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Cycling the weapon to the left Vince pulled the trigger, only to shift it a bit more to the left, and pull the trigger again. The slide came back and locked into position.

The black insect like monsters kept charging at him.

Vince turned and tossed the pistol Felix had given him to a Legion security member.

Then he casually flicked his glowing-energy weapon across the front of himself and took the top part of the monster’s head off. It hit the ground and slid forward a short distance before coming to as top in front of him.

Vince sniffed and took the reloaded pistol back from the Legionnaire.

Except the slide was still locked back.

Turning to look at the Legionnaire Vince found they were actually an undead monster now. Shambling toward him with their arms raised.

Whipping his blade around Vince found his right arm was gone. It was hacked off at the elbow and blood and gore was pumping out endlessly.

In the next moment his eyes popped open and he found himself staring up at the interior of his bedroom ceiling. Above him was the beams that were always there.

Exactly as they should be.

Letting out a slow breath Vince lifted a hand up and pressed it to his face. Trying to push the nightmare out of his thoughts.

It’d only been a short time since the world his brother Felix hailed from had completely come apart. Around a month, give or take a few days.

It’d been an even shorter time since Vince had officially handed off most government responsibilities to Felix, Elysia, and Felicity.

To which he’d become extremely and incredibly grateful for.

Problems that’d bogged him down in endless circular thoughts were gone. Issues with food, resources, materials, and the economy were no longer his problem.

Elysia, Felicity, and Felix had swooped in, cleared it all up, then handed it back to him and Yaris with instructions on what to handle and do to keep things on track.

Felicity was to Felix what Elysia was to Vince. Both Elves having worked together in the past, one having in fact trained the other, made it all incredibly easy. They simply sat down, exchanged notes, information, data, then planned it all out.

Rolling over, Vince found Yaris next to him.

The pregnant and feisty Royal Elf had surprised him this year.

Stepping up and becoming the Fes for his nation after single-handedly beating down every woman in his life. Claiming him and his affections in front of the entirety of the city.

Wrapping an arm around her he pulled her into himself and then pushed in tight to her back.

“Mmm, another nightmare my love?” mumbled the sleepy Elf. Apparently that’d been enough to wake her.

“Yeah. Not as bad,” replied Vince.

“Was it about the Tri-lliance and their invasion? Karya, Daphne, or Green being… harmed?” asked the Queen of Yosemite. She was shifting around in his arms now, her voice having gained an edge of wakefulness to it.

“No,” he said with a smirk. He hadn’t had a single nightmare about any of that since they’d all been returned to him. Felix having simply resurrected his Dryads, and Runner, the Overgod, brought back Petra and in to a new body.

The invasion also didn’t rate very highly in his dreams either. They were a non-issue anymore given the treaty. The line wastelands of the Dragon-soul bombs kept the whole area a demilitarized zone.

Before he could explain the dream, Yaris had flipped over and was facing him now.

When he’d first met her, he found her looks to be absolutely captivating. That she was most certainly an Elf and had the same general shape and heft that they all seemed predisposed to.

That was where her similarities to Elves ended though.

Yaris was pretty in a way he’d never seen in an Elf. Her features were delicate and warm, while clearly a blend of all three races. She seemed to toe the line as a true Elven hybrid.

A dark-blonde with bright blue-eyes that had suspiciously gained the ability to pierce his thoughts and heart.

Reaching up with one hand she laid it to his cheek and gazed into his face.

“No, it wasn’t the Tri-lliance. Nor our temporary losses. Or would be losses, either. There’s no hurt in my the eyes of my love. Couldn’t have been the East either, that’s unrelated to us and their power-vacuum.

“Obviously it wasn’t Berenga, either. My dear beautiful Fes was with us this evening for dinner and afterward. Nothing odd came up,” Yaris continued.

Vince was still rather amused at how hard Yaris unmistakably doted on and cared for Berenga. Somewhere in their relationship the Elf had apparently shifted her entire mentality toward the Orc.

She held her up as the pinnacle as a wife to Vince and demanded all others dare to be her equal. Even going so far as to invite the Orc into a bed with Vince and herself.

As an active participant, no less.

To which Berenga had declined the first several times, though recently, bashfully, had finally accepted after Yaris kept asking. Though all she’d done was kiss Yaris a few times which Vince played with both of them.

Clearly Yaris was aiming for more but was going very slow with the Orc.

“It wasn’t about me or Verix, was it? You said you haven’t dreamed about that since it happened,” asked the royal Elf. Then she shook her head. “No, it wasn’t me or your conquest of me or my home.

“There’s no reason it’d be anything to do with the emperor in the west of his foolish civil war. Petra cleaned that up already and took most of it over for us. All that’s left of them is several cities.”

Yaris’ sharp eyes were gazing into his.

Vince was actually enjoying himself now, listening to the powerful Elf rattle off anything and everything it could be.

“It’s not our babies,” she said with a shake of her head. She reached down and laid her free hand to her slightly swollen stomach. “Whenever it’s our children you rush off to check on them or start touch me there.

“Nor is it Petra, obviously. Since her return from the dead and acceptance as the lead-general of Yosemite you’ve been quite happy about that,” continued Yaris.

Against the advice of the Overgod Runner they’d simply brought Petra back to Yosemite as who she was. Then they’d very likely blasphemed the gift they’d been given and haggled, brow beat, and bartered back and forth with the Overgood until she’d been given back her original soldier-ant body.

Just one that was no-longer going to be beholden to a clock. She’d been returned to life, given eternal youth, and would be impervious to the effects of time.

Then promptly reinstalled her as the lead-general of Yosemite. Much to the chagrin and then joy of the populous.

Coupled with the return of the Dryads later a massive shift in the religion of Yosemite had come into being. The Dryads of Yosemite were being venerated as priestess of life and death.

That they were the voice of those of the living and the voices of the dead. To the point that they’d begun immediately developing faith based powers.

Every Dryad of Yosemite was akin to a priestess now.

The Dryads of the Wooden Heart grove under Meliae’s mother Mila had been spared that and were as they’d always been. Much to their own relief.

Upon Petra’s return to Yosemite at Vince’s side, Thera had been ecstatic. Within minutes of greeting her the Dark Elf had demanded Petra complete a full return. She was the first and loudest person to suggest Petra taking over the military again.

Thera was now a general in her own right and commanded several armies, though she reported to Petra as she’d wished. Along with a Necromancer and a Dragon who’d been working with both Petra and Thera.

They’d both been elevated to the rank of general and given armies composed of elements that’d be more useful to their abilities and race.

Duke Gerard of Denver had been incredibly pleased that a Necromancer such as himself had been raised to a position of authority and trust.

The Duke of Vegas, the Dragon Heint, had been equally thrilled at the elevation of a peer.

“Ah, your brother and the fall of his world. That’s it,” Yaris proclaimed accurately with a slow nod of her head. Then she leaned in and kissed Vince. Lingering far longer than something that was just cursory. Eventually she let it end and then nuzzled him, pressing in close to him. “It’ll be fine, husband. Felix is very strong and he’s clearly moving things the way he wants.

“Admittedly the technology growth he wanted is slower now due to his home-world falling, but it’s clearly moving ahead. We can even speak with our vassals so easily now that he had those telegraph poles and wires put in.

“We’re doing all we can to support him as he supports us. Though… you know I must confess it, I wasn’t very pleased with the idea of Yosemite and Legion becoming one. Not at first, at least.

“I was rather happy as your queen. Now, though, after it’s done, it’s quite lovely. All we ended up doing was changing elements of our government, though the rest hasn’t changed.

“Felix acts as an emperor for us all and supports us quite well. Not to mention being his sister-in-law gives me quite a few perks. It’s somewhat fun to go visit Legion and have all those very smart and talented people rush off to help me with anything they can. I try not to do it often as I wouldn’t want to wear out such a warm welcome.”

I… forgot that she gets chatty at night.

Probably shouldn’t have woken her. Now she’s — oh, I can fix it.

Vince pushed Yaris down into their bed and kissed her hotly. He moved his hand up her nightdress and started to fondle her even as he pushed his knee up between her legs.

“I need you my Queen,” he said huskily after breaking the kiss. “I need my Yaris. My Elven beauty. Now.”

Yaris was staring up at him with wide eyes and a very red face, though she was grinning from ear to ear.

“Then by all means, have your queen, my king. Have whats yours by right, law, and tradition. My husband… my Vince,” whispered the Elf. She reached up and started caressing his face once again.

If she wanted to fight him for it she’d probably be able to give him a true struggle. To the point that he’d likely have to knock her out completely or kill her to get a chance to bed her.

Only Yaris could compete with him at a physical level. Not even Taylor or Ramona could.

Somehow, someway, the rather willowy Elf had trained herself to a point of becoming an elite soldier, than offset her physical prowess with magic.

She was actually terrifying when she let loose.

He rather enjoyed how warm and cuddly Yaris was given her strength.

Kissing her again, Vince set about bedding his Royal Elven wife.

A woman he’d married for a political reason and then found she was a truly impressive specimen among all others long after he’d already stolen her from the world.


Walking through his home, Vince was quite happy.

Dryad’s wandered this way and that as they minded the family and went on their tasks. They were the glue that held everything together at the base. The women who provided him with children and mothers to all any child he had.

Berest sprinted past him at full steam being chased by her brothers Keith and Vince. The three of them giggling and laughing as they powered down the hall.

The small Orc was a mirror image of her mother Berenga, just with a much lighter skin tone. Keith and Vince resembled one another, but looked a lot like himself. The three of them were always getting into something.

Depending on what that mischief was, the leadership role often changed.

“Hi dad!” called Berest blowing past him.

“Hi dad!” said Keith as well, chasing after his sister.

Vince the second paused in front of his father to give him a hug. Then ran off without saying anything at all.

Coming along behind them and at a much more reserved pace was Mila.

Many of the younger children, and every single one of the Elven children, gathered around her. The young girl gave Vince a smile as she walked by, walking hand in hand with Falaein junior and his daughter with Elysia, Ami.

“Father,” she said as she moved past him with a smile. She was a reserved and very emotionally in-tune little girl. “Love you.”

The simple words heralded a chorus of “Love you”’s from the other children. All waving at their father as they trooped by.

“We’re going to have a tea party with aunties Karya, Daphne, and Green. You should come by,” offered Mila before she put her attention forward again.

Her entourage all nodded their heads at that.

“Mm. Not going to have to worry about that one,” Vince murmured to himself.

“No, you will not,” declared a firm voice.

Turning, he found Berenga, his Orc Fes, heading his way.

At her left was Meliae, on her right, Petra.

Grinning, Vince found himself staring at the women who helped him build Yosemite from the ground up.

Berenga was looking much older than she did when they’d first met though. Orcs were stronger, faster, and typically superior in every way to a human in physicality.

They just didn’t have as long a lifespan and tended to burn out at around sixty years old.

Her long black hair was pulled behind her hair in a tight ponytail, her dark black eyes amused looking as she walked up to him.

The prostethic hand and leg that’d been replaced for her moved as naturally as her original limbs had. In fact, she often dressed in a way that would make that right arm prominent.

He wouldn’t doubt for a fact that she took pride in her loss and replacement. Almost like a badge.

Vince had been surprised to find out that she actually feel the limbs as well. That she could touch things with them and get feedback. An actual haptic response.

Though she didn’t experience pain.

He’d already seen her use her arm as a weapon in sparring as well as a shield. Mr. White had assured her up and down that given the “tiny robots” that dwelled in side it, she’d never be able to damage it.

Even if she tried to, whatever the fuck that meant, Vince wasn’t sure.

“It’s our Berest and Keith that’ll be problematic,” murmured Meliae with a pout. “Berenga, were you like this? I bet you were.”

The eternally pregnant Dryad gave Vince a bright and winsome smile. Promptly pushing down on the dress she was wearing to emphasize the extremely “full” look to her. Apparently she was growing triplets at the moment.

Her perfect hourglass figure was somewhat of a distant memory but Vince didn’t mind. The white-haired beauty with her ever present smile was beautiful to him.

In his heart he couldn’t deny that he loved seeing her pregnant either. He was rather posessive of his Dryads at this point.

She must have noticed something in his look because her green eyes started to contract, the pupil slowly vanishing as they began to glow.

“Yes. I… yes. Our daughter will be an issue,” Berenga said with a tusk-bearing grin.

The trio stopped in front of him and the Orc went in for a hug and a kiss. Holding onto him tightly.

Hugging her back, Vince leaned into her ear.

“Do I need to tell Yaris to back off?” he asked her in as low a tone as he could manage.

Berenga straightened up for a fraction of a second, then she chuckled.

Kissing his cheek she leaned back and shook her head.

“No. I find her determined chase of me flattering. Never thought she and I would… well… it’s weird,” Berenga said, wrinkling her nose but grinning.

“This one would greet her husband, Fes. Please?” asked Petra from her side.

“Oh, damn, I’m sorry, Petra,” Berenga murmured and then quickly got out of the way. The two of them were long standing friends at this point.

Berenga had mounred Petra’s death a considerable amount.

Looking to the soldier-ant Vince had only a second before she was on him.

Her blonde hair had been cut short. Down to where he’d first met her in fact. Her blue eyes were also far more alive now. Death had given her an extreme love of life.

“I… love you,” Petra said, having picked him up with two arms and two ant legs. She had him squished to the front of herself and was rocking back and forth. “I love you, Vince. I love you. Vince, my love.”

That change showed up most often whenever she was with him. Her normal demeanor blew off faster than Meliae’s clothes in the bedroom.

She began to kiss him repeatedly, her arms trying to crush him against her armor.

“Petra, for the… you can’t eat him,” Meliae said with a laugh.

Petra kissed him several more times before putting him down, though she didn’t let go of him. She stared into his face with a wide smile.

“This one wishes only for her master, her love, to be happy. He spent a favor with a god if only to have this one back by his side,” declared the soldier-ant. “He could have wished for anything, even his own father to come back.

“He wanted this one. This one is forever blessed and will never forget it.”

“Mom!” shouted a voice.

All three women looked up to where the voice had come from.

All children in the family were equal, and all mother’s were moms. Even if they weren’t their biological child.

Coming around the corner came Falaein the second.

Walking with determination the young boy marched up to Berenga and held his arms up to her. A smile on his face.

Berenga smirked, then picked up the boy and stuck him on her hip.

“Mom, I love you,” said the boy and then kissed her cheek. Pulling his arms in front of himself he snuggled up to her and laid his head on her shoulder. “Will you tuck me in tonight? Monsters under my bed. Mom said you were the strongest ever and could protect everyone. That even she would lose to you.”

Snorting, Berenga blushed and then kissed the boy’s temple.

Vince doubted very much that Yaris would lose to Berenga, but the woman in question seemed to think differently.

“Yes, I will,” murmured Berenga.

“Mmkay. Come have tea with us?” asked the boy. It was obvious he didn’t want to let go.

Chuckling now Berenga sighed looked at Vince.

There was regret there.

Regret that she’d never had another child and wouldn’t. On top of that that her clock was running out.

He knew that she loved all the children, but she still had wanted to have a little boy.

“Hello,” said a voice from behind them.

Turning, everyone looked to the speaker.

Standing there was a man Vince had never met before.

He had brown eyes, so dark they were almost black. His straight black hair lay flat on his head. He was dressed in a way that reminded Vince of both Felix and the Overgod.

“I’d love to attend a tea-party though. Unfortunately I would actually need to have a meeting with you, Vincent,” said the man with an odd smile. “You and all your people.

“Also… could… you bring any single Dryads as well? Just asking. For a friend.

“Okay, not a friend. For me. I have a strong interest in Dryads.”

Vince blinked several times, not really sure what to say.

“Names Ryker,” said the man, smiling wider now. “Some call me the Architect. Your big-brother knows me as ‘Uncle’. That idiot named Runner is my friend.

“By the way, I’ve come to offer you a deal, Vince. Remember that favor Runner mentioned and the price he wanted to pay? Offer’s on the table.”

Immortality to Berenga.

“Get everyone,” Vince commanded.


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