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Vince’s eyes blinked open.

Staring up into the pre-dawn gloom he could see that the morning wasn’t quite here yet. This was a time that was best used for an attack.

Especially a surprise one.

Which made it extremely surprising to Vince when he turned his head to the side and saw the rays of the morning sun just cresting the horizon.

“Huh?” he murmured, looking to the small Fae on his chest. She’d fallen asleep atop him apparently and was snuggled up in his jacket.

His arms were draped around her back and wrapped around her.

Lifting his eyes up from her he found Blue at his shoulder.

Smiling at him, she held a finger in front of her mouth, her other hand was still on his shoulder. She’d shaken him to wakefulness since she’d rise with the dawn.

Much as a flower would.

“They’re not attacking yet,” Blue whispered, her hand moving from his shoulder to start moving through his hair. “They marched in formation, made a small camp, and went to sleep. Just as you saw.

“They… didn’t wake up from that. They slept the night. Red came back just a few minutes ago to tell me that they’re only now rising and getting ready. She left to go alert Petra to it though I imagine she had her own scouts posted as well.

“I think Red’s just trying to make up for her mistake still. She’s fine otherwise. Before you ask, yes, she’s avoiding you out of guilt. Not anger or anything like that.”

With a small bob of his head he acknowledged the statement. That was actually somewhat unexpected if he was being honest.

Then again, just because I know when I’d attack, doesn’t mean that the baron knows it. For all we know, he has no military experience whatsoever.

Other than just strong-arming his peasantry or things of that nature.

We’ve been fighting everyone and anything for so long that… that honestly it’s hard not to imagine being at war. I’m sure Petra feels the same way but—

Blue had dipped her head down and was now kissing him. The hand in his hair smoothing it back and gliding through it tenderly.

The Dryad didn’t push her tongue in his mouth, which Vince half expected. Nor did she start fondling him with her other hand.

Instead she only kissed him for several seconds more before moving back to a sitting position. Smiling down at him with only a faint glow to her eyes.

“I love you,” murmured the Dryad with a wide smile. “Not just for what you are, but who you are. I just wanted to say that because things happen in fights.

“Even against those you’re expected to beat, things happen. Yes, I know, I’m jinxing it, I don’t care. I wanted to say it. Especially… after what happened with Green.”

As she said it, Vince couldn’t help but agree with her. There really wasn’t any other way to explain it other than that.

They hadn’t expected so many deaths and yet they’d happened. Without warning and no ability to really counter it.

“Love you, too,” he replied, smiling up at her. There was an ugly ache behind his heart though. He knew they’d be gone for years, he’d done his best to resolve himself against it, but he ached. Ached for those who weren’t here. “I miss everyone so… please… forgive me if I end up drowning in you, Blue.”

“It’s okay. We’ve drowned in each other before,” answered the Dryad, still smiling at him. “We put each other back together. We can do it again. Besides, we have Red, Petra, and Leila here now. They’ll help us as well.”

“Me too,” grumbled the Fae, shifting around against Vince’s chest. Then she flipped onto her side and stretched herself out. “Stop fondling my man, Dryad. I slept with him last night, not you, I get the morning cuddling. Comes with the package, I’m told.

“Besides, I helped plant the idea for them to attack yesterday. I pretend to be a dipsy little Fairy with little more than fluff for brains.”

Blue was laughing now, leaning back and looking out to the plain in front of them. She looked incredibly happy in the moment.

“Oh yes. It’s most certainly in the package,” she agreed and shook her head. Her eyes moving across the horizon. “I might try to wife you, Sam.”

“You can try. I don’t really… not interested, sorry. I’m quite solid in that I want Vince and only Vince,” said the Fae. Finally sitting up and rubbing at her eyes with her hands. “Alright. I’m going to go scout around. Someone wake up the big Lamia. Just remember she might bite out of reflex which means Vince probably should do it since she’s so hard to wake up.”

Sam’s wings unfurled from her back and she shot off into the sky like a shooting-star. Then simply became part of the murky morning, nothing of her visible.

“Hm. Well, if she’s not interested I won’t even try. People are what they are and that’s just the way it is,” murmured the Dryad, looking to Vince. “Go wake up the Lamia. She’s a heavy sleeper. She’ll probably try to bite you just as Sam said. I’m going to go see if the squad of Legionnaires is ready. Julia probably had them up with dawn, too.”

Grunting, Vince rolled over and got to his feet.

Off to one side Leila was quietly talking with Elizabeth.

The Dragon had decided to join them in their mission to flank the enemy forces. Apparently she wanted to demonstrate her worth.

She still hadn’t actually spoken to Vince, however. Which he found incredibly amusing.

Walking past the Dragon and the Gnome he gave them a small finger wave.

“Morning,” Leila said quietly as he passed, smiling at him.

Pausing mid-step he looked at her. Really looked at her.

She was wearing leather armor that fit her quite well.

The soft lack of muscle that’d been her was gone. Her small body fit her armor and clothes quite well. He could even seen some definition in her arms that had a little bit of muscle.

Now that I think about it, she’s never on her little cloud anymore. She’s been really working to improve herself.

“Leila, you’re looking amazing lately. You’ve really pushed yourself,” complimented Vince. “I can’t wait to get my hands on you.”

Turning a faint red color Leila smiled at him and waved a hand.

“Go wake her up already. You can flirt at me later,” she admonished him, her lips still upturned.

“Maiden Elizabeth,” Vince murmured, holding his eyes to the Dragon’s face.

She’d been looking everywhere but him. Finally, after being directly acknowledge, she met his eyes.

“Nest-mate Vince,” she said and dipped her head to him. “As… as the leader of your wing, I will st-strive to conquer other Dragon Maidens and Dragonnewts… f-for you.”

“Oh? Thank you then. I had no idea you’d submitted yourself to Taylor?” Vince inquired.

Elizabeth’s eyes dropped down to his boots and she said nothing more. Her body had become rigid and inflexible in that moment.

Ah. Taylor told her she’d kill her if she didn’t.

Well, that’s fair. About right for Dragon culture, too.

Just… don’t touch her and let that one go.

Letting the conversation die on that Vince instead walked over to where the Lamia was sitting.

He briefly considered letting her actually strike him with a bite, but she’d already told him to leave her alone. If they were going to have a purely business and equal relationship, he wasn’t going to offer something like that.

Her personal needs were not his concern.

“Zathira,” said Vince in a loud voice. He didn’t try to ‘get out of range’ of her as that wasn’t much of a thing. A Lamia could strike a considerable distance and quite quickly. If you were within ten to twenty feet, you were well in range depending on their length. “Time to wake up.”

The Lamia let out a gurgling groan and tried to roll to one side. Putting her back to him.

“Wake up. We have to get ready. We got more sleep than we should have,” he repeated. Then he got down in a squat next to her. He didn’t want to touch her unless he had to. “Zathira, time to go.”

Hissing, the Lamia suddenly lashed out at him, her fanged mouth opening wide. It’d probably been a bad idea to invade her space as he had, but he needed her up.

Her strike wasn’t voluntary. It was reflexive action given her nature.

Vince leaned his body to one side and dropped his shoulder. The Lamia’s fanged mouth striking nothing but air.

“Great, you’re up,” he deadpanned in a flat tone. “Time to move, Zathira. Get your kit sorted.”

“I… what?” asked the Lamia, her eyes slowly focusing on him. Only now waking up.

“Time to go. Get your stuff together,” he repeated and then stood up, walking away from her.

By the time he made it to the over-watch point, Sam came flying down toward him.

“They’re already on the move, they’re coming!” she said excitedly.

“Great, now… we just wait again,” mumbled the once ranger. Getting down low in a squat he made himself as invisible as possible. They had to wait for the enemy to completely pass first, after all.


Looking at the back of the enemy group, Vince was impressed, yet also, disappointed.

The soldiers that the baron, or city-lord as his own people addressed him, brought were actually all outfitted. Each and every soldier was trained, armed, and armored to a standing army perspective.

Vince was disappointed because that meant one and all of them were here by choice. There were no conscripts here nor was there anyone that didn’t look like a professional.

In his mind that meant the soon to be Duchess Flora would need to hire an entirely new army and equip it as well. She would have to start from scratch.

It would take her time just to get an army large enough to defend her own lands, let alone one big enough to assist Vince in any way.

There just wouldn’t be much in the way he could provide her either.

Another mouth to feed, not an ally.

But that’s fine.

Playing the long-term game here. I’m not looking for a quick turn around from her.

“Sam just signaled the attack,” Blue reported and then stood up. In her hand was her pistol. Her staff was slung on some type of attachment that went into her leather armor.

“I still think you should have brought out the Sword of Yosemite,” she said for perhaps the sixth time.

“Can’t risk it. If I reveal it now, and one of their soldiers escapes after having seen it… well, ruins the surprise. It’s considerably more over-powered than just the Wardens,” answered Vince yet again. He wasn’t going to tell her to stop asking, either.

Blue’s voice was calming to him.

“It makes sense,” agreed Zathira. She was right behind the two of them. She’d been quietly adding the dead of the enemy to an undead army as they fell.

They just hadn’t risen back up yet.

“I agree with lord Vince. His choice is correct. Still no losses for our side, by the way. The soldiers are mitigating everything with those portable shields,” Zathira stated in that wonderful voice of hers.

A pity she just isn’t interested. Such a unique lady.

Ah well. More women than I know what to do with.

Withdrawing the pistol from it’s holster Vince checked his sword to make sure it could be cleared from it’s scabbard easily.

“Jill?” Vince asked into the simple communicator at his wrist. It was disguised as a very simple watch, but would allow him to tap into a radio channel with nearby Legion units.

“Confirmed. General Petra has requested we advance,” responded the woman.

She and Steve were his lieutenants to the Legionnaires. Steve was with Petra at the moment.

“On you, Jill. I delegate it all to you,” offered Vince and then looked to Blue, Leila, Zathira, and Elizabeth. “My team will focus on getting into their rear and trying to cause as much mayhem as we can. We’ll leave the cross fire to you and the Legionnaires.”

“I do love it when he gets into my rear as a punishment,” Blue suggestively murmured to Leila. Loudly. “And it really does cause mayhem for a while after for me.

“Remember why you asked me why I eat so much ‘rabbit food’? It’s not the only reason, but it does help get everything fixed back there faster, too.”

The Warlock let out a guffaw then started laughing.

Zathira looked annoyed at the banter but only stood there.

Elizabeth shockingly enough was plainly fighting down a smile. She was also standing there in only a great coat that hung on her shoulders. It could come off easily for her when she needed to change into her Dragon form once things started.

“I understand, five seconds,” answered Jill.

“In fact, I bet it’d work out better for you, Leila,” continued Blue in a conversational tone. “If you want I can tell him to— ”

There was a rapid set of beeping noises from Vince’s communicator. Followed by the stomp and slam of boots rushing forward.

Vince started forward at a quick-step.

Even as he fell into a steady pace Red appeared at his right side. She was moving on two legs at the moment. Dressed in leather armor with only her hands uncovered, she looked fit for combat.

“Red, don’t leave my side any further,” commanded Vince, not looking at her. “I need you. Do you understand?”

“But Red… Red… yes, Red will stay by her husband’s side. Which… which is where Red belonged. Red was foolish. Again,” lamented the Beastkin.

“Good thing I love you, Red. Now hunt with me. Just like when we first met. Alright?” prompted Vince, glancing over at her.

Her eyes started to increase in brightness and she nodded her head.

Beyond her was Zathira, and then Elizabeth who was now running nude. He unfortunately got a good look at her amazingly lovely and brightly scaled body before he realized he was looking.

At his left was Blue who was casually moving without a concern. To her left was Leila who was finally atop a disk. There was no way she’d be able to keep up with them on foot.

Up ahead of them were soldiers all dressed in a similar way to the ones he’d killed previously.

Off to the distant right Vince could see the Legionnaires sprinting into place as well as the accompanying Wardens. They’d hit the side, set down, and then unleash into the soldiers with sustained fire.

Should even be a machine gun on a tripod in there somewhere.

None of the soldiers noticed Vince and his group. They were all watching the Legionnaires or looking ahead.

Vince spotted what looked like the command group. A bunch of men on horses or standing around at tables and chairs. Loitering around with nothing much to do, and not really paying attention.

Unfortunately, the Baron didn’t seem to be amongst their number. Or at least Vince couldn’t spot him.

“Support break off,” called Leila.

Blue, Leila, and Zathira broke off and came to a stop. This was as close as they should probably get. Blue would be acting as their bodyguard.

The naked and beautiful Dragon fell in at his side as Red ran along on his other.

“Elizabeth, do what you need to, but don’t break away. We’re just here to break their formation apart and try to play goalie,” ordered Vince.

She grunted at that her eyes flickering to life and beginning to glow.

Except, they didn’t glow the same color as her scales. They were actually much shinier than them.

Then they were on the enemy group.

Storming into the camp Vince lifted his pistol and began shooting at the closest people. They were all enemies and there was no need for prisoners.

Unfortunately it looked like a number of the people in this camp were actually well trained. Peacocks that didn’t do much in the way of fighting, but well trained.

As one they turned at the sudden blast of his pistol then began to form ranks. A number of them unsheathed swords, and two even unholstered their own firearms.

Those would have to be killed sooner rather than later considering the lethality of such weapons. If Vince was struck in the head, that’d be the end for him.

Snapping his pistol down into the holster Vince came to a stop and put his hands together. Without having to be told Red stepped into him and bent low.

Bending low, then throwing his body forward, Vince aimed Red at the now fully Dragon-shaped Elizabeth who was rearing back above the camp.

As one, the officers focused fire and attention on the Dragon. So much that they didn’t notice Red who hit the Dragon’s side and then ran up her spine.

Even as Elizabeth lowered her head to breathe a lake of fire onto the men, Red dashed over her brow and dove off the front of her.

As soon as Red passed near to the fire Elizabeth cut it off and then took to the air. Her work was done for the moment.

Screaming, flailing, and running about, the officers were quite lost in their attention. It made it easy for Red to pick out the ones who had weapons that needed to be removed.

She tore out their throats and then zipped away even as their enemies regained their senses. Quite a few had turned to her and were moving to engage her.

Vince had by this point unholstered his pistol again and began unloading into those closest to him. Working it back and forth with each shot that dropped an opponent.

Red returned to his side and came up from her four-legged sprint. Holding herself upright and her bloody claws glistening.

Several purple blobs of slime landed into the mass ranks of soldiers. Disgorging their contents and melting everyone it touched. Turning them all into shrieking puddles in seconds.

Even as the soldiers fell, they rose back up and turned on their companions.

All the dead that’d fallen previous to this point rose up as well, clawing, biting, and attacking at their one time comrades. The entirety of the situation was rapidly devolving into a mad scramble of screaming, battling, soldiers.

Most of them not understanding what was going on.

Then the Legionnaires opened fire. A steady staccato of rifle fire being dumped en masse into a mob that couldn’t really move away.

Whumps of plasma balls started to detonate in the ranks. Washing over everything it could.

The slide on his pistol slammed backward and remained there.

Stuffing it into the holster Vince pulled out his blade and brought it up as the first officers made it to him. Deflecting a blade to the side he snapped off a swift thrust at the man’s forward leg.

It cut off the lower part of it at the knee, sending the soldier to the ground.

Moving his weapon to the left Vince intercepted a second attack, then launched an attack at a third officer.

All it managed to do was force the man backward, staying at a perfect range to threaten Vince but remain outside of a rapid engagement.

A fourth came at Vince from the right, just beyond where he’d dropped the first officer.

Red caught the strike with one hand, her clawed fingers catching the blade and stopping it. Her other hand came out and broke the weapon off near the hilt, shattering the steel outright.

Holding onto the broken blade she flipped it around and then hurled it in an underhanded pitch. It embedded itself into the guts of another enemy who was heading their way.

Several black arrows slammed into the soldiers in front of Vince and then they began to violently wretch. Throwing up blood and black bile all over themselves.


Glancing back he found the Necromancer standing there with a number of dark arrows in front of herself. Readying them to be cast as needed.

Blue was fending off a handful of very armored looking men who had come their way. Her staff came out in a vicious thrust and made one man’s knee become inside out. Bending the wrong way and sending him to the grass.

Only for her step back and bring the rear of her staff down in an overhead slash that landed atop another man’s metal helmet. There was a pinging noise as she literally rang his bell.

Though his neck bent in a grotesque way and he also collapsed.

Sweeping her weapon to the side the Dryad took another step back, grasped her pistol from it’s holster with her left hand, sighted it on the last officer and fired. A single shot going through his head and dropping him.

Sliding the pistol back into place she grasped her staff with both hands and looked for more enemies.

Damn she got better. A lot better.

Returning to his own task, Vince grinned. His little strike team was looking incredible.

I just need Petra back. After the fort is up… I can probably steal her away.

Vince moved around Red’s back and casually hacked off the wrist of a man who was trying to flank her.

Then skewered him through the guts.

Elizabeth passed by and laid a long line of fire down across the soldiers. Turning a great many of them into human torches.

Fight now, think later.


David Fletcher

Great mix of personal conversation and combat. Chapters like this are some of my favorites!

David Hoerner

Poor, poor greedy Baron. He's lost his position and city, he just doesn't know it yet. Great chapter!

David Fletcher

I’ll be fine if they kill him without ever explaining. Cold, but he deserves it for abusing the dryads and his own people.


I want zathiria in.

Drew Risch

Oh how fun

mitchell kaiser

Great combat sequences! Can’t wait for more.


Hey William, you unlocked chapter 11 for my tier but chapter 10 is still locked. You effectively skipped a chapter for us.


Cool chapter. Though can't Vince sense emotions? Wouldn't be able to tell how Zathira actually feels? Since she clearly is interested and just said what she did out of embarassment and is now regretting it. Or does not use it around his people now?