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Wrench woke up.

He felt like he was laid on the thin Fixer mattress that he knew was in the ducts. A blanket was also draped across him and the temperature was perfect.

His mouth had an odd taste to it as well as if he’d been chewing on something medicinal.

Then his brain sprang to life and he realized he was in the ducts. That Stripe had clearly retrieved him and brought him into the ducts.

From there she’d clearly been feeding him some type of liquid or gel.

Just as he’d asked.

Grunting, he forced his eyes open.

He was staring up at the ceiling of one of the duct facilities. The boring and bland ceiling squares endlessly spreading off in every direction.

It only took turning his head for him to figure out which facility to be exact.

He was in Security.

Stripe was in the swivel chair and bent partly over the console. She was sleeping in a very uncomfortable looking way.

A long line of drool was trailing out of her mouth and to a pool of it on the ground.

Spread out around him were a disgusting number of nutrient drinks. The type given to older Hume to keep them healthy and able to live on even if they’d lost their teeth.

They were most certainly filled with calories and vitamins. To the point that it was akin to a meal a drink.

Wrench didn’t bother to count how many were around him when he recognized that there were more than thirty at a glance. Enough to feed a small Hab for a while, in fact.

Either I’ve been asleep a while, or she’s been filling me up to the point of bursting.

Not sure which.

Though… this is so terribly cliche.

I admit I did ask her to help me out if I went down, but still. So very cliche.

Wrench lifted his hands up and peeled the blanket down from his chin. Looking to his side he saw there was a fresh bandage wrapped around where he’d been stabbed.

Then he realized he probably shouldn’t be able to be moving his arms around as easily as he was considering the break he’d suffered.

Letting the blanket drop back down he pulled open his Systems window.

Everything was set to one-hundred percent, except his Lymphatic system. It was still in overdrive, running at near six-hundred percent and had a red-flame symbol next to it.

Yeah… without all the calories Stripe was putting in me, I think that I wouldn’t be here. That my Lymphatic System would have burned out from me leaving it running so high.

In the same breath though, if I hadn’t pushed my recovery so far so fast, would I even be here either?

Questions for another time I suppose.

Looking back to the Systems screen Wrench tapped into his side. Where the wound should be, but wasn’t.

He’d seen a great deal of red on this screen when he’d last seen it, the fact that it was gone was a surprise.

After searching around in his system for a few minutes, he found that there really wasn’t anything there. Not a hint or a single bit of evidence that he’d been hurt or harmed.

The break in his clavicle was also well healed and without any lasting concerns.

Sitting up he reached down to his side and peeled back the edge of the bandage. There was nothing but clean and normal looking skin beneath it.

Not even a scar was there.

Wrench pushed the bandage back down against his side, then got up to his feet. He realized in that moment that he was quite naked as well.

Nodding his head he walked over to the Security monitors. He didn’t think he’d be waking up Stripe just by moving around and he wanted to see the date.

Enough that he was willing to risk being seen naked by someone who’d obviously already seen him naked. There wasn’t anyone else who could have gotten into the ducts after all. He imagined Stripe dragged him over to the door, opened it, and carried him in.

Looking to the monitors he quickly found the date.

Then blinked, looked away, and looked back to it.

The date had remained the same as the first time he saw it. There was no change in it and he wasn’t seeing things.

It’s… still the same day.

About six hours have passed. It’s just before evening.

That’s-alright. Alright.

A lot of calories in a very short period of time, healing in record time, and coming out the other side just fine.

It’s just like the masked man said. So long as I have the fuel for it, I can do anything. That means I need to finish up with reforming my body.

Height, denser bones, better muscles, longer reach, stronger tendons. All of it.

Lots of calories, sleep, and letting it do what it needs to.

Make myself to impeccably perfect that I’ll have to rename myself.

Like… Chad.

Nah, that’s a stupid fucking name.

Nodding his head, Wrench looked to the sleeping Stripe.

Without her, it’s quite likely he would have died or come out of the situation in a terrible way. Perhaps with damage to his body or Systems that he couldn’t solve easily.

I owe her.

When she inevitably asks to stay in the Hab, that’ll be a yes instantly.

Her, Spook, and his family. Won’t even be an issue or a concern.

We’ll move them into the pens as soon as—

Wrench paused mid-thought.

He realized today was probably the day that Goodie would drop in to peek at things. Often a Tongsta would show up in the middle of a month on an odd ending day. Most often the thirteenth or fifteen.

Almost always with whatever they were going to give over to the Hab, but always in the evening.

I need to get out there at the front of the Hab. She’s going to have a lot of Hume bodies to clean out of the filter, after all.

If I’m not there, she might think I’m part of the pile.

Wrench began a search to find his clothes. He had to be outside for when Goodie showed up.

Thankfully Stripe had set the Fabrication machine to making him a new work uniform. The armor and clothes he’d been in were all piled next to the machine, likely waiting to be converted back into material.

Dressing quickly Wrench exited the duct.

The School and Solos that’d been gathered around in the immediate areas were gone now. Where they’d left to he had no idea.

Of course he could see the cafeteria and his School inside it.

He waved at them briefly and gave them a smile.

They’d all jumped at this point and were practically up against the glass. Waving at him, smiling, and looking excited to see him. Clearly they’d seen Stripe drag him into the ducts.

Pointing down to the Hab glass, Wrench then pointed to himself, then pointed back to them.

Dusky was off to the side of the glass watching him as he motioned.

Then she grinned, nodded her head, and pointed at him, then down at herself.

Wrench nodded in response, then waved again. It seemed like they understood so he didn’t need to hang around. His only regret was he hadn’t woken Stripe to tell her thank you, or that he’d be right back.

He didn’t think she’d panic for long and would more than likely begin scrubbing through the camera system to try and find him. Which of course she’d discover him near the glass rather quickly.

As he made his way down into the field, he saw that the School and Solos from Stripes Hab were all at the filter. They were all bunched up together in the middle of what looked like some type of party.

There were more than a few smaller groups that were in the middle of actively having sex as well. Though those looked like they were part of the Brawler group to start, but he wasn’t sure.

There was a single family that was at the outside of the group that had nothing to do with said party.

It only took Wrench a moment to realize it was Spook and what was likely his partner and children.

Grinning, he veered away from the direction he was going and curved. Planning to walk past Spook and welcome him officially into the Hab.

Before he could reach them, Sparkle caught up to him. Appearing next to him. She wrapped her arm through his, pulled it up into her chest, and hung onto him.

“Hi, Wrench. Hi. I’m so… so glad you’re up already,” said the beautiful School-Hume. “We were all so worried when you were brought back by Stripe. She assured us you were fine and just needed rest but… we were still scared.”

“I-yeah, I’m fine. I’m fine, Sparkle,” Wrench murmured. He knew this was just how School-Hume were. Her touching and holding to him, was because she was alone. The fewer there was of their School, the more clingy they got toward one another.

What she was doing right now had nothing at all to do with if she had any romantic feelings for him. This was an overly-friendly School-Hume, with a non-School-Hume.

“I see that! I’m ecstatic that it’s gone exactly like Dusky said it would. She kept everyone calm but we were all a bit panicky. You know how Schools get,” Sparkle intimated and patted him on the forearm. Her fingers lingered there and then slowly curled around him. “For a Fixer, you understand us really well. Did you partner with one before?”

“Briefly. She wanted more than I could give her. She joined a Brawler after that,” admitted Wrench even as Spook noticed him heading their way. He and his family were moving over to him rather quickly now.

“Wrench!” Spook called out loudly, long before it’d be a polite volume.

More than a few people engaged in the extravaganza looked up. Eyes that sought out what was going on and then locking on Wrench and Spook.

There was a general feeling of shock and disbelief on their faces.

“I tried to tell them you were fine,” Spook declared, coming right up to him. He had a sharp tone and there was visible tension in his neck. “None of them believed me. They went along with whatever the Brawlers said. All of them promising that you were dead and they had a part in killing you.

“None of them listened to me but my own family. Not one of them. At least some of them didn’t join in that ugly… going-on down there. Those few deserve a pat on the back for not being complete idiots. The rest of them… they can all just… stay in the filter. Where they all belong with that lack of faith.”

Spook had a pinched expression on his face and his jaw was clenched. He even topped it all off with a shake of his head as he came to a stop in front of them.

“Spook, this is Sparkle. Sparkle, this is our Admini. He, his partner, and his children will be joining our Hab,” Wrench introduced them to one another.

“I’m one of Wrench’s School,” Sparkle said with a wave of her hand, moving closer to Wrench. School-Hume were always distrustful of anyone not in their School. It took a great deal to break through that barrier unless they wanted something from you. “Given how Wrench feels about other men, I take it you have no interest in other partners. Otherwise he wouldn’t have let you joined.”

“Ah-haha, yes. No interest other than my partner,” Spook said and then indicated the woman who had come over with him. She was rather attractive with dark-black hair and dark-brown eyes. Her skin-tone was darker than many, but not as dark as others Wrench had met. “This is Coffee. Coffee, this is Wrench and Sparkle.

“And these are our children. They were named Brick and Brack but you know how Tongsta can rename children. We’re going with it for now.”

Spook held a hand out to the two children with him.

Wrench nodded his head to all of them, noticing that Goodie had just arrived as well. She was clearly behind the curtain and watching now.

“Sparkle, would you take them all to the pens? Let’s get them situated. I need to go talk to Goodie,” Wrench asked, looking to the beautiful Hume.

“Of course I can! I’m your Sparkle after all!” declared Sparkle with a laugh. She patted him on the chest, then looked to Spook. She was still on guard, but didn’t seem as wary now that Spook had said he wasn’t looking for others. “Everyone after me! We’re going to the pens. We’ll probably have dinner in an hour or so.”

Sparkle released him and then moved away, heading up the field and back to the pens.

Spook gave Wrench a relieved smile and followed her up determinedly.

No small number of the School and Solos from the other Hab were trying to get out of the group. Some had even distanced themselves at what looked like a run and hiding their faces. As if they didn’t want any part of it now that Wrench had showed up and didn’t want to be recognized later.

I suppose… it’s just like Spook said.

They threw in with them when they thought I was dead. When they didn’t have confirmation and just let fear rule them.

A Hume with that weak of a will won’t be that useful in the long run. I can’t see any of them succeeding in my Hab if I actually let them in. That they’d just fall victim to others.

Then again… is there any reason to believe my own School wouldn’t have done the same?

Sparkle mentioned they were panicking a bit.

Shaking his head in a similar way that Spook had, Wrench turned away and began walking to the spot he often spoke to Goodie at. So much so that he’d dragged over a large flat rock to sit on here.

Taking up that position, he sat himself down, then waved to Goodie.

Then waited, staring at her.

“You… can see me again, can’t you?” asked Goodie, sound somewhat shocked.

“Of course I can,” Wrench said with a loud laugh, making sure to nod his head.

There was a sound that Wrench could only mentally translate as a tongue click. As if Goodie were amused and annoyed at the same time.

“Yes, you can,” Goodie murmured, then drew the curtain back. Appearing in front of the Hab. “Cause you’re my special Wrench. My spssss.”

Wrench frowned at the sudden and strange noise.

It wasn’t the standard blip of static he’d come to expect from Tongsta. This was something altogether different and not an experience Wrench had ever had before.

“How are you?” Wrench asked, holding a hand out to Goodie. “Are you alright? I hope all is well. Unfortunately things didn’t go that well here. I had to kill a bunch of fools.”

“I wish I could understand you,” Goodie murmured, moving right up to the Hab. A tentacle came out and touched to the glass, to which Wrench got up and put his hand on the same spot. “I bet you have a lot to stay my spssss. So much even.

“In fact, I wish I could talk to you about what you’ve gotten into. It looks like you killed a bunch of Brawlers, locked the entire Hab down near the filter, and made them listen to you.

“Cause you’re amazing, Wrench. Amazing. My amazing Wrench.”

As much as he wanted to say he didn’t need the glowing and warm words of Goodie to buoy his spirit, he couldn’t help but feel gratified to hear them. That they sounded genuine and heart-felt to him.

Far more genuine in affection than even those of Dusky.

How pitiful.

Wrench patted the glass once, then sat back down on his rock and nodded his head in an obvious way.

“Yes. I killed them all. They were annoying,” Wrench agreed.

“Ahh… that’s… you killed so many. I hope xxhht doesn’t get too angry at me. I did warn them. I warned them that you’d possibly slaughter the men and take some of the women,” Goodie remarked with a note of concern in her voice.

“He did what now?” asked a new voice a second before another Tongsta appeared behind Goodie.

“Oh, my Wrenchie. He butchered your Brawlers and dumped their corpses on the filter. Exactly like I said he would,” Goodie stated firmly. “He’s my spssss, you know. A Fixer that can slaughter Brawlers. I did warn you.”

“What?” squawked the Tongsta, followed by an incoherent setence that sounded akin to someone shrieking.

“Exactly what I told you would happen. What’d you expect? You wanted me to house them. I did so, even when I didn’t want to,” Goodie argued. “I offered to have Wrench help your Hab instead, you didn’t want that. Said you’d rather let your Brawlers chase around my poor Humes.

“Well, guess what? You got what you wanted. They chased around Wrench, and then he Filtered them. Do you want me to space them for you, or did you want to do it yourself?”

“I don’t give a xxhht! Xxhht you, you xxhht!” screamed the Tongsta.

“Real original. Amazing, even,” Goodie remarked dryly. “Anyways. What do you want to do? Is your Hab fixed yet?”

“No. They’re all incompetent. They can’t seem to fix it at all. Damnit,” growled the Tongsta.

Wrench decided to name them Dickhead in that moment.

Dickhead felt like a fitting name.

“Well, what do you want me to do? If you leave your Hume here, Wrench is going to kill whatever males you have left and take what he wants. He’s that special. He’s my spssss,” Goodie stated.

“Fine! Fine. I’ll do what you suggested the first time. Have Wrench fix my Hab. I’ll take all my Hume now though. They’re all right there, aren’t they?” demanded Dickhead. “Just have Wrench join them and we’ll go to my Hab. He can fix it and then go back to your Hab.

“You can consider it repayment for him killing my poor Baby-Boy. He was so amazing in the gladiator ring.”

“I… don’t really want to do that,” Goodie answered. There was a distinct dislike in her voice that even the implant couldn’t hide. “I’m afraid you’ll take it out on Wrench. Wrench is speical. I have to protect him.”

“Consider it a favor to me then. Just for letting him come I’ll give you a xxhht. And if something happens to him, I’ll—” continued Dickhead, except that the implant just put out a long continuous line of static. “That’d be worth it, right?”

“I… really? Okay. Okay! Fine. You can take Wrench and your Hab with you now, but I want it now. Immediately,” Goodie stated firmly. Then Wrench had the impression she was looking back to Wrench. “Wrenchie, will you help me out? I could use a hand.”

Wrench shook his head.

He wanted nothing to do with Stripe’s Hab.

If he walked away with Stripe and Spook he’d consider it a blessing and that’d be the end of it.

“Aww, Wrench, I know. They’re awful. I know it. I could really use this though,” Goodie pleaded. “Can you help me, Wrenchie? Please?

“Your spssss could really use your help. This’d help a lot. If you can help me out, I’ll make sure to reward you after. Lots of rewards. Okay?”

Grimacing, Wrench let his head sink down till he was staring at the dirt in front of him.

There was a small pile of dead moss there where the dirt and the glass met.

“She’s always given me way more than I expected for a reward,” muttered Wrench. He didn’t think Goodie would screw him over, either. “Alright.”

Wrench said and stood up with a nod of his head.

“Alright, but for rewards. I want lots of rewards. Lots,” demanded Wrench, pointing at Goodie with a finger. “Lots of rewards. I’m your… whatever… right? Reward me.”

“Ooh! Thank you Wrench. I really will reward you. We’ll make a special trip to go get you those Solos. We’re on the outer edge of the xxhht, so we can visit the farm! They’ll have lots of special things for my spssss. You can pick out everything you want. Everything.”

Sighing, Wrench nodded his head, then started moving over toward the filter.

“I still can’t believe he understands you. Its amazing,” Dickhead grumbled. “Maybe you’ll let me breed him with a few of mine?”

“We can do that. I woudln’t mind. But I want xxhht for every successful pairing. He’s my spssss. I’ll have to reward him for it each time,” countered Goodie.

Breeding, huh?

Eh… I woudln’t mind that I guess.

My past life had a number of times where Brawlers would be brought in for breeding with Solos and Schools. The chosen Hume-Mare always got a lot of rewards for a successful birth, too.

Standing amongst those in the filter, Wrench shook his head and looked up to Goodie.

At least I got Stripe and Spook out of this.

“Hi Wrench,” said Stripe from beside him.

Looking down at the attractive furry earred Deme, Wrench realized he’d screwed up.

If she was here, that meant she wouldn’t be staying in his Hab.

She gave him a sad smile as the carrier was pressed up to the lock for the Hab.

“Guess you get to see my Hab. It’s not as nice,” lamented Stripe.

“I wanted you to stay here, in my Hab,” Wrench blurted out, staring at her. “Go! Quick. Run away back to the pens.”

Stripe stared at him, blinked, then turned and tried to scurry off into the field.

A Hume-net held by a tentacle came down and caught her neatly. Depositing her in the netting without a concern.

“Gotcha,” said Dickhead. “Alright. That’s everyone. They’re in the fucking xxhht.”

The Hume-net came over and began pushing everyone toward the lock.


Alright. I’ll demand to take her with me when I come back then.


Kenneth Darlin

So sad!! Stripe deserves to be Wrench’s girl!!

Alex Lindsay

Another fine chapter. I hope the next one comes out quickly!

David Hoerner

I bet he'll keep her close to him while he works and when he's done he'll insist Goodie take her with him. Great chapter!

Alex Lindsay

This is fun isn’t it. I’m really liking this series so far. It kinda reminds me of how much I enjoyed the start of Fostering Faust. I really couldn’t wait for the next chapter, just like now. Also, it is the story that is so gripping to me, unlike so many other authors in this genre. The adult scenes seem to add to the story and feels totally in line with the story.

Kevin McGuire

Definitely a related to Vince and Felix.


The whole dynamics are interesting. How the the Tongsta have bred and engineered them and how the Tongsta themselves function. Plenty to be curious about. He's getting a grasp on his powers too. I'm sure dickhead hopes to arrange an "accident" though. I'm sure he'll find a way to handle it though. Hopefully if they try to fuck him over Goodie can use it as leverage to let him bring Stripe back. And maybe someone else. There are Fixers back in their hab right? One of them might be female and more reliable than the rest of that bunch. He really should have found a way to let his School know he'd be back soon though.