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Getting out of the helicopter two Andreas slammed down a trunk that they’d force the pilot to bring with them. Then they got the second one that they’d also forced him to bring.

Two Andrea’s popped out of the other two in basic clothes. Then two more. They also had their ears and tails hidden from view.

Gaia got out of the helicopter as well and then came to stand next to Felix.

While he hadn’t agreed to her being here at first, he’d relented after a while. Faith, Alma, and Carlotta had all requested that he let her join him. If only because the government was likely going to ask him to clean something up ahead of everyone else.

“They’re so fun,” Gaia said, watching the Andrea’s work. “I know they’re not my children but I really do love just watching them. Such a… such a love of life!”

Staring at the armor covered Gaia, Felix was suddenly curious.

He wanted to see what her character sheet looked like.

I… right.


I called up a goddess and somehow forgot that… she’s… you know… a goddess.

Literally the oldest being possible in this entire existence so long as Ryker or Runner don’t come calling. Nothing older than her in any way.


Fuck fuck.

She could tear Goldie’s head off and make a flower vase out of it if she wanted to.

If I owned her I could just take a single point away from her Endurance and I’d have more points that I’d know what to do with.

“Do you know Runner, or Ryker, by the way?” Felix asked in a neutral tone as the now ten Andrea’s rapidly pulled out and sorted gear from the large crates.

He needed to make sure he kept Gaia on his side at all times.

Legionnaire armor for all of them, along with a simple SMG like weapon and multiple magazines. The helmets had taken up a lot of space so most of what they’d packed had been stuffed into them.

“You mean the Architect and the Originator, right? Yes. They’re my parents,” Gaia admitted with a soft laugh and a wave of her hand. “They’re quite nice and fun. I haven’t been able to talk to them in quite a while. Being as busy as they are and all.

“Why, have you met them before? Oh! That’s why you’re here, isn’t it? I bet it was Uncle. Uncle always does things like that.

“Though… hmm… oh… I wonder if he did this just to have Felix fall in love with me. That’s just like him, too. To do it thinking he’s doing whats best for me. Thinking I’d fall in love with Felix and he’d fall for me.

“Darn it. Phooey. Uncle, I’m going to have to really let you know this time. You can’t just… push things around like that.”

Felix ignored Gaia’s spoken thoughts.

Everyone had taken to ignoring them.

It didn’t seem that the poor goddess was going to be able to completely eliminate her inability to coral her thoughts. Felix thought it was a lot like she didn’t have an internal monologue.

He couldn’t help but be amused by her fairly child-like word usage and that she always seemed to be upbeat. Her in person persona didn’t seem to have the same grave and fiery anger filled air that her spiritual self did.

“I’m not your aunt,” Gaia murmured with a bit more gravitas than her words had held previously. “I have no relation to you, Felix Otherworlder.”


Dressed in Legionnaire armor, armed, and ready, the Andrea’s fell into formation in front of Felix. At their front was Andrea Prime.

She apparently was unwilling to take a back-seat anymore for her own safety.

“Ready, the transport I booked should be just outside of the airfield,” Andrea reported. “We’ll be moving into three SUVS and proceeding to the meeting from there.

“I still think this was rather foolish to go see them in person when we could have done it over the phone. Or by email, really.”

“They’re terrified of the people at the moment. Anything that could be recorded or printed out later is an issue,” muttered Felix. “Lead the way, Andrea, dear. I’ll be right behind you.”

“Just where you should be,” said one of the Andrea’s.

That got a chuckle from all of them.

Even Gaia.


“Light change, deliberate hold,” announced one of the Andrea’s.

The driver of his SUV began to push the brakes down and likely the one behind them did as well. All three SUVS pulled to a full stop at the yellow light rather than rushing through it.

Felix was staring out the window and watching people go about their lives. It didn’t seem from the outside like anything had actually changed for them as far as he could tell.

Supers being apart of their world was as common now as cars had become. Things were adapted to far too quickly and with an overwhelming quantity of it.

Someone can just as easily go watch forty some odd videos of the Supers that’ve been spotted around the world, as they can watch some sports ball game.

As on demand as a TV show that they can binge from start to finish without stop.

I wonder how much that leads into people finding things acceptable when they really shouldn’t be.

“Oh, while he’s rather big isn’t he,” Gaia murmured.

Turning, Felix looked out the window Gaia was seated at. Not far away was indeed quite a large man. He easily stood at seven feet tall and was wide enough to look like he should be playing in some sports ball league.

The man laughed, turned, and then smashed the front door in he’d been standing in front of. Knocking it to pieces and sending it crashing inward. Six or seven people in masks rushed in as the large man started fumbling with one of his own.

“What the hell?” Felix mumbled aloud.

“Not our problem,” one of the Andrea’s helpfully provided.

“It isn’t… no. We’re not the police but… we are Legion. We’re responsible for undocumented Supers,” Felix countered. “It’s why we inspected those businesses even though we didn’t want to.

“In the future I plan to use that little loophole against them. We’re not a club they can use just to slam business with. We only have to make sure people understand we’re after Supers that aren’t documented.

“If they’re documented, we don’t care anymore. Villains are the problem of the Heroes and vice versa, not ours.”

“What… do you want us to do then?” asked an Andrea.

“Pull over to the side, we’ll watch for now. See if we need to step in. There’s no way they’re going to just take what they can and leave,” Felix commanded. “They’re going to try to smash their way into the vault. Likely with that big brute in the front.

“I’m betting he’s an undocumented Super. One with a power that activated early because it’s simple and hard to screw up.”

“It’s still a wonder to me how quickly all this is happening,” Gaia mused. “Much faster than I originally thought it would when I agreed to it.”

Note… note to self.

Pump Gaia for information.

Need to get her alone and start asking her more questions than there would be in a freshmen Philosophy class. This is ridiculous!

“Ugh, they’re completely screwing this up,” Andrea growled. “In, get everything that you can get at the windows, whatever your targets are, then get out.

“You either go in when the vault is open, or not at all. The longer you sit there, the more likely you are to run into the police.”

“You did this often, Andrea Otherworlder?” Gaia asked.

“Uhm… yeah. I was a baddie for a long time,” confessed Andrea with a guilty chuckle. “I was good at it though.”

“Theft is just another facet of life,” Gaia retorted. “One doesn’t blame the hyena for stealing from the lion.

“Nor can one truly fault the seagull for swooping in and taking your hotdog. That’s just how it is. Humanity in it’s quest to make things stable have become quite… civilized.”

Hm. I guess… she’s right, isn’t she.

Mother nature isn’t kind, caring, or forgiving. It’s all a battle royale to the end of the road and then beyond. There’s very little in the middle ground.

“— took it from me! So I caught it, killed it, and ate it,” declared Andrea, to which Gaia laughed. “Best stupid bird I’ve ever eaten.”

Two people came out of the bank then. They both looked like they they knew how to use the weapons they were holding.

“Subdue them all so we can confirm if they’re supers,” Felix requested. “If they’re not, they’re not our problem.”

“Hoi!” called all the Andreas who then began filing out of the vehicles.

Gaia did as well.

“Wait, Gaia I—”

Grunting as the door shut behind her, Felix unbuckled his seat-belt and got out of the SUV as well. Coming around the back of it he watched as the Andreas began moving in on the two at the front of the bank. They had their guns up but weren’t firing.

The Andrea’s hadn’t even shouldered their weapons. They were just moving toward the bank-robbers.

“We’re from Legion. We’re only here to confirm that none of you are unregistered Supers,” and Andrea said from the collective. “If you’re not a Super, you’ll be released. We have no jurisdiction over normal people.”

The two men looked at the Andreas, to one another, then back to the Andreas.

Felix did a quick check on both of them and found they were unpowered and normal.

“Normals,” he reported over the com.

“You can go,” an Andrea announced.

Taking off at a dead sprint, the two men didn’t hesitate. They took off running and never looked back.

Four more came out along with the hulking brute of a man.

Felix flicked over them and found there was three amongst them that were Supers. If they’d gone to the Association, they’d have an identification card.

If they didn’t, they were his problem.

“The big one, the woman in the back, and the man to the side are all Supers,” Felix called.

“You, you, and you. You need to remain where you are and —”

With his head down and moving like a steam-roller, the big man went right through the Andrea at the front. Then another behind her. The other Andrea’s raised their weapons and moved in on the other two Supers.

They hadn’t moved and were quickly surrendering. Those who weren’t Supers were now fleeing away from the bank. The bags on their backs thumping as they went.

Snatching at an Andrea, the big man caught only air. The Beastkin dancing to one side while slamming an armored kick into the man’s knee.

A thud was the only response she got from him or his body. As if she’d kicked a tree stump for all the good it did her.

Even as the man oriented on her, several other Andrea’s got behind him and slammed fists, kicks, and a small baton into his back and sides.

They were all to almost no effect, bouncing off him and causing no damage in any way.

I fucked up. I should have brought someone who can take a power-house down. I keep thinking of this in the wrong way. Thinking of it backwards.

I’m not the power here, I’m the one that can guide it and direct it.

Need to make sure I bring someone who can take each type of Super with me in the future.

Same problem as ever. Trying to do too much all by myself.

Need to get the department heads firmly in place.

Soon. Real soon.

“Hey, lunk-head. Wanna come give me a hug?” Felix asked, stepping away from Gaia, the SUVs, and moving toward the center of the area. He needed a bit of room to give the Andrea’s time to whittle the man down.

While he likely wasn’t showing any outward concern to this situation, he probably only had the strength of his body, and his own weight, behind him.

In other words, at some point there’d be enough Andrea’s hanging onto him to bring him down to the ground. Felix just had to get an opportunity for them to do so.

Roaring, the big man put his head down and rushed toward Felix. His arms were wide like he was going to grab Felix up in a hug once he reached him.

Unbelievably, Gaia stepped out in front of Felix.

She laid her hand out and caught the man on the brow. Bringing him to a complete and absolute stop.

So complete was it, that the man’s legs kept going and he ended up slipping, tumbling to the ground and ending up at Gaia’s feet. She let her hand fall down and looked to the man.

“Dear me, you should be more careful. I think perhaps that maybe you should —”

With another mighty shout the man stood up and grabbed Gaia. Holding her around the rear end he pushed himself to a standing position and hurled her into the air.

Or tried to.

Gaia went nowhere, and all the man succeeded in doing was throwing everything into a back-throw that did absolutely nothing.

“Oh, oh, that looks painful,” worried the God. “I think you might have really hurt yourself. It’d be best if you left it at that. Right?

“The Legate here really just wants to make sure you’re all card carrying members of the Association. He doesn’t care if you’re a villain or not.”

Groaning, the man had fallen down to his hands and knees. Panting there, his back twitching, he looked to be in a considerable amount of pain.

“Goodness, you really did hurt something,” Gaia empathized and then reached down. Patting the man on the shoulder and back. “I’m sure if you’re careful with it, you’ll be able to—”

Swift as could be, the man drew his arm back and slammed a punch into the center of Gaia’s lower stomach. Nearly atop her genitalia in fact.

“Now that… that… is uncalled for,” Gaia said, all warmth and tenderness gone from her voice. Lifting her left hand she smacked the man on the back of the head.

Rocketing forward it slammed down into the concrete, cracked it, and the man laid still on the ground. Snoring loudly and with absolute abandon.

“I’m sorry, Felix. I felt like this was somewhere I could step in and provide assistance,” Gaia apologized, looking to him and putting her hands together in front of herself. Almost as if she were pleading with him. “Forgive your Gaia?”

“Err… no problem… thank you for stepping in. I’m not sure we could have handled him without Goldie around,” Felix muttered, looking to the unconscious man. He was unmoving, still snoring, and looked to be extremely unconscious.

“Thank you so much for forgiving me. Now… should we get moving?” Gaia asked and pointed back to the SUVs. “I’m hopeful that they’ll let us go clean up some places.

“You mentioned… Hanford and thirty-mile island?”

“Three… Three Mile island,” corrected Felix.

“Yes! That’s it. That’d be wonderful,” Gaia said and clapped her hands together twice. As if she hadn’t just bitch-slapped a juggernaut into the ground like he was a bitch.

“You… can wait in the car if you like, Gaia. I brought a tablet if you want to watch something while you wait,” offered Felix.

“Yes! I think I’ll do that. Thank you so much,” Gaia agreed warmly and a bob of her head. “It’s a good thing he still treats me just like normal. He’s stronger mentally then I thought.

“I think most men would likely be terrified after showing how strong I am. Then again, he tends to put a lot of attention toward Goldie, and she’s very strong.

“I wonder what I can watch on the tablet? So interesting! Much better than being just a spirit.”

Gaia’s spoken inner thoughts carried her right into the SUV which she got into. Closing the door behind her.

“Uhm, I kinda like her,” Andrea said, standing next to Felix. “Reminds me of my mom in a way.

“Err… should we wait for the authorities?”

“After we check and see if they’re licensed by the Association, yes. If they’re not, we’ll keep them in our custody till that’s settled. After that, we’ll release them. If there’s a law against being an undocumented Super, we’ll hand them over to the police, if not… we kick’em out the door and wish’em luck.

“We’re not the police. Won’t ever be. Not here to work contracts fro the government. Never again. Did that, won the booby prize, lost it all.”

“Ha… booby,” said every single Andrea.

“I like Gaia’s boobies. They look fun to grab,” said a different one.

“Like Goldie’s. She’s fun to grab!” offered another.

“Yes… yes,” agreed Felix, looking to those standing nearby.

Not far away was a young woman with a phone. She had turned her back to Felix and was recording herself in front of him with the phone capturing them all.

Frowning, he considered her.

Then he wanted to know if she had a power, and he wanted to contract her, what would that power be called?


Felix hummed to himself, his thoughts flickering through the possibilities.

“Is this my next Jessica? My Erica?” Felix mused to no-one.

“She’s not a Beastkin,” answered Andrea. “But pretty enough.”


And looks take you miles and miles. As demonstrated by our most unfortunate commercials.

“Excuse me,” Felix said walking over to the phone holding woman.

She was a bright blue eyed, blonde haired young woman. With a delicate looking face made for smiling and laughing.

There was no denying that she’d likely have online fans and very quickly.

“I have every right to record,” stated the woman, turning her head to really look at Felix.

“I agree. However… how would you like a job? You have a power. One that I think I can unlock and then let you tap into,” offered Felix. He needed to start recruiting. Much faster than he had been. “I imagine I can match any salary you might ever hope for in your current work. Maybe even more than what you could dream of.

“I’ll also give you a great deal of access to Legion, the Association, and myself. Are you willing to talk to me about making a deal?”

The woman was now chewing at her lip. Her brows pressed together in deep thought. Felix was almost positive he had her more than on the hook.

And there we go.


Eloren Koori

Loving Gaia, she’s hilarious.

Matthew Shealy

I hope we don’t see these characters disappear when Felix and Vince go back to their own “kingdoms”.

Eloren Koori

Well it’s not like Miu will allow Felix to leave her “sister”, Gaia is up in the air but I bet she gets wifed. The dryads will come with since he’s the grove. Kit and Lilly.....well who knows.


"“One doesn’t blame the hyena for stealing from the lion." Actually just as likely to be the opposite in the wild. A pack of hyenas cooperate to take down prey while a lioness watches from the tall grass, then before they can really dig in she runs over and takes advantage of being bigger and scarier to chase them off and gets the meat for a fraction the effort. You'd think Gaea of all people would know. Even if it is being pedantic. Seeing her slap that guy so hard he just fell asleep along with the ancient Juggernaught meme reference was pretty amusing. I knew she'd get over the hesitation and hop into the harem sooner or later. She's well on her way.