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Felix really didn’t know what to think as he looked out at the unfinished basement.

The only other thing in this wide, open, and bare-bones area of the building were a few chairs to one side, a folding table, fridge, chairs, and a few cots that were set up in the far corner.

It looked a lot like an impromptu break-room and place to nap for everyone that worked here. Not that he blamed them if they were pulling long shifts to get work done.

He’d likely do the same.

There wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.

Other than the large mass of bones right in the middle of the area, that was.

It was a jumble that’d been all shoved together into a mound of them. Where he saw several different skulls as well as a few lower jaw bones that didn’t look like they belonged to any of the skulls.

“I just piled them all up,” Goldie announced as she came up behind him. “I didn’t see a reason to separate them. You’ll just bring them back to life from the collective heap anyways.

“That and… well… I really didn’t want to dirty my clothes. They’re quite nice and I really love this dress. It flatters me oh so well.

“Well, not to mention I didn’t want to make a mess. The tarp was only so big and a lot of the bones have debris wedged all over. Just because it’s an unfinished basement doesn’t mean I want dirt and things tracked all over it.”

“Goldieeeee,” squealed Andrea a second before she slammed into the back of Goldie. Her legs wrapped around the back of the Dragon and she reached up around the front of her, her hands sliding in just beneath her breasts.

“Yes, yes, hello Andie,” Goldie said and reached up to pat the back of Andrea’s hands. “You did well to not mess up Juno’s stream.”

“She’s coming so I have to get my Dragon love in before she does,” whined Andrea as she began rubbing her face all over the back of Goldie’s neck and hair.

Goldie let out a long breath but she was smiling ear to ear. Turning she looked to Felix.

“Would you please summon my Maidens? I want to earn my rings. I also need to welcome them into my Wing,” explained the Dragon. “Gaia is sponsoring their welcome party. She said she’s got more than enough power to make that happen without any cost to her, but she’s sorry she couldn’t help with their resurrection costs.”

“That’s fine,” Felix said with a wave of his hand, looking away from Andrea and Goldie. Instead he moved over to the pile of bones. “That’s my job. Always was.”

Andrea was now openly fondling Goldie across the front of her dress. To which Goldie seemed indifferent and uninterested in.

Though Felix was certainly having a reaction to it.

Squatting down in front of the Dragon bone pile Felix wanted to know how much it would cost him to have them all brought back to life. To be restored to their prime in life and with a power set similar to Goldie’s.

Felix felt things slow down until he was nearly alone in his head with his thoughts.

Raising his eyebrows at the box that popped up, Felix called up his point bank. He hadn’t expected it to be so expensive. He wasn’t quite sure how many Dragons were in the pile, but it felt like it was more than he’d expected.

“Uhm,” Felix murmured almost to himself. “Gaia, any chance you can put in that request to clear that waste pit you’re at? Could use the points.”

Reaching out Felix reached out and lightly poked at a Dragon skull eye-socket. It all looked more like dinosaur bones to him.

In fact, I wonder if there’s a number of bones that’ve been confused with Dinosaur bones. I bet there is. They’re all thinking it’s somehow some type of land based reptile and discount anything that doesn’t match as belonging to something else.

The goddess Gaia has requested to use her Champion’s power on his behalf.

The suddenness of the popup startled Felix. Though he quickly approved it.

Then took it a step further and tried to force Gaia to become his recognized goddess. In this way she could fully benefit from the faith contracts he’d put upon Legion in the past.

At this point it was just a formality that he’d been pumping the brakes on.

“Is there an active Tribune here?” Felix asked, though there was no response from her.

Instead, Felix called up his point totals again.

The box that popped up this time listed him as having over twenty-million points. After bring the Dragons back he’d have roughly a million, give or take.

Which was more than enough to get things done, he’d just have to move on to another high value site to return to pristine condition.

The goddess Gaia has accepted becoming your personal goddess.

Shaking his head Felix accepted the cost to resurrect the Dragons. Getting up he moved away to where the chairs were. He thankfully wasn’t going to have to deal with the Dragons as that was more a job for Goldie.

There was a group of twenty to thirty newly made Dragon’s getting up from the ground. Many of them looked very wobbly and unsure of their bodies.

Andrea appeared at his side as Goldie moved forward to the group.

“Like newborn deer! Eeeeee!” Andrea squeaked excitedly then slammed herself into the chair directly next to him. Then she pushed in close to his side. “Oh, er, yeah, gotta… gotta get Juno.”

Andrea fumbled at her pockets and managed to get a phone out. She tapped at it for a few seconds and then held it up to her ear.

“Juno! Come down. Goldie is gonna roflstomp the new Dragon girls and get a ring from F-Legate for each one!” Andrea cheered, very nearly using his real name.

He couldn’t hear Juno’s response but he likely didn’t need to.

“— submit to me. I’ll brook no nonsense or infighting afterward. We aren’t Dragons in the service of Felix, we’re house-wives. I expect you all to begin assisting me to complete my duties,” Goldie said in a commanding way. Standing in front of the other Dragon’s Felix only now noticed they were all female.

“Was it Goldie or Gaia that made sure they were all women,” Felix growled.

“Both? Yes, both,” Andrea said happily, putting her phone down at the table. “A male Dragon would try to take control and likely need to be killed. It’s easier with one male only.

“Gaia said it was just a part of nature in many species. Goldie said she didn’t want to have to deal with a Dragon corpse. Apparently it’d be hard to dispose of.”

There was a clatter from the stairs followed by Juno actually falling down them. She slammed into the concrete floor and slid for a couple feet on her elbows and knees. Getting up quickly she came racing over to where Andrea and Felix were sitting.

“I’m here! Did they start? Did I miss anything?” she asked breathlessly. The camera on her shoulder was recording. “Oh, uh, I’m recording but not streaming. I need to be able to edit this up later and put it together into a trailer of sorts.

“Legion needs all the publicity it can get and Dragon Fight Club is gonna be a thing I bet. Goldie said it’d likely be a monthly brawl to establish hierarchy.”

The Dragons had already gained their senses and looked to be rapidly adapting. More of a question of remembering how to walk, than learning how to, Felix guessed.

“Oh, oh, oh, I can do that too! Andrea Battle Royale is a thing! We even have a champion!” Andrea offered helpfully. “They assign special duties or privileges to whoever does best. They get to dictate a lot of fun things.”

“Huh? Like what?” Romina asked, turning her head to look at Andrea. “And… thank you, Legate. I know I didn’t ask in advance for you to help out with my contest so… thanks. You’ve been really kind to me despite everything.

“Not what I was expecting at all from my boss, I guess. At all.”

“Right? When I first started working for him I was nervous about sleeping with him,” gushed Andrea as a large Black Dragon stepped up. Her dark wings were spread out behind her as well as her horns.

Stepping right up to Goldie she lifted her chin up and put her hands on her hips.

“After the first time though it was really easy. I even got really good at it! You just gotta really learn how to move your hips,” continued Andrea as Juno stared at her with a semi-wide eyed stare. Thankfully her camera was still facing the Dragons.

Andrea leaned toward Romina and held a hand up to her mouth.

Felix knew the fake loud whisper was coming.

“You’ll get the hang of it Juno. Just start with vanilla stuff and he’ll make it fun after a while. Just be really grabby and affectionate with him. Lots of kissing, really get your tongue into his mouth,” Andrea whispered in the exact tone Felix had been expecting. “Especially when he’s on top. Really pull at him.

“You’ll be great at it I’m sure. Just make sure you don’t go for your first time until you’re ready. I was ready for it but Lily really wasn’t. She got really weirded out. Especially when Felix—”

Reaching around the chatter-box that couldn’t keep her mouth shut, Felix clamped a hand down around her mouth.

Looking up he stared at Juno for several seconds before he tilted his head to the side.

“Romina,” he started.

“It’s not a problem!” promised the influencer, her head whipping back to the front. She was holding almost perfectly still, her eyes wide and unseeing as she stared ahead.

Not releasing Andrea, Felix looked back to the Dragons as well. He wasn’t going to let go of his Beastkin for a little bit.

Andrea for her part was now leaning into Felix, one hand on his armored thigh, the other on his gauntlet over her mouth. She seemed happy for some reason.

Goldie was pummeling the Black Dragon.

Holding her down against the concrete with one hand while smashing her in the face repeatedly with the other. Each blow sounding like a car-crash as she wailed on the other woman’s face.

Deforming it and shattering most of the bones entirely. To the point that she was beyond even looking remotely human like, instead of looking like ground beef.

Goldie stood up, drew her foot back, and blasted it across the Black’s destroyed face. Several teeth exploded out of her mouth and her jaw clearly dislocated itself and broke.

Clicking her tongue Goldie sighed and looked down at her dress. There was blood splatter across the front of it that also had covered her face.

“Goodness. See, this is why I said we should fight to first blood. You made me get my dress dirty. You’re going to have to clean this up yourself, Lucille,” Goldie admonished the dying Dragon sternly. “If you can’t get it clean, you can beg our Nest-mate to fix it for you, but I’m going to ask him to punish you if you do.

“Oh, thank you for picking those up Cathy. That’s quite helpful. Every little bit saves a few points for Gaia.”

A very attractive Green Dragon had come over and held out all the teeth Goldie had knocked out of the Black’s mouth. Depositing them in the Gold Dragon’s hands.

“Gaia, would you please restore Lucille now? She’s learned her place and her Dragon understands,” asked Goldie

There was an odd buzzing noise followed by the Black Dragon’s body and face suddenly reforming. She looked as she had when she first stepped up to Goldie.

Just with an indescribable amount of fear.

The beautiful Black squirmed over onto her hands and knees and then put her head down between Goldie’s feet. Her horns were practically dug into the ground.

“Stop that, that’s no way for a wife to behave. Go get a cup of tea and start learning about our Nest-mate, Lucille,” Goldie chastised. “I made it and some snacks before we started. There should be a serving for everyone in the fridge.

“Remember, decorum and modesty in public befits a Dragon house-wife and you’ll need to be on your best behavior. If I must, I’ll start giving you lessons myself.”

“Please instruct me. I would very much like lessons,” asked the Black, quickly getting to her feet. “I’m not sure I can behave as you’d wish. I… I speak for everyone here I’m sure when I say we’d all like lessons.”

“Nnn, I want lessons!” Andrea called from the side, causing all the Dragons to look their way. “I love you Goldie! You’re so pretty!”

Goldie snorted, a stray wisp of gold hair fluttering down and into her eyes while smiling at Andrea.

“No you don’t, dear. You’re just mixed up,” Goldie said with a shooing motion at Andrea.

“Can… I have lessons?” Romina asked suddenly.

Tilting her head slowly to one side Goldie considered the question. Then she grinned and nodded.

“Of course you can, dear. Now, Lucille, go. Will the next Maiden please step forward?” asked Goldie.

The beautiful and nude Black Dragon rushed away. She came over to Felix and Andrea looking very confused and concerned. She had dark black eyes, hair the color of pitch, and was very out of her element.

“That’s the fridge,” Felix said, then indicated the appliance. “Next to it is a silver object with a handle on it. Inside it is the tea Goldie described. Take a cup, fill it with the tea, then look in the fridge. I’m sure there’s small containers in there. Just take one of them and come back.”

“Thank you. I’m so… I’m grateful to be here, but I’m so confused,” mumbled Lucille, wandering over to the indicated area.

She hesitated briefly in front of the fridge before taking the handle and delicately pulling on it. Several tries later she found the right amount of force to get it to open.

“Andrea,” Felix said, turning to look back to the Dragon Fight Club as Romina had called it.

“On iiiiiiit!” promised Andrea, an other bouncing out of her and racing off to Lucille’s side.

Felix looked down to the table and called up his own character sheet. He wasn’t that interested in watching Goldie practically beat people to death if he was being honest.

He was here to support her and little else.

Ugh. I should have increased my Might more, rather than Finesse, Endurance, and Luck.

How was I supposed to know that if I had over two-hundred and fifty points the costs would blow up like that.

It’s ridiculous.

Didn’t happen to anyone else.

Feels like some kind of limiter just to prevent me from hyper-investing in myself.

Though… I suppose that is the answer isn’t it. Scaling my power increases my power which scales and provides more.

If the cost didn’t go up, it wouldn’t be balanced at all.

At least I was able to make myself nearly super-human in many ways.

There was a ping noise that came from the corner of his HUD. Followed by a small mail icon appearing there.

“— sit right here next to Felix,” Andrea advised, pulling the chair on his left out. “I’m going to go get the next Dragon, okay? Are you alright?”

“I’m… fine, yes. Thank you,” murmured the Black Dragon. She still looked quite confused but was now sat down next to him. In front of her was a plate of smoked meats and a some type of small pastry.

A plastic wrapped utensil set had been put down with it as well.

“Uhm… I… Nest-mate… your Dragon house-wife doesn’t know how to use these. Will… you instruct her?” asked Lucille, holding up the plastic silverware to him. “She doesn’t want to disappoint you or her Mistress.”

“I’ve got you!” offered an Andrea that popped out of the one on his right.

Felix was thankful as he wanted to know about the email.

Opening the wrist panel of his armor he moved the cursor over and opened up the notification. It was an email from Tribune.

The subject was curious.

“Incoming Call” was the only thing written. Inside of the body of the email was a number of tables, graphs, names, and what looked like an entire case file of people and situations.

Then his cell phone began ringing, though it came through his helmet. It was now paired through the Legion app to be usable without taking the helmet off.

Felix picked up and cleared his throat.

“Tribune?” he asked.

“Legate, I have a report for you,” Tribune responded. “It is too much to put into a usable email without providing you context information.

“May I intrude, Sir and highlight pertinent information, Sir?”

A lovely Blue Dragon was being escorted over his way by the first Andrea. Several more had appeared now and were carrying over more chairs and tables. He had no idea where they’d gotten them but it seemed like they were all being set up around him.

Romina was now directly in front of him as well, watching the Dragon fights.

“Of course, Tribune. I want the highlights though, what’s up?” he asked.

“Legate, I have six locations that you need to investigate. One is in relation to your request, the other are all cover locations. One however is a branch of the government that didn’t subject itself to our requirements on their employees,” Tribune simplified.

“Great,” Felix murmured and slowly shook his head.

He quickly thought better of the situation, however. He realized this would be a perfect opportunity to flex the might of the Association.

To make sure everyone knew exactly what it’s jurisdiction was and there would be no room for anyone to disagree with him.

No different than a Dragon Fight Club.

“Alright. Put together everything we’ll need,” Felix asked. “Is there antyhing relatively nearby or is this a tomorrow at the soonest.”

An amazingly beautiful and busty Platinum Dragon was currently being beat into submission by Goldie. She was holding onto the other Dragon’s horns while smashing her knee over and over into the woman’s guts and chest.

There was clearly fatal damage that had been done considering the Platinum was throwing up what looked an awful lot like a strawberry slushee all over Goldie’s leg and foot.

Even as Goldie continued to obliterate the other woman with her knee.

“There is one close that you can reach today. The rest will need to be tomorrow,” reported Tribune.

“Fine, get it all ready for tomorrow. We’ll have a night to sleep, rest, plan, then execute,” commanded Felix.

Shoving the obviously dying Dragon Maiden to the floor Goldie put her hands on her hips and sighed loudly. Laying out on the ground the Platinum laid there.

A non-combative lump of broken flesh.

“You see? Carol, this is exactly why I keep telling you all to fight me to first blood. You’re just causing me to make an even bigger mess. This dress is practically ruined,” Goldie complained. Followed by her lifting up a foot and slamming it down into the Platinum Dragon’s kneecap and inverting it grotesquely. Causing the Dragon to shriek in pain.

Or at least try to, it ended with a bout of bright-red blood exiting her mouth in a projectile like way.

“Now, young woman,” Goldie said sternly. “I expect you to clean up this entire mess that you’ve left when we’re done. After that, you can assist Lucille with my poor dress. Do you understand me?

“You’ll also address everyone else here in a respectful way going forward. That was most unbecoming of you. Extremely inappropriate as a Dragon house-wife. I was most displeased with your attitude and bearing.”

The Platinum nodded her head weakly as she continued to gasp and throw up bright red blood.

One of her horns separated at the middle and clattered to the concrete. Goldie had apparently broken it halfway down during the fight.

“Alright. Gaia, please restore Carol. She’s learned the right way to do things,” asked Goldie, then she looked back to the other Dragon Maidens.

There’d been a few that had some fight in their eyes before Carol.

None of them did now.

“Next, please, dears,” asked Goldie with a bright smile as blood dripped down from her chin and into her cleavage.



Dragon house wife is scary 💝


I am in love with Goldie now. That or scaroused. Probably both.

David Fletcher

You’re saying the government lies?! That would never happ… oh. Yeah. Goldie is amazing and I really hope Romina doesn’t get any ideas or Miu will eat her. She may share with Mikki. Assuming Mikki isn’t actually a spy..

Drew Risch

Goldie is a fucking boss hahahaha

Drew Risch

Also, only Steve/Seville could probably scare someone bad enough to blow themselves to gibs instead of have their mind read... that's my guess, at least



Nick Cartwright

Where are the male dragons? Did they purposely not bring them back? Because it’s going to be a serious genetic bottleneck in the future if Felix is the only male stock added in. Edit: deeper in the chapter the question was partly answered. However how are his dragon children going to have any mates if all dragons are descended from Felix? Still a bottleneck issue.

Kevin McKinney

Heh … dragon fight club …