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“I want to circle them once, are you okay?” Vince shouted against the wind.

“We are-we are very tired, but we can remain in the air for an hour or two longer. We cannot engage in a physical fight should something occur,” Cristina answered.

“That’s fine, you’ll be using a rifle anyways going forward. Not a spear, or a sword. You need to get trained up on that as soon as possible,” Vince promised.

“We have already gotten used to a rifle. We were trained by our caste when we arrived in Coruna! We enjoy the weapon very much,” said Cristina as she began to bank around to the side.

They were now heading for the very obvious and visible mass of soldiers that were forming up around to the south of Bilbao. They were equipped, armed, and even had what looked to be siege equipment.

Though they thankfully had no artillery.

If they did, they were hiding it and keeping it out of sight.

Row after row of soldiers were arrayed out. Armed with rifles and spears, they were dressed in a mish-mash of armor. A vast number of different types from rring-mail down to leather, or even nothing it looked like.

They also were all equipped with shields that also ran from full tower shield to little more than a buckler.

It was strange to look at such a thing and call it cohesive. This looked like a reserve force that’d been thrown together while the main army was being fielded.

“Nullifiers are shooting at us,” warned Cristina.

Nullifers… can shoot? They shoot what, exactly.

I don’t see anything and there doesn’t look like anything that I can—

A wave of disorienting nothing passed through Vince. One that caused him to momentarily feel quite weak. As if he’d caught himself just as he was falling asleep.

Cristina showed no reaction whatsoever and simply kept flying on.

“That was a Nullifer?” asked Vince, his arms tightening around Cristina’s middle.

“Yes, our king. We know that these are Nullifier’s attack as they make our Ant skin tingle. It does nothing else to us. We have and hold no magic. There is nothing to nullify,” remarked Cristina as she began angling them back toward Bilbao

Ah… so… it really does nullify magic then. Spells, people, or… people who generate it.

Like me.

But it doesn’t last and it just makes me feel a bit woozy for a moment. I vaguely remember being drunk once or twice before my body got used to it. It felt somewhat like that.


Something to be wary of though… if it makes Cristina tingle, what would it do to a Dryad? Dea? Or Elizabeth?

Is that why there’s a human dominance here and the wasters are on the defensive?

How curious and something to explore.

I wonder if it’s a mutation.

Could I… eat a human heart from a nullifier and gain some resistance? Something to consider. Might have to test that.

“Should we spray them as we leave?” asked Cristina.

“No, you can squirt for me later,” remarked Vince with a smirk.

“Oh! Yes! We are very pleased that you’re flirting with us. Our caste told us that’s a good sign. A very good sign. We can also smell your sexual interest in us. Our caste promised us you weren’t repulsed by our… less than human looks. We’re very grateful,” cheered Cristina as she guided them toward Bilbao.

Huh. Well… Petra has said similar things so I suppose that’s all well and good.

“We are pleased to see our retinue holds the walls,” Cristina said. “They are not of my caste, but those whom serve our caste. They are all soldiers. Drones. They adhere to anything my caste tells them to.”

Leaning to the side Vince peered out over Cristina’s shoulder, looking out to Bilbao.

All along the walls were soldiers.

Recruits from the city and very possibly some citizens who volunteered.

Spread throughout them were his Battle-Dryads, and a number of Waster Ants just like Cristina. The vast majority of everyone up there had spears, pikes, swords, and clubs. Those loyal to Yosemite, or Cristina it seemed, had all been outfitted with rifles and the like.

Chances are Mr. White Junior coded them all to the people as well. No chance of any of that working for someone else. That’s good at least.

“We like our new armaments very much. We believe the cast that is ours is vastly under-estimated by the others on the continent,” Cristina said as she angled them down toward the wall. “We will find it very amusing when we go back to update mother later and inform her of our raised status. That we shall be royalty above our old caste.

“We must of course be kind with that we. It… she… she’s my mom and… she kept me safe even when I couldn’t be what she wanted.”

Shit… she can break through that mental wall. Just like Petra did.

Good. Good!

It’ll just take time.

“You’re fine, Cristina. I’ll be kind to your mother, if only because she’s your mother. I promise you,” offered Vince.

The winged-ant gave him a look out the side of her helmet. Her antennae slowly bending down toward him.

Her head snapped forward again and she continued flying.

“We warned us that if we spoke as an individual that you would praise us. Do more for us. We… Petra was right. I can’t promise anything, but we’ll-I’ll… try,” mumbled Cristina.

Then she landed on the wall and moved sideways. Giving him a spot to dismount from her.

“Perfect,” he said and then looked to the interior of Bilbao. “Did Petra send you guys with anything? Because if I don’t miss my guess, she probably did.”

“We brought the Sword,” confirmed Cristina. “We put it in the entry audience chamber. We felt it a suitable focal point of power given that only our king may use it. Mr. White Junior commented that it’s code-locked to you. We understood this as meaning only you can utilize it.”

Vince grinned at that and nodded his head.

Go get our sword and then go greet our foes. Time to see what they think of Yosemite’s technology, courtesy of our dear older brother and Legion.


Set down in the middle of the audition chamber, which also would hold a throne whenever an audience was held, was the Sword of Yosemite.

While he regretted that there wouldn’t be anyone else here to go out with him, he knew the Wardens were exactly where they needed to be. Because Petra would utilize them where they’d provide the best benefit.

Bilbao was his to handle and Petra would have written it off as such for him to handle. Her commandment was the extent of what she expected unless he stated otherwise. What forces she expected him to utilize had been sent.

“We are ready to travel with you, our king,” Cristina stated from behind him.

Glancing over his shoulder he found she was wearing a set of Legion armor. One that’d been designed and custom fit for her with a battle-rifle held loosely.

On her wrist was a very obvious shield generator, the same type he’d used against Taylor. These were very common amongst his forces as there were so many magic users running around, they were easy to recharge.

But they’re not magic. They’re technology… does that mean a nullifer could… nullify it? Good to test.

Stepping up to the Sword of Yosemite Vince laid his hand to the Legion and Yosemite symbol emblazoned on the front of it. For all things Yosemite and Legion, this took precedence.

With a hiss the armor’s front snapped open. The coverings for the arms and legs unlatching and then unfolding as well.

Stepping up and into the armored suit Vince leaned back into the harness.

There was a pop followed by a number of soft hisses and the whole contraption settled down around him.

“Hello, Sweetling,” purred the voice of Meliae from the suit speakers. She then laughed and seemed far too amused for the situation.

Around him, things were turning on and becoming active. He imagined that this suit had been somewhat annoying to bring this here for him now that he thought about it.

“You always know how to really turn me on,” growled the Dryad with another laugh. “Oh, time to get inside me. No rough stuff, just let me get in place.”

“Oh my fuck they let her voice the whole thing,” said Vince with a laugh. “I almost miss Andrea’s voice. Well… maybe not.”

Hearing Meliae’s voice had an odd effect on him. It’d soothed a few rough edges he hadn’t known he had. Like a cool hand sliding down the back of a sunburned neck.

The Sword closed up around him and popped, hissed, and settled around him.

Previously he’d had to put it on almost like armor. This time it was all automated.

Even the helmet had come down over his head for him.

No sooner than the helmet settled in place than he heard Meliae make a curious sound through the speakers. Almost as if she were wondering what to say.

“It’s alright, I’m here, Sweetling,” offered the Dryad as Vince stood there in the dark. “I’ll always be here.”

Okay… uhm… okay.

It’s okay. I’m okay.

It’s fine. Everything is fine and—

“Even if you’re off on an adventure, even if you’re the furthest you could be, before you started coming back to me, I’m always with you. A sad little Dryad girl whom you picked up at an auction,” continued the Dryad. “Don’t fret. Just look inside. I’m there with you even now, am I not?

“Now, this is your… first time startup message. I’m told that this is going to take a bit longer than normal because it’s just testing your dimensions and making adjustments.

“Just look inward. You know where I am after all. Focus on me and don’t worry about the silly stuff.”

Taking in a shivering breath, Vince was gnawing at his lower lip. He didn’t want to look inward. Her tree would be dormant.

Unable to help himself, he turned his attention to the tree that was Meliae’s.

It was dormant, quiet, and as if sleeping. Even though, he could feel the tree respond to his attention. As if he were laying in bed with the Dryad and she rolled over toward him, snuggling up to him.

That’s what it felt like the tree had done. Snuggled up to him even as it slept onward.

“All done! Good show, Sweetling. My big brave man,” praised Meliae. “Now, there will be a brief check of weaponry and armaments, and then you’re good to go!

“You won’t hear any of this again unless you ask to repeat the startup message. I also made a number of little recordings for you. Just ask it to play Meliae One, or Meliae Two, or anything like that.

“I did ask a few of the other’s to leaves messages for you, too. Just say a name and a number. It’s all there with you! Just in case.”

“Oh Meliae… you… adorable woman. I need to shower you in attention when I finally get home,” complained Vince, missing those he’d left behind a great deal.

“I also made sure to record some extra special stuff just for you. For when you’re feeling a little down or bored. They even have videos! I just stuck it on the tri-pod thingie and hit record!” admitted Meliae.

Then her voice went silent, the black screens in front of Vince’s eyes came to life, and he could see in front of himself. There were two windows at the top and bottom that presented him with of his sides and rear as well.

“Damn Felix, you went all out,” murmured Vince and then laughed. Pulling up the rifle he knew was there, and in the exact same way he had in the original Warden he piloted he set off at a jog. The rifle felt comfortable in the grip and his footfalls were heavy, but quick. He felt agile despite wearing such a heavy suit of armor.

Remembering the last time he’d piloted one, he considered the voice commands he’d learned. Except he felt something strange happen the moment he considered the first command.

Systems check.

“All systems nominal,” reported Meliae with a smile in her voice.

Err… it’s… based on my thoughts now?

Armament status?

“Fully equipped,” Meliae said in a purr. “All weapon systems ready.”

Enemy and ally identification?

“Complete,” answered Meliae in a straight way.

Turning his head to the right, Vince found Cristina next to him. She had a blue square around her head and signified her as “Ally”. There were a number of people on the wall that were classified as an Ally as well, but a greater number as yellow.


Got it. They need tokens to establish that they’re not an enemy. Weapons, armor, or a tag.

I’ll have to send Sam back to Petra with that information so we can make this easier.

In fact… I’m sure she’s already on it. I just need to ask for a timeline.

Reaching the wall Vince crouched low and then jumped and released the rifle. He knew it’d clack back into place on it’s own.

Except rather than hit the wall and climb up it as he expected, Vince went right over it. On the backs of his feet, legs, and back, he felt like something was pushing him along. There was also a small notification in the corner of his view, as well as visible flames behind him.

Jump jets activated. Right… okay.

So I can fly a bit?

That’s pretty frickin’ neat.

Clearing the wall completely Vince landed on the other side. Several seconds later and Cristina had caught right back up to him. Moving fluidly across the plain toward the enemy encampment.

Before he knew it, three squads worth of what looked like Legionnaires had fallen in behind him. They were all outfited in Legion equipment and carrying full rifles, their wrists all loaded with shield generators.

Oh Petra, you really did send me just enough to cause problems. I’m going to make sure I don’t just hold Bilbao, but create a disturbance.

One big enough that they have to send soldiers up here to deal with me. More and more.

A second theater of operations to draw their forces away.

“BD-Squad One,” panted a voice through his suit speakers as they ran. “With you.”

“BD-Squad Two, here,” came a second voice.

“BD-Squad Eight, present,” responded a third.

Vince realized he was pushing them to a sprint with the way he was going and slowed up. Pulling it down to a normal human jogging speed.

All three voices had been female. Their naming convention also led him to believe these were the Dryads of Bilbao. The “Battle-Dryads” as they were called.

There was apparently a number of them still serving on the wall. Their trees embedded beside it so that they could never truly leave.

Vince planned to go collect them all. He couldn’t leave them behind, after all. He had a title. One that would hang on him like a medallion and a weight.

“Lord of the Dryads,” he mumbled.

“Lord of the Dryds!” responded the Dryads to his words from his speakers. He even heard Cristina amongst the voices.

Clicking his tongue Vince pushed down on his grove and then pushed out with the power there. Wanting it to flood into the Dryads around him. He used the trees inside him as a starting point to figure out who was here, and who could be charged.

“White flag,” Vince called as they got much closer to the enemy army.

Cristina moved out ahead of him with her spear raised above her head. She’d preemptively tied a white banner to it at some point, guessing what his intentions were.

“Lord, do you think they’ll wish to speak?” asked one of the Dryads.

“Nope. They’ll probably want to after I tell you all to lift and let mag-dump once or twice. That or after the shields block every round and their nullifier finds we’re not magical,” prophesied Vince. “Something along those lines I imagine.”

There was a loud slam from behind Vince. He flicked his eyes to the screens that’d show him what’s behind and he found Elizabeth, a tall Legionnaire with only a pistol, and what was likely another Dryad in full Legionnaire armor though he wasn’t sure who. Dryads fit oddly in Legionnaire armor and stood out to a degree.

Blue wasn’t far behind the Battle-Dryad’s in competency, but she was more of a support role in things like this compared to them.

“I am here, Nest-mate,” proclaimed Elizabeth, her voice coming through the speakers. “I’ve brought Red, Dea, and your Dryad commander. Sam went ahead and prepared things for us so we could join you quickly.”

“Yes, yes. Red is here for you Bringer. Red must be at your side,” growled the Beastkin, appearing next to him. He hadn’t even seen her arrive.

She was decked out in Legionnaire armor as well though her fingers and hands were clear of gear. She also had a pistol at her hip and was running on all fours.

“Antona, command the BD, Elizabeth, Red, with me and Cristina,” Vince ordered.

Even as they got closer, the enemy was forming into ranks. They were putting themselves together in what looked like a firing line.

Then everyone in the front row leveled their weapons at Vince and company.

“Shields,” Antona called firmly over the radio.

The Dryads all around him lifted their left arms up. The shields had already been activated just in case someone got a shot off, this was just to make them line up and present a unified front.

Vince followed the order, as did Cristina and even Red who popped up into a standing position. Her own arm brought up.

There was a deafening boom of rifle fire. Followed by a number of other shots. All of them being fired on them even as Cristina held the white flag aloft.

Well. That certainly gives me an idea of what to expect from them, doesn’t it? Rather disappointing but I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.

Only monsters would treat Dryads as they do.

“Mag dump,” Vince ordered.

Everyone lifted their rifle and supported it with the other hand. The gun barrel didn’t extend beyond the shield.

Red and Cristina leveled pistols, though Elizabeth was crouched low down behind Vince’s shield.

“Fire,” called Antona as nullifier spells tore through Vince and his people.

Doing absolutely nothing to any of them. Though it did give Vince a weird feeling of vertigo each and every time, but that was it.

Then everyone dropped fingers down to triggers.

Yosemite began to fire in the first real field engagement in the battle for Spain.

Vince pulled the trigger down, moving the rifle from left to right.

The magazine was empty in seconds, as was everyone else’s.

Elizabeth lifted her head up partly from behind Vince’s shield and took in a deep breath. He could hear the whoosh of what sounded like fire even before she’d breathed out.

Then she exhaled and a massive jet-stream of flames washed down over the enemy combatants. Washing over everything.

Several Nullifer’s attacked smashed through Elizabeth’s head, each of which caused her fire to diminish, but not stop. Eventually she stopped and lowered her head back down behind Vince.

“Next magazine,” Vince called. “Empty it and prep the next, but hold fire.”

“Second magazine at will, hold on third,” answered Antona several seconds after.

They fired on a white flag. We’ll make them try to raise their own.



Yeah i kinda want to see vince rip the heart of one of the nullifers and eat in front of the enemy 😳

mitchell kaiser

That was a beautiful touch with Mel.