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Hello! Quick hit list. :)

1: Erotic chapters will likely be written of existing stories that didn't already have them. My goal is to put out at least 1 a week, but I'm not going to promise anything, or written down. They'll be in a separate section in the index and always be available to T2 or T3 and up. I haven't decided which Tier yet.

2: Tier 5 Patrons will get the entire book going forward. Start to finish. I won't be cutting them off as I have been previously. All other tiers will stop at the normal point that they did previously.

3: Patron names will be pulled from Patreon, and put in the dedications of all forth coming books. The list of names will be based on who's -active- at the time of publication.
They will be listed in descending order, T5 to T1.
If your name in Patreon is just "Bob" you'll just be listed as "Bob" lol.
I mention this in case you wish to change your name before Super Sales 5 goes live with your name in it.

4: As you may have noticed, Wild Wastes 5 chapters are now going up at the same time. We're moving right along. :D



In regards to #1,does that mean you are writing these chapters for all of your arand series? Will you be releasing a version of the books with those chapters, or will they only be readable via patreon?

Zachariah Beasley

Woah you put patron names in the books even if you aren't T5?? I've seen mine but being older books I'm guessing that's just chance


Is a new thing? Going to put them in the books going forward and yes, it won't just be T5.


They will only be on Patreon. They will likely be both Arand and Darren series. More or less anything that didn't end up in a book, but might have been a scene that'd been fun. E.G. The first time Andrea marched into Felix's room.

Kyle Stitt

So reading this is T1 not going to have access to the naughty bits?


Man do I wish I had the budget to be T5 the waiting for new books always kills me even with have chapters early.


Yeah, they wouldn't have access. It'll either start with T2 or T3. I appreciate my T1's but this is a bit more than a $1 cost of entry, I think. Especially since it'll take me at least 3 hours of time for each erotic chapter.


But what's wrong with Bob?


Awesome. Any particular reason you decided to do this, or it just felt like it?


Nice. I always wondered what happened when Andrea first surprised Felix.


What does "active" mean? Actively supporting with a subscription, or active in the comment section of Patreon posts, or active in Discord channel? Curious, because I've had to really pull back on most of that excepting the Patreon subscription since work got busy.

James Breaux

He just means a thanks in the back of the book, not your name as a character I believe.

James Breaux

From context if you paid the month the book was published your name will be in it. I'm just assuming here but that is what I understood.


Active Patreon subscription. It's a filter I can pull to see who's actively supporting a Tier.

Stephen Chernishoff

Yay!! All exciting thing :D and thank you for the heads up on the name, had to be sure and change mine :)

Michael Viggiano

Was this determined to be t2 or t3? Just curious 😊