht without any more.

“— that’d… yes. Yes, I am. I can only offer you guild rates though. I don’t have enough pull to actually leverage any support from above. Not from the grand tier clan at least,” admitted the captain regretfully.

“I accept your request,” Goodie stated before the captain could continue. “Though you’ll still need to send me the official commission request through the guild. I’ll give you my contact information after this. We should talk more about it.”

“Haha, she just forced him to long for her and look at her,” Tickaht accused, laughing.

“Now, I’ve plotted out all possible escape routes,” continued Goodie. “Nav-cerer spssss, confirm that you’ve received them and understand the plots?”

“Uhm, xxhht, these are all… I don’t think… are these possible?” asked a new voice.

“Very possible. You just have to follow the instructions I laid out. It’ll be fine if you can do that,” Goodie promised.

“I’ll-I’ll do my best Lady xxhht,” whispered an awe-struck voice. “I’ll do my best.”

“You’ll do fine. I promise,” confirmed Goodie. “Now confirm the plans for the captain, spssss. He needs to know both Nav-cerer have a course plan.”

“Yes! Yes, course confirmed, captain,” said the Tongsta.

“Thank you,” breathed a much more comfortable sounding captain. “Okay, rescue team to the top-round launch bay. We’ll dock to their cargo bay as it’s still gassed.”

Goodie disconnected herself from the harness, moved over to the carrier and got in front of it.

“Tickaht, thank you for going with Wrench. I appreciate that. I think as a Grae you’ll do very well in this,” Goodie murmured.

Tickaht immediately looked down at the ground, then slowly lifted her gaze to the bottom of Goodie.

“Yes… Goodie. I will do my best,” she said quietly. “I’m-I’m pleased that you asked me to assist him.”

“Now, you two need to get going. You remember where you’re going?” Goodie asked.

Wrench nodded his head. He actually felt confident enough to navigate the ship. He’d spent some time learning markings as they went through it to Goodie’s work-space. So long as he knew the destination, he could figure out a way to get there.

“Good. Alright. Hop into your Zero suits. Be safe out there. Do what you have to but don’t risk yourselves. It’d be almost too sad to lose you now after having just found you.

“Oh, I sent the other Hume ahead since they’re… well… they’re still recovering from being treated as they were,” lamented Goodie. “I’m sure they’ll be fine in no time, but for now, they need more guidance than normal.”

Nodding his head, Wrench turned away from the front and went toward the back of the carrier. Two Zero suits were hanging there along with helmets.

“This really won’t be a weightless situation? I hate being weightless. Hate it. My upper breasts always go in different directions compared to my lower breasts and everything just feels weird,” complained Tickaht, following him to the back.

“It’ll be fine,” he promised, stripping out of his clothes. Tossing it to the side he grabbed the suit and then looked into it, trying to see what’d be the best way to put it on.

“I-okay. You do have male genitalia. Amazing. I knew how it felt on my lower-hand, but I wasn’t sure,” Tickaht said, causing Wrench to look down.

The Grae was squatting down in front of his crotch and staring at his privates from a few inches away. Her hand came up and she lightly prodded at him.

“It’s bigger in some ways, smaller in others. I don’t think it’ll be an issue. In fact, I think it’ll be very enjoyable if we decided to break Grae taboos. Don’t you?” Tickaht asked and then looked up at him. “I admit I’m odd for Grae but even I’m not quite sure I would want to lay with a Hume. There’s a lot of strangeness in those ideas.”

Before his body could respond to what he was looking at he pulled the suit down and started to hurry himself into it.

Tickaht laughed, gave herself a shoulder shake that almost managed to tear his attention away.

“Apparently you don’t think there’s as much strangeness as I do since you need to hurry into your clothes. Look at me, Wrench. Long for me,” demanded Tickaht, standing up next to him. She put her hands to her hips and didn’t move away. “Gaze at me. Put your eyes to me.”

“We’re busy, Tickaht. Get your head out of the gutter. Time to work. Besides, this zero suit is going to make you look great. It’ll be hard not to. So get into it,” Wrench stated gruffly as he got ready.

“Hmm… you’ll look at me?” she demanded. “If I put it on?”

“Yes, I will. Okay? Get in the suit. You said you’d help me.”

“I did… I did. Only because you said you’d get me all the clothes I want.”

Thankfully she got into her suit and left it at that.


Tickaht let out a loud click that didn’t translate to anything at all.

“What’d you just say?” Wrench asked, turning to look at the Grae.

“What?” she asked, turning her helmeted head to him.

“That click didn’t translate.”

Tickaht made the loud click again.

“That?” she asked.


“Just noise. Wasn’t a word. You make noises like that, too. With that… groaning noise,” claimed Tickaht.

“I what?” he asked, not really sure how to take that. He glanced to the side. It looked like the captain was almost done with his instructions for the Tongsta.

“Mmmmm, nnnnngggh,” moaned Tickaht excessively. It made the hairs on the back of Wrench’s neck stand on end and causing his head to snap to the side, looking at Tickaht fully. “My my my. That did something for you. Why though?

“Mmm? Nnnnnngh? Wrench, nnnuh? It does things for you?”

“You-you’re-just… you’re… why?” sputtered Wrench.

Laughing, bouncing in place, Tickaht slapped him on the shoulder. She was quite visibly excited at her own efforts to bother him.

It didn’t help that the zero suit emphasized her odd anatomy and with a great deal of detail.

“Oh! That works too!” Tickaht began bouncing repeatedly in place after she caught him staring at said odd anatomy.

“Mmmm? Wreeeeench? Nnnnnnngh? Nn, nn, nn, nnn, nnn!” she panted out loudly while bouncing.

“Oh my fuck,” hissed Wrench, turning his head away and staring at his feet. The sound of Tickaht laughing haunted him. Then she suddenly hugged him pressing herself bodily to him and grinding herself against him.

“Wrench, this is so fun. So fun. I didn’t realize those big ears of yours would be linked to sound like that,” breathed Tickaht, her helmet wedged against his shoulder. “You’re so fun. Long for me! Look at me!”

“Ah, sorry about that Wrench. Ready to hear the plan?” the captain asked.

Wrench forcefully pushed Tickaht back a few steps, though the Grae thankfully didn’t fight him too much.

A quick check over his shoulder, Wrench confirmed that all the other Hume were now looking to him and the Tongsta.

Looking ahead again, Wrench nodded his head.

“Great. I’m going to put you into a duct system. It runs most of the length of the ship for the primary compartaments. It’s also where I need the most help from you and your team. My team will focus on the lower decks since that’s where we can do more good.

“This duct we’re putting you in… it’s primarily for gas distribution for Tongsta life-support. Given you and your crew are all helmeted… this won’t bother you at all,” the captain explained. “From there, go from vent access point to access point and confirm the interior.”

The captain sent out a tentacle and picked up something the size of four Hume wide and half a Hume tall. It was an object that was a mechanical type.

There was also a number of things that’d been built onto the top of it.

To Wrench, they looked like a number of buttons.

A second and third object were put down as well.

The second was as big as the first and looked hand made for some reason.

Though the third was a medical device as far as Wrench knew. He’d seen Tongsta use it on other Tongsta.

“Report in with what you find with this. I had some engineers put it together for me after talking with Lady xxhht,” the captain said. “Each button corresponds to something to report.

“I had them attach a Fixer system status screen to it that listed out what all the buttons do. That way there isn’t any confusion to what they’d signify.

“This is a packed medical kit like what you used on Goodie. I had it modified a bit to be easier for a Hume to use it.

“Last is just a health check device. Point the front of it at a Tongsta and hit the big button on the side there. It’ll tell you if they’re living or dead.”

“Ha, that’s pretty good,” Wrench admitted with a laugh. He moved over to the device and stared at the screen.

Arrows pointed to each button and had a description. There was quite a few buttons and a lot of responses.

They spent some time on this.

Smirking, Wrench pushed a button, then a second one.

“Reporting in, status normal,” a voice said. Wrench didn’t wait and pushed the next button he wanted. “Need direction.”

Looking up, Wrench stared at the Tongsta.

At the same time, he got the impression that all the Tongsta were paying attention to the captain and the Hume now.

“Right,” murmured the captain. “We’ll put you into the gas duct now. Just move forward and check each access point.”

“Understood,” came the response from the device as Wrench pushed the button.

“What… what’s going on?” asked a Tongsta from the side. They’d wandered over.

“Giving Wrench and his Hume their orders, roundbody. You’ll be putting them into the gas ducts for me,” the captain said in a normal tone.

“They’re just… randomly pushing buttons,” accused the new Tongsta.

“Negative,” sounded out the device as Wrench pushed the button. Then another. “No living Tongsta.”

“You heard him,” stated the captain. “He disagrees with you and things you’re boxed.”

“Affirmative,” Wrench got out of the device with a snicker. “No living Tongsta.”

“I’m… sorry,” said the Tongsta.

“Understood,” came the device as Wrench hit the button. “Status normal.”

“Pretty sure he forgives you. Just… treat him and his Hume like crewmen. It’ll be fine. Thank you again… roundbody Wrench,” the captain said and then moved away.

Well. That’s certainly a start.

“Mmmmm, Wrench? Are we ready?” moaned Tickaht a second before she pressed her chest up against his back.

Thankfully, the Tongsta assisting them quickly got all the Hume up into the gas duct. Using tentacles to make it happen quickly.

Someone had torn out a large section of the duct so that the Hume could be put directly into it.

“Okay… ah… I’ll go handle the receiver and will be monitoring progress as you go and keep you in touch with the other rescue team,” said the Tongsta. “If you need more medical supplies just ask and I’ll send it down the duct. Should move down to where you are with a good shove.”

Tickaht slapped the button twice before Wrench could.

“Affirmative. Affirmative.”

Then she hit another.


Scrunch hopped over to him, his body not fitting in the suit very well, but enough that he was able to be on the mission. Wrench had briefly considered sitting him out, but if anything, he could use the motivation he was providing.

“Ready!” said the Admini.

“Great. Let’s go,” ordered Wrench.

Groups of Hume had been assigned to each object. Given that they were weightless, they had to be babysat to a degree.

In no time at all, they reached an access point.

Wrench peered out of it.

He could see the Tongsta rescue team working at a door. They were attempting to cut it away as well as restore power to it.

They’re kinda fucked.

By the time they actually make progress, the people at the back will have issues.

Tickaht crawled up on top of the communication device and tapped a few buttons.

“Access point reached. Tongsta present. No assistance required.”

“What? You di— oh. Right. You’re at the point where you’re looking at the forward rescue team,” said the Tongsta over the device. “Good, good.”

Tickaht laughed, then hit more buttons.

“Affirmative. Moving.”

“She’s a Grae?” Scrunch asked, gliding awkwardly along next to Wrench as they moved down the duct.

“Yeah. Grae are just like us,” Wrench confirmed.

They floated onward.

Reaching another duct Scrunch floundered ahead and bounced off it.

He grabbed on and peered through the slats.

“I see two Tongsta. One is very dead,” Scrunch reported. “It’s… torn in half. There’s Tongsta goop? Tongsta goop everywhere.”

“Okay,” Wrench muttered moving up next to Scrunch.

“Second one isn’t moving though,” Scrunch continued.

Wrench reached up to grab the latch that held the access point grate in place. He shoved at it and it swung away.

“What? Hello?” called the Tongsta that wasn’t moving.

“Reporting in. Tongsta present. Hold.”

Wrench could see from this distance that the Tongsta was leaking, but not very fast. They were injured but not likely going to die anytime soon.

“Injured Tongsta. Triage. Minor medical,” Wrench ordered, remembering the button listings.

Tickaht quickly tapped in the message.

“Received… alright. I’ll send up a small communicator. Can you give it to them?” asked the Tongsta.

Wrench decided they were now named Talker since he was their talking point.

“Affirmative,” said the device after Tickaht hit it.

“Hey, turn around,” Tickaht said and gestured to the Hume at the back. “They’re sending up a thingie. Don’t get hit.”

There was a couple positive responses to that.

In no time, a small gooey blob came down the duct. It was caught by the Hume and passed up to Wrench.

Full Tongsta tech is so weird.

Must be delicate since I didn’t see much of it on the combat ships so far.

Taking the strange thing in hand, Wrench moved out of the duct and straight to the Tongsta. Holding it out in front of himself.

“A Hume? What? I don’t-a communicator?” asked the Tongsta. Though they didn’t reach out a tentacle to take it.

Wrench went right up to them, and stuck it against the front of the Tongsta. Not bothering to wait, he turned and left.

Reaching the duct, he got back to the front and then looked to Tickaht.

“Status normal. Moving,” said the device as Tickaht tapped it out. Then she tossed her head back, stretched her shoulders, and bowed her body in a graceful way. It of course managed to draw his eyes to her.

Tickaht’s head tilted fractionally to the side and he could see her eyes through her helmet.

He didn’t need to her to say “Look at me” or “Long for me” to hear it in his head.


Once more, they began moving down the duct.

When they reached the next one, Scrunch didn’t say anything when he looked into the area.

Wrench joined him and looked into the same compartment.

He could now understand why Scrunch hadn’t said anything.

There were a number of Tongsta corpses spread out in almost every direction. Some had the telltale signs of being struck with a tunneler, others as if they’d died for similar, yet different, reasons. Their insides being dumped out all around them.

“Pretty sure there’s pirate corpses in there,” Wrench muttered. “I’m not comfortable going into this compartment. There’s no way for us to tell who’s who.”

“Yes, hard to help if we’re not sure we’re helping the right people,” Scrunch agreed.

“Should I hit the pirate one?” Tickaht asked.

“Yeah. Call it in. Maybe they have an answer for us. To Hume… looking at Tongsta is like looking at a forest. They’re all the same other than the damn size,” growled Wrench.

“Reporting in. Tongsta present. Affirmative. Negative. Pirate. Triage,” Tickaht got out of the device.

“Uh… what?” Talker asked.

“Tongsta present.”


“Pirate. Affirmative. Negative.”

“Pirate affirma— oh. There’s Tongsta present but you’re not sure if it’s a pirate.”

“Affirmative. Injured Tongsta. Pirate. Affirmative. Negative.”

“Got it. Uhm… okay. Move on. I’ll mark it accordingly. Nothing we can do. Does it look like there’s any living in there?”

“Affirmative,” Tickaht smacked after Wrench nodded his head. He’d seen several Tongsta that were clearly not dead. Though they weren’t looking good.

“Alright. Marked. Move on,” Talker ordered.

“Understood. Moving.”

“This is kinda fun,” Scrunch said. “A lot more fun than the boring tests they kept doing. This is pretty easy, too.”

Wrench couldn’t argue that. This was going well.

Too well.

He was just waiting for things to go wrong.


Kenneth Darlin

Also they should be fixing them as they go, I thought that’s why they had the med kit?

Kori Prins

Yeah, but I think they just have the one medkit and the tongsta they found wasn't that injured. They are probably saving it for someone who needs it more.


Triage: Treat those who need assistance the most. A communicator was the only immediate need. Kori is correct. They moved on for now unless they're told to treat the Tongsta.

Drew Risch

This is fun! I enjoy every time a new Tongsta realizes Hume are sentient, lol