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Chapter 7 - Ties that Bond -

People began trooping into his office.

Kit, Lily, Faith, and Goldie all came in quickly. As did Andrea Prime, surprisingly.

Last he’d heard from her she was returning back to Legion world to meet up with the true Andrea Prime.

Except even as he looked at her, he realized that it was, and wasn’t this worlds Andrea Prime. That it was the same woman he’d talked to on the phone, though also not.

“Felix!” Andrea said bouncing over to him.

Third Andrea slipped away from him, walked into Prime, and vanished. Only to pop out the other side and start moving toward the door.

Though Felix did notice that she just about tripped over her own feet as she went. There must have been a significant transfer of information or Others for it to happen.

“We were right,” Andrea said when she reached him. She hugged him tightly. “Now I’m Andrea Prime. True Andrea Prime. The old Prime joined me and we became a whole person! We are the Prime of Primes. Nnn, nn.”

Andrea was rubbing her face against his neck and shoulder.

“Then I spun off a bunch of Others and we’ve been sweeping through everyone and passing the information and knowledge along,” Andrea continued. “It took some time but it’s done now. Adrianna and Myriad as well, of course.”

“Oh? The portals are open?” Felix asked, hugging Andrea for a moment more before they separated. Then Kit and Lily walked up to him.

Brazenly, unexpectedly, Kit kissed him briefly then forced her way into his arms just as Andrea had done.

Standing there, holding onto a woman he’d been chasing for years, he didn’t know quite what to do, other than hold onto her.

“Yes, we have a portal room up and operational,” Lily answered with a flick of a wrist. Her manicured nailed creating magical sparkles as she did it. She briefly paused to inspect her fingernails, frowned, then looked back to him. “We now have access to Legion world, this world, our original world, and the world Vince’s on, but I honestly forgot the name of it.”

“Tribune announced we’d be having a meeting shortly,” Faith offered as Kit lingered against him for several seconds before stepping away. Only to be replaced by Lily who immediately did the same as the other two. Though her kiss lasted significantly longer. “We’re just coming here to meet up with one another before hand.”

Lily broke the kiss with a sigh, then rested her forehead against his jaw.

“I missed you, Felix,” whispered the soul-sucking villain.

“Missed you, too,” he replied. Their reunion had been brief. Energetic, but brief. He looked forward to talking more much with her and Kit at length.

“Ah, do I get a hug and a kiss, too?” asked a voice Felix hadn’t heard in a while.

Lily laughed, disentangled herself from him, and stepped to the side. She immediately joined the conversation that Faith, Goldie, Kit, and Andrea were having.

Looking to the door, Felix saw Felicity.

The beautiful Elf who’d made it her personal goal to become indispensable and part of Felix’s every move. He hadn’t seen her since coming to this world. She was dressed in business attire that matched her pearl-gray skin. Her pitch-black hair and dark eyes were perfect and fit a look that was uniquely hers.

Smiling ear to ear, Felicity came straight over to him, hesitated, then hugged him firmly. To which Felix grinned, kissed her, and hugged her back.

Through the door behind her came a number of people that he hadn’t expected to see, but was glad to. The large woman known as Ioana dressed in her Legion armor and her short and grumpy wife Felicia came in next. The two chatting about something as they entered.

The dwarf said something curtly to her tall wife then stumped over to Felix.

“She missed you. I’m already figuring out everything that’s going on and working with Tribune. I’ll be up to speed soon and can help you make the best of everything.

“Before you ask, Eva is fine, but she’s currently in school. We let her know that we’d re-established contact, but that she wouldn’t be able to meet you in person. I imagine she’ll start sending you emails through the Legion system once we get it all patched together.

“Oh, also, anyone who goes through the portal isn’t impacted in the way Ryker described. For reasons we don’t know, there seems to have been a leveling effect. We tested it with a criminal we were holding before we risked ourselves,” Felicity whispered in his ear, kissed his cheek, then dipped out of his embrace. Joining the others along with Ioana, who’d only smiled at him, waved her fingers, and went and stood next to Goldie.


That’s interesting.

I wonder if the fact that Runner opened a portal between the two places forced some type of synchrony between the two.

“There you are,” growled the mad-scientist Dwarf. She stood there in front of him, glowering at him. “You’re okay?”

Smiling, Felix got down on one knee in front of her and held his arms open to her.

“I sure am, my cantankerous friend,” Felix murmured. “How’re you and the Missus?”

Felicia snarled at him, a grimace spreading across her mouth and showing her teeth at him. Then she stumped forward and hugged him.

“We’re fine. Just… moving along. Glad you’re okay,” Felicia harrumphed. Then she released him, dithering there in front of him. “Made a new Fist. New gear. Nothing much going on elsewise. Gonna… gonna have a kid. Either Ioana or me is gonna get pregnant for us. Dunno.”

“Oh? That’s fantastic news. Guess it’s good that I made sure all the Legion buildings have a nursery and kids club,” Felix answered with a grin.

Felicia grumbled something about him being a god-parent, scratched at her stomach, then trundled off. Only to be replaced by Ioana.

Who hugged him firmly.

“She’s really happy we re-established contact,” Ioana whispered. “You know how she is. And yes, we’re going to have a baby. We’d love it if you could be their god-parent.”

Hugging her back, Felix nodded with a laugh. Ioana was the honest one between the two.

“Happy to do it,” he said. Ioana patted him on the shoulder and rejoined her wife.

Expecting more reunions, Felix looked to the door.

No one was there.

Hm. Well.

That just means Miu is… already nearby.

Let’s play spot Miu real quick.

Glancing over his shoulder, Felix noted a shadowy patch of wall. Where a cabinet created a slightly darker location. It was likely just dark enough for Miu to use her powers to blend into.

If there’s a blending effect, a leveling grade to put the two worlds in step, that’d mean their original powers might be fully enabled.

A shadow that bare could hold Miu.

Walking over to it, feeling confident, Felix put his arm against the cabinet, got down to where Miu’s head would probably be, and then smiled.

“Hello, my love,” he whispered. He had no proof, and he’d look rather silly if he was wrong, but he was positive Miu was right here in front of him. “Did you bounce back over to the other world real quick to pick up some toys?”

There was a shifting in the shadows before Miu appeared.

The incredibly pretty dark-eyed, dark-eyed, and extremely lethal assassin appeared. She was exactly where he’d expected her to be.

She was staring at him wide-eyed, her pupils jittered slightly as she stared at him. He could tell that she was quickly being overwhelmed by his presence.

“Hi,” she whispered.

“Feeling somewhat anti-social today?” he asked. There were times when Miu didn’t want to interact with anyone. Not even him. Her issues and problems were her own and he knew she didn’t want him to fix them. They were part of who she was.

“Yes. I’m… yes,” Miu whispered, her hands opening and closing slowly in front of herself.

Felix made a brief nod of his head, then leaned in and kissed Miu. His left hand coming up to cup her cheek. Several seconds passed before he moved away.

“Stick with me today. I’m sure I’ll need you,” he requested.

“Yes… yes, I… I will. I’ll stick with you,” whispered Miu. Her eyes were flicking back and forth now as they often did. Her whole frame shivered as she stood there. “With you, Felix. With you.”

Stepping away from her, Felix turned back to the rest of the room. At just the right time as well.

Gaia had been closing in on him.

Today she was dressed in casual clothes. Very similar to what Goldie would wore. As if she’d once again been raiding the dragon’s closet.

Not long ago when they’d met for the first time she’d looked like a very attractive middle-aged woman.

Now she looked akin to a young woman at the peak of her youth while being fully mature.

Her eyes were a rich brown that glowed internally. A shifting of colors and hues that slowly covered the spectrum

Her mouth and lips were full and often blessed with a smile, her hair delicately pulled back, but also clearly trimmed to fit the times right now.

Her dark-brown hair was braided with silver and golden clips, all designed in the shapes of leaves and flowers.

Tilting her head, Gaia smiled widely at him, her eyes holding to his.

“My gorgeous wife,” Felix gushed with a laugh. He closed on her quickly and put his arms about her, then pulled her into himself. He needed to make sure he kept her firmly in his pocket.

Even if he didn’t quite care for her as he did the other women in his life, he needed to stuff her fully of happy butterfly feelings for him and Legion. To make sure she was deeply entrenched in his personal beliefs.

“Oh! Ah… yes! Hello, husband,” Gaia responded, her arms sliding around his shoulders in return. “Goodness, I really should have gotten in his bed earlier. If it’s already this pleasant just to be hugged, then I’ve really been ignoring my natural instincts for no reason.”

She never did break her bad habit of speaking her thoughts aloud.

We’ll just have to keep… pretending we don’t hear it. There’s no reason to confront her. She knows of the issue but just can’t curb it.

“I wonder what it’s like to kiss,” Gaia whispered, her arms tightening momentarily around him.

Taking the spoken thought as an opportunity, Felix tilted his head, then kissed the goddess. The single strongest being that was the actual world itself.

There was a strange moment as his lips touched hers that Felix felt a horrid bout of vertigo. As if he’d been turned upside down and shaken wildly by a giant.

Jerking him about like he was a hand held bell trying to get people’s attention.

The kiss was brief, warm, but charged. It left Felix feeling breathless and as if something had filled him from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

“Darn,” whispered Gaia, gazing at him from an inch away with partially closed eyes. Her next breath was warm and washed over his jaw and neck. It smelled like nature.

As if he were standing in a field with trees and bushes. A smell that felt impossible considering it came from her mouth.

“I should have gotten in his bed if this is what kissing is like,” whispered Gaia before leaning in and kissing him again. Her hands pressed to Felix’s back and he found that he was now firmly locked into place against her.

“The meeting will begin shortly,” warned Tribune over every device that the VI could access. “Those in this office should leave now to arrive on time.”

Gaia released Felix from their ever-lasting kiss.

Standing in front of him, the beautiful and reality-bending deity gazed at him longingly. She was panting, her pupils wide as if they’d been fully dilated, and her mouth hanging open.

Felix felt winded, drained, but also filled with a strange energy. His hands were resting on the lovely creatures hip’s.

“We need to mate,” Gaia observed, sounding as if she were going to lean back into him to kiss once more.

Stupidly, without thought, Felix began to nod his head.

“Nn! Gaia, sexy time later. We need to go. Felicity will get all Miss Manners on us if we don’t move. You don’t want to disappoint her,” warned Andrea, bumping up into Felix’s side. She grabbed both of them around the hips and began ushering them forward.

Felix didn’t miss the fact that Felicity had indeed been moving in their direction. A tablet held in one hand. She was flanked by Kit, Faith, and Third Andrea as well.

Oh shit.

All my minders in one place.

That’s not good at all.

They descended on him. He was quickly separated from Andrea Prime and Gaia.

“Oh, you’ve put on more muscle,” Kit remarked as they guided him over to a corner. She’d had her hands on his back and was pushing him along.

“Hasn’t he? I’ve been making him workout with me and Andrea more often,” Faith remarked.

“I’ll make sure to contact tailor Andrea to get him re-sized, for now, we’ll just have to dip into his wardrobe and make something work,” Felicity stated. She’d been tapping away at her tablet the whole time. “I’ve got an Andrea coming with several suits we can try on for him.”

Felicity turned to Third Andrea next to her and smiled widely.

“I’m so glad I have the A-Net working with me now, by the way,” Felicity remarked.

“Agreed, yes!” Andrea said with a nod of her head. “With Faith and Kit, we’ll have him ready to take on anything now.”

Kit reached down and pulled off Felix’s Legion ring, then put her hand to his head. He’d known she was able to inspect his memories and thoughts even through the ring, so this was somewhat a surprise.

“We need to emphasize his looks by the way,” Faith offered as they began stripping him right there in his office. “There’s been a really positive response to him being an older and attractive male. He looks like he’s in his early thirties for this world and that’s helped a lot with Legion on this world.”

“Oh? Interesting,” Felicity said but nodded her head and tapped again at her tablet.

In a flash, Felix had been peeled down to nothing but his boxers. Standing there, wide-eyed, and suffering from having making out with Gaia.

So far, the four women had kept their eyes on his face or shoulders. He hoped that remained true.

Desperately so.

“I’ve spun up all the appropriate com channels and got it cross-linked between networks,” Felicity reported, then looked up to Felix. “Tribune?”

“Yes, Assistant-Legate Felicity?” asked the VI.

Felicity smiled at that title and nodded her head. She clearly approved of it for some reason.

“Have you integrated yourself into the older Legion systems and networks?” she asked.

“No. The Legate has correctly assumed that I can become a threat and has limited my ability to infiltrate networks. I must be granted permission from him to do so,” stated Tribune.

“You’re a threat?” asked Kit, staring into Felix’s face as she continued to rifle through his memories. He had no idea what she was looking for but he got the impression this was a much more thorough exploration than the previous one had been.

“Of course. I have far too much control for a program that is a single step away from crossing over from a Virtual Intelligence to an Actual Intelligence,” Tribune reported. “The Legate has wisely and prudently put limitations on me that are reinforced by myself through his changes in programming to me.”

“Integrate yourself with all the same programming, limitations, and standing instructions,” Felix ordered. “How long will it take to finalize it?”

“I’ve already finished,” Tribune reported after a pause of seven or eight seconds. “All that remains is finalizing installation and restarting devices to finalize. Control has already been achieved, however.”

The only way that could happen, is if Tribune had already injected itself into the networks. It just hadn’t activated most of it.

Tribune is already rampant, just held back by the safety measures I forced on it.

“Wait, what’re we doing?” Felix asked, looking to the women in front of him. Everyone else had already left. “I thought this was a meeting. Why do you need to change my clothes or fret over how I look?”

“I’m taking the meeting over for a chance to record an informational video, broadcast to all of Legion, and hold a ‘all hands’ call as it were. Then we’ll have our own catch-up meeting afterward,” Felicity explained and turned her head as the door opened behind them. “Perfect timing, though I admit I was expecting Andrea.”

Glancing over, Felix saw the brown haired version of Andrea enter. Adrianna Elex. She was mostly responsible for many of the inner workings for Legion before he’d left, and a great deal of the office level type of work. Counter to that, Andrea had taken up security and physical labor.

A second behind her came Myriad as well, the black haired military version of the Elex sisters. There was a darkness around her that never seemed to fade given she was filled with a vast number of Death Others.

Andrea’s who had been filled with memories of their deaths that’d slowly caused them a great deal of psychological pain.

They were both Primes.

Trailing along behind them were their Third’s, arms full of suits, shoes, ties, and belts.

“My Primes,” Felix breathed and then moved through the group of women in front of him. Not waiting, he stuck an arm around Adrianna and Myriad both. Pulling them into himself and holding to them.

Neither Prime fought him off but instead hugged him in return.

“Additionally, we’ll need to put him in his Legate armor and film something for the Association and Legion here on this world,” Faith added as Felix tried to strangle the Elex Primes with his overly aggressive hug. “They just experienced that Skipper like invasion after all. They’ll need reassurances from the Association and Legion both.”

“Yes, that’s fine,” Felicity murmured behind him. “If anything, it might be good to have him in the armor, actually. The rest of Legion hasn’t seen it. Maybe we can show them both videos so they can see both sides?

“Do we have plans of eventually incorporating this Legion with the rest?”

“Nn, yes!” Andrea inserted quickly before Faith could. “We’ve got them all prepared so that they could serve in either Legion. It’s just a matter of doing it and changing their employment contracts a bit.”

“Ah! Well, we can be a bit evil about it,” Kit offered. “Have them enter a portal without knowing, end up on our original world, have them sign a new contract there, then bring them back here.

“They’d be beholden to the original contract, be recognized as such, and we’d be able to continue on without a concern. So long as we make sure it’s legal in this world, and the rules of the old, I don’t see an issue with it.”

“That’s surprising,” all three Elex women said at the exact same time.

Felix was also surprised by Kit’s suggestion. It was perfect.

But didn’t seem like something she’d personally offer up.

“I’ve learned how to be a Hero, without endangering those I care about,” Kit acknowledged. “Now, let’s see… oh I like this suit.”

Felix put his head down in the space between Adrianna’s and Myriad’s shoulders. Not letting go of either.

“Uhm, Felix,” Myriad began.

“We’re both flattered but we don’t have time,” Adrianna finished.

Both of them were staring down at his mid-section. A second later, Andrea had joined them.

“Oh, look at that,” she hissed.

“After?” suggested Myriad, to which Adrianna, and Andrea nodded their heads.

“Elex royal rumble, Nn,” they all said collectively.


Jeremy Patrick

Lmao. Its really good to have them all together again.

Jake Minor

Figured Goldie would be in this group, especially with the sowing. Anyways, fun read with the gang all back together!