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Dorothy was happily gnawing at a stick of beef jerky while Alina took another sip of her energy drink.

The convenience store had been a raided, looted, mess. Where nothing had been upright and it looked as if a tornado had gone through it.

The two ladies had just picked up a few things, made sure there wasn’t anyone inside, then left. Edmund hadn’t wanted anything but he’d noted what was there in case he needed to come back later.

Being able to effectively rewind time gave him a different perspective.

Knowing where things were made his life significantly easier when he needed things in the future.

Though the fact that the money they used here was green, yet the country name was the same, had left him feeling very strange. Strange and somewhat adrift.

That this was as different as he’d been afraid it was.

An alternate universe entirely, given he’d seen a few magazines that advertised states he knew, and states he didn’t.

“Oh, there’s Maya,” Alina murmured.

Her voice broke through the uncomfortable silence in Edmund’s mind. Knocking him thankfully away from his own thoughts.

Alina gave him a quick smile and then moved away from Dorothy and Edmund. Heading for a teenage girl. She looked to be of mixed Asian and European heritage.

Edmund felt like it’d be easy to bet on her becoming an attractive woman when she grew up. Which meant her mom was probably rather pretty.

“That’s Warner’s daughter,” Dorothy said in an offhand way. “In a weird way… most of the people Runner recruits end up being dads.

“I’d love to tell you it was some part of an ideology or something but it’s just weird random luck. Kinda like how they all have harems.

“But I think that has more to do with his wife, Amelia. She might as well be the true incarnation of the god of tricks and pranks. I’ve only met her a few times but… it’s… always been memorable, I guess.”

There was a clack of a door opening behind them.

Dorothy and Edmund both turned to look at the door they’d exited from not that long ago.

The man named Vince had stuck his upper torso out beyond the doorway and he was looking around. His eyes seemingly mapped out where each person was before settling on Dorothy and Edmund.

“Plans changed, going to be a fight,” he said as soon as their eyes locked together. “Get ready. We’re leaving in about five minutes to gear up. Zeus suddenly changed his mind about what he wanted to do, we’re responding.”

Changed his mind?


I wonder if this is still how the other iteration of the world went. If this is different yet or if this change of mind occurred then, too.

Ah well.

No time like the present, I guess.

“I’m glad you’re here,” Dorothy said after the door banged shut behind Vince. “Honestly… I was kind of nervous. No idea why, but I just was. Nothing felt quite… right. Just kinda wrong.

“I wish I could explain it, but that’s the best I can do. I’m sure that sounds ridiculous but there it is. I feel a lot better with you here.”

Edmund blinked, glanced at Dorothy, and then looked away.

He didn’t want to really think about the fact that she was supposed to die on this mission. That Dorothy, or Dot as he called her anymore, wasn’t originally destined to make it out of this situation.


I’m not Fate, but I guess I get to adjudicate in their place.

“I getcha. Let’s go tell Alina and then get ready. I’m not exactly a super combatant you know. I should probably get a gun and some body armor or something,” Edmund complained and started walking toward Alina.

“Oh. That’s… oh. Yeah. That’s a really good point. I’m sorry, Edmund. I didn’t even really consider that. You’re practically a non-combatant. Is your super power luck? Everything just seems to go right around you,” Dorothy remarked.


Everything just seems to go right.

I end up spending something akin to a month in total time to get that one single thing to come out perfectly.

To you it’s just that one minute.

It makes sense to her then that I just seem lucky.


Edmund was quietly loading magazines into a plate-carrier. It had a patch and color pattern for a uniform he didn’t recognize.

Runner had stated that they were taking this specific equipment because it’d all function in any world, regardless of which world it was.

So when Edmund had gotten his rifle, one that was very similar to what he normally used in Legion, he wasn’t surprised to find it was eerily similar but also different.

He’d even ejected a round from a magazine just to inspect it, only to find that the materials looked different to him. Though he wasn’t sure if that was due to a lack of experience on his part, or it truly being out-of-this-world to him.

Or at least… out of my world.

Sighing, Edmund pushed the magazine into place and then looked around himself. He didn’t see anyone nearby.

Vince and Felix had been the last two in here and they’d already left, apparently. Edmund hadn’t even seen them head out.

“Oz, I’m not in the world I came from anymore, am I?” Edmund asked, staring at the floor.

“No, Edmund,” Oz answered.

“Are there alot of worlds?”

“More than Edmund could comprehend.”

“That’s mildly comforting, in a way. Life. Endless life. With that much life out there, it feels more and less real.”

“Real and reality is a question of perspective. Sentience, one’s own existence, or being real, are all questions that an individual cannot answer on the individual’s own.

“Nor can any other individual answer for another. All individuals are individual. In asking the question of real and reality, an individual can at least be assured that it is real in that moment.”

Edmund blinked, tilted his head to the side, and considered those words. That sounded convoluted and not very useful to him.

“Uh… I think therefore I am?” he summarized instead.

“Something similar to that, yes.”

Nodding his head slowly, Edmund was willing to leave it at that. He’d seen behind the curtain already. More than what he knew already was likely only going to leave him with a hefty psychiatric bill.

“My powers will work here, right?”

“Edmund’s power works everywhere at all times in all locations.”

Wincing at that, Edmund did his best to mentally slam down the curtain he had mentally considered only a moment ago. With statements like that, he felt like he was looking far too deeply into his own existence and what it meant.

“Is there anyone my power doesn’t work on?”

“I cannot answer that. What I can answer, is that Edmund’s power effects every single individual at this time. When Edmund activates a change, the change is activated without exception.”

Weird answer but… also… not that strange, I guess. Oz has said weirder shit.

“Alright. Good to know. I guess,” Edmund said and then let out a heavy breath. “Any advice, Oz?”

“Edmund should pay better attention to Edmund’s surroundings.”

Freezing, Edmund once more looked to the left, then the right. There was no one that he could see.

Then, almost as if drawn in a way he couldn’t explain, he looked up.

The locker room he was in was the type that had a bare ceiling. Open metal struts, ducts, and wiring could be seen.

As if the building hadn’t been completely finished.

There, hanging from what looked a lot like some type of pipe, was the masked man that’d been identified as Rene.

“I to also talk to myself if only to hear my voice. Or at least I did once upon a time,” admitted the man with a nod of his head. “However, now, that’s no longer the choice. Long since gone are the conversations with the monster who had to rhyme.”

“Aren’t you rhyming?” Edmund asked.

Slowly the masked man’s head rotated around till it was practically at an angle that’d be impossible.

“Yes, but that’s because I am the monster.”

Edmund clicked his tongue, nodded to that, then stood up.

With all the horrible shit he’d done and seen, this man’s impact was fairly minimal.

“That’s coo. So… you ready to do this shit, Rene? Cause I’ll be honest, I still don’t know what the fuck is going on,” Edmund asked.

There was a soft laugh at that before the masked man released his hold and landed on the ground next to Edmund with a pat.

“I like that attitude. Good to have. Good to hold on to,” Rene murmured with a small nod of his head.

Then he reached out and pulled the charging handle, forcing a round to chamber. Then he flicked a small switch on the side.

“You’ll do better with burst fire. Expect a good kick and only go to auto if it gets dire,” Rene continued. He looked Edmund dover critically and nodded his head.

The man wrapped an arm around Edmund’s shoulders and began escorting him out of the locker-room.

“How do you feel about history? Say… the renaissance period? Any interest in it? Would you want to see a point in time where there were a lot fewer distractions?” asked Rene as they walked out.

“Are… are you recruiting me?”

“Maybe I am at that. I’m looking to expand and I need more people who’re intelligent and able to work under odd conditions,” Rene continued, his voice shifting rapidly to a different tone entirely. As if he were a new person. “Given the situation, how you’re handling it, and your responses, it’s obvious you can deal with a lot of crap. I’ve got a lot of crap that needs to be handled.”

“Uh huh. I’ll-er… think about it,” Edmund answered politely.

“Great, great, here, let me tell you about my world,” Rene began, having heard Edmund, but clearly also having not heard him.

“Good timing, Rene. I need you to scout ahead,” Runner called the second Edmund and Rene exited into a large open room. One that was far more akin to a gymnasium than anything else now that Edmund really looked at it. “Or at least figure out what the hell is going on.

“I’ve deployed all my forces to match his, but now with this is happening and I don’t know what the hell is going on. This feels like a ploy but… it’s Zeus. Zeus doesn’t do anything outside of what you’d normally expect.

“Except now he’s doing just that so… yeah. Thanks in advance, please find out what’s going on. Just pop through the portal there and head over to the other side. You two were the last through of my special people. So… just go do your thing.”

“I can do that. Alright. Watcher, watch over me,” Rene said amicably while nodding at Runner. “We’ll talk more later. Think about what you’d want as a salary.

“Oh, and since you look like you’ve got a thing for those two ladies over yonder, my world has overly-pretty women in it. Way prettier than even those two. I’m sure I can introduce you to women who’d be more than willing to consider an arrangement with you. If that’s what gets you motivated. Lots of motivated and intelligent women in my world.”

Edmund blinked several times as Rene moved away from him. He really didn’t know how to respond to that. His life experiences weren’t few, but no one had ever offered him women as a recruitment strategy.

Somewhat pathetically, he couldn’t deny his mind actually quickly flipped toward the idea of what it would be like to accept such a thing. Being introduced to beautiful women never sounded like a bad time.


No. Wake up.


Use your head, not your head.

Come on, Eddy. Turn off the cave-man brain. It’s normal but not needed.

“— move in and secure the perimeter. We’re just going to where they’re going. Nothing fancy. Rene will get back to us quick enough so we can just… just keep going,” Runner said, coming over to stand near Edmund. “As for you… well, I don’t think I need to say it, do I?”

“I plan to stay in the rear with the gear,” Edmund clarified, not really sure if that was what Runner was going to tell him or not. The fact that the man was a god still unnerved Edmund at a few levels.

“Fantastic. Alright. Go ahead and cross over to the portal. I’ll be bringing up the last slot because I’ll need to drop the portal once we’re all across,” Runner said and motioned over to the flickering oval.

It was as if reality had torn itself open in that space and emptied out elsewhere.

Memories of the last time he’d seen the world tear itself apart popped into his head.

“It’s not a rip or tear in the world. It’s a magical connection. World to world. Perfectly harmless. Or at least, the ones we use are perfectly harmless,” Runner offered, as if pulling the thoughts from Edmund’s mind. “Can’t speak for other peoples portals. Gives me the heebie jeebies.”

“You’re God? Capital G and… and everything?” Edmund blurted out suddenly. The idea that this strange man created everything didn’t fit with his own mental picture of how things were supposed to be.

Runner stared at him for several seconds, then glanced back at the portal that was waiting for them. Only to look back at Edmund.

“Yes. For you, I am,” Runner stated after a pause that felt far too long to be a good thing. As if there was a great deal more to be said than such a simple admission. Then he glanced up to the space above Edmund. “How’re you, Oz? Anything ever come out of that task I asked you to look into?”

“Nothing so far, my lord,” answered Oz with a reverence Edmund had never heard.

“Oh well,” Runner said then once more looked to Edmund. “I told Oz to stay with you for a time. To watch over you and provide what help he could.

“I’m very aware of your power. After all, I’m the one who gave it to you. Gave you dominion over all things with it. Including myself and Zeus.

“If I wished it, I could know your thoughts and examine them as one might a painting or a picture. Go over nuance of it and dig out the meanings of everything.

“I could unroll your soul like a roll of tape and wrap it around a dumpster only to set the whole thing on fire, so I can warm up the possum that lives behind it.”

Even as he spoke, Edmund could feel the weight of Runner pushing down on him. As if he were a tiny ant beneath a massive thumb that was grinding him down into the ground.

That his thoughts were indeed laid bare and able to be read as easily as a novel might be. There was no question in Edmund’s mind now about the identity of the “being” in front of Edmund now.

As quickly as it came on, it all vanished.

Leaving him only with a feeling that he’d been opened up, glanced at, then closed back up. Leaving no mark or lingering feeling behind.

“I’m sorry,” groaned Edmund, putting a hand to his chest and taking a small step back. He felt rather dizzy all of a sudden.

“No, no, I’m the one who’s sorry. I didn’t think you’d get caught up with your own lives,” murmured Runner, watching him quietly. “That’s not something you should have to bear the burden of. I did what I could to ease it but that’s not something I can fix right now.

“Remind me to take a look at it when this is all said and done and I’ll see what I can do. Or at the very least, give you an on off type of switch for it.”

Edmund grunted, then stumbled forward.

Through the portal and away from the deity.

On the other side was a world filled with shooting, screaming, people taking cover, and explosions. Thankfully it was all several hundred feet away and stretching off into the distance, but it was somewhat mind numbing even at the distance it was at.

Where they were at currently was a small cleft in a hill. One that ran down into a cave and out of sight.

Vanishing into the darkness of it.

Felix, Alex, Vince, and Sam were all standing near it. Peering into it or at one another.

That’s what Runner asked Rene to look into? We’re going down into caves?

Caves are never the right answer.


You don’t go down into the caves to find the badguy. You just wait at the top for them to come back up and then club them behind the skull with a rock.

Fuck that!

Next they’ll tell us we’re going to split up to search.

Edmund wanted to turn around and yell at Runner. To curse the god that had them here that this was foolish and stupid.

“Okay, so, yeah, foolish and stupid to chase Zeus into a cave. Rene’s going to check it out and get back to us,” Runner stated loudly. He’d just closed the portal behind himself. “Sure as hell ain’t splitting up either. This isn’t the time for stupidity, and none of you are hot enough, or female for that matter, for me want to attempt a scooby doo three way with.”

Ryker, who had been drenched in the shadows of the cave mouth, stepped out from the darkness and looked to Runner.

“Man… I’ve got a thing for Velma. You can keep Daphne. She looks like a mega-Karen in the making,” Ryker grumbled.

“She’s the nerdy one that’s got some weight to her, yes?” the incredibly overly handsome Sam asked and then smiled when he got nods. “Yes, I do like her myself. They’re always so earnest and eager to please.”

“You sure that’s not just cause you’re an Incubus?” Alex asked, looking to the other man. “And… you’re not talking about, mom, are you?”

Sam didn’t say anything, he just stared at the other man.

“Oh god you’re talking about mom,” groaned Alex.

“She’s always so willing, my boy. It’s—”

“No! No, no, no. Not talking about mom. Stop, father. Stop right now,” Alex hissed and jabbed a finger into Sam’s chest.

“Uh, I’d like to talk about your mom. She seems fun,” Ryker offered. “She got any sisters?”

Edmund shook his head slowly.

This was an actual rogues gallery. They all felt like people who owned a spot in as a villain or an anti-hero, rather than someone who could be a genuine hero.

After a single moment of self reflection, Edmund realized he wasn’t exactly the most heroic person around, either.


Scott Fields

I miss Monster. I think he was my favorite character out of any of them. Yes, I'm well aware of what it says about me that I identify with the blood-thirsty alternate personality of a psychopath. :)


I... yes. lol. Yes, exactly. Monster had to die though. If he didn't die than Rene wouldn't have grown. Kinda like saying you missed a cancerous tumor? :D


Good ol’ tumy! How I miss thee and thy ‘literally killing me’ ways.

Jeremy Patrick

Lol I love seeing the other characters from Edmunds pov


Awesome to see the gang finally gathered together. Fun to see the banter. And man Runner is taking a huge chance giving Edmund so much power over everyone including himself! Doesn't that mean Edmund is being treated more like a failsafe programme than an individual MC level combatant in his eyes? The fact that the save states get corrupted or changed over time therefore changing reality for even the overgod of the multiverse himself seems uber risky. Fascinating.

Nukin Futs

Man I so very enjoy the character of Runner; he says such messed-up things that aren't as messed-up as they sound because there is a silliness to them, yet even closer look, he could and would actually do the "silly" messed-up thing, which makes it all the more messed-up... Next scene he's back to being the geek, recognizing that there is boss music playing.

Nukin Futs

Or did Runner give life to the quick-save function of his ZSNES and applied it to the whole of the VM containing the the entire cosmos?

Matthew Shealy

FINALLY! THE SCENE I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! Well almost. Can’t wait for them all to be together.


Always a fan of Rene