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Chapter 21 - Just Long Enough -

“—a wonderful scene. To those of you who are new to Legion, I assure you that you’ll be awe struck once Legion City is brought back to it’s former glory,” Andrea said with a wide and pretty smile. She shifted to one side, dropped her elbow to the desk, and held her hand out to the camera. “In fact, you don’t even have to take my word for it. Here’s some footage taken by a few Legionnaires before the Loss!”

The screen that’d held the beautiful and immaculately dressed Andrea was replaced with cell-phone footage of Legion City. Felix instantly knew where the video was being taken as he’d been there more than a few times himself

A fountain that he’d enjoyed sitting and eating a pretzel at as people went by in every direction. Often incognito just so he could escape everyone.

Even those closest to him.

“Isn’t that where Felix used to hide?” asked Faith from behind him. They were currently in one of the Legion meeting rooms. They were expecting to get a call from the President any moment. Their pitched battle in the city had surprised more than a few people including multiple government agencies.

Felix had dispatched a squad of Dragons led by Lucille to go monitor the headquarters of the CIA. To do it visibly and in a way that they’d know they’re there.

A checkpoint before the CIA checkpoint to enter, in a way.

“It is,” Kit agreed with a chuckle. “Though to be fair, no one knew it was him. Lily would send him out with that magical disguise, didn’t you?”

Lily laughed and then sighed.

“I did. Then I’d disguise myself and follow him. He’d just sit there. Watching people,” Lily confessed. “Felicity helped me do the disguise for myself.”

Surprised, Felix glanced over to Felicity at the end of the table. She didn’t look up, tapping away at her tablet. Her ears were starting to turn red, however.

“Did you now?” asked Felix, feeling a bit like his privacy had been invaded on. He’d told her the reason he wanted to go out there was to get away from prying eyes. “And how did you two know? Wait… nevermind. You read each others minds, my mind, or Lily’s mind. Or some combination of that.”

“Yes, dear,” Faith murmured and leaned over to kiss him at the corner of his mouth. Then she put her hand over his and leaned her shoulder into him.

“As you can see from this current video taken this morning, we’re well on our way to taking back the city,” Andrea said over the top of the video. Which cut to someone recording the exact same location and angle. The damage was visible and there were stains, chunks ripped out of the ground, and the fountain was partially destroyed.

It was obvious that it was being cleaned up though, and there were signs of the fountain starting to be repaired. A number of buckets, cementer mixers, and bags of concrete were all laid out.

“The Inc-Suc company has been performing incredibly well and clearing effectively with almost no loss of life at all,” reported Andrea a second before it flicked back to a view of her. In the corner was the Legion helmet and an indicator that this news broadcast was currently live. “And speaking of Inc-Suc, please be aware that they have access all all entry level Legionnaire locations.

“Their badge can be easily distinguished from a Legionnaire’s badge. They also won’t have a Legionnaire’s ring. There’s no need to concern yourselves with their movements.

“With that… it concludes this morning’s news. We’ll be back after lunch with a local news. Thanks, I’ll see you tomorrow. Next up, Goldie’s Sewing and Slaughtering. We’ll be interlacing her stream into the broadcast so you can watch the chat.

“As a quick refresher, Amanda our under-dog has gained ground on Evie, though she’s still nowhere near surpassing our Dragon Housewife champion. Goldie has stated on the record that she fully expects that Evie will take the this season’s championship without issue.”

“I sure will,” Evie murmured and set down two small trays of baked pastries in front of Felix. Several looked like they’d just been removed from the oven a moment ago, others had clearly been made previously, cooled, than decorated. “This season’s championship is mine. I’ll take that prize and no one can stop me.

“Though I did promise Lucille and Carol I’ll take them in as juniors to me if I win this season as I did last season. I won’t be able to compete next year if I win both seasons back to back, after all. I’ll be forced to retire and take up my Dragon Housewife duties.”

A soda, napkins, and a small fork were all set down in front of Felix. Followed by Evie placing a warm kiss to his temple.

Then she reached down and carefuly adjusted the collar on his work-shirt, and gave his tie a single tug. Glancing down he realized she’d gotten it perfectly arranged.

“Goldie has taught me everything, Nest-mate,” Evie offered as she went and sat down next to Gaia. “She regrets how busy she is lately, but in her own words her duties got bigger with how many Dragons we took in.”

“I know, I know. I got to have lunch with her yesterday. I promised her she can step down the moment she feels like it’s time,” stated Felix. What he didn’t say was that Goldie has actually accepted. That the moment she was successful with a clutch, then she’d hand it all over to Kris and Evie.

Kris was a black Dragon that was very similar to Vince’s Black Dragon named Taylor. She’d been working as a liaison for so long that she spent more time there, than here.

Surprisingly, Kris was apparently as strong as Goldie was. More surprising than that, Kris was more political, high-minded, and cunning.

They were almost polar opposites.

Goldie swore up and down Kris would be her equal in all Housewife duties. Not that Felix was concerned or had even asked about.

“Yes, I’d heard about that. I’ve only worked with Kris a few times. She seems nice enough,” Evie remarked, her eyes glowing as Felix unceremoniously began devouring her treat. Her smile was obvious and wide. “Enjoy, Nest-mate.”

There was a ping from the polycom in the middle of the table.

“The President and his cabinet is on the line. Please join the conference now,” reported an Andrea. To which Andrea Prime reached over and tapped a button. Then several more.

Wincing, Felix tried to swallow the cookie he’d been chewing on as quickly as he could. Grabbing his soda and taking a drink.

“Good afternoon, Mr. President,” said a perfect imitation of Felix’s voice from the polycom.

“Ah, good afternoon, Legate. I’m glad you were able and willing to schedule some time with me so quickly,” said an older man’s on the other end.

Felix was still trying to figure out how he was talking.

Or more accurately, who was talking for him.

He had a suspicion it was Tribune, of course. But he wanted proof of that.

“Of course. It isn’t a problem,” said the other Felix. “I know we’re both busy men, so I’ll hand the meeting over to you to guide. It sounded as if you had some concerns you wanted to work on immediately. How can I and the Association help?”

The screen that had been displaying a very beautiful Goldie in some housewear that fit amazing on her while discussing butchery to the Legion helmet. Then it was replaced with Tribune’s avatar.

At the bottom of the screen had been all the text that’d been said in his voice.

Given that it was actually very nearly what he planned to say, and couldn’t given his greed for Evie’s baking, he couldn’t complain. Instead he picked up another baked good and started in on it. Then grabbed the drink Evie had thoughtfully opened for him in advance.

“Obviously the first thing I’d like to make sure of is if you’re alright,” the president said. It wasn’t so much of a question.

“Of course, Mr. President. I understand. I’m fine. I honestly wasn’t even wounded. Only quite tired and frustrated,” Tribune answered for him after a slight pause. Felix had nodded his head after reading the text that appeared on Tribune’s screen.

He’d also noticed that Felicity had been typing away at her tablet in conjunction with the words appearing on the screen.

That perhaps she was generating the text for Tribune.

Finishing up with a swallow, Felix washed it down, then put his hands in his lap. He needed to actually get into this conversation and pay attention.

“Great, wonderful. I’m glad to hear that. We’re all glad to hear that. To think something would happen like that in our borders is… it’s unthinkable,” the president stated.

“Yes,” Felix said and decided to push a bit. “It’s a wonder that it happened given how closely the CIA has been monitoring the Association and Legion. Very curious, one could say.”

“Ah, yes. It could certainly be viewed that way,” agreed the president with slowness. As if he were hunting for the words.

“I know I do,” confirmed Felix, then he cleared his throat. “It’s fine. I’m sure the situation will resolve itself.”

“Well, about that, I have the Director of the Central Intelligence here with me. He’s asked me to speak to you about your people. Apparently they’re outside a number of high-priority CIA locations.

“Apparently there’s even a… a large Green Dragon that follows the Director around everywhere.”

“They’re there for surveillance and intelligence gathering,” Felix said, not bothering to sugar coat it or hide it. He saw no reason to. It was best that the government knew what was happening now. “Though realistically, we’re already aware of what happened. This is just to see if there’s anything outside of that.

“The operation will be over in roughly a week or two. They’re doing their best to make sure not to enter any facilities owned by the CIA and remaining entirely on public land. We’re trying to make sure we don’t interrupt their operations.”

Tribune had already once again broken into their new systems, ravaged all the data there, and brought it back out. Surprisingly, there hadn’t been any information on the attack one way or the other.

There’d been many scrapped plans involving Legion, but nothing made it past the planning stage. Nothing that got much further than a few low effort write-ups.

The fact of the matter was though that Travis had indeed been involved with the CIA. He’d made them weapons previously.

Except now it seemed like he was working on the side, or took orders that never went through the CIA.

“Should we find what we suspect, we’ll turn it over to the CIA,” Felix finished. “At this time, all I can say is we’re investigating an unregistered Super report. The individual who was killed in that shocking footage the other day, to be more precise.

“After looking into him, we’ve found he was an unregistered Super that had ties to a few agencies. Additionally, there were some pieces of tech at the sight of the ambush that tied back to that man.”

“And… that’s why you’re looking into the CIA,” the President finished.

“Yes. An unregistered Super that was an asset,” Felix acknowledged.

“Alright. The other thing I wanted to speak to you about was that video you mentioned, actually,” the President continued. “We had nothing to do with that action. We didn’t take it, weren’t aware of it, had no link to it.

“Our best say it looks strange. They want to mark it as false but there’s no proof of that and no way to authenticate that claim.

“Do you have any information you could share on it? Anything you can give us to help with it? Some type of tech?”

They don’t suspect us at all. That’s great.

Even going so far as to ask us for help. Amusing.

“We have no information, no tech, and no interest in it. It has nothing to do with us other than the unregistered Super. That is the extent of our interests,” Felix once more affirmed. Going outside of it was an invitation to get pulled ever deeper into other problems.

There was a flash on the screen Tribune was currently on. It got his attention and pulled his eyes to it.

On it was an exclamation point and a picture of his mother.

Raising his eyebrows, Felix didn’t really know what to make of that. It sounded like he needed to go see his mother as soon as this was over.

Turning his head, he looked to Felicity at the end of the table. He gave her a pleading look.

He figured he didn’t need to be here if Tribune could mimic his voice and she could give the input. This was politics and he didn’t want to deal with it.

The beautiful Dark Elf watched him, smiled grimly, then nodded her head. She waved at the door and gave him a finger flutter.

Getting up, Felix put all his snacks onto one plate, left the second as well as the drink, and left. There was no way he would leave Evie’s baking behind.

“Your mother is in your office, Legate,” Tribune announced quietly from a PA speaker in the corner. “Wait five seconds, please.”

“Five seconds?” Felix asked, reaching down to the plate for another treat.

Suddenly, Faith and Evie exited as well. They looked surprised to find him standing there. Though Evie’s face split into a grin upon seeing him eating.

Realizing he’d been asked to wait for them, Felix went onward. Eating constantly from his plate as he went.

They hadn’t made it to the elevator before an entire squad of CRG joined with them. Felix noted that the Dryads were carrying SMGs now and the Elves all had shortened rifles. The Dragons had large heavy looking machine gun looking things.

All of them were clearly Legion make and could likely outclass anything found locally on this planet.

“We find any more Dryads?” Felix asked curiously, glancing over Faith.

“Quite a few, actually. They all came from Planet Legion. They’re rather… ah… feral… but I like them. They mix well with those who came from my own Grove,” Faith answered with a pretty smile. “They’re currently in the training programs though.”

“That world have a Gaia?” he asked as they all entered the elevator. It was a bit close, so he deliberately nudged Evie toward the corner Faith was near and then pushed in between the two.

“No. Never did,” Faith answered.

Evie was staring down at Felix with a grin, hovering over him. Then tapped the elevator button. She pointed to a yellow cracker like thing on the edge of his plate.

“That one will be your favorite. Lemon,” she whispered quietly.

Felix didn’t wait and took that one into hand and popped it into his mouth. He did indeed love lemon treats for some reason.

By the time he swallowed it they’d made it to his office. Talia had joined them moments before they arrived.

Evie pulled a drink box out of somewhere and set it down on his plate. Grinning at him, she opened the door for him.

Between her and Goldie, I’m legit being Housewife’d to death. I’m going to end up getting fat and lazy.

Though… now that I think about it, I miss Goldie. She’s been so busy with all the new Dragons it’s as if she’s on another planet.

Entering his office, he found his mother sitting at his desk.

Or at least, this worlds version of his mother. She was the same age his mother would have been as well.

Having her in his life had been a godsend. Swooping in, brushing away the broken ruins that’d been leftover from losing his mother, and taking up a similar spot.

Her dark brown hair that was pulled up in a small bun behind her head. Her eyes were the same grey that were an identical pair to his own.

While she’d taken the place of his mother, she of course wasn’t.

There was a timidness to her, a lack of “life” that he’d noted was part of her very being.

“Oh, your dad just showed up,” his mother said with a chuckle and waved at the monitor. She was currently standing behind Felix’s desk. “I’ll send you that pie soon, okay?”

“Okay, thanks… thanks Grammie,” said Eva. “I’ll bug him later.”

“Alright. Bye dear!” Georgia said with a wide smile. Then she stood up and looked to Felix. “You know, I do expect grandkids at some point, but she’s a wonderful young lady. So she’s a great starting point.”

Felix smirked with one side of his mouth. Tribune had sent him here as if there’d been something wrong.

“Everything alright?” he asked as Georgia went and sat down on the couch Kit tended to prefer. He went and took his office chair for himself. He put down his plate on the desk.

“Oh, I’m just feeling a bit odd as of late,” his mother answered with a long sigh. “I’m truly grateful to have you here, Felix. Truly so. For all the joy you’ve brought me in my life.

“I just find myself really wondering over what I missed out on by never meeting… Austin. I tried his name as you said it against my powers, by the way. No matter which way I asked it, it always came back as ‘mine’. There was no vagueness in the response.

“No questioning it.

“Just… mine. That he was mine. I’ve never seen it respond to absolutely before. Without any possibility of there being a question about it.”

Georgia’s eyes had fallen down to the ground between them. Staring into the carpet as she spoke.

“I wonder if there’s a universe out there where it’s him sitting here instead of me,” she whispered. “If he’d be feeling the same thing as I am.”

Staring at her, Felix realized that while he benefited from his relationship with her, it was just as likely that she was suffering from it.

A real life mirror being held up in front of her of everything that never happened.

Then Felix realized he wanted to try something. Her words had sparked a possibility in his head.

An idea that felt stupid, but possible. He’d seen the fractured world of Edmund’s. That there were an infinite possibility of things in the universe.

He was willing to bet that somewhere was the possibility that his father, Austin, was here. Rather than Georgia.

Then he pulled on what he believed was his ownership over Edmund. Or part of his power. Additionally to that, he tried to tie it into his own power and wished to make a change.

Or at least, see that possibility.

There was no point screen shown. No response from his power.

Though there was a sudden and extreme response in the world.

Next to his mother was a giant tear in the world. Extending up past the ceiling and vanishing as well as into the floor.

Directly on her left, was his father. Sitting on the sofa and looking just as forlorn as his mother was.

He was a mirror image of his uncle Miles. They were twins after all.

“If… you could be with your… uh, if you could see them, would you want to meet them?” Felix asked. He had no idea how he could make this world but he wanted to try.

“Of course,” they said at the same time.

Mentally reaching for that tear Felix pulled on it. Or more specifically, he pulled on his father. Pulled on him until he felt something actually give.

There was a terrifying ripping noise followed by the world spinning wildly around him. Causing Felix to lean back in his seat and close his eyes.

“Are you alright, son?” Georgia asked from directly above him.

“I told you you’ve been overworking,” said what sounded a lot like his father. Then he clicked his tongue.

Opening his eyes, Felix found that he’d apparently done the impossible.

Leveraging his power, and what ownership he had over Edmund’s, he’d torn his father from one universe, into this one.

Standing side by side was his father and his mother. Or at least, this world’s version of them. He had no memories of growing up with them, or anything else for that matter.

But they were both here, somehow.

Then they looked at each other and stared for several seconds.

Georgia couldn’t apparently help herself and reached out to put a hand to Austin’s shoulder. Then her eyebrows shot straight up to the top of her head.

“Hi,” Georgia said with a sudden if nervous grin, her hand lingering on him. “Apparently you’re Austin. And my… or our… dear son decided to do something strange. Which really isn’t surprising.”

“No. No it isn’t. I’ve seen a lot of wild things since joining Legion. That means you’re… Georgia,” said the man, staring back at her. He looked far more nervous than Georgia did for some reason. “Would you-you want to go out for dinner sometime? I mean, he went to all this trouble just to… to introduce us-wait, Felix? What’d you do?”

Grinning stupidly, Felix only nodded his head.

“Just stuff,” he said tiredly. “Could you two go get me a big cup of coffee? A soda too? That’d be great, thanks. Go together.

“And don’t… mention… what happened to anyone. I have a vague suspicion everyone will think you’ve both been here forever. Only you two will likely realize there’s something wrong.”

Felix closed his eyes and just sat there.

Listening to this worlds version of his mother and father, awkwardly discuss plans to get together. In a situation where they both knew that the other person had been meant to be their fated person.

Damned Dimensional match maker.

Another thing solved.

Though… what next?

From the meeting with the President, it really seems like they have no idea what that attack was about. Is someone trying to create a false flag attack here? Blame the CIA when it wasn’t them.

I’ll need to look deeper. This doesn’t feel right.

Let’s check in with Miles, actually.

Didn’t really get to talk to him much. Melody mentioned the other day he was awake and almost back to normal. Would be good to see him.


James E. Coleman

Whoa. The dad ripped through space thing was… yeah. That was really something. Jerks your head a bit even if it is a computer server in the Runner verse


This concludes today's episode of dimensional matchmaker! Stay tuned for Goldie appearing in Lust and Laundry 😆