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Wrench wasn’t quite sure what to think.

Once more he’d been put into the Hume-carrier and taken away. His shoulder felt quite a bit better, even if the process of getting it fixed had been damn near unbearable.

Goodie had promised to let him get something, though he had no idea what that could be. As far as he knew, there wasn’t anything to select or choose as a Hume.

One just lived in their Hab and that was the end of it.

He could hear the faint rumbling of Tongsta chattering back and forth with one another. Just outside of his carrier. Wrench was fairly certain that the closest Tongsta speaking was Goodie.

If only because when speaking she made the carrier vibrate since she was holding it against herself.

As always he got the strange feeling of being moved around in his carrier. As if Goodie were moving about in almost random directions in nearly every possible way.

The way Tongsta’s moved was simply baffling in the best of times.

Without warning, and suddenly being thrust into fairly normal lighting, Wrench watched as the front panel of the carrier came away. He was right in front of a very large Hab.

So large that it made the one he was in currently feel quite small.

There were even buildings with multiple stories here, though it looked like they were all dim.


That that was their version of pens rather than the backrooms he was used to and weren’t to be used during the day. As far as ducts were concerned, Wrench couldn’t see any of those either.

Everything looked to run up to the back wall of the Hab and then somewhere else.

“Holy shit this… this is like where I grew up. Just like it. You’re not returning me though so… why are we here I wonder,” Wrench murmured to himself.

All throughout the Hab, Wrench could see young men and women moving about. They were all in sectionals that separated them out by type and breed.

“Solo, Community, School. Fixer, Brawler, Admini… Deme’s too mixed in throughout. There’s so many,” Wrench continued as his carrier was put up to a transfer-chamber of the Hab.

“Okay boy, let’s find you some friends!” came Goodie’s translated voice. “Especially since xxhht xxhht! Make sure you find a few nice lady-Humes for you. I’d love to xxhht a bunch of little Wrenchies xxhht about.”

Uh… what?

Huh. I’m ah… I’m here to pick out people for the Hab.

“Come on, Wrench. My good boy. We need to get some Hume’s for your Hab, then we’ll go get some special toys and treats for you,” cheered Goodie. “And I know, no Brawlers. You’d just end up having to kill them. I promise xxhht won’t ever happen again.”

People for my Hab and for… me.

Okay. Okay, sure, yeah.

If I don’t do this, there’s not telling how Goodie would react.

She could give me to the other Tongsta, put me in a Hume-kennel, or just… space me.

Or pick out people for me without me having any say so in the matter.


In the end, I really don’t have a choice but to do what she wants.

Eh, whatever.

This isn’t exactly a terrible thing. It’s not a bad thing.

It’s a good thing!

I can just keep enjoying myself and my new life. Enjoying it all.

Don’t be a fussy bitch!

Unbuckling himself out of the seat, Wrench stood up and went into the lock. There was a thunk behind him as the door closed, hissed, then the other door opened.

“Let’s start with the Schools. You and I can pick some out together, xxhht. I was thinking maybe ten or twenty of them. Just in case xxhht, you know boy? Let’s make sure we get you one or two from the School just for you,” Goodie gushed, her translated words picking up speed as she spoke.

Now that he thought about it, Wrench was starting to pick up intonation and emotions in her words. As if his implant was growing more accustomed to her and her words.

He was also experiencing far fewer untranslated words.

“We’ll move to the Solos after that and you can have one or two from them, too. I might pick a few out on my own, as well,” Goodie continued, her Tongsta body practically presed up to the Hab now. “Okay boy, come this way. Follow me. Let’s go to the School-Hume first. They’re always so fascinating to watch.”

Wrench only vaguely nodded his head.

Things were moving really fast for him. Almost too fast, in fact. He felt like he was sprinting just to be “behind” rather than “unable to see the situation”.

Some type of cue had been given to all the young-adult Hume here. No sooner than Wrench had exited the corridor he’d been in than he found himself looking into a sea of faces. All watching him curiously and without understanding.

“Okay! Uhm, could you please xxhht xxhht so only the viable ones remain? The male Hume, too. I don’t really want any more of those unless I have to. They’re just not very pretty. Their bodies are always so angular and flat,” Goodie asked someone that clearly wasn’t Wrench. More than likely whatever Tongsta was in charge of this Hab, Wrench reasoned.

“Oh, yeah. That’s fine. Xxhht xxhht xxhht xxhht. But other than that, everyone has a preference on gender. The mixed gender Humes are always an option but reproduction with those can’t always be guaranteed,” replied a Tongsta Wrench hadn’t even seen. “Do you want the Demes to remain as well?”

“Yes, please. Hopefully my little Wrench will pick a few of each type. I want his Hab to be really pretty,” Goodie nattered on.

There was a soft beep, and more than half of the School-Hume that were in front of him left. They turned on their heel and went toward a distant building. The doors opened as they reached them and they all went inside.

Clearly the control portion of the implant had been activated and those that Goodie didn’t want, were gone.

Leaving Wrench with roughly a third of the group left.

They were each and every one of them a young woman, and not a single male in sight. There was an equal number of Demes and Humes in attendance, though the former was always almost too easy to spot.

They had very non-human traits that were genetically put into them by the Tongsta.

Long ears, fur, bigger than average eyes, tails, clawed fingers, scales instead of skin, the list of what they could be was seemingly endless. They were all interchangeably breedable with Humes as well, though not with each other.

A quirk of the modifications limited them to being always part of a Hume Hab if you wanted to breed them.



Goodie wants me to go captain Studly.

Mr. Rabbit himself.

That means that these are all very dangerous people if I’m not careful.

“Hello,” said a rather pretty blue-eyed Hume with brown hair not far away with a wide smile on her face. “I’m Smiler. Who’re you? Are you here to pick out some people to make a School?”

“I’m… uh… I’m Wrench. And yeah, my Tongsta brought me here to bring people back to my Hab,” Wrench admitted. He was feeling unsure about all this but once again knew he really didn’t have a choice in this.

“Is it a big Hab?” asked a woman with green-scales for skin and bright yellow eyes. A red tag dangled down from the side of her head, right around where an ear should be.

That red tag denoted that she was a Deme, rather than a Hume.

In this case, the earring wasn’t really needed. It was obvious she wasn’t Hume. Added to that, Wrench wasn’t sure how anyone could find her attractive given how foreign she looked to him.

“It could easily fit several hundred. Right now it’s just me. It’s… it’s a luxury Hab that my Tongsta is fixing and putting together. This is for the first generation I’d assume given what she’s told me,” Wrench explained. When he’d been purchased as a Fixer he’d just been plucked out of his Hab almost randomly. What was occuring right now was far outside of the norm.

“Your Tongsta. They brought you here specifically for you to pick out your Hab-mates,” murmured a short, full figured, and brown haired woman with grey eyes. She couldn’t have been more than four-foot tall. The single bright red earing that was attached to her left ear marked her out as a Deme.

There was a regal nature to her that gave Wrench momentary pause.

Her height isn’t normal then. I wonder if that’ll show up in children. That’s not exactly a good trait to introduce into a population, is it? I remember a number of times Adminis had to step in to curtail mating to prevent unwanted genetics.

“Yeah, they brought me here to pick out… to pick out Hab mates. As well as women for me specifically. There won’t be Brawlers in the Hab. Chances are there won’t be any other men at all,” Wrench admitted.

“Oh? Oh. I rather like the idea of that,” declared a green-eyed and short wavy black haired woman with light-brown skin. She was lovely to look at and had a lot of curve to her hip and bust. She had a smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose and her cheeks. There was no tag in her ear which meant she was just naturally like that. Hume’s ran the whole spectrum of being as thin and waifish as a board of wood to looking like a Tongsta themselves. “My names Dusky, and it sounds like it’ll be a lot of fun. I’ll be your woman and gladly so. I think you’re quite handsome in a non-standard way.”

“Err, sure. Just go move behind me. I’ll see if my Tongsta let’s me have you,” Wrench responded in an almost wooden way. He couldn’t deny he was physically attracted to her.

Dusky clapped her hands together several times happily and then skipped past him to stand closer to the Hab door he’d come from.

“Uhm, oh, Wrench, can I bring some of my school? I don’t know why so many of them left, but there’s two others here,” Dusky added, leaning over toward him. She pressed her impressive bust to the back of his arm and shoulder. “How many did your Tongsta say you could have?”

“They didn’t. They told me to make sure I got a few just for me though. So I can probably get ten or so in total,” answered Wrench, feeling a bit odd at how the beautiful woman was hanging on him.

“Oh perfect. I’ll be your woman for my School. Though I’m sure there’s a few in the other Schools here you could pick as well later down the road if you don’t decide today.

“Okay girls, come stand in front of Wrench. Hurry up now. Come on Starlight, Fluff. You, too Ink.”

A woman with eyes that practically glowed a blue color and bright-blonde hair moved out of the crowd. She wasn’t as well endowed as Dusky but she wasn’t lacking either.

Another with curly brown hair and a bit more heft to her than normal joined her, though she was certainly lovely to behold. The extra weight had given her a bigger figure as well.

Lastly a Deme with dark-black hair, dark-black hair, and skin the color of ash joined the other two.

“Uh, alright. You three come on over, too,” Wrench agreed. They were all rather nice to look at, and he knew for a fact Tongsta tended to favor Humes that looked like thicker woman.

“Oh! Those are lovely, Wrench!” cooed Goodie from behind him. “I like those four. Hmm… maybe another xxhht? Or xxhht xxhht? I don’t know.”

“Uh… probably another School of four or five,” Wrench said loudly, looking back to Goodie. Then he held up his hand above his head with one hand spread apart. “Five more.”

“Uhm, what is it boy? Do you want more?” Goodie asked, sounding confused.

“Yes. One more School of five maybe. They can spread out a bit and look nicer,” argued Wrench. “It’s a good starting number until we pick up more later. We’ll need more for a Hab so big or it’ll look empty.”

“You want more? I think… I think you want more. Alright, go ahead. Get some more Wrench. It’s fine. You’re my good boy,” Goodie stated. “My very good boy. You understand me perfectly don’t you.”

“I uh… yeah, I do, actually,” confessed Wrench with a nod of his head. He was feeling strange about the situation. He really did understand far more of what Goodie said than he expected.

“Did he just xxhht xxhht to xxhht?” asked the unknown Tongsta.

“He sure did! He’s my special boy. My Wrench!” gushed Goodie, pushing her blob like body up against the Hab. “Good boy! Who’s a good boy? You are. You’re my good boy! Get some more. You deserve more and I believe in you.

“Then we’re going to the rest. We definitely need some Adminis so you don’t xxhht xxhht because it’s all on you.”

Wrench looked to the School-Hume all clustered around him. They’d clearly changed in attitude after seeing his back and forth with Tongsta.

Dusky had been willing to take a risk and jump ahead. These were all of those that were more cautious.

Suddenly, he wanted more than just another School of five.

“Uhm, you,” Wrench muttered, pointing at a good looking brown-eyed and dark brown haired woman. “How many are in your school? Can you line up? In fact, everyone line up with your School.”

Quickly, all the women quickly filtered themselves out without a spoken word. Coming together in their Schools and standing near one another.

Wrench spotted a diverse School of Demes. Of the five, two had abnormal ears, one with strange slit like eyes, the small one that’d spoken earlier, and another that was much taller than the average. The fifth he couldn’t get a good look at as she was behind the other four.

That’ll add diversity to the Hab. We want to keep Goodie interested.

“You five, join me. And last… we need…” Wrench let his words trail off as he looked from School to School. The group of Demes had quickly joined Dusky behind him.

“Uhm, Wrench, how about my cousin and whatever is of her School? She’s right there. Her name’s Jitter,” Dusky offered, wrapping an arm around his middle, and pointing with the other. She’d indicated a very slim and athletic version of herself.

She was standing with four other women that would blend in well with Dusky’s own School.

“Or if not her, what about Sparkle over there? They’re a group of five but they’re lovely,” Dusky asked, pointing to a mixed group of Deme and Hume. One and all they had very bright and vibrant hair colors. Their eyes were also quite bright, their body types running on the average in weight, though two of the four were well endowed, while the other two had a lot in the waist.

“I’ll take both. I don’t think Goodie won’t say no to me,” Wrench said and nodded his head once. They were good suggestions. Getting them now was the best course of action when he had the opportunity.

There was no guarantee Goodie would bring him back for another trip like this.

He knew it was a lot of School-Hume to pick up in one go, but it felt like a good pick-up to have right here and now.

Turning, Wrench looked back up to Goodie as the Schools joined him.

“Wrench, isn’t that a bit much?” asked Goodie. “The Hab needs work and I’m not sure I know how to get it perfect in time for that many.”

“I’ve got it, Goodie. Just trust in me,” Wrench said, putting his hands on his chest and nodding his head emphatically.

“Really? Are you sure, boy? I think you’re telling me you can do it but… I’m just worried for you, Wrenchie,” crooned Goodie. “I’m not sure I can do it. I really do think you’re telling me that you can though. It’s just so many to put int together.”

“It’ll be fine, I promise,” Wrench said, nodding his head again.

“There’s no xxhht xxhht understands,” grumbled the other Tongsta.

“Oh? You think so? I’ll make a xxhht with xxhht. If he understands and does what I want, then xxhht xxhht. Okay?” demanded Goodie.

“You’re xxhht xxhht of shit, but you’re on,” said the other Tongsta.

Goodie cleared her throat and pointed at Wrench with a tentacle.

“Wrench, will you jump for me, good boy?” asked Goodie, waving her tentacle up twice.

Feeling no shame in doing what his Tongsta wanted, Wrench jumped off the ground, forcing Dusky to release him just before doing so.

“Xxhht xxhht?!” asked the Tongsta.

“My good boy! My Wrench!” shrieked Goodie. “Such a good boy! Can you wave for me? Wave?”

Goodie made a twirling motion with her tentacle.

Once again, Wrench did as he was asked. Lifting his hand and waving it at Goodie.

“You really do understand your Tongsta,” whispered one of the Deme.

“Xxhht! Pure xxhht. No. This is fake,” the unknown Tongsta declared.

“Fine, one more. You tell me what you want him to do, I’ll ask,” Goodie stated. “Then you follow through and xxhht for xxhht.”

“Make him xxhht xxhht xxhht xxhht next to xxhht,” demanded the Tongsta.

“Uh… alright,” Goodie said, sounding nervous now. “Wrench. I need you to xxhht the xxhht next to you. Okay? Can you do that?”

Raising his eyebrows, Wrench wasn’t quite sure what he was being asked to do. The only thing next to him, was Dusky.

At the same time, Goodie had slowly brought two tentacles together in front of herself, pressed them together, then moved them away.

“Okay? Wrench? My good boy? Can you do that? Xxhht the School-Hume next to you?”

Surprisingly, Wrench felt like he understood more of what she’d asked that time.

“Dusky, I think I need to kiss you right now. Do you mind?” Wrench asked, looking to the woman.

“Not at all! I’m going to be your woman. This isn’t a trade agreement like food for bedroom time or anything like that. I’m your woman and that’s why I get to join your Hab. That’s the agreement. So… kiss me,” Dusky summarized and then gave him a warm smile.

Wrench moved in close to Dusky, wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and kissed her soundly. Warmly. Holding onto her firmly.

Dusky returned the kiss and with heat. Leaning into him and laying her arms around his hips. She pulled him in as tight as she could while pushing her breasts into his chest.

“Good boy, Wrench! I told you he understands me,” crowed Goodie. “Now xxhht xxhht you cube-shaped xxhht.”

“Xxhht, well, maybe you’ll let him xxhht my xxhht xxhht sometime?” asked the unknown Tongsta.

“Maybe. Maybe,” allowed Tongsta.

Breaking the kiss, Wrench pulled back and found Dusky smilling at him. He was promptly hit with just how attractive she really was.

“How nice,” she whispered. “Now what?”

“I go pick Solos to join us,” Wrench answered.

“Oh, can I come? I wanna be there when you pick. I’ve never seen them or met them and I’m curious,” Dusky asked.

“I mean, we can try. The rest of you will probably end up in a carrier or crate, is that okay?” Wrench asked, looking to the others. They all nodded their heads.

Laughing, or what Wrench took as laughing, Goodie did something to open the Hab door to the hall.

“Wrench, have your School-Hume separate from you. Send them to the xxhht xxhht,” Goodie instructed. Then trailed a tentacle down along the side of the Hab to the lock.

“Okay, everyone go that way. Goodie will pick you up,” Wrench murmured, then took Dusky’s hand in his. Once they started walking away, Wrench looked up to Goodie and pointed to Dusky’s hand. Then to himself. “I want Dusky with me.”

Goodie didn’t respond. He wasn’t sure if she was looking at him or not. An eternal dilema for Humes to figure out.

Since they didn’t have eyes that was.

“Oh, do you want her to come with you, Wrench? Did my goodboy already find a xxhht friend?” snickered Goodie.

Wrench nodded his head, then pulled Dusky up to his side and hugged her.

“Fine, fine, fine. That’s fine. You’re cute together,” Goodie said as one tentacle held up a large carrier to the lock. The School-Hume began filing into the lock at the same time. “You and… what’s her name? Dusky. You and Dusky can go to the net room together.

“Get some real xxhht Solos for me, Wrench. I love what you picked for the School-Hume.”

Wrench nodded his head, held to Dusky’s hand, and began walking to the next door.

He imagined the next situation would be almost exactly like what he’d just done.

A loud buzzing filled the air.

It was so loud and unceasing that it left Wrench feeling like his head would explode.

“Xxhht? Xxhht! I’m sorry Wrench, I thought we had more time before xxhht. We need to go,” Goodie apologized quickly. “Come on back to the lock with your School-Hume. We’ll come get Solos another xxhht.

“Oh, hey, could you get me about fifty xxhht of Hume dry-food and the same in wet-food?

“Throw in some xxhht and xxhht type things too? Toys as well. I don’t have time but I have the xxhht to xxhht if you can make it happen for me.”

“No worries! I can do that!” answered the unknown Tongsta.

“What was that? It hurt so bad,” Dusky complained, one hand lifted up and pressed to her temple.

“Not sure, Goodie said it’s time to go though. She said we can get Solos next time,” Wrench said and squeezed Dusky’s hand. Moving at a quick jog he pulled her along back to the lock.

“My good boy! You always know what I want. My good Wrench. I promise we’ll get those Solos another time,” Goodie apologized and praised in equal measure.

In short order Wrench and Dusky were in the lock.

Except Goodie didn’t put the two of them in the large carrier. She instead pulled them both into his personal carrier. Dusky ended up sitting in his lap and the buckle goind around her, and Wrench being held down by virtue of her being held down.

I wonder what happened.


Nicholas Donovan

This series seems interesting, was the man in the first chapter who I think it was?

Drew Risch

This is like seriously the most interesting thing I've ever read. Or maybe tied. I didn't realize only he could understand them. Does only he have the implant? Earlier chapters made it sound like they all had implants. Or is it because the others don’t have the updated firmware? But even before that Goodie praised him for understanding her better than normal, so it has to be more than that, right?

Drew Risch

More more more more more!

James Breaux

Really enjoying OC so far. Can't wait for more!

Alex Lindsay

I agree that this is really shaping up to be a fun story!

Thomas Todd

Part of me finds the Tongsta strangely endearing. They don't seem evil (so far) but literally see us as pets, no different to how we treat dogs.

Jeremy Patrick

This is so strange. But a good strange? Lol. It feels fun but just thinking about being a pet like this makes me shudder.

James Breaux

This is my only real hang up. Seems like wrench has understood what they are saying even in his past life. It must just be him, but I would like an explanation on the matter.


Realistically, it's possible that I over-sold the implant and it was just meant to be a subtle minor plot point. I can add a few more lines in somewhere earlier on in the book. That might help. Maybe more to chapter 1? More to what's already there? There's already a good bit in chapter one explaining it. "While he’d long since deactivated all the control portions of the implant, it would nonethless always act as a translator. That was something he could never turn off. Some implants were better than others, or it came down to the individual, as not all implants managed to translate what was said. There were some that could only get a few words, some that got sentences, and yet others that got it all. It was all a variable dependent on the person. "

Michael Jackson

I woder if they are farming them for food or feeding the humes to other alien species the buzzing could be different aliens like swarming bees