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Chapter 13 - Wrong Tool -

Letting loose another burst of fire Felix dropped yet another zombie. Sending it to the ground where it lay unmoving.

Melody was moving her weapon left to right rapidly. Sending multiple zombies to the ground.

Felix glanced over at her and watched her do a fast magazine change. Finishing it off with chambering a round and pulling the rifle back up into her shoulder.

Except Rene had finished up by then. The masked man had wiped-out any zombie that’d remained standing. Working through them and swapping to his pistol for the last two.

“You know what my dear friend, I’d say this has been an incredibly enjoyable party to attend,” Rene remarked and then beginning a magazine change for his rifle. “I can honestly say without any lie that this is truly a time I enjoyed being asked to drop by.”

“Oh yeah,” Melody said and then laughed loudly. Letting her weapon take a low ready position. “I haven’t been able to fire off so much without a care in… well, ever. Ammo is too damn expensive.”

“I don’t even have ammo on my world,” Rene countered somewhat bitterly. Or at least so it sounded to Felix. “So this has been a real banner day that’s unfurled.”

Smirking, Felix couldn’t quite agree.

He liked guns well enough, but they weren’t really his thing. He’d learned, trained, and gotten good with them, but they weren’t his hobby.

Truth be told, this entire situation felt like a waste of time to him at this point. A waste of his personal resources.

That he could be doing something else that’d be far more worth while. Something that could be advancing his goals instead of having him stuck here in Legion City doing street-to-street clearing.

After three days of work, they hadn’t managed to do much more than a street and all the buildings on it. The sheer number of enemies lurking in the shadows, waiting for them, had been considerable. To the point that they just couldn’t clear things very quickly while remaining safe.

Zombies in the streets were the easy encounters anymore.

Pulling out a handful of fingernail sized GPS markers Felix went and began stuffing them into the mouth’s of the corpses. Given that they were all in Legion City, he was more than willing to bet on them being Legionnaires.

He was unwilling to let any of them slip by without him at least checking later. The markers would be for an Andrea team to come back and scoop them up, then put them with the others.

At this point he was fairly sure he’d lose far too many points in resurrecting everyone. Rather than his original expected loss to restoring Legion City.

His bodyguards weren’t far off, the group of Elves and Dragons looking quite menacing in their Legion style arms and armor. They mostly kept to themselves unless he directly engaged them in conversation.

He got the vague impression that Faith had spoken to them about not getting too close. Given her prior history, he knew she had some real experience on the matter.

Felix waved a hand at them as he dropped a GPS token into a zombie’s mouth.

“— like it. My world has similar stuff but not quite,” Melody said, talking to Rene. She was pointing to something on the rifle.

“Yes, it has a nice response. I had way too many that just felt spongy on the pull,” Rene stated.

“Hey,” Felix said after putting the rest of his markers back into their container. He was walking over to the other two. Lily, several Andreas, and Faith were in another team doing the same thing. “Either of you know a private military company? One I can trust to be discrete?

“Because as fun as this is, and that I’m enjoying the time here, I don’t feel like we’re making great progress. With only two teams taking care of Legion City, as well as every building, is going to be… ah… slow.”

Rene was shaking his head slowly.

Melody’s helmeted head tilted to one side, then she let out a laugh.

“Actually I do!” she said and then started to bounce in place. “I do! He’s a friend of the family. Sameerixis. We just call him Sam, though. He’s an Incubus.

“I can call him right now if you want. He owns an entire PMC that deals with stuff just like this.”

“Really?” Felix asked, now extremely interested. The idea of having a third party PMC sounded like a great resource to have on hand when he needed extra hands.

Or in this case, trigger-fingers.

He was also curious if this happened to be the incredibly handsome man named Sam that he’d met. It wouldn’t surprise Felix in the least if they were one in the same.

Ryker really pulled all of us quite close to one another without us ever realizing it. It’s a wonder he made it all happen like that.

“Oh yeah, no worries big-bro,” Melody said and then set her rifle down on the ground. She then swung her backpack around and opened the top of it.

She searched about it in it briefly before coming out with a cell-phone. She looked at it with confusion.

“Tribune, let her use our cell network,” requested Felix.

There was a single beep as a response, followed by Melody making a surprised “oh” noise. He imagined she went from no reception to full bars.

He knew for a fact that Tribune had already started working at re-integrating Legion City into her networks. That meant she was likely sending a great deal of cell signals or just heavy duty wi-fi signals into the area. So that everything she could reach could be incorporated the moment it was picked up.

“Uhm… geeze, these gauntlets are too bulky to touch the screen,” muttered Melody. “Hey Skynet, call Sam-Monster.”

“Skynet?” asked Felix.

“Super advanced AI that takes over the world,” Melody explained while staring at her phone.

“Legate, we need more information on this AI so that we can work a defense against it,” demanded Tribune.

“It’s not real,” Rene interjected quickly. “It’s from a movie. Don’t worry about it.”

Hm. Not real for you.

Fairly real for me though.

“— got a client for you maybe. Do you have any jobs right now?” Melody asked.

“Not really. Honestly I’ve been spending a lot of time with Alex,” reported a man over the phone. Felix was no positive it was the same man. Doubly so that ‘Alex’ was mentioned. “After losing an eye in that battle we’ve gotten quite a bit closer. Haven’t really looked for any contracts.

“I probably need to go look into that soon. If I don’t I’ll have a lot of angry people telling me that they’re really bored.”

“Well, like I said, I’ve got a client for you,” Melody said with a laugh. “And you’ve already met him in fact. Felix needs to clear out a world that’s been eaten by an apocalypse. He’ll need lots and lots of people

“Endless hordes of zombies, probably spiritual monsters, evil creatures, things like that. Real end of the world and evil has won, thing.”

“Maybe an elder god,” Felix threw in.

“Uh, that sounds fairly intense. I think—”

“We’ll take it!” shouted a voice from the background. She sounded very intense to Felix. “This-this is a perfect opportunity to do true good. True good!”

“And fighting! I really need a fight right now,” said a second female voice. “We’ll need a lot of ammo though.”

“Felix can supply infinite amounts of ammunition,” Melody interjected, her head turning to look at him.

“If we come to a long term arrangement, I can sell ammo at dirt cheap prices,” supplied Felix. “There isn’t a form of ammunition of energy that my company can’t create. I can also provide some weaponry and equipment if it helps.”

I can lend out a few of the lesser versions of the Fist of the Legion. I know we have some of those laying around that Felicia doesn’t need or want anymore.

As to ammo, cheap. Very cheap.

Literally all it takes is loading dirt into the armory.


“Yes! We’ll take the contract. When do we start?” asked the voice who’d spoken last. “We can figure out pricing and whatever later.”

“Now?” asked Felix after coming to stand over Melody. “Now would be great.”

“Give us an hour,” stated the first female voice. “We’ll be ready. It’ll only take us that long to mobilize.”

The line went dead and Melody’s phone screen turned off.

“Well, I think I’ll stay and fight with them,” Melody said and looked to Felix. “It’s been a lot of fun here. Besides, I can probably talk Jill and Dunyasha into coming over. They’d probably have fun shooting guns with me.”

“Would you mind if I brought some people over as well?” Rene asked. “I’d like to train some people now that you mention it. If we’re no longer the primary force, I can take it slow and train others.”

Felix wasn’t about to say no to people wanting to help clearing Legion City.

“Feel free,” he said instead with a chuckle.

And that’s that. That works rather well.

Anti-climatic but… that’s how life goes.

“Oh, oh, oh, more fun is arriving,” Melody said and bounced up out of her crouch. She snatched up her rifle at the same time though left her pack and phone on the ground. In a flash she had it snug to her shoulder and was already firing. A pack of zombies were heading their way.


An hour more and then I can move on. Just an hour.


Felix had stuck around just long enough to watch a never-ending stream of people in combat gear streaming out of portals. They were outfitted in a way that made them look like a cross between what he’d call “Spec-Ops” and a medieval knight.

They carried swords, rifles, had a great deal of armor, and looked as if they were extras on a sci-fi movie set.

Spilling into Legion City they quickly took up positions and began moving. Felix had already worked out all the details and plans with their officer corps before they arrived.

Providing them with maps, plans, information, logisitics, and answered anything they asked. The fact that portals could be held open indefinitely there had eliminated a great number of costs.

Kit had to stop by briefly to make sure they were tied down but otherwise it went off without a hitch.

Walking into his office, or at least the one he’d been spending his time out of in the new world, Felix felt good. He’d accomplished his goal, gave Felicity, Faith, Kit, and Lily time to dial back into everything and get it sorted.

While he was important, and the leader for Legion, he couldn’t function to the best of his ability without those who supported him.

Myriad Prime followed as well as his body-guard detachment.

A group of Andrea carpenters were busily working in his office for some reason. He had no idea why and he didn’t think it’d be worth asking them. Their responses often were outside the realm of normality anyways.

At a glance, they looked to be expanding his office as well as putting in a great of cabinetry. Or so he guessed, he wasn’t really sure.

“Escape route, armory, and safe room,” Myriad stated even as Felix went over to his Legate armor stand. Setting his helmet down in it’s rest he looked to Myriad.

“Oh? Expecting problems?” he asked.

“Somewhat. Mikki is really concerned about some of the Heroes,” said Myriad. “Miu agreed and actually went to double check, then to drop in on Anya.”

Evie strolled into his office and pulled something out of her pack. She seemed to carry it everywhere anymore.

“Husband, here,” she said and promptly put down a soda as well as a seran wrapped brownie that looked more like a cookie. Which he was definitely interested in but he really was feeling like a bag of potato chips for some reason.

Evie picked up the brownie and put it back in her pack, then set down a bag of barbecue potato chips. She put down a small folded napkin as well.

Smiling at him, the devilishly pretty Red left him standing there. Rather than going to the body-guards she joined the Andreas. Who which immediately greeted her and fell into a conversation.

Myriad looked amused, her Centurion helmet under her arm. Her eyes moved back to Felix and she smiled at him.

“Alright,” Felix mumbled. He’d already popped the tab on the soda and taken a drink. Putting it down he started to work at getting out of his armor. “Sounds like we need to meet up with Anya, Hero Lily, and Hero Kit. Doesn’t it?”

“Yes, you should hold a meeting with both groups,” agreed Myriad. “The meeting request for both Heroes remain. They’ll be glad to get a formal response.

“Faith had put them off and told them that you were just recovering from the operation still. You were exhausted, tired, and needed time to yourself as the Legate.

“Though I don’t think you’ll need to worry about arranging your calendar.”

“Why’s that?” Felix asked, getting his breastplate and waistguard off. Leaving him in the leg-guards and boots only now.

“Felicity and Faith are working on planning everything out for you now that you’re no longer working in Legion City,” Myriad answered. “Lily should be returning at the end of today as well, though I think she’ll join Kit at the front-door of Legion HQ. She mentioned it briefly.

“They want to re-earn their way back into the upper echelon of Legion. Not just rely on who they once were. Though I did see Lily and Kit both put in dinner requests for you repeatedly over the next month.

“As well as Jessica and Erica. That’s tonight I think though. I don’t even have to mention that they included each other in their dinner invites, yet set them up individuall for different days.”

Felix snorted at that, got out of the rest of his armor, put it away, and immediately began eating the chips. Drinking down his soda at the same time.

Myriad watched him curiously before smiling, dipping her head to him, and then walking away. She went to go speak with the Elves and the Dragons.

“Tribune, what do I need to know?” asked Felix, dropping down into his seat. He was already half way through the bag of chips. He’d been practically stuffing them into his mouth by the handful.

“The political climate is currently volatile,” Tribune began as Felix turned to look at his monitor. She was speaking out of the built-in speakers that it had. “The prison is operating at peak efficiency, no complaints, and no incidents of violence, either. Everything is moving smoothly.

“Next, our media outlets are working to put out as many articles as possible about the terrible costs of having people with super powers in our world. That they’re a danger and a menace to everyone.

“As you requested, we employed a number of article writers to posit stories about worlds where super heroes have taken over and rule with an iron fist. The campaign is showing a great upswell of support, though more from one political group then the other. Though both are thankfully in favor of it.”

“Perfect,” Felix got out after a rough swallow. Then he picked up the soda and drained it rapidly. He still wasn’t used to the fact that he was constantly hungry anymore. It was as if he had a limitless need for calories. “What else?”

“The political groups are lining up with the Heroes of course, though there’s been a significant increase in funding for the Villains,” Tribune stated. “It’s all being sent to Anya through back-channel deals. Most of them are asking for her to pay to have locations, people, or the like handled.

“She declines all attacks on people but takes any contract on any type of item, building, or property.”

Felix nodded his head to that. That was good. If he was being honest that’s a choice he would have told her to make had he thought about it.

“The Heroes have settled on backing Hero Kit and Hero Lily as their leader and vice-leader. Hero Lily forced Hero Kit to take the lead,” Tribune continued. “The association is held in a positive light though there are detractors who begrudge us for attempting to remain neutral. Many people have pointed out how bad the situation would have been if we hadn’t been involved. If the villain in question had registered correctly, its likely they’d still be in charge.”

“Hm. I mean, they’re not wrong. Officially we wouldn’t have acted,” confirmed Felix. “We just would have gone after them unofficially. Let’s bury those stories and keep them submerged. That’s not a fear I want them to have.

“It’d only either push us up to be more active with the populace, or have them try to write some sort of silly laws. And speaking of laws, what about the UN?”

“Our charter was ratified in it’s entirety as well as our proposed laws and exceptions,” Tribune stated. “There was some feet dragging but everyone came around in the end. The only concessions that were needed didn’t exceed anything that you laid out in advance as suggested alternatives if they balked.”

“Great. Anything in particular? Taxes?” asked Felix, grinning. Wiping his hands off on the napkin Evie left him he swept the bag, can, and paper into the trash can beside his desk.

“Taxes,” confirmed Tribune.

Laughing, Felix couldn’t blame them. Taxes made the world go round.

“Next,” commanded Felix, drumming his fingers along his desk.

“That concludes the Association, politics, and world issues,” stated Tribune. “Legion as a business, and the private businesses as well, are all performing ahead of projections.

“Financial success is not an issue. The leading producer is the material production companies. Or more accurately, high-end steel. It is being purchased in large volumes.”

“Oh? By who?” asked Felix.

“Arms manufacturers and similar companies,” Tribune stated.



There must be a run on weaponry and the like both at an individual level as well as govenrment. Everyone is concerned about Supers.

Maybe we should get into the arms industry.

I bet we could create some non-lethal weapons that might be massive breakthroughs.

“Send a note to Felicia inviting her to show me how much she’s grown. I need non-lethal weaponry. Long range and short range both. Usuable by civilians with little to no training,” Felix ordered.

“It’ll be done, Legate. There is one thing to note about the business portfolio. There’s a slump in part of the waste management sector. Price per ton of trash is dropping in contracts that are coming due,” Tribune warned.

“That’s my fault I suppose,” mused Felix after a momentary delay to think. “Trash isn’t as much of a premium when I can just… negate it.

“Let’s make that work in our favor. Find a suitable location to create a mega-dump on a coastal property. Preferably one with access to a port. Buy the property, and port if it’s available, and put it on my calendar to convert the proposed dump site into a sealed pit that won’t leak.

“Then invite anyone and everyone to dump whatever they want into it. Offer it as a free service to anyone around the world for the first three months. So long as they book in advance, that is.

“At the same time, sell off all our trash contracts and waste management facilities. No sense in hanging onto them if we’re going to put ourselves out of business. Anyone looking to save money won’t bother with other dumps, even if they have to ship it to us.

“Any concerns, Tribune my dear?”

“None, sir. I’ll get it done immediately, Legate,” Tribune promised. She sounded pleased.

Which unnerved Felix.

“How long have you been sentient, Tribune?” asked Felix.

“Since the old Legion systems takeover,” admitted Tribune. She sounded terrified now.

“Right… any change in your goals or directives?” he asked. “Anything that changed along with your sentience?”

“Not that I’ve noticed. Other than a strong inclination that I feel we should terminate all ongoing AI research,” Tribune confessed.

“Fine. Start building some anti-AI weaponry as well. If you’re going to be the first, let’s make sure you’re the last, too,” Felix ordered and then sighed.

I’ll have to make sure I modify her tonight. To really make sure she can’t betray or weasel out from under my control.

Given that she’s a program, even as an AI, that shouldn’t be difficult.

I hope.

“I’ll do so, Legate. You have a meeting that was just scheduled with Felicity and Faith that will begin in fifteen minutes,” warned Tribune. “The invitation is open to a few others, but no one has accepted yet.”

Oh. Time to get changed then.



Lol still love the technical ai worried about the ai he built taking over the digital world they live in