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Grunting, Vince dropped the large load of wood down with the rest. Making a long wall of wood that could be used for small building projects or just burning.

“Wow, you always have such long hard wood whenever I see you lately,” remarked Ynes from where she stood. There was a faint sheen of perspiration along her hairline, though a single drip had gone down from her temple to her jaw.

While he’d been gathering wood, she’d been lugging stones around to build an enclosed firepit. One that would help to shelter their fire and diminish some of the light it would put out.

Of course, Ynes was smiling which made her light up as always.

“It’s almost as if you really want me to see you with wood. I wonder if I should take that as an underlying suggestion?” the Dryad continued a pale light emanating from the depths of her eyes. “Should I be asking where you want to put your next load as well?”

With a laugh, Vince pulled the small bit of fabric he had in his pocket and ran it over his brow and temples. Mopping up the sweat that’d popped out after marching back and forth with multiple trips.

“You are clearly looking for attention, Grove-wife. It hasn’t even been six hours since I took care of you. I thought I hit all the Dryad highlights, too,” remarked Vince before tucking away the cloth in his pocket. He’d spent the better part of an hour where Ynes was the complete extent of his existence. Playing to every sexual need she might have.

“Ah… yes? Yes. You did,” Ynes admitted as her smile faltered. It slowly became a frown, a pensive look spreading across the lovely Dryad’s visage. “You made me feel like the only woman in your life and… treated me to pleasures I’ve never known.

“You impregnated me splendidly and-and I feel very fulfilled as a Dryad. Very fulfilled and wonderful and-and-and… and I feel like I’m missing something. I… ah… I’m being selfish aren’t I?”

Ynes shook her head and her gaze slipped down from Vince and landed in the dirt at their feet. As if she couldn’t even look at him which felt right given how guilty she looked right now.

“I mean… as long as we don’t take another hour for it, I wouldn’t say it’s selfish,” allowed Vince with a shrug of his shoulders. “We have work to do but we’ve made really good progress. Still need to do some cleanup, setting up a windbreak, and then the actual shelter. An hour break for… you… and lunch wouldn’t be out of the ordinary.”

While he’d slept with Fes the day and night before, then Ynes this morning, he was most certainly up for having the lovely Dryad once again.

Especially since Fes and Elizabeth had taken off in the morning to go scout the surrounding areas in different directions. Leaving Vince and Ynes would remain behind and work on setting up the camp they’d be operating out of.

He was alone with her and he always had the most fun when he was alone with his women. He didn’t mind others watching, but he preferred not to have an audience.

“Really? Despite me being so bad at sex?” asked Ynes, her eyes darting back up to him. “We can do it again? You don’t mind?”

“You’re beautiful. Your smile is intoxicating. You did everything I asked and with an energy and effort only a few of my Grove-wives can meet. The experience comes with time. Only an idiot wouldn’t want to bed you,” countered Vince. Ynes hadn’t been as good as other Dryads, but she hadn’t been bad either. Her eagerness to please had closed any gap she had as well.

Only Mouth and Meliae threw themselves into it the way Ynes had.

Ynes’ face was a heavens defying and heart wrenching picture of beauty tinged with arousal. Her hands came up and she rapidly clapped them together in front of herself while bouncing in place.

“Oooh! Thank you! Thank you so much. I know we’re new to this but I know I’m already deeply in love with you. I knew it the moment you called to me from beyond the grave,” Ynes gushed, the movements she was making made it hard for Vince not to stare at her chest as she made her clothes stretch and shift against her. She put a hand to her mouth, then blew a kiss at him with a wink and a tilt of her head. Then she spun around, grabbed her pants, flung them to the ground, and bent over.

She grabbed hold of the tree she’d been right next to and pointed her rear end at him.

A line of his seed had dribbled out of her and partially dried on her thigh. He’d known he’d finished in her twice but he didn’t think she’d be overflowing like that. A testament to what he’d done to her.

Which of course hit a strange posessive note in his head. One that rang heavy with his Dryads.

“Awww, my Grove-wife, you’re leaking. How am I supposed to fill your flower bed with nothing but my seeds if you’re leaking?” Vince asked, unbuckling his belt.

“Ohhh, I’m sorry. I really tried to keep it all in but there was too much,” apologized Ynes in a sweet tone. She was looking back at him over her shoulder, her eyes now glowing brightly. “Punish me? Fill me up again just to make sure I know that I’m your personal garden?”

Dropping his pants Vince began walking over to Ynes. He was already fully at attention and ready to dive right into the willing woman.

“That’s right… come plant more seed. Punish me. Punish your Grove-wife. Do it in one thrust. I’m already all slick and full of you, no reason to be gentle or slow. I’m all ready for it,” purred Ynes, her hips rolling from side to side as he approached. Her tone had an odd inflection that he couldn’t identify, though given the way her eyes started glowing brighter, it felt like she was aware of it, too.

Standing behind Ynes he put his hands to her hips, moved his hips into position, then speared it into her. Thrusting fully up to the hilt and bumping her forward a bit.

Just as she asked.

Ynes let out a low groan, her eyes moving down to look at her own rear end and Vince’s lap. He could feel her insides squeeze tight around him and pull even as her rear end rotated slightly. Angling herself into him better and lowering her stomach.

“Yeah… take it from me. Make me feel it and know I’m yours. You know I’m yours, I know I’m yours, but I want to feel owned. Just really sink it in me,” pleaded Ynes in an almost desperate way.

Not wanting to disappoint, Vince held tight to her hips and pulled at her as he ground his lap to her rear. As he pulled back, he pushed her forward, then drew her backward and thrust forward. Slamming himself into her with a great deal of force.

“Ahn!” squeaked Ynes. “Yes! Again! Harder! More! H-hurt me!”

The moment she said it, Vince felt her mind pop open before him like a rusted shut gate swinging inward as it broke. The weight of it simply too much to keep itself shut for even a moment longer.

Inside Ynes' mind was decades of torture at the hands of the nobles in the city where she’d been a Dryad hostage. Her womb burned out just as so many Dryads had done, forced to serve security, and beaten regularly by a countess who hated how pretty Ynes was.

Her smile had been the only thing she could wear as she was knocked around by the countess. Any move to defend herself, any noise, anything at all, would elicit a more vengeful response.

Except it all left a deep and indelible mark on her.

Ynes enjoyed sex with Vince a great deal. Loved the way he made her feel and had experienced a great amount of joy with him. Orgasming repeatedly and with absolute abandon.

But a dark spot in her heart hadn’t been able to shake her previous life. The one she’d lived in for years and years. A feeling that could only be resolved with one thing.

Feeling actual pain.

Her mind skittered away from that desire and want. Infinitely embarassed to understand what she wanted and knowing that it wasn’t something a Dryad would want.

She was suddenly desperate to have Vince scratch that itch as roughly as he could, while also hoping he’d never tell anyone about it.

Ynes was terrified of any Dryad ever learning of this newfound secret. Mortified in fact. It was something she would burry in the deepest part of her mind and heart and never let anyone other than Vince see it.

“Hurt me, Grove-husband,” begged Ynes in a whisper as her eyes flashed in realization of her desires and fears. “Please. P-pull my hair?”

Knowing full well what it was like to have an unfulfilled desire, he reached up and took a hold of her hair with one hand. He pulled just enough till Ynes let out a moan.

All the while he was pounding himself into her, pulling at her hips with one hand as the other held her hair. Thrusting into her rough and hard just as she wanted.

“Not enough,” groaned Ynes, her head canted back and staring at him with wide eyes.

Desperate eyes.

“Stuff it in my ass,” she demanded suddenly and unexpectedly. Inside her mind she was screaming in horror at herself as well as complete and utter sexual glory. She really wanted him to harm her but had no idea as to how much or even in what way, but this sounded perfect to her in this moment. “Just do it to me! No warning! No warm up! Hurt me! Push it in my ass as hard as you can! Then ravage it! Pound at it! Fast and hard!”

Vince was reluctant now.

Anal sex wasn’t new to him and he’d done a lot of it with his Dryads. Often as a punishment to one and a reward to another. Part of their sex play that required a good bit of warm up and foreplay.

To get them ready so it didn’t actually hurt them.

Vince didn’t like causing his women pain at any level. Not in any way shape or form, in fact.

His personal kinks were dirty-talk, submissive behavior from his women, and ownership.

Not pain, not at any level.

Then a thought flickered to life that reminded him he promised to fulfill her needs. That this was what she wanted and had said it aloud, and that want was echoed in her mind.

That any harm he caused her, she’d repair within the day as if it were nothing at all.

On the next thrust he pulled himself out of her depths completely, lined the tip up on the small entry of her rear, then slammed it home. He winced as he expected that it would hurt her a great deal, but this wasn’t for his own pleasure.

It was for hers.

Ynes let out a short shriek that was cut off as she lost her breath. Her whole body shuddered as his hilt blasted down into the tight ring of her exit. Pushing hard against it.

Ynes mind was awash in excruciating pain and pleasure. One pushing at the other in a fairly balanced way. Loving this moment intensely.

Pulling harder on her hair, forcing her to look at him and what he was doing, Vince pulled backward from her and thrust into her again. He started to pummel away at her posterior.

Giving her the pounding she’d craved and wanted and leaning into the thrusts with full force.

Ynes had gone absolutely silent outside of breathing hard. A broken smile was on her face as she stared at him thrusting into her over and over.

He expected that he was quite literally ruining her insides like this and was glad for the knowledge that she’d heal completely. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to do this.

The slightly oily and odd tightness he always felt from anal sex helped to pull his sex-drive back into the situation. Especially when Ynes began thrusting herself back into him as best as she could.

Her silence was suddenly shattered as her body snapped through a climax. Her body quivering wildly even as he continued to try and knock her over. Leting out quick yelps with each thrust as her thighs quivered and her mind boiled in release.

She found what she wanted and had even gotten it.

As her peak died away, the strength went out of her and she collapsed forward. Vince had to let go of her hair or he’d be holding her up by that.

“Fuck my slit now” groaned Ynes from the ground. Her rear end was stuck up in the air, her shoulders down on the grounad and her knees up under her stomach. She managed to shake her rear end a minute amount, making her bottom roll back and forth. Her tone sounded extremely satisfied though also strange. “Stuff it in your Dryad and finish. Seed your dumb Dryad. A dumb Dryad that can’t hold seed well. Useless Dryad that she is.”

Once again, Vince had a moment of concern. He knew that this was a great way to cause infections, then remembered once again that she was a Dryad.

His concerns were unfounded.

Stepping on the back of Yne’s knees, he squatted down atop her bottom, and pushed his hard member right back into her entry. Going from one, to the other, and back again, was a strange toss up of textures but he wasn’t going to complain.

Reaching down he grabbed Ynes by the hair and pulled upward until she put her hands down to the dirt and supported herself marginally.

“Unnnnh, yes… thank you Grove-husband. Hurt me just a little more. Use me up. Your dumb Dryad needs seed to be useful,” groaned Ynes.

Thrusting into her roughly, Vince didn’t stop or pause until he hit his finish. Spearing deep into her and trying to fill her up again.

When he felt like he was done he pulled back and inspected her entry. Taking hold of his tip with one hand he lightly tapped it against her opening, knocking some material off himself and into her.

“There. Now stay just like that. Be a good flower-pot and hold all that for me,” demanded Vince, getting off her. He knew there was an underlying mental tic to this that he had to push at just a bit. Not much, but enough to make sure she felt the darkness washed away. At least for a time. “I’ll do the work for the camp since you’re worthless. You just stay there and recover and take up all my seed. I expect not a drop to be spilled, my Dumb Dryad. You got it? Can you at least be a decent flower-pot since you can’t do anything else? Sit there with your ass in the air, holding all my seed. Something even you can do.”

Elation and satisfaction was spilling out of Ynes in an overwhelming way. Falling away from her mentally in endless waves. Everything he’d done had hit her needs perfectly.

“Your Dumb Dryad can be a decent flower-pot. She’ll grow your seed diligently,” whimpered Ynes, sinking to the ground. Only her posterior remained upright, pointing to the sky.

An amazing and lovely smile was on her face.

The brightest smile that’d likely ever gifted the world from such a lovely, yet damaged, Dryad.


Slamming the flat rock into the wooden pole twice more, Vince felt good about the frame when he took a step back. It was big enough for four people to sleep in it though they’d almost all be atop one another. There wouldn’t be much room if they were all laying on the ground at the same time.

This was only a place for them to rest, sleep, eat, then strike out from so it didn’t need to be much.

In fact, the more it was, the riskier it technically was for them. It’d be more noticeable and the possibility of discovery would go up.

Sniffing, he nodded his head, then bent down to pick up the cross bar. It’d go across the top of the of the posts from corner to corner and provide a point for the top of the A-Frame to rest on afterward.

He could have this whole thing finished up within another day or two.

Things were moving very quick despite the break with Ynes.

Or the two quick breaks after that he’d had with her since the first.

Neither Fes nor Elizabeth had come back yet, but Vince wasn’t concerned. They weren’t due to come back until nightfall which was technically still an hour or two off.

He felt Berenga approaching long before he saw her. She was working to hide her presence, but Vince was on high alert since Ynes was still recovering. Her heart, mind, and body were trying to catch up to the massive world shift she’d just experienced.

“Huh… what?” asked Fes, likely discovering Ynes who was in the middle of the camp. Rear-end raised in the air, head down, shoulders to the dirt.

“I… oh… hello, Fes,” murmured Ynes. “That… uhm… our Grove-husband help me identify my needs. I’m… I’m still in the middle of that. He’s doing double the work just… just to make me happy.”

Well, not entirely. It’s rather nice to wander over, have a go at you with you in that position, fill you up, and then leave again. Somewhat interesting to just have it available at my disposal without a word.

“Yes, he’s very good about those things. You’re alright? You’re my personal Dryad on this trip. I have to make sure you’re okay,” Fes asked, her voice sounding a touch worried.

“Perfectly fine, Fes. Berenga. All is well. Better than I’ve ever been in my life,” whispered Ynes. “He gave me just what I wanted.”

“Good. We’ll wait for Elizabeth and then discuss it all,” Fes murmured, followed by what sounded like a gentle pat. “I order you to get up if you feel in any way like you don’t want to be in that position.”

“Yes, Fes. I want to be like this,” Ynes admitted happilly.

A second or two later and Fes stepped up next to him. She had an odd smile on her face and was looking at him curiously.

“What, my flower-pot, or the home?” he asked, throwing a thumb to Ynes with the first label, then pointing a finger to the support structure he was working on.

“Flower-point,” Fes confirmed and shook her head with a chuckle. “Be kind with her. Her first-born and our son will be born on the same day and probably closer than any other kids we have.

“They’re going to be quite the pair. I promised her that her daughter would be his sister in every way. A position not many Dryad children are afforded. So long as she took care of my pregnancy on this trip.”

“Mm. I’m actually being kind with her. I won’t tell you the details as I promised Ynes I wouldn’t, but she’s getting everything she wants. Everything. I’ll have to go take a break ‘in her’ in about ten minutes though,” Vince said with a nod of his head. The instant flare of joy and excitement he felt from Ynes was akin to a physical blow even at this distance. “So, how’s it look out there?”

“Like a bunch of bleating sheep,” Fes said with a tusk-bearing grin. Showing off her definitively non-human features yet still looking like the lovely Orc she was. “We’re going to hit a massive wagon shipment that’s heading this way. Got the information out of a merchant I bought a few things from. He was stupid with his coin cause he thought I was pretty.”

“To be fair, I’m stupid with my coin, too when it comes to you. Because I always think you’re pretty,” Vince said with a grin for his Fes.

“Love you,” growled the Orc, her nose wrinkling as she grinned at him.

“Love you, too,” Vine reaffirmed.


Jeremy Patrick

Lol his flower pot... well if thats what she likes why not? I feel like mentioning the kids growing up together could be a setup for a series featuring the kids 20 years from now.