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Save State Hero, is out now.

As a reminder, Amazon has botched their review system. Anything less than a 5 is "I didn't like this book".

I wish it wasn't so, but Amazon isn't exactly a genius organization. From shadow-bans, to outright bans, to not even understanding how reviews work.

Thanks everyone.



John Bray

I really like Edmund's story. The save state power really lets you crank the despair, loss, etc. While allowing hope for future routes. Im excited to see where this goes. Also, PANCAKES!! I have faith again.


Thanks. It was ... really complicated to write. I needed to provide an ending that was deliberately somewhat unsatisfactory, so that Edmund can work at it. If everything went "right" in the first Route, then there'd be no point. Not to mention I had to have everything happen in a way that won't ruin the other books. If I write an elaborate set piece that involves Felix going on a massive adventure -with- Edmund, than I have to somewhat include that in SSOSH6. So it gets even more complex the longer the book goes on.


Review submitted. Good stuff, sir! It's always a test of patience to wait for its release. I hope the review was written well enough to attract some new readers for you, as it's well worth it.


Thanks Brian. I really appreciate that. i'm currently in my "anxious oh my god i'm a fake author" mode right now. Always happens after a release. :D


When I remembered that it was being released yesterday, I immediately downloaded it and dug right in, only to taste regret when I realized I only had an hour to read before I had to go to bed, since I now work mornings. Ended up finishing it at work after spending a little more time than I should have with it last night. I think I like Edward more than most of your other protagonists, especially since he connects with me as a speed runner. The need to find that perfect route, all the right exploits and economy of time usage. I'm very excited for the sequel!


I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it. :D It was rather complicated to write just to get the "Okay" ending Route settled. I'm not sure I have it in me to write another avengers type book as even the bad routes are hard to get correct.


Another excellent entry in the Sovereign-verse. Definitely interesting to see where things go. With how Runner seems to be driving everyone away, part of me feels Nadine needs to stop watching and give him a good talking to. (That said, it's a good touch that the war has worn down on both Runner and Ryker over time)


As usual a great read and no you are not a fake author 😀. You are very talented. I hope you can get Andrea to perform this book. I will happily wait for as long as it takes because it will worth it in the end. I look forward to reading your next one.


Thanks! I really appreciate it. I can guarantee that Andrea won't be doing the book, though. Stephanie S. is more likely or someone else entirely.


Is she too busy or is there and issue with the production company?