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At this point, Vince really didn’t even know what they were doing anymore.

The corpse he’d dragged out had been little better than a shrieking spirit that offered nothing else other than unending wailing. Despite Zathira pushing at them firmly, even threatening them, there just were no answers coming.

Then, the “road” had ended abruptly at a river. There’d been no bridge, no crossing, no ferry, either.

The road just ended there and for no reason at all, despite it looking as if it were maintained and used frequently.

From there the group had followed the river down. Walking along it’s banks long after the sun had set and put them in absolute darkness.

Realistically the dark wasn’t much of an issue for them given their racial makeup, and that Vince really wasn’t human anymore. For him, the dark wasn’t that terrible anymore.

That was one of the few positives they had going for them at the moment.

Other than that they’d made good progress.

To where, Vince had no idea.

This wasn’t his land, but he knew for a fact that if you followed a large river like this, you’d often find civilization in one way or another.

“Is that… Sam?” Leila asked almost to no one, looking up to the dark horizon. They’d moved away from the river-bank and into a small grouping of trees. It was better than the bushes they’d camped in yesterday or the open last night, but not by much.

They had no means to start a fire, only what resources they could scavenge as they went, and no means to carry anything. Even having a pot to boil water in would be an improvement.

“And how exactly would Sam find us?” Vince asked, looking to the same direction Leila was. “Because that seems rather unlikely.”

His mind wasn’t exactly in the right frame of mind to be optimistic or even welcoming.

Eating trail rations was fine by him.

Eating cold meals wasn’t an issue.

Not eating anything, really didn’t even bother him either, if he was being honest. Not having food wasn’t exactly an unexpected occurrence, especially when he was working as a Ranger.

What had him trying to grind his teeth to dust was the lack of a fire and tools he would never have thought he’d be without. His pack had been lost along with his helmet somewhere in the water.

Everyone had ended up losing everything but the clothes they were wearing.

Beyond that, he’d wanted to feed Red but hadn’t gotten the chance to. The Undead Beastkin had declined the meal in favor of scouting while they had the chance to search the surrounding area.

The idea of Sam finding them didn’t actually sound likely. If she did find them it’d be even harder for them to survive in this wild country unless she happened to bring some tools with her.

There was a soft rustle that Vince almost missed completely, coming from the same direction that Sam was supposedly coming from.

Zathira didn’t say or do anything.

The Lamia was sleeping in the middle of their camp-site. Coiled up into herself and trying to preserve what warmth she had. Being cold-blooded made her susceptible to getting sleepy as soon as the sun horizon and the temperature dipped.

Red popped into view, moving toward them with a practiced and sure gait. Riding atop of Red, was indeed Sam. The Fae holding tight to the other woman as she ran on all fours.

She was also more than likely the reason Vince had heard them at all.

Walking up to Leila and Vince Red gave them a wide grin, reminding Vince a great deal of a dog who’d just shown up with a particularly interesting stick. Reaching back the Beastkin grabbed Sam, pulled her to the front of herself, and stood up.

Held in Red’s arms was the largest Fae Vince had ever heard of. She was easily the same size as Leila now and looked quite mortal, despite the large fairy wings that stuck out of her back.

Dark black hair was stuck to her pretty face with sweat. Strands that went over one azure colored eye and the bridge of her nose were gave her a wild look similar to Red’s. Normally her hair was always trim, stylish, and in place.

Which felt impressive given she flew everywhere.

The Fae blinked several times as she realized she was staring at Vince and Leila.

“Oh,” she said, then grinned at the two of them. “I guess I lost the bet after all, Red. You got us there before the moon even rose.”

“Yes, yes. Red is very good at hunting and catching things like you. Red ate them daily,” admitted Red, still holding to Sam. “Now give your message to Bringer.”

“Ah! Yes. Okay,” Sam said with a nod of her head. “She figured you’d be making your way back one way or the other. Petra said to be careful when you get near the border areas. Francia negotiated a temporary cease fire with Prussany and shifted resources around.

“They now have… tens of thousands of troops… all across the wall. Magi-Vale is completely surrounded to the point that it was more or less indefensible. She had to divert all of the ants to dig a hole into Magi-Vale just to get them all out then abandon the city.

“The walls are all hard pressed and there’s not much we can do at the moment other than to keep them out. We’re still working to finish up with Spain but… it’s hard.

“On top of all that, we can’t just send Dragonst o pick you up. Francia has somehow captured winged beasts that Nullifier’s can fly. They can knock a Dragon out of the air really fast.”

Huh… right.

In other words… there’s a lot of things going wrong, make it back, but be careful doing it.

Good to know.

“I wasn’t sure what you’d have or needed. I talked with everyone and they had no idea if you managed to take your bag with you, or if it got knocked loose. I brought some things,” Sam explained with a triumphant smile. “Pot, firestarter, fishing hooks, fishing line, two knives, whet stone, compass, and the backpack I’m carrying it all in, plus a few other bags I stuffed into the backpack. Just in case you needed to be able to carry other stuff. Oh, and two French language books. I know Zathira and Leila already learned it, as did I, but I figured you and Red hadn’t done so.”

“Sam… Sam you’re beautiful, intelligent, amazing, and… and just… wonderful. You’re wonderful, Sam,” Vince said with absolute sincerity. She’d managed to bring him more or less everything they needed.

“Don’t I know it. Wait till you get a piece of me. You’ll be hooked on me and my amazing self and make me Fes just so you can have it when you want it,” promised Sam with a wide smile. “I’m obviously big enough, too. Just need a bed.”

“Red wants her winnings. You will collect Red’s meal,” demanded Red. She reached down with one hand and pulled Sam’s pants down in a fluid motion that was almost too swift. Leaving the Fae exposed from the waist down and dangling from Red’s hands.

“Perfect, Red will stick the Fae onto Bringer, Bringer will ‘cook’ Red’s food inside the Fae, then feed Red,” said the Beastkin. She was holding Sam with one arm, and was not working at Vince’s pants with the other.

“Ah,” Vince murmured eloquently even as Red sent his pants down to the ground.

“Uhm,” added Sam, staring at Vince as he stared at her. “Okay. I… okay. This’ll… yeah. It’s fun, it’s different, it works. You don’t get to unload in me so you have to wait for that next time.”

Sam shifted in Red’s grip, forcing the other woman to hold onto her with both arms and hands now. Reaching out with her legs, Sam got them around Vince’s hips and then set her privates down right atop his hardening shaft.

“Good, Red is hungry. This will make a good meal,” said Red, peering down at the point that Sam and Vince met.

Standing there, realizing that this situation was past the point where he even wanted to consider saying no, Vince instead put his hands to Sam’s waist. With all the teasing and flirting she’d put him through, this wasn’t an opportunity he wanted to squander.

Reaching down between them Vince grabbed hold of his hilt and lifted up. His shaft and quickly growing manhood flopping down atop Sam’s pubic mound.

“I… well… good thing Leila warned me,” muttered Sam, her eyes locked on Vince’s privates. “I’ve been practicing with things so you don’t rip me apart.”

Vince knew he was just around average in size and girth, or just over it, really. While he was big for Sam and Leila, he wasn’t to the point where it became a hinderance.

His dad had told him often that it was only the envious who wished for a bigger self.

Pulling back just a bit Vince gained enough room so that he could wedge the tip up between the folds of Sam’s entry. Holding to Sam with one hand, Vince then moved forward.

Now he was holding Sam at each hip and held onto her as he fit himself down against her posterior.

“Unnn, oooh god,” groaned Sam as he pushed into her and up to the hilt. Panting, the Fae had watched it happen with wide eyes. Her fingers spread out wide as she hung in Red’s grasp. “Leila, you lied. You lied. It feels like I’ll pop open anyways.”

“I said it’d feel like that, but that you wouldn’t,” argued the Gnome. She was quietly sat to one side, watching the situation with a curious look. “He’s not rough or violent so you’ll be fine.”

“Liar,” moaned Sam as her ankles pulled at Vince. As if trying to cram more of him into herself. “He practically broke Elysia.”

“She wanted to be broken,” Leila argued even as Vince pulled back.

His slickened shaft slid free of her and he watched it as exited. Tight pink looking skin dragged along him as he did so.

Sam’s insides were tight to the point that they clung to him on the way out, and resisted him on the way in.

Working carefully, he plunged into and pulled back out of Sam. Holding to the beautiful Fae between himself and Red as he did so.

Thinking of the beautiful Beastkin he glanced up.

Her eyes had an odd look to them as she watched him have Sam while holding her. There was something unknown in them that he couldn’t identify.

Then her eyes flicked up and met his own.

Leaning forward he kissed her.

Kissed her with a need to feel her lips against his own as he pushed deep into a moaning Sam.

Pulling at him with her legs Sam was doing what she could to get him into herself faster, and out quicker. Her body flexing and pulling between the two much larger people who were holding her.

Vince pushed his tongue into Red’s mouth as he picked up some speed. A soft pat now accompanying every thrust into Sam, which elicited a short grunt of a moan from the Fae with each.

“Nn, nnnnee, nnngh, yesss,” Sam got out in hard exhales as he rolled through her. He could feel her body getting used to it and not trying to crush his girth upon entry.

Moving harder now Vince was thrusting hard enough to push Sam against Red, who now had to make sure she wasn’t falling backward.

A weird thought popped into Vince’s head.

Reaching down he undid Red’s pants with one hand while the other gripped to Sam.

Red got the hint and helped, shimmying out of them and kicking them to the ground.

“Sam, hope you’re hungry,” Vince said while holding Red’s glowing gaze.

“I-what?” she groaned as Vince kept thrusting into her.

Releasing her hold on Sam’s shoulder’s Red grabbed the Fae by the wrists, stepped back, then forward after Sam’s head fell down between Red’s thighs.

Then she lifted up until Sam’s face was pressed to Red’s privates. The Fae letting out a squeak followed by a curious moan even as Vince worked at filling her up.

Even as Red moved her, he kept thrusting into her. Though her legs lost some of their grip on his sides and he was now holding her up while pushing into her.

Holding tight to Sam’s wrists Red’s face took on a look of puzzlement, followed quickly by pleasure.

“Mmm, mmm!” moaned Sam who was now seemingly working at Red’s entry. The Fae being used on both ends as she dangled between them.

Vince leaned forward and kissed Red again, thrusting into Sam, and rolling his tongue over the Cursed One’s.

A minute passed quickly in this A shape before Vince realized he was very much done “cooking” Red’s food.

Breaking the very deep and sloppy kiss Vince put his forehead to Red’s.

“Your meal’s ready,” he got out in a pant.

Red slowly put Sam to the ground, to which Vince did the same, then collapsed down to her knees in front of his very wet looking member.

Taking him down to the hilt in the first go she just stared up at him, willing him to do the work. She looked somewhat out of it.

In fact, he was fairly certain Sam had gotten the Undead Red off.

Grabbing her by the base of the ears, Vince began thrusting into Red’s mouth.

It only took three passes before he hit the high-point.

Splattering globs of thick seed down Red’s quite eager and willing throat as she’d pushed forward as he came. Getting him down till only her lips were visible and his mahood was gone.

Swallowing loudly, she greedily gulped as he continued to go off.

“That was-fun,” gasped Sam, laying not far away.

Her face was smeared with what looked a lot like saliva and fluid from Red.

“A lot of fun-actually,” Sam continued, then just laid there in the grass. “Whew. I’m out-of breath.”

Red nodded her head, staring up at Vince, swallowing all the while as he continued to peak.


“Another checkpoint but this one looks a lot more formal,” Sam said from where she was hanging on Vince. She was plastered to his back and riding him. Her hands holding to his shoulders and her legs around his middle. “They even have a little booth.”

“No idea,” Vince muttered as they walked past what was clearly a manned position. One that looked a lot like it’d had people at itr only a few days previously. “Left in a hurry though. Not sure what it’s due to, though. Any number of things.

“What happened to the Tribunal, what’s going on in Spain, those… magical… evil… fart clouds that were flying around. Any of that could all of caused this, right?”

“That’d be my guess,” agreed Zathira with a wamrth to her tone. Being woken up this morning to have seared meat, a fire, and a happy Sam, had improved her mood greatly.

Need to make sure she’s always warm in the future.

Susceptible to cold and it affects her mood more than she’ll likely ever admit to.

“It makes me a little wary,” Leila murmured, walking along next to Vince and Red. “Its a lot of checkpoints for the innerparts of a country. Quite a few, in fact.

“If there’s this many, it’ll make it difficult for us to keep moving. Might end up in a few places where we can’t really proceed without crossing one. We don’t exactly have paperwork or proof we’re from here.

“Nor do we even know what we don’t know. We’re operating in the dark still.”

“Then we go there,” Red suggested, pointing off ahead of them. There was a very obvious building pointing up to the sky in front of them. Vince had no idea what it could be given that it looked almost like a art piece, more than a building. “Red thinks we should go there, get information, rob people for things, than move on.

“Red would very much like to get back to her wife. While Red doesn’t mind Vince using other women with Red, it makes Red worry Blue would be hurt.

“But Red wants to please Vince so won’t say no to other women. Red is… Red is confused, again.”

“I get it, Red,” Sam offered. “I didn’t mind it, you know and I know Blue won’t hold it against you either. I mean… we all know how Vince is, and we all knew he was after me.

“Only a matter of time before I get stuck with a number of hungry looking Dryads. Maybe even Blue. That wouldn’t be terrible, would it?”

Red looked thoughtful at that, then slowly shook her head.

“Red doesn’t mind Sam and Blue being together if Red is there, or Vince is there,” allowed the Beastkin. “That’s just how our… marriage… is. Our lives are very strange. Red thinks it’s a bit like a storybook at times.”

Zathira laughed at that and tilted her head to one side.

There was a small path that passed by the river and curled out toward a small forest.

“Yes, your marriage is very far-fetched. I will be the first person to pitch that idea out there,” murmured Zathira. “Though given the greatness of the personage that Vince has gathered amongst everyone… it’s not out of character either. Many see him as far greater than life.

“Even the Duke of Denver, a Necromancer of extreme power and standing, wanted only to be a Duke with only Vince as his superior. That’s how great Vince is.”

“What about Felix?” asked Leila.

Zathira laughed and made a hand waving motion at that.

“He was annoyed at first. Then Felix sent him a number of presents. After that he only said he was grateful to have a master of war for a leader, and a master of statescraft as a ruler,” Zathira said as they all turned to the path.

A small sign popped into view from behind a tree as they reached a crossroad.

“Paris or Meudon?” Vince asked. “And what’d Felix send him by the way?”

“Meudon. That leads away from that big city. Let’s go there after we get a little information to start,” suggested Leila and then turned that direction.

“I agree with going to Meudon. He sent him digging equipment,” Zathira answered with a laugh. “A great many machines that could dig up the earth very quickly and in such a way as to do it without disturbing the ground too much. As well as a surprising number of shovels and pick axes.

“Duke Gerard laughed for a while, then went straight to the nearest cemetery. He was digging even still when I left. Lot of graveyards to go through.”

Sounds like Felix.

Figure out an objective and hit it.

Allies and enemies both.


Jeremy Patrick

Lol making corpse collecting easier for a necromancer seems like such an obvious thing to hand out as a gift but I probably wouldnt have thought of it. At least not right away. Felix just has a nack for this statesman role.