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“Can I go open the gate?” asked a Blue Dragon that Felix just couldn’t remember the name of. “I’ll just transform, open it, and we can go in. If they want to cause a problem, I’ll just start eating them.”

“They’ll taste terrible,” warned Goldie with a loud sigh. “Not to mention it really isn’t very polite as a House-wife to try and devour your host.

“For whatever reason after becoming the Nest-mate of a Human, Human’s taste terrible. Something akin to mud and dirt, honestly.”

“Really? I’ve never eaten one,” Lucille asked curiously, looking to Goldie. “Lots of primates, but never a Human. They weren’t around yet.”

“They tasted more like hogs than primates,” Goldie remarked with a puzzled look on her face. She was facing Lucille directly now. “As I said though. They taste dreadful now.

“Though if we do have to start chewing our way through them, be sure to try and do it with some decorum. Their arms and legs tend to slip out when you start chewing.

“It isn’t as if we’d be in a rush and they can’t harm us. Nor can they harm anyone here, really. The Legionnaire armor is quite sturdy. It’s a shame we can’t wear any but it wouldn’t do us much good.”

All the Dragon Maidens looked down at themselves.

They were all dressed in the exact same thing.

A button up white shirt with black tie. Over that was a blue wind-breaker with “Assoc” on the front where the breast pocket would be and “Association” on the back. Jeans and combat boots rounded out the look.

“I don’t like clothes,” Carol murmured.

“Yes, I understand and even agree. But as a house-wife, we’re expected to dress in the current fashion or in the trend, with some sex appeal, and just a hint of modesty,” Goldie lectured, looking around at the Dragons around her. “Not to mention, we really shouldn’t be nude unless we have no choice. That’s just frowned on in Human society.”

A lovely green eyed Green Dragon sighed but nodded her head.

“Uhm, the… the director will see you,” said the guard who’d come back. Felix couldn’t see Andrea, the Dragon in the passenger seat, or the guard. “Please move down the road and stop when directed.”

“Wonderful,” Andrea said excitedly. “I was wondering if we’d have to knock down the gate and blast our way in. I’d feel bad breaking both your arms and legs. You seem nice.”

“I-I-yeah. Yeah,” answered the guard, his voice followed by the sound of the gate retracting.

Turning, Felix looked to Juno. She was currently having a discussion about the property-purchase benefits that the Legion offers Legionnaires.

“— no. Jupiter bought me a house. He’s my Jupiter, what’d you expect? I’m his Juno and that’s how it is.

“While I didn’t have to use the program but I’d been looking at it. It’s a single percent interest loan against your salary for the period of the loan. It isn’t compounding either, just a simple interest.”

“Juno, time to move. Bucket-up,” Felix ordered. He didn’t mind his voice coming through her stream this time. “Can’t stream this one, but the next one you can.”

“Oh! You hear that? Can’t stream this one but the next one’ll be fire! Just wait and see. I’ll see you all later, thanks for coming. Don’t forget to follow and subscribe. I’ll post the video later!” Juno said and reached up to tap the camera, turning it off. “Okay… and clear.”

Romina laughed, reached down to pick her helmet, then looked to Felix.

“They’re so thirsty! Someone offered to make me a vtuber model, too. Is that alright?” Juno asked, pulling her helmet down over her head.

“Yes. Just make sure you purchase it from them so that you, and Legion, own the copyright and IP for it. Never let anyone ever own your IP under any circumstance,” instructed Felix as the truck started to speed up. “Expense it to Legion and forward it up through your contact. I think it’s Alma, right?”

“Uh, I didn’t… right, okay… yeah. I’ll do that. Got it,” Juno said with a sharp nod of her head. “I’ll talk to Alma about it. She’s been really helpful.”

“Great. Now… safety off, chamber a round,” Felix said, motioning to her weapon. “Might end up slaughtering a whole bunch of CIA agents. The Association doesn’t answer to anyone. Not even the president. The government set us up as a neutral agency that can operate across borders.

“They just happen to get a bunch of benefits for us being headquartered in their domain. Otherwise we’d have gone to Canadia or Mexico.”

Romina was nodding her head rapidly now.

“I get it. Wish I had it all planned out like you do. I was just kinda runnin’ around wild like with trash ideas,” Romina murmured. “I’m not sure what I would be doing if you hadn’t picked me up when you did.”

“Probably the same thing. I just happened to notice you before you took off,” confessed Felix. Considering he knew what her super power was, he imagined he was being completely honest, as well. “Already told you about your Super ability so you know that I’m right.”

“I don’t think you get how bad it was for me when you found me. Super power or not,” Romina said in a much more quiet voice. “I was living with my parents till you bought me that house. There was no way I could afford to move out any time soon either.

“Still paying off my college debts let alone the price of housing. Everything is just… it’s too much. I could only dream at owning a house and be like, ‘goals’. That was the extent of it.”

Felix snorted at that and then stood up, his hand grabbing to the rail that ran along the top of the vehicle. Planting his feet he shrugged his shoulders to make sure his cape was correctly positioned. With his left hand he pulled out the side-arm he carried.

Looking it over he thumbed the safety off, let go of the rail for a second to pull back the slide, then fully chambered it after seeing there was nothing in it. Pushing the handgun back into the holster he then grasped the rail once again.

Moving forward he eased past Romina and stood at the exit.

He was the Legate.

He’d have to be front, center, visible, and very much in charge.

“Agents ahead, directing us to stop. All armed,” reported Andrea.

Nodding his head, Felix said nothing. That was all expected.

Soon, the vehicle came to a full stop. When Felix heard the transmission get pushed into park, he grabbed the door and opened the back of the truck.

Stepping out into the day he looked around.

There were a number of agents around and they were all indeed armed. A number of them had put on ballistic vests as well.

“Where’s the director?” Felix asked, moving toward the closest agent. “I’ve come to audit the agency. It would be best if I was conducted to him quickly so I may proceed with my duties.”

“Uh huh,” growled the Agent.

Behind Felix he could hear the Dragon’s hopping down from the truck. Then a hissing noise as they likely stretched their wings out.

Their jackets had all been designed to allow the base of their wings to not get caught up in the fabric. So long as they put it on first, then allowed their wings to be material afterwards at least.

“Director?” Felix asked politely for the last time.

The next time he asked, he’d do it with a drawn gun.

“You’ll be taken to a holding ce—”

Felix went to draw his pistol and was beat to the punch. Lucille flashed past him, slammed into the Agent, and pinned him to the ground.

Roaring into the man’s face, her wings spread out behind her, she was perched atop him like a lion with it’s kill.

“You will answer the Legate with respect or I’ll pull this whole building down by myself!” screamed Lucille in what felt like it was coming from her Dragon form.

Smoke and flame began to curl out of her mouth and nostrils with every word. She was rapidly losing control of herself from what Felix could see.

Everyone instantly reacted to that.

Many guns were drawn and leveled at Lucille, Felix, and everyone else.

Except everyone in the Association didn’t mind it. In fact, they began to fan out and take up positions. As if they were expecting this to devolve very quickly into a blood bath.

“Legate! My apologies!” called a voice from the front of the building. “Let’s just move past this please!

“I’d very much appreciate it if you could release the agent! They’re just scared and being stupid!”

A man was scrambling forward toward Felix and the others. He was moving at a quick trot.

“Are you the Director?” Felix asked, moving away from Lucille and the agent who’d now pissed his pants. Lucille hadn’t moved and was still squatting down atop the man. Flames licking out of her mouth with every exhale.

“Yes, yes I’m the Director. I’m very sorry for all this. They’re just scared and stupid,” said the man, coming over to Felix. “We didn’t know you were coming.”

“We don’t announce raids, director,” Felix said, not bothering to hold his hand out to the other man. This was not a trip that would foster goodwill or cooperation. “You’re in noncompliance with the directive and jurisdiction I’ve been allowed to operate in.

“We’re here to audit your personnel with or without your permission. If it’s without your permission, we will close down your building and begin moving through your employee lists and everyone in the building. Until we reach at least ninety-percent compliance you would not be released from detention.

“If it’s found you’ve been harboring unregistered Supers willingly, then the full weight of the law will come down on you. You’ll be registered, labeled as a Super Offender, and then sent to the super max prison for Supers.”

“Legate, there are many requests for assistance being sent out at this time to many different parties,” Tribune reported. “I’m filtering everything as you stated. I also deactivated their alarms, systems, and automatic protocols such as data and file destruction.”

“Good work,” Felix said, making sure the mic stayed red by keeping his volume low. The Director still hadn’t said anything and was just staring at Felix in shock. “Director, I’ve preemptively sealed and knocked out your communications, security measures, and protocol.

“This is the turning point before I force the audit, or you assist me. How would you like to proceed? There’s no going back once I begin.

“You should also know that you’re the only agency that didn’t comply. Every other one did as well as each branch of the government. You stand alone.”

Blinking several times the Director clearly took a moment to re-evaluate the situation. Outside looking in, Felix felt like perhaps the man had over-estimated his value and worth.

“We’ll cooperate of course,” the Director said. “How can I assist you?”

“Bring every single person in your agency out here. We’ll complete the audit here. Once we’re satisfied that we’ve spoken with the vast majority of your people, then we’ll release you,” Felix clarified. “I do understand that you have agents that cannot be seen, spoken to, or even communicated with regularly.

“For those who cannot be here today, please send them to the association at their earliest convenience, or invite us back out to perform an interview. Please don’t try to subvert this requirement as I would dislike having to come back here.”

Romina was slowly walking sideways and looking up at the building. The camera on her shoulder was actively recording just as he’d instructed. She just wasn’t streaming it.

Her camera was aimed directly at Felix and the Director.

Everyone will learn that when it comes to Supers, the Association and Legion is a must. We will wield no power outside of the need to document, interview, and speak with every Super Powered human.

A global utility company that offers assistance, but no political help to anyone.

“Of course,” murmured the Director. “Of course.”


Goldie walked back from the most recent group of agents they were going through. Keeping it to batches of three or four people allowed her and all the other Dragons to get a good read on their thoughts.

“All set,” she reported, holding the detector device in her hands. It was the same one he’d used previously in front of government agents.

All it did now was turn blue if the person was more than just a human. Anyone in Legion could use it so long as they wore certain pieces of Legion equipment.

Armor, rings, or helmets would all suffice.

“None in that group either,” Romina grumbled. “Is it really that rare? I didn’t think it was but… maybe it is?”

“It’s rare. More so than you’d think. It’s just that the Association sees the full concentration of it since it’s all we work with,” Felix explained and then shook his head. “It’s fine. We’re just here to make sure everyone understands our jurisdiction. No more, no less. It’s why we’re doing this outside, not inside.

“Anything they have going on in there is of no matter to us. Not really, at least. We only care about their people and if they’re a Super or not.”

“Legate, the next target must be moved on,” reported Tribune in his helmet. “They look like they’re going to begin moving their operation according to the most recent information I’ve taken from their devices.

“They’re aware that the Association is currently raiding facilities and feel like other government figures will use this as an opportunity to do the same to them.”

“Huh… alright. What is it again? What’re we going to?” asked Felix.

“A religious community. You called it a cult,” Tribune answered.

“Ah… yeah. The people who think the world is coming to an end in a few years,” Felix murmured. “I forget the details of what they believe and I honestly don’t care.

“You’re positive they have Supers in their congregation? I wouldn’t want to move on this just to have it come back as nothing.”

“I can confirm that there is a chance they have several Supers within their ranks to eighty-percent, Sir,” answered Tribune.

“Eighty-percent… that’s… okay, yeah. That’s worth the time investment,” Felix said and let out a slow breath. “We’ll go there next then I guess. Wasn’t planning on it.

“I’d really rather not get tied up in religion. That’s just asking to get slammed right back into politics. The two are far too inter-weaved for it to be worth our while.”

“Uh, but… isn’t politics literally just the transition of moral beliefs into the desire to shape law?” asked Romina. “And what is religion if not moral beliefs?”

Errr… did… that actually come from Romina?

Looking to Juno Felix just stared at her.

“I took a couple courses in philosophy,” she said defensively, holding one hand up. “It stuck with me to a degree. What I said wasn’t wrong, was it?”

“No. Not really. It’s just… not something I expected from you, that’s all,” Felix observed.

“Happy to surprise you, my Jupiter,” Juno said and then head bobbed to the next group of people. “Legionnaire Goldie, shall we proceed?”

The Dragon had watched the entire exchange with a smile, looking excited and pleased with the situation.

“Legate. We’ve received a request from the Guild of Heroes as well as an email from the outside. It was addressed to the Legate from one of the individuals you asked me to track,” Tribune stated. “The request from the Guild is to assist with a hostage situation. There’s an unregistered pair of Supers who has taken over a super market.

“They have a number of hostages taken and the Guild is unable to make any progress. One of the Supers is able to disable the powers of anyone else nearby. The second is extremely accurate with a firearm. They’ve been able to kill anyone who’s come close as well as a number of law enforcement who were attempting to siege the building.”

Felix was somewhat shocked to hear that.

Though on reflection, he shouldn’t be surprised. If there really was a situation where the police couldn’t apprehend a Super, and the Guild couldn’t make it happen either, there wouldn’t be many other people to turn to.

In this case they had someone they could call.

Being unregistered meant that this situation technically fell into the domain of the Association. With him pushing as hard as he had to make sure that people respected his jurisdiction, he couldn’t really turn away when he was being called in exactly for that.

“I need a Dragon to ride and a team to go with me,” Felix said, turning to look at Goldie. “Miu and Romina will come with me. Who can go with me, Goldie?”

“Carol will take a squad and move with you,” Goldie answered quickly. “Lucille and a squad will handle the cult with me. I’ll make sure to handle it with kid gloves, dear. Andrea, Cathy, and the rest can handle this location and finalize the audit.

“That’d divide up things relatively well, is that an acceptable suggestion?”

“Perfect,” Felix said and then turned to look for Carol. He needed to get going and now.


Kenneth Darlin

That sounds bad, like he is about the involve himself in things he doesn’t want/need to be…

David Fletcher

90% is such a big loophole

Drew Risch

Wow, this is going waaay too well! Also, I bet the cult is right 😂 I bet the world ending "in a few years" just haaaappens to coincide with the end of Felix's tenure, and I wonder why that could be

Jeff Ford

And Felix is just as mechanically bureaucratic... I work for the DoD and I laughed my ass of during that scene.. BTW - the official compliance number for the federal government is 93%... they probably also feel 90% is too big so they made it WAAAY better with the extra 3%

Eloren Koori

Wouldn’t that also coincide with the awakening or whatever where supers would naturally awake ?


Felix had 5 years and the awaking is a year or 2 out if I recall correctly