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Even as Elizabeth and Blue landed on the turf, Ferris and Dea did as well.

Vince had been watching the two Dragons as they came his way.

Blue was of course as she always was.

A beautiful Dryad with one-blue eye, one-green eye, and a body-type that originally sprung out of an Elf’s version of attraction. Those eyes were also why she was named the way she was, as Dryads only ever tended to have brown eyes.

Where she was slim and lithe to the point of what only an Elf could be, with a narrow waistline. Which always felt a bit odd given her upper body being so much large than what an Elf would wish for.

Dea got down from Ferris and landed almost at the same spot Blue had.

Her bright-red hair and it’s flowing curls was free of her helmet that was attached to her hip. Her tall stature brought it up to Vince’s height and made her look rather imposing now that she had some confidence.

Her pale blue eyes, the color of a sky after a rain, flicked from person to person until landing on him.

Turning toward him he was reminded of the fact that the Dryads had “dialed her up” in an odd way. She’d gone from an average figure that any normal woman would have, to one that would fight Mouth and Meliae for superiority.

The goddess of Dryads looked a lot like a Dryad which Vince supposed wasn’t a bad thing. Especially since the vibrancy of life and nature that came off her had only grown.

“Well, with you four arriving, I’m guessing it’s about time for that ritual,” remarked Vince.

Dea smiled, pulled some type of fabric out of her helmet, then turned away toward Ferris.

At the same time, Blue had done something similar for Elizabeth.

Ah… right… the clothing… thing. I hope they don’t say it.

It’s… it’s so cringe-worthy.

Changing into their human selves Vince didn’t bother to look away. Their whole little belief in this was based on the idea of him looking at them after all.

Ferris had turned out to be just as attractive as most Dragons were, though more subdued as well.

Her figure wasn’t as out of proportion as Taylor’s or a Dryad’s. She was put together with more than a human woman had, but it wasn’t too much. Her face was finely featured and blessed with a grace to it as well.

Tasteful and modest, in fact.

Her white hair was arranged in small coils that ran along her horns and across the front of the crown of her head. Given her white horns stuck straight back from her temples and curled up and partly around her head, they looked a lot like a crown today with her hair arranged as it was.

Bright-blue eyes that were almost white in color were glued to him even as she took her clothes from Dea and began dressing. A smirk lingering at the corners of her mouth.

Once the goddess of Dragons and Elizabeth were dressed, Blue and Dea moved away a few feet and everyone looked to Vince.

Please… don’t say it.

“Your goddess is dressed,” said Ferris, grinning at him in a way that showed her teeth.

“Your priestess is dressed,” Elizbeth murmured at the same time, smiling as well.

“No one will look on us but you,” they then said in unision.


I get it. It’s… a ritual for them.

Empowers their religious beliefs.

But still.

“I do love that,” Blue said excitedly and clapped her hands together. She darted over to Vince and began to start working at his armor. “Okay. I’m going to get him ready for the dedication. Can you all begin it? We’ll just go straight to it afterward.

“We need to get moving to the north after this, just as I mentioned earlier.”

What was likely Antona given her nearness and an Elf he didn’t know since she was wearing her helmet and Renata turned to look to the masses.

“Attention!” called Renata, flexing her Draconic lung capacity. “Arrange in formation, but spread out wide. Make sure everyone can see this area right here for the dedication.”

“Use whatever magic necesarry to raise or lower terrain,” added the Elf, who Vince was now almost positive was Brianne, a wood-elf he’d purchased long ago along with so many other Elves.

“Girls, I expect our North American sisters will be pushing hard with their own power. You must all do the same, even if you’re not sure what you’re doing. This is all to aide our Elves,” Antona demanded.

Posessive statement.

Our Elves.

My Dragon.

My Dryad.

My… Elf?

Can’t say I blame them for doing it but still… kinda strange.

Or is it just me that thinks that way?

Blue had stripped him of his armor and even his clothes in the time it took for everyone to arrange themselves. Moving across the fields around them, raising platforms from earth and rock as needed.

He suddenly had a vague impression of when Yaris had completed her Fes tournament and had him mount her in front of everyone. That’d been something of a turning point for her when it came to Yosemite.

Moving from “Elven Queen” to “Queen of Yosemite”.

There was a soft moaning noise even as a warm and wet warmth glided up Vince’s manhood.

Looking down he found Blue gazing up at him even as her mouth engulfed him down to the hilt. Both of her eyes were glowing faintly from within.

“The high-priestess of the Dryads is preparing our lord to receives the high-priestess of the Elves!” declared Elizabeth, moving out to stand in the center and not far from Vince. “I shall perform the rites for this ceremony as the high-priestess of the Dragons.”

There was a general nodding of heads to those words, including Blue who smiled around his shaft as it practically grew to extreme firmness even as she did it.

“We will dedicate this battle to the goddess of the Elves, Yaris, the queen of Yosemite. Consort and wife to the Lord of Dryads, the Lord of Dragons, Lord of Elves, Vince Campbell,” Elizabeth continued. “Today our priestess-hood laid waste to a extremely superior number of enemies.”

Blue let out a soft little moan, swallowed at his tip as it’s hardening had pushed it down her throat, and then moved down and away from him. Her lips pulled and dragged along his flesh as she never looked away from him.

“— killed over seven-thousand soldiers. Captured two-thousand, and wounded less than a thousand. The number of those who managed to escape from this are none. Not a single combatant was allowed to escape,” declared Elizabeth with rising volume and heat. “Just as Yaris took on all combatants and defeated them, so have we, the priestesses of Yosemite. As you are all clergy here. You are all part of this my Dryads, my Elves, my Dragons.

“And as Yaris battled her way to supremacy, so did we. With less than three-hundred, we conquered a force thirty-times larger than our own. Now the High-priestess of the Elves will do as her goddess did and take our Lord at the central point of her victory.”

Gentle fingertips rubbed and pushed at Vince’s jewels as Blue’s other hand lightly encirlced his hilt. Rolling her head fluidly she kept a steady and firm pressure with her mouth as she sucked at him.

Her cheeks had a slight hollowing to them as she bobbed back and forth.

Glowing eyes firmly stuck to him as she worked him expertly, her tongue washing across and over the tip each time she took him shallowly.

“My Dryad, is he ready?” called Elizabeth, turning to look at Blue who was quite happily working him as everyone watched. Her eyes were glowing more brightly than he’d ever seen before.

Taking her time, Blue took him down to the hilt and back four more times before releasing him. Even as everyone watched her, waiting for an answer from her.

When she finally released him, it was done with a loud slurp.

Getting up from her knees she daintily wiped at her lips with a fingertip. There’d been a trail of saliva running down from the corner of her mouth.

“Our Lord is ready, High-Priestess,” reported Blue.

Vince only now noticed that Elysia was face down in the grass with her rear-end raised in the air and pointed to him. It reminded him entirely of when he’d mounted Yaris now.

Elysia shifted around a bit and looked back at him. Her head was resting on the grass, her hands pressed to it and her shoulders down to the ground.

She looked amazing.

“Please have your High-Priestess in the name of Yaris, goddess of Elves,” Elysia called out from where she was.

Not waiting, nor wanting to wait, Vince moved over quickly.

Taking Elysia by the hips he settled onto the ground behind her. Putting his knees atop the back of her own and pinning her there.

Reaching down he put his left hand on the back of Elysia’s head and held her down to the ground. With his right hand he held to her hips as he pushed the head of his manhood into her.

While he didn’t like roughing up his women, this was how he’d mounted Yaris as a Fes. If they were trying to ritualize it into that moment, being as close to that would be needed.

The High-Elf let out a low moan as he slowly filled her depths with himself.

Reaching the hilt Vince pulled himself back quickly and then ran it right back down into Elysia. Wrapping his fingers tightly into Elysia’s hair he was now holding her to the ground in a way that was identical to what he’d done to Yaris.

“To Yaris!” called Elizabeth, raising her arms above her head even as Vince began to plow Elysia down into the grass.

Vince could see that her face was a bright red and her eyes were open. Moving through the crowd of onlookers as she was being mounted aggressively.

“To Yaris!” Elysia called out at the same time as everyone else did.

Thrusting in and out of the beautiful Elf Vince didn’t want to waste time. He worked himself up to the end as quickly as he could.

Holding Elysia down in the grass as he pumped himself through her warm insides over and over.

Meeting his peak quickly he pushed down on her. Forcing himself into her deeply as he began to finish. Unloading seed into her already child filled womb.

Even as he let out a slow breath, Vince leaned back from her partly, releasing her head.

Elysia came straight up as he did so. Pushing herself up to hands and knees even as he thrust into her a few more times as he continued to climax.

She met the eyes of anyone who would meet hers and remained there.

“This dedication to Yaris, my sister-goddess, is complete,” Dea stated then looked to Ferris.

“To my sister-goddess, Yaris, we dedicate this victory and ritual celebration,” Ferris agreed.

There was a strange echoing reverberation at that moment that flooded through the field. Going one way, then the other. A sound that was just beyond hearing scratched at his mind.

Then it slowly died away.

“Oh, that was quite potent,” Elizabeth murmured, looking to everyone else. “That easily almost called Yaris into being as a goddess right then and there. It won’t take much more to push it all the way over.”

“Indeed! Though… it did more than you think,” Dea remarked, a confused look on her face as she looked at nothing. Slowly her head tilted to the side. “In fact… I can… already talk to Yaris a bit.”

“Yes! She was asleep. How astounding,” Ferris murmured, also looking somewhat at nothing. Then she laughed with a grin.

Dea then laughed as well.

It was like they were having a conversation with Yaris and she’d told them a joke.

Blue gently eased Vince back off of Elysia.

The High-Elf had remained in the position, looking to the crowd boldly, even with Vince buried inside of her.

A beautiful Dryad Vince didn’t know practically fell on top of him as he sat down in the grass.

“Congratulations on winning the lottery, Hesta,” Blue congratulated with a rapid and soft applause of her hands. “I wanted to clean him myself but that’s not fair of me as the High-Priestess.”

The wavy black haired green glowing eyed and extremely pretty Dryad collapsed on Vince and inhaled his seed covered manhood. Going straight down to the hilt and suckling at him. Her hands were pressed to his knees and pushing them apart even as Blue eased him backward onto the grass to lay out fully.

Laying there, Vince enjoyed the Dryad’s menistrations and stared up at the sky above.

What a weird and fun life.


Flying onward Vince felt a little concerned.

He wasn’t traveling with as many people as he wanted to be, in fact. They were only moving with enough people to be an honor guard of sorts, rather than an invasion force.

They’d briefly stopped to pick up Red, who was currently snuggling Dea to death with hugs and cuddling, as well as to briefly stop in Magi-Vale to collect Sam, Zathira, and Leila.

They were more or less traveling with the original group he’d landed in Spain with.

Red, Blue, Leila, Sam, Zathira, Elizabeth.

Having Elysia being here is certainly different though.

Renata had been very distraught over the idea of Vince riding Elizabeth to go to England, but the simple reality was Elizabeth had better stamina over such a long flight.

Renata was fast. Faster than anything out there.

Her stamina was also quite good.

Elizabeth just was a different breed of Dragon and built for extremely long flights.

She could land and still commit to a physical brawl with another Dragon and still probably win. Where Renata would probably be heavily winded.

“Dea, Dea,” Red said from somewhere behind Vince. She was facing the opposite direction of every one else and was face first into Dea. “Red has a request.”

“I… yes, Red?” Dea asked with an obvious smile in her words.

“Red wants you to be godmother to her children. When Red has them, you will be their godmother. Okay?” asked Red.

It was the first time Red had brought up children since she’d lost her pregnancy.

“Of course I will,” Dea answered with a laugh.

The two had actually bonded significantly after Vince had more or less pitched Red at the Dryad goddess.

“Red thinks Dea needs children. Red will be a godmother to them and kill anyone who talks poorly of them,” growled the undead monster.

“I find it amusing that the cursed, undead, and technically monstrous creature that is Red, is so firmly entrenched in befriending Dea,” Leila said from in front of Vince even as Dea and Red continued to discuss the situation. Leila was perched in his lap with her hands on his thighs. “But… given that I’m a Warlock that is just about best friends with a giant Fae and a bubbly Dryad as well as a Necromancer… eh… Yosemite is Yosemite.

“We’re all blended, bound, and bundled together. Just as we ever were. The strength is in our sum, not in our individual parts.”

She’d turned her head to peer up at him as she spoke while presenting him with a warm and lovely smile.

No bigger than four feet tall, and roughly the same size as Same the Fae, Leila was his Gnomish Warlock.

Her incredibly large and mesmerizing purple eyes were staring up at him. Inviting him to fall into her visage.

There was no mistaking the glittering sparks that fluttered through her eyes the longer you stared into them.

Such beautiful and unique eyes were set in an elegantly sculpted face with very clean features. She had a sharp jawline and delicate cheekbones, all of it giving her an eerie loveliness that needed to be captured by a photo or a portrait.

Leila was an attractive woman.

Her hair was dirty-blonde and cut somewhat short. She’d styled it and had it all pulled back from her face in a ponytail at the moment.

“I kinda like your individual parts,” Vince murmured, his hands creeping up from Leila’s waist to move over her firm and taut stomach while leaning down over her as well. He only stopped once he’d gotten his hands over both of her breasts and had pressed his lips to hers.

Whimpering in his lap Leila kissed him back for several seconds before breaking the kiss. She pushed her back into his chest and then let out a long sigh.

Ahead of them, her shield was diverting the wind away from the riders on Elizabeth’s back, but not Elizabeth. When they’d tried it the first time Elizabeth had nearly fallen right out of the air because the shield had gone in front of her.

Apparently the pressure of the air was required for her to be able to stay aloft.

“Like your parts too,” growled Leila.

“I like both your parts,” Blue said in a giggle, reaching out ahead of Vince and boldly fondling the Gnome. Her hands slipping under Vince’s and even slowly dipping down between the Gnome’s thighs. “Leila, let’s have a three way. I would really like to see you get drunk off of Vince. I promise to take care of all your needs.”

Leila squeaked, her hands hovering for a moment before clamping down on Blue’s.

Leaving Vince to start roaming her body instead, which he did.

Only for Leila’s hands to leave Blue’s and push down on Vince’s. Which of course left Blue open to do the same.

“I-I-I not right now! You two! Stop… please… we’re flying and… we’re flying!” begged Leila.

Both Vince and Blue settled their hands on Leila, holding to her, but no longer fondling her.

“This has been fun,” Blue said with a chuckle. “It’s sad that England is right there and it’s time for us to move ahead with the plan.”

Ahead of them, Vince could indeed see the island they’d come here for.

They’d come up from the south and were heading for the “brightest blob” that they’d seen on the satellite. That was likely the center of their civilization.

He couldn’t disagree with her. The trip over here had been a lot of casual conversation and enjoying one’s company. Even Zathira at the back of the line had contributed to the conversation more than he’d expected.

“She’s regretting rejecting you,” Blue whispered, pressing her mouth to Vince’s ear. “I think she expected you to chase her or some such nonsense. She’s very interested in you but has no idea how to move it forward.

“She only ever really worked with the Duke of Denver and the undead. Her social skills are… dead.”

Vince blinked as he processed that.

To be fair he wasn’t that interested in Zathira. After she’d rejected his advances he’d cooled his jets on that and moved on. There were more women that were interested in him that he could ever really handle.

He didn’t need Zathira at all.

“Holding the banner out!” Elizabeth called out. She had to be a bit louder he imagined since she could hear all the wind rushing by even if they didn’t.

That meant she was likely unfurling a large weighted white flag.

With any luck those on the ground would see it and hold their fire.

Elizabeth flew slowly toward the city they wanted to contact.

Slowly, with the white flag out, and not making any hostile or quick movements, Yosemite was going to visit what had been a world leader for much of it’s history as a country.

“On a giant Platinum Dragon Yosemite came to call on fair lady Britannia,” Leila murmured more to herself.

“What? Red didn’t know we were going to see a woman today. Red doesn’t like this. Vince already has too many women,” growled Red.

Vince couldn’t argue that point.


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