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Chapter 17 - Shadow War -

Groaning, Felix rolled over onto his side.

Or at least he tried to.

All he really managed to do was end up putting his face in Goldie’s throat. To which the gold Dragon put arm around him and then laid still.

No sooner than she went unmoving than Faith pushed up against Felix’s back. Squirming around against him until her lap was pressed up to his rear end and he was being spooned. Then she put an arm around Felix and Goldie both, nuzzled the back of his head, and went back to sleep.

You know… considering the heater isn’t working I’m kinda glad for the body heat but this is a bit much. There’s no reason that—

Andrea thrust her hips against Faith’s head which only forced the Dryad’s head down against Felix, then ran her hands up and down Goldie’s back, causing the Dragon to push closer to Felix as well, then th Beastkin stopped moving as well.

Felix could feel her torso against the top of his head and her breathing in and out.

Once again, she was sleeping as if she were the top of a capital letter T in their pile of bodies. Somehow not bothering anyone while doing it.

You know… it’s not as bad if Miu is here.

When she’s not, it just becomes a pile of sweaty arms and legs.

Unable to help it Felix felt his lips turn up into a smile. These were people he trusted absolutely. Their wants and needs were minimal compared to what they offered him.

“Alright my loves,” Felix murmured quietly. “I’m going to get up. I’ll come back with coffee around nine if you’re all still asleep.”

Goldie said nothing but continued to softly snore.

Andrea made a grunt and then stuck a hand down to pat Felix’s face. She then ran her fingers through his hair and then got comfortable again.

“Lots of creamer please,” Faith asked from behind him, then kissed the back of his neck several times.

Regretfully, Felix pulled himself out of the very warm and comfortable bed and wriggled his way down off the foot of it.

By the time he’d gotten to his feet Andrea had taken his place and was face planted in Goldie’s chest with Faith snuggled up behind the Beastkin.

Watching for several seconds Felix than gave his head a shake and left the bedroom. He closed the door behind himself and passed through the small kitchen to the living room.

Miu was sitting on a couch they’d scrounged up and was reading through a newspaper. Next to her looked like some sort of radio component that’d been in a car.

Honestly to him it looked like it’d been torn free from it’s placement outright. As if she’d just ripped it clean out of a dashboard.

Several wires were spread out around it and one went up to the wall. Where what looked a lot like an antenna had been taped to in the corner.

In the corner, behind all the mess, was a car battery which everything had been hooked up to. Which meant his earlier thought was right.

He could faintly hear the sound of what sounded like radio chatter from a police drama coming from it. Someone trying to report something that’d happened, with some sort of numerical code attached to it.

Looking up from the newspaper, she stared at him in only the way Miu could. A way that felt like she equally wanted to lick every inch of his skin while also draining him of blood so she could bathe in it later.

Only to drink the blood-bath than sleep inside his corpse.

Flipping the newspaper over she folded it and set it down next to herself, putting the entirety of her attention on him.

“Did you break into a police car?” Felix asked, coming over to side down next to Miu. He reached out and took her left hand in his right and leaned into the corner of the couch.

He found holding hands to be quite comfortable for him as of late. Regardless of it being Andrea, Goldie, Faith, or Miu, he quite liked holding hands all of a sudden.

Miu’s hand squeezed his right up to the point of causing him pain, then relaxed slightly. Holding her hand was always a lesson in how vast her grip strength was.

“Yes. I did. I wanted a police scanner and some equipment. Took the ballistic vest he had in the trunk. Shotgun, and all the shells for it as well.

“The app I was using to listen in found the frequency for the county easily enough, but it was encrypted. I couldn’t hear anything,” she explained, her pupils widening as she stared at him. Her hand started to tremble in his but it didn’t get out of control. “I needed a radio that was set to that encryption so… I took one. I made sure there isn’t any way that they can track it back to me.

“I ripped all of that out and left only the components I needed. It was part of my physical training when I joined the guild a long time ago. These are much less sophisticated then what I’m used to, but it wasn’t too hard.

“I… I didn’t do wrong, did I? I didn’t injure the officer. I just waited for him to park, broke in to the vehicle, and took what I needed. I made sure to not leave anything behind. I wore a mask and gloves.”

Felix wanted to scold her for her actions, that they might cause undue attention to them, but he couldn’t really blame her either. What she was doing was exactly what she needed to.

Keeping an eye on the situation around them to stay aware of events. As they were dealing with a criminal element, they would need to be ready and aware of a response to said element.

“No. I can’t blame you. I’m just surprised and nervous, that’s all. You know how I am,” Felix said soothingly. He didn’t want to push her off balance at the moment.

Miu had been performing incredibly well lately.

“Anything interesting?” he asked before leaning in to kiss her briefly. Almost akin to a greeting he enjoyed a quick kiss on seeing anyone after a break.

“I… no,” Miu stated with a slow breath. It was obvious she hadn’t wanted it to stop. “There’s just a lot of bodies turning up it seems like. Gang violence.

“Lot of it. Seems like we’re in a location with a high murder rate on top of everything else. People like to point at big cities for murders but where we came from, is was the south with high murder rates.

“Double in some locations. I’m wondering if this is maybe an offshoot universe to our own that took a slightly different path. There’s so many things that I know and feel similar.”

Felix hadn’t actually told anyone but Goldie that he’d found Kit and Lily, or at least their duplicates, on this world. There was the distinct possibility of their being another Miu here as well.

Andrea was rather unlikely since her species died out previously.

“Its… a similar universe,” agreed Felix and then sighed, giving Miu’s hand a squeeze. “I found this universe’s Lily and Kit. They’re quite well. A lawyer and a psychologist. Distinctly possible there’s a Miu Miki in this universe as well.”

Miu stopped moving, her eyes locked to his. She didn’t breathe or move.

I didn’t think the possibility of meeting an alternate version of herself would make her shut down. That’s rather strange.

She mentioned before that her childhood was off. Filled with training and danger, but never really opened up about it.

I wonder—

Shouting from outside broke through Felix’s thoughts. People shouting in a way you could never mistake as anything other than hyper-aggression.

This wasn’t your every-day disagreement type of shouting.

Felix felt like it was a “crazy person getting a gun to kill a neighbor” kind of shouting. Except that it didn’t stay shouting for long.

It sounded a lot like screams, grunts, and howls, now.

Jumping off the couch Felix walked by the coat rack near the front door and pulled his pistol free from the hoodie there. He didn’t need to pull the slide to know he’d chambered a round in it previously.

Pushing the safety down he opened the door and went outside.

Or tried to.

Before he’d even gotten a step to it Miu had simply flown out of the doorway. Breezing past him and out into the early morning day.

“No gun,” she said even as she vanished from view.

Pushing the safety back on Felix stuck it in the hoodie then rushed outside behind her. Right into a mad brawl that was occurring practically on his doorstep.

He could see that it was a number of kids from the community engaging in a straight out melee with people who were unfamiliar to him.

Miu had walked right up to someone who had a knife that was going for a teen. She snatched it out of the man’s hand, reversed it, and slammed it home into the man’s knee. It slipped in easily and went right up to the hilt.

Felix moved forward toward three men that’d circled up around a young woman. They hadn’t done much other than try to pin her up against Felix’s trailer.

Not bothering in the least to figure out what was going on, Felix did as Miu had. He simply attacked the first person he came to.

They’d looked his way when he came on then turned toward him. In their hand was a short length of metallic pipe.

The man made a swing at Felix as soon as he got within range.

But it was clumsy.


It took so terribly long to reach him that Felix misjudged the timing. He was used to people who were incredibly proficient in combat.

Not this.

Rather than block the attack, Felix ended up striking the man’s forearm. Sending the attack backward and knocking the man off balance. His feet stuttering beneath him to get his bearings.

Stepping in Felix threw out a left jab and caught the man in the chin. Dropping his shoulder he then struck a hook in deep to the man’s floating rib. Right where his liver should be.

Tucking in tight Felix then threw a left uppercut, aiming for the man’s chin as his head shot forward from the body-blow.

Felix’s fist landed perfectly and there was a pop as the man’s head snapped upward. Then he went down in a heap with what looked a lot like a broken jaw.

Stepping past the man Felix threw out a kick while rotating his hips and putting maximum force into the strike. Aiming it at the side of the man’s thigh, right above the knee, Felix blasted his foot into it.

The man’s leg went to the side due to the force and he started to fall backward. Felix stepped in closer and brought the blade of his right-elbow in with a short strike to the man’s face.

There was a crunching noise followed by the man being thrown backwards and to the ground. Blood was rushing down from his flattened nose and split lip.

Turning Felix looked to the last of the three he’d engaged with. They looked like they had a bit of proficiency as they held their hands up in front of themselves.

Looks like a striker? Maybe?

Play into it and go!

Felix held up his hands in a similar way and then moved forward. He kept his eyes on the man’s torso. Right below his arms and beyond his fists.

A sudden and swift jab came out which Felix simply bobbed to one side, letting it pass him by. Then he stepped in and brought his foot down right onto the top of the man’s knee.

He’d locked it into place when he’d thrown the punch and it wasn’t going anywhere. Felix stepped into that kick with the full weight of his body and all the force he could muster.

The man’s kneecap folded in on itself and bent backward in the wrong direction. Trying to step backward the man practically collapsed even as he began to scream.

Felix shot out with his left hand and grabbed the man behind his head. Then he shot out a knee-strike with his right leg.

It slammed into the man’s shrieking face, right where his cheek was. There was an ugly thump and the man was sent to the ground just like his two friends.

One of those three was rolling around on the ground, screaming into his hands.

Stepping toward them Felix put a kick into their gut that folded them up around his leg. Knocking the wind out of them completely.

Looking up Felix found Miu had downed six attackers in the time it took him to work through three. Glancing over his shoulder he saw the young-woman who’d been surrounded not far off.

She was watching Felix with wide eyes, her hands held up in front of herself.

“Go home, say nothing, you saw nothing,” Felix stated, then nodded his head to the side. “Get moving before more show up or the cops do. You don’t want to be here.”

Nodding her head she was off in a flash, sprinting off between two mobile homes. All the other teens had also scattered and fled in every direction as Miu and Felix had waded in.

Coming over to him Miu had a wide smile on her face. She looked quite happy despite the fact that blood was liberally splattered across her face.

“You did good! Very good,” enthused Miu. “I was so happy to see it. You used it all and well.”

Her smile was ear to ear as she stood there. As if there weren’t a number of people laid out around them in various states of wounding.

Her head snapped to one side and she looked toward the center of the community. As if she could see or hear something that way.

“Go inside. Someone’s coming,” commanded Miu. “I’m going to watch.”

Felix did just that, going straight into the trailer without another word. He didn’t want to be standing around amongst this mess.

Especially if it was cops or something else entirely.

Though he did feel rather stupid.

He’d just been thinking of the fact that Miu could have done something to bring attention to them. Only for him to rush out to play hero and do just that.

“That was a great fight!” Andrea said and then bounced up to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulled her feet off the ground, and hung onto him. “Nnn! So good so good! I loved it.”

He had about a second to stiffen his back and plant his feet lest he be pulled right to the ground. Both hands went under Andrea’s rear end to hold her upright.

“I’m not that fond of hand-to-hand fighting, but that was well done,” agreed Goldie from the couch.

She still looked pale and was rather weak, but she was also clearly recovering. At this point she was more or less able to care for herself, which was why the Others who’d been watching over her, were more on scouting and guard duty.

“We’ll need to get the Second and Third in to see if they saw anything,” said Felix, concentrating on Andrea. “Are Four and Five home?”

“Yes! We’re here,” Andrea said with a dip of her head a second before she flung her thighs around his hips. She settled in against him and tilted her head to one side, watching him. “Is it time for a four-way? It’s been a while.”

“Sure, just not right now. Any chance you two could go see if there’s anything else going on in the community? These jokers don’t look like they’re from around here,” asked Felix.

A second later and two more Andrea’s appeared, stepping out of the one clinging to him.

Both looked to him and then gave him a crisp salute, though the one on the left had her tongue sticking out to one side.

“Nn!” they said in unison. “Scout, reconnoiter, assess, report, four-way!”

Both Andreas then exited the trailer. Though they did so by going to the bedroom and pulling up the trap door they’d cut into the flooring. Slipping down into the hole they vanished under the mobile home.

He was fairly certain there was a section of skirting they’d undone and was now just leaning against the home.

“Nothing on the radio,” Faith said from where she sat on the couch. Exactly where Miu had been. “No one’s called anything to the police. This is good news, right?”

“Cops don’t care. They just want to fill out a report. Then they get curious about everything else,” grumbled Andrea, still hanging onto Felix. “Parks aren’t dens of crime. It’s not where all the bad people go.

“It’s just where bad things can happen a bit easier. Cops can make things worse. My dad always said you, ‘settle them cases yourself’ and don’t bother with the law. Bringing in the law just brings them into your home.”

Hm. I like that.

Sounds like a solid motto to give to my Legionnaires once we start moving.

Though… seems like my original plan is shifting.

I’m going to have to really think on how to make this work.

I need to rebuild Legion, but only of those I trust. Also to build it up as an organization that isn’t technically in charge. One that doesn’t call the shots.

But a group that people go to to ask for permission to call the shot. That they don’t look to me to tell them what to do, but they ask for us to say it’s fine.

That’ll mean—

Felix’s thoughts were dashed completely when Andrea started kissing him. Her tail started to swish back and forth behind her lightly as well, which meant his ability to ask her to do things was going to run out soon.

Breaking the kiss, Felix rested his cheek to temple.

“Ah, okay. I need to—”

Miu opened the door at that moment and stepped inside. She looked to Andrea, then Felix, and then closed the door gently.

Marching over to the beastkin she simply stared at the her from a foot away. Not doing anything else.

“Uhm… want a turn, Miu?” Andrea asked, reaching up to lightly toy with a lock of hair.

Several seconds passed before Miu nodded her head.

“Okie. I get him back afterward for a four-way though. You can watch if you want. I’ll even let you clean him up after,” Andrea offered.

“Yes. Yes, please, Andie. Thank you, Andie,” hissed Miu.

Andrea hopped down out of Felix’s arms, then grabbed Miu by the rear end and tossed her up at Felix.

She simply clung to him in the exact same way Andrea had.

“Those were thugs from a rival drug… supplier… dealer… group… I have no idea what to call them,” complained Miu who promptly laid her head down on Felix’s shoulder. “They were rivals to David. Remember that body count I was talking about?

“I believe he’s the reason. I think he’s attacking another group and taking things from them. We’re probably the cause. Or something along those lines.”

Ah… I see.

Time for a meeting.

Miu was slowly inching forward and clearly getting ready to bite him.


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