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Before he could even move away from Petra, he felt someone move in toward them. Several someones, truthfully.

It only took Vince a single second to understand the situation.

Breaking the kiss, Vince sighed and looked at Petra.

“General first, Petra Campbell,” he lamented, his words snapping right through Petra’s clouded mind and waking her. Standing upright, she rose up imperiously and then began to look around. Her body turning with the motion.

“Ah, this one… sees them. It is very repeatable,” despaired the ant-soldier with a tired voice. “As this one’s master said though… a general first. For that it is what he needs more than anything else.

“Before this one leaves, she must confess something to you. Something that she has been contemplating since she found out.”

Coming back down to a height that was relevant to his own, Petra gave him a curious and concerned look. Her delicate brows sliding closer to one another.

“This one has discovered a wood-ant colony. They are… red in color. In the past, this one has heard mention of them from the Elves in Yosemite, but has never met one. If this one can incorporate them into Yosemite, would… would the master welcome them?”

There’s more to that question, isn’t there?

Vince could feel like there was more there. Lurking beneath it, but he couldn’t tell what it was. For the life of him, there was no knowledge in his head about a “red wood ant”. It was something he’d never experienced.

Waster ants only had come in the “soldier” variety that he’d known of. This sounded more like something Caroline had told Petra about. Snow Elf clan stories, perhaps.

“Petra, do what you feel is best for us here. We’re a… crusader kingdom, at this point. Our government will be one of might makes right for quite a while. Until we can get Elysia over here, or something from Legion to smooth out the government side of it, we’re operating as an invading force,” suggested Vince. “If you feel we should bring in an ant colony, I won’t say no. Just… promise me you won’t make me bed an entire colony of women like yourself. I don’t think I’d survive it.”

Petra gave him a grin then, showing her teeth.

“This one understands. She will go see her people now and arrange things for tomorrow. She… this… I’ll see you tonight, husband. I look forward to your attention,” promised Petra, who then turned and moved off.

Her people had kept a respectful distance after realizing she was with him.

Sniffing once, Vince decided this was a good time to address the peeping toms.

“Leila, Sam, don’t you have work to do?” Vince asked, watching Petra with those in her command.

They obviously viewed her with respect that bordered on worship. Eyes that held an awe in them as they gazed at her, waiting for any order at all.

“I… well… see, I told you he’d notice,” whispered Sam accusingly.

“Fine, fine, you were right. What do you think—Sam! Where… coward,” grumbled Leila as Sam zipped off at highspeed.

Coming down from above, lost in the dark sky and likely blending in for everyone that wasn’t Vince, Leila descended on her disc. Stopping at a reasonable height she hopped off it and stood in front of him.

“We just wanted to watch if possible. Or at least, I wanted to watch how you’d… do it… with Petra. It seems somewhat awkward to manage in my head but I’m not a man, nor am I as big as you are,” offered Leila by way of explanation. “Sam was… probably just being voyeuristic. I think the fact that she has a sex-drive is more a surprise to her than anyone else.

“To be fair, I don’t think Fae, or any fairy species actually, has coital relationships. That’d be an interesting thing to watch, too, now that I think about it.”

“Oh? You need a demonstration? Shall I give you one? A hands on one?” leered Vince, getting down in a crouch in front of the gnome.

“I… err… yes? Yes please?” answered the Warlock with a smile. At this distance her eyes were amazing to look upon. Large, glittering, and filled with what looked like magic. “We haven’t done it since you knocked me up. I’m more than ready and willing. Right here is fine, in fact.”

Leila was working at the leather straps and buckles to her armor. Trying to undo them and get them unwound even as she spoke.

When Vince thought on it, he realized he hadn’t lain with Leila in a while. She’d mostly been gone for weeks with Red and Blue. They’d only had the one chance to couple after breaking Red’s curse when they’d stopped briefly in Yosemite to get supplies.

Which’d been fortunate since she’d caught a child then.

Since then, he hadn’t had a chance with her.

On the boat ride over Blue had been so sick that he’d relegated himself to tending for the poor Dryad. Her only comfort had been when he was near and sharing grove energy with her.

“Really ready for this,” Leila continued and managed to unhitch her armor finally. Shucking it off over her head rapidly she dumped it to the ground. Then she looked at him. “What’re you waiting for? You made the offer. Hurry up and strip.

“Not letting this chance go. We’re alone, we’re outside, there’s some nice grass here, and people won’t come looking for us.”

Vince nodded his head and then began undressing.

Managing it with some speed he caught up to Leila just as she’d flung her padded leather pants down to her ankles.

Not bothering to hide it he gave her a real hard once over. Letting his eyes roam over her from head to toe and back again.

“Leila, you really put on some muscle there,” he remarked and then reached out to lay a hand to her hip. She actually had a bit of womanly figure to her now that she lost some weight.

He didn’t miss the fact that she’d lost some of her bust, but that tended to happen as one grew more fit. Athletic women were naturally slimmer in all things.

“Thanks. I worked hard at it. I felt like a worthless slug when I couldn’t even keep up in the bedroom when all I had to do was lay there,” grumped the gnome.

Then she was on him, kissing him hungrily. She had one hand behind his head, her other grasping him around his semi-erect shaft.

Her fingers curled tight to him and gave him a small squeeze as her tongue pushed into his mouth. Kissing him far more ardently than he’d thought her capable of.

“Mm, mm, yes, Vince,” Leila got out in a squeak after breaking the kiss. Her hand squeezed him twice more as he rapidly grew firmer in her grasp. Then she kissed him again, once more her tongue forcing it’s way into his mouth.

Before he’d really figured out what was happening Leila had eased him down onto his back. Kissing him all the while while one of her hands was stuck down between her thighs. Rubbing, pulling and caressing the head and underside of his member.

Easing back from him, she leaned into his lap.

In one smooth and experienced motion, she set his head to her entry, and kept going till she was sat down in his lap. His hilt wedged against her lips and his tip hard pressed to her depths.

“Devils,” moaned Leila in a low voice. She leaned her head back and stared up at the sky above them. She put her hands down against her own ankles and then began to bounce up and down against him. Sliding him from tip to base in and out of herself. “It doesn’t feel like I’ll burst anymore, but it still feels too full.

“Wouldn’t-nnnnggh-trade it for anything, though. Love it. Love you. My human husband.”

Leila continued to grind, bounce, and thrust her hips at him. Riding him in the grass where she’d planted him. After a minute she finally looked down to him.

Her beautiful eyes were wide open and glittering. He knew what she was about to ask of him. She always hit a point where she was done “warming herself up” and wanted him to take over.

“Hands and knees, lover of mine. Ride me like a human woman,” demanded the gnome as she came forward toward him. She kissed him once as he slipped out of her.

Scooting forward she got closer to the tree and then got on her hands and knees. Raising her rear end as high as she could into the air.

Not one to deny a beautiful woman, Vince rolled over and came right up behind her. He put his left hand on her hip, grabbed his tip with his right, then lined himself up at her entry.

It did require spreading his knees out a bit to get to the height of her waist but it wasn’t terrible. Most certainly was it worth it when he pushed forward and speared himself into her.

The slick and tight warmth of her leaving him wanting to get as deep into her as he could.

“Uuunnnghhh, Vince, I need it,” groaned Leila, slowly letting her shoulders droop down to the grass. Her rear end now flush to his lap. He started to draw himself back after getting settled. “Nnnnmm… been too long. Let’s not wait so long next time. Even if-mmmmm, others are watching.”

Goodness. Leila hasn’t even asked for any magic yet to send her into a different universe. She’s really into this.

Pushing and pulling at the gnome’s hips, Vince steadily ran himself through her. Holding her tight to himself and grinding at her to really push everything in.

Just the way she liked it and had told him so repeatedly.

She liked the feel of it all being in her, but not slamming her around.

“Shit nnnngh, fu-fuck,” growled Leila who started to push herself back up against him. Adding far more force to it then she usually did. “No magic this time. N-nnnnuugh not yet. Use me like a f-fuck doll.”

He didn’t have to actually tap into her with his gifts to know what she wanted. Leila wanted him to use her just a bit more than usual, which was pretty vanilla.

There was no way she wanted him to abuse her like a Dryad, or Berenga. She just happened to have a fun and dirty mouth on her.

Reaching down he took her wrists in his hands and then pressed them into the middle of her lower back. Holding them tightly there with one hand, he placed his other back on her hip.

Leaning into her, he bent her slightly, forcing her shoulders further down and her rear end a touch higher. Drawing back he started to push into her once again.

Without any extra speed, but all the force he could give her without harming her.

“Nnn! Y-yes, use me up. I’m your gnome f-fuck mmnnnnggh fuck doll!” demanded Leila, her hands flexing open and closed in his grasp. She was also trying to squeeze him for all she was worth with her insides. He could feel her clenching down with the muscles in there.

“Ah… ahh!” squeaked Leila as she began to shudder beneath him. She bucked against his hands even as he continued to slowly and powerfully push into her. Giving her everything with every stroke from tip to hilt.

Quivering and gasping Leila convulsed around him as she fell into a deep orgasm. Her first she’d had without magic influencing her.

“Uuuunnn mmm, o-okay. Give me a f-few moounnnnn… more pushes, then let me eat it,” begged Leila even as her orgasm continued. He wasn’t about to stop until it felt like she was done coming down. “Dump all your mmmmm magic into your seed and feed it to me. I wannnuugh uuuunn want to eat it.”

Huh, that’s different. Won’t say no though.

Haven’t came in her mouth yet.

Holding tight to the gnome Vince didn’t let her go. He just kept riding her into the grass until he knew for certain she was finished.

“Ready?” he asked and then gave her a final thrust and burying himself up to the hilt in her. He knew he wouldn’t last long.

For whatever reason dirty talk always got him going better than anything else.

“Nnnmmm, yeah. I wanna eat it. Eat your dick and your seed. You better feed me it all,” demanded Leila. “Give me my damn dinner like I’m Red. I hunger for it.”

Very turned on by this point and ready to go, Vince let her go and then sat back.

Leila practically fell over as she pushed herself up quickly. Turning to the face him so quickly that she’d ended up putting one hand atop the other.

Managing it quickly she then fell on his lap practically. Her mouth came down atop his tip and she took him down to the hilt on the first go.

Her beautifully large eyes flicked up to him and she stared at him as his girth stretched out her lips and mouth. She looked like a small animal trying to pack down something too big for her.

“Mmmmm,” moaned Leila around him. Her tongue pushed at the bottom of his shaft and she began to slowly bob her head up and down.

She did it slowly and always from top to bottom, easily guiding him down her throat each time. Her cheeks were just slightly hallowed as she sucked at him, her hands coming up to grasp at his sack and his thigh.

“Ahhw yoo mahit,” she said around him and raised her eyebrows at him. She began to actually pick up some speed now, pushing him down and back up fluidly every time.

Mouth or Meliae gave her lessons.

“All of it,” Vince agreed, understanding she wanted all his magic.

Focusing on what she was doing, he didn’t have long to wait. He did what he could to gather the power of his grove down there. In the exact same way he often did when he was going to feed Red directly.

“Here it comes, Leila,” warned Vince.

The gnome smiled around him and then pushed him much more further to the front of her mouth. She kept moving her head but only to the halfway point now. He could feel her tongue pushing and washing all over his tip as if to stop him from shooting it down her throat.

Then he hit his peak and his body flexed and pulled.

“Nn!” squeaked Leila as she kept going even still as he came. Her tongue tip pushing greedily at the entrance. “Mmhmm, mmhmm, mhmm.”

Unable to help himself he laid a hand onto Leila’s head as she kept humming encouragement at him. With several final spurts he felt himself finally empty, even as her finger’s pulled and pushed at his jewels tenderly.

Working to get anything out of him she could.

Then Leila leaned back and took a slow breath. Opening her mouth he could see she was literally filled to the brim with his seed.

Leaning her head back as her eyes watered she swallowed loudly.

Her throat constricted and he watched as she literally ate it.

She managed a second swallow but then gagged on the third and coughed. Unable to help herself she turned to the side and spat up at least half of what’d been in her mouth into the grass.  Coughing repeatedly she knelt there.

Vince reached out and laid a hand to her shoulder, gently stroking her between the shoulder blade’s.

“You okay, dear?” he asked, concerned.

“Yeah,” she said then coughed twice more. “It tasted sweet. Was really full of magic. I think I’m going to end up kinda drunk in a few minutes off it.

“It was so thick though. Really hard to swallow. I’ll do better next time.”

Running a finger over her lips Leila then stuck it into her mouth.

Sitting back she gave him a look and then smiled at him.

“So, how’s a really fit gnome in the sack?” she asked.

“Great. So great I’m going to keep you in a sleeping bag and play with you in the middle of the night,” Vince teased, his hand coming over to caress her cheek.

“Oh? Alright. That’s fine. Just make sure you snuggle me lots,” she demanded even as her pupils started to expand further and further. “Oh… I think… the magic is kicking in.”

“I mean, I doubt you’d agree to be my personal body pillow otherwise,” admitted Vince.

“I don’t mind it. I love sex. Magic makes it fun, but without it I can really feel it,” Leila murmured and held up a hand. She wriggled her fingers. “Okay. Take me to bed and then have me again, Vince.

“As your gnome body pillow I demand it. Take me away and then… take me again.”

“Can’t. Petra has my evening,” apologized Vince.

“That’s fine. Have me before her, have, then use me to clean her off, and have me again. It’ll be fine, Petra won’t even argue,” Leila slurred as she got up to a standing position. “I’m a wife, she’s my Fes. She’ll barter with me.”

Trundling off, completely nude, Leila began wandering off toward the keep.

Vince grabbed up both sets of clothes and went after her.

He did his best to not let on to the fact that he’d known Zathira was watching the entire time. She’d been hiding in the brush long before Petra had shown up, in fact.

Just watching him as if he were prey.

He found it fun.

A new challenger wanted to see if they could hunt him. Someone else wanted to play with him in a game that he’d been trained in as a ranger, than excelled in as he grew in power.

I do love a good challenge.

Let’s hope she does better than my poor Elves or Red.

Her approach wasn’t bad to start with, so… it could be fun.



Zathira might prove to be a fun character. However, after reading about Goldie in SSoSH 4, I wonder what's going on in Elizabeth's head? She seems too quiet.


Okay something I been wandering about for awhile, can Rene hide from Vincent's senses?


Are they different? We don't know what Elizabeth is like.

Nukin Futs

I think if not now, Rene could get to that point, Gus it seems is more intrinsic so less likely. Miu, without Wraith set, is limited too. But I think only one person would not set off Vincent's danger sense until the Knife was buried deep.

Dennis Palsson

And this is why Leila is best girl imo