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Wrench had no idea what was going on anymore.

A few minutes after he’d finished in Seventh then Small-Boy came and chased them both out into separate rooms. Which had apparently been portable Habs and were quickly moved elsewhere.

Only for Wrench to be collected by a Tongsta he didn’t know in a rather luxurious carrier.

Then being deposited in the center of a massive open space with a great number of those strange devices all around him that he was certain were cameras. Or some other type of viewing device.

Beyond that was a small gathering of Tongsta.

Likely judges, overseers, or participants in the games, he figured.

Standing here for only a minute, he had no idea what was going on, but knew he was better off not moving from his current position. All he had to do was wait for Goodie, he imagined.

“Alright. That should be enough for extra content,” a voice said from the crowd. “Let’s bring in the second place winner.”

A Tongsta came in from the side, nearly appearing from nothing and nowhere. They’d been behind a curtain or something similar.

Always a surprise and never that fun.

I’d like less surprises, please.

Less surprises, more time in my Hab, a lot more talking with Stripe.

She’s way more interesting than—

The Tongsta put a slightly shorter pedestal down first next to Wrench. Then put Seventh down atop the pedestal.

Seventh hada semblance that was flustered, annoyed, and at a loss. Eyes locked on the space in front of her and not really observing anything.

“Oh, hey there,” Wrench said with a grin once he realized it was her. He figured it would be better if he “Didn’t think I’d get to see you again so soon. I’m rather happy about that.”

Especially given my plans for you.

Flinching, Seventh looked over to him and was clearly surprised to find him there. A smile tried to appear but died at the corners of her mouth.

“Hey, Wrench. Sorry. I tend to blank out when they carry me around,” muttered the Brawler. “Been in a lot of ugly places to train. Never know where I’m going.”

Uh… right.


She’s definitely had a rough go of it.

“If I could save you, would you want to be saved?” Wrench asked suddenly.

“Huh?” asked Seventh, her body shifting toward him now.

There was a pop followed by a whining noise and Wrench realized he couldn’t talk anymore. Something had been done that’d locked his jaw together and he couldn’t spread them anymore.

Well fuck you, too.

I was having a conversation.

Damn rude of you, faceless Tongsta. I hope you get your tentacle pinched in an Air-lock.

“And the third place winner, now, too,” concluded the Tongsta. A moment later and a smaller pillar than either of the two was put down, and Mr. Happy was plunked down. “Great, perfect. We don’t have to focus on him long since his story wasn’t great.

“Alright, let’s bring out their owners.”

Wrench didn’t have an issue with that statement. He’d be more than happy for Goodie to show up. He imagined she’d be rather pleased with his performance.

Maybe it was a bit “domesticated” of him, but he wanted her to verbally praise him for his hard work. To smash him with the overwhelming warmth and care she always did for him.

“Wrenchie!” squeaked Goodie, her excited voice smashing right past his expectations and being even better. Goodie appeared over him and a tentacle came down and curled around him. It gave him a quick squeeze and then remained posessively about him. “My precious boy. My good Wrench. You’re so amazing.

“And I’m sorry Wrenchie. Mommy didn’t ask you if it was okay to stud you out to the second-place Hume, but you seemed to like her. I really didn’t think you’d have an issue with it. I hope you can forgive mommy, Wrenchie.”

Wrench couldn’t speak yet, so instead he patted Goodie’s tentacle.

“What? You can’t-oh! There,” Goodie remarked at the same time Wrench felt his jaw unlock. “I had no idea they did that, I’m sorry Wrenchie.”

“Thanks, Goodie. You’re the best,” Wrench remarked while standing there.

Looking to the side, he could see a Tongsta beside Seventh. They were rather uninterested in her as far as he could tell.

“Now, everyone has received their rewards, but the first place Hume gets their special prizes,” declared a voice from the group of Tongsta. “Additionally, due to the… to the issue… we’re doubling the reward. We’re hopeful that this will absolutely resolve your concerns, xxhht.”

From off to one side, yet another Tongsta came toward them. They set down two Hume in front of Wrench.

One was Pretty-Girl, the other was also a female.

Though surprisingly, in an insane way, she was even better looking than Pretty-Girl was. They had some familiar features, and the same hair color and type, though she had eyes that were closer to hazel, than brown.

“Oh! Wrench! It’s so wonderful to see you!” announced Pretty-Girl with a loud laugh. She waved up at him where he was atop the pillar. “This is Lovely! She’s my cousin. Apparently she’s the prize for this years champion.”

“You’re a prize, too, Pretty-Girl,” countered Lovely, looking at her family member. “We’re both going with him.”

Wrench couldn’t really tell if one was smarter than the other, though they both seemed to have a lower-level intelligence than that of his School-Hume.

“We are? How wonderful! This is just exciting! I’m just glad to be leaving. I’m so tired of being in my Hab by myself all day every day. My Admini always lie to me about visitors or talking to me, then leave as soon as they restock my food and water.”

Yeah, no.


Don’t need them.

They’re lovely but, I have other needs.

Wrench patted Goodie’s tentacle quite firmly. Then made to jump down from the pillar.

Goodie didn’t hold onto him, though he did feel her hesitate briefly.

Landing down on the ground levle next to the two women, Wrench took both of their hands in his own.

“He seems rather excited about his prize,” a Tongsta remarked.

Walking over to where Seventh was, Wrench grinned.

“Alright, come on down here Seventh. We’re going to make a trade. I need your help in this,” Wrench asked. “I’m going to save you from your fate.”

“I didn’t ask you to save me,” stated Seventh quickly. Her lips were pinched together and her arms folded behind her back, one hand grasping the wrist of the other.

“Okay, then I want you for myself because I’m greedy. So get your big dumb Brawler ass down here so I can keep it already,” Wrench demanded. “Unless you really wanna be a broodmare after all.”

Seventh drew in a breath, held it, then released it in what was nearly a sigh.

“Fine. Fine! I didn’t ask you to save me but… I’m not stupid enough to not be saved,” Seventh argued, then jumped down from the pillar. When she landed in front of him, she paused, watching him. “Though how are you going to save me?”

Wrench released Pretty-Girl’s hand, then moved forward with Lovely. He put her in front of the Tongsta.

“Stay here, Lovely. It was nice meeting you, but I’m not really in need of you. I hope you understand,” Wrench apologized. He was sorry, but he’d trade her away for Seventh in a flash.

“I… what?” asked the wonderfully attractive woman.

Wrench left standing there and went back to Pretty-Girl and Seventh.

Taking Seventh’s hand in his as well as Pretty-Girl’s, he went back over to stand with Goodie.

“Uhm,” mumbled a Tongsta.

“What, you want her rather than Lovely?” asked Goodie, a tentacle quickly coming down to hover in front of Wrench.

“Yes, Goodie. I want Seventh. Not Lovely. They can have her, we’ll keep Seventh,” reported Wrench. Holding the hand holding hers up and displaying it. “I want Seventh for myself. Her dad is still alive. They can breed him with Lovely or someone else. They don’t need her.

“I want her specifically for me. She’s a waste on others. She can help me with the Hab, too.”

“Really? Are you sure, Wrench? We could probably trade Lovely for six or seven like her at the breeders. They might even have a similar pedigree as hers, just not her specifically,” Goodie asked. He could tell from the intonation that Goodie was going to do what he wanted. It just seemed like she was making sure of his wish.

“Yes. I want Seventh,” Wrench said, shaking the woman’s hand back and forth while holding it up with his own.

“Are you serious?” whispered Seventh, staring at him. “You understand them? You’re talking with them and you want me?”

“Damn right I do,” hissed Wrench under his breath. “You and Pretty-Girl are more than enough as far as prizes go.”

“Well… are you okay making the trade? Seventh for Lovely and consider it a done deal at that?” Goodie asked, speaking to the other Tongsta.

Their responses came back as nothing but static to Wrench.

He didn’t miss what was said though, because it was paired with an action.

The Tongsta scooped up Lovely and then fled. Not waiting for even a moment.

“Well, there you go,” Wrench murmured and let Seventh’s hand fall down between them. He grinned and looked to her, feeling rather pleased with his plan. This was the first half and it was done. “You’re all mine, Seventh. You were worth the trade and then some.”

Seventh just stared at him wide-eyed.

Nodding his head at her, Wrench turned and looked to Pretty-Girl.

“Pretty-Girl, I’m sorry. I don’t really need you either. I’m going to trade you to someone else for a number of people. Is that okay?” Wrench asked.

“Uh… er… are they nice where I’m going? If they’re not nice, I don’t want to go,” Pretty-Girl pouted, looking at him in an almost hurt way.

Wrench couldn’t actually guarantee that where she was going was nice. Beyond the fact that he’d instilled a deep fear in the Brawlers in the Hab he’d be trading for.

“If they’re not nice, tell them that you’ll tell me to come hurt them. They’ll be very nice after that,” Wrench promised. “I’ll make it a point to check in on you, too. Alright?”

“Okay. That’s fine. Is it going to be filled with lots of people? Maybe… maybe some men?” Pretty-Girl asked hopefully.


Wrench was surprised as the Air-Lock cycled.

Around him was Chuckles, Seventh, Lucky, Pretty-Girl, and Berry.

On the other side of the small area was Stripe.

She was standing there with a smile.

Apparently waiting for his return.

Given that there was no way she’d have known when he was coming, it seemed like that she’d perhaps been watching for this moment. To be there for him and welcoming him back from the games.

That or she’d been waiting in this exact spot.

“See, Stripe? I told you he’d be back,” Goodie murmured warmly. “No more waiting for you. Here he is.”



The lock cycled and then opened up.

Wrench and his group moved out and he stopped in front of Stripe.

“I… ah… welcome back, Wrench,” Stripe squeaked out with a smile. Her eyes meeting his, then darting down, and away from him. “I’m so glad you made it back. You look good! Nothing… nothing happened? You’re safe?”

“I’m safe. Thank you for waiting for me, Stripe,” Wrench replied. Part of him wanting to move in and hug her, but they were still somewhat unknown to one another. He knew what he wanted from her, but he didn’t want to rush her.

To scare her off and send her scampering away.

“I missed you,” Stripe got out in a pathetic sounding croak.

Okay. That’s… that’s too cute.

“I missed you, too. Now… Stripe, this is Seventh,” Wrench said, pulling Seventh over to stand next to him. The Brawler still seemed rather bemused with the whole situation. “Seventh, this is Stripe. She came with me as my partner here while we fixed this Hab up.

“This isn’t actually our Hub. This is where we’re going to trade Pretty-Girl for everyone else we want. I just have to collect them and then head out.”

“You’re taking people back with you?” asked Chuckles, not far off to one side.

“Yes. Why, you and Freckles want to come?” asked Wrench. He’d planned on bringing Chuckles and Freckles with him already. If they wanted to offer it, it’d make it that much easier.

“I ah,” Chuckles murmured, then laughed softly. “Yeah. It’ll be awkward for Freckles. A bit. But… it’d be better I bet. I’ll go talk to her.”

“Everyone is already on the way down,” Stripe advised. She’d moved closer to Seventh while Wrench looked away. “Gadget was keeping an eye out and planned on having everyone come down when you arrived.

“She’s had no luck getting the system up and running, despite all the parts now being here and everything put back together. She can’t get it to start-up correctly.”



I bet she didn’t calibrate it and register the parts.

Doesn’t matter if everything is put in correctly, everything as it should be, all of it perfect, if you don’t calibrate and register it all. It’ll just default into safety mode.

“Stuck in safety mode?” asked Wrench.

“I… yeah, how’d you know?” asked Stripe, her head coming up and gazing at him curiosly.

“Cause I’m a Fixer. I’m supposed to know,” Wrench answered with a laugh. “They just don’t have the experience to back up their skills. I’ll fix that.”

Turning, Wrench looked up to Goodie who was still there.

She was currently talking to Dickhead about their winnings. This was the perfect opportunity to trade Pretty-Girl off. Walking over to the Hab glass, Wrench began banging on it.

It only took a few slams of his fist for Goodie to notice. Her large rotund body moving down toward him.

“What is it, Wrenchie? Is everything okay?” asked Goodie.

“I want to trade Pretty-Girl for a bunch of people. Tell Dickhead to get ready to barter. Okay… okay mom?” asked Wrench. He didn’t think for a second Goodie would understand him, but he didn’t see a reason to not try.

“Hmm? I don’t… oh, look xxhht, all your Hume’s are coming down. I wonder what’s going on,” Goodie informed Dickhead.

“What?” asked Dickhead.

“Alright. Seventh, Stripe, please go stand in the Air-Lock,” Wrench murmured. “Chuckles, go find Freckles. Pretty-Girl, could you stand with me?”

“Of course!” chirped the beautiful woman, bouncing over to stand next to him.

Wrench took her hand in his and then held onto her.

It only took a few minutes for everyone to arrive down here. He wasn’t exactly sure how they’d managed it, but he was glad for it.

“Alright, hi, I want to take some of you with me,” Wrench said to the group. “To that end, Gadget, Swifty, how’d you like to come to my Hab?

“I’d offer to take all the Fixers but some of you need to stay here. Also, all you need to do to fix the systems is to run a calibration test and then register all the parts. That’ll get it running as it should. That’s it.”

“Gladly!” Gagdget said and then quickly rushed over. Dragging Swifty along with him.

Not far off, Wrench could see Pistol and Popsicle.

He wasn’t interested in the latter, as she’d offered herself up with no conditions, but he felt Pistol would be a good addition to his Hab. She was attractive and would be a great solo.

Meeting their eyes he smiled and called over Pistol.

Before he could say anything, though, Pistol and Popsicle both rushed ahead. Then stood with Gadget and Swifty.

Wrench didn’t want Popsicle but he realistically didn’t have the heart to tell her to leave.

“Can I go?” asked Lucky.

“Sure, hop on over,” Wrench said with a thumb gesture to the group. The more males he trusted he could bring with him, the better off his population would be in a few generations.

Looking at the group, Wrench saw that it was exactly what he wanted. These were people that would help deepen the gene pool for him and provide resources he needed.

Turning to Goodie, Wrench held up his hand that held Pretty-Girls.

Then he walked over to the group.

Letting go of Pretty-Girl, Wrench got behind the group and began chasing it to the Air-Lock, getting them into it while waving his arms forward.

Once Wrench got them all inside, he turned and looked up to Goodie.

“You want… to trade Pretty-Girl for all of them?” asked Goodie.

Wrench nodded his head in large motions.

“Is everything okay here then?” Goodie clarified.

Wrench continued to nod his head, then began walking back to the Air-Lock.

“Are you willing to trade? Wrench wants all them and he’s willing to—”

“Yep! Not a problem! I’ll take that trade in a heartbeat,” Dickhead declared quickly. “That’s fine. Just take your Hume and ah… I’ll see you later. Alright?”

“Sure, sure. No worries. I have a nav-shift coming soon anyways,” Goodie allowed and then sighed loudly. “Alright, Wrench. My dear little Wrenchie. You got everything you wanted and then some.

“So did I, actually. Thank you. Your mommy is really happy with you. Should we go back to your Hab? I still have one more surprise for you, too. I think you’ll like it. I got it super cheap and already got it set up. You’ll just have to make sure everything is fine with it.”

Uh, what?

You did what now?


David Hoerner

Glad he got Seventh. Looking forward to seeing him get closer with Stripe, as they clearly are starting to care for each other. I have no idea what the "surprise" might be in the next chapter and I really want to know now. Great chapter!

James Breaux

Nice. Can't wait for the rest of the book.

Kyle Stitt

Heck ya got a new king of the cunnie!!

Kenneth Darlin

Lmao, a woman at a sale!!! Wrench is in trouble now!!


I am eager to discover what purpose Wrench and Goodie will find for their new family? Just living a peaceful life will be boring to read about. What other sorts of ways to generate income is there besides studding himself out and fighting? We know he can stud out, but doesn't want to give up his progeny. Goodie does not want to face the stress of uncertainty with regards gladiatorial fights. One suspects that wrench will have to fight more often than Goodie would prefer since he won't allow himself to impregnate anyone outside his Hab. Really curious to see where Will goes with this.

Drew Risch

I'd guess that some unfortunate or intentionally contrived circumstances force them into the fights again, OR he ends up invoked tangentially with the resistance, either with it against them.

Drew Risch

What the heck did Goodie get?

Drew Risch

It sounds like playground equipment or a building for the Hab or something 🤷🏻‍♂️

Nicholas Donovan

Goodie got him a nice bedroom playplace :) All seriousness though it might be some kinda add on like a area extra container that got tacked on containing a building, garden or some such idea.


I'm thinking upgraded tech. Perhaps something that allows Wrench to upgrade other Humes' implants after he makes some adjustments.

Eliseo Rios

Welp, I'm caught back up and I have an empty fealing cause no more new chapters. I do have one question, and I guess Spoiler warning for the otherlife series In the first chapter, the helmeted man said "the humans a few thousand of light years that direction understand them beter" and that had me wondering: exactly how much can the spaceship's servers simulate? A local star cluster? An entire galaxy? An entire universe? That last one wouldn't be out of the question, due to the fact that, if a computer is powerful enough to simulate an entire planet down to the atomic or subatomic level, it can theoretically simulate another computer within that virtual environment and have it run its own simulations, effectively adding the simulated compiter's proccesors to itself. it would also be able to simulate a computer more powerful than itself and add its computational power to the system, to the point that simulating something like a fully functional "jupiter brain" becomes possible, at that point, simulating a nearly infinite number of nearly infinite universes becomes trivial. Hell, we can go a step further and simulate a universe with a jupiter brain in it which sustains the simulation that it is in. Like the computational equivalent of a tensegrity table All of this hinges on the servers capabilities to simulate a virtual environment that is 100% indistinguishable from reality, which srit kinda took care of. It's one of the fears of AI, it will eventually become so powerfull that it can basically download more ram. Sorry about the ramble, I have a mindless job and had an entire 8 hours to think about this😅